My Lovely Friends

Sunday 24 July 2011

Hi Everyone.................

Hi everyone how are you all? Hope you are all having a lovely relaxing weekend the weather here today is beautiful.
I'm so sorry I've not been visiting you over the last 2 weeks & I'm so sorry for any DT work I've not done. Unfortunately I really have been ill I collapsed again the day after my last KK card & then early this week I ended up in hospital again. I have been that ill it really got me down & I was all for giving up crafting & just giving everything craft related away. Fortunatelyy I have a fantastic hubby & kids & family who didnt want me to & I also work with a shop who does the most fantastic images ever & when I got home yesterday from the hospital I saw them on the table in the conservatory. Of course its Crafts & Me, I printed out Teresa's new digi images over 2 weeks ago just before I fell so ill & when I saw them I knew I couldnt give up crafting!!!!
I would also miss all of you!!!!!!.
Anyway this is the first time I've even been on the internet for nearly 2 weeks, Craig has e-mailed who he can to friends who have e-mailed to see if I'm ok & I'm so thankful to you for that. Unfortunately he hasnt had a lot of time so he has missed quite a few & I will slowly work through them over the next few days so bear with me please.

Anyway I have to go back t the hospital next month to see my consultant again & then I'm back there for a pre-op assessment then thankfully they have rushed my operation as soon as they could which is on the 2nd September, so not long to wait really. I do have other health issues but they want to deal with this first as its causing a lot of daily pain. So fingers crossed not long til I'm on the road to recovery lol.

I'm looking forward to catching up with everyone altho it will take me sometime to catch up with you all but please dont think I've forgotten any of you.
Thank you again for your messages & e-mails & I will reply asap.

Lots of hugs xoxoxox


Anonymous said...

Goodness me - you can't give up crafting - so sorry you are poorly but here's wishing you a swift recovery cxx

KarinsArtScrap said...

hi vicky,
I give you a lott of get well wishes and hope you are back soon.
I hope you don't have a lott of paine.
hope we see you soon.

greetings karin

heidy said...

Oh Vicky,poor you sweetie,but I'm glad to hear from you!
I send you a message too and Graig was so sweet to answer me and ecxplaining what was wrong,so there wasn't a day that I don't think off you,oh I'm such a softy lol.
Big cyber hugs from me
XXXX heidy

crafty amy said...

Vicky hun I am so glad you are back around. I have been so worried about you. I hope those darn doctors get their act together and get you better fast. Please take it easy.
Huge hugs

Amy xx

Debs M said...

so sorry to hear you have been so ill, thinking of you x

THERESA said...

Just so, so glad to see you again, missed you like crazy and forget about not crafting, ya hear, you are one of the most talented people i know and i love seeing your creations, as with sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many others out there!!!!!
So sorry about your health and all the pain, wish i could take some away from you, hold on there, not long now!
Give hubby a hug from me to say...Thank you..... and also the family......:))
Take it easy, look after yourself, see ya soon and big hugs and lotsa luv,,,,,,me

Doreen said...

Oh Vicky I am so sorry to hear you have been ill,I do hope you get yourself sorted out soon,and the operation is a

Powerful Search Engine said...

HI Vicky I hope that you get lots of rest now it is the holidays and that the op is sooner than later. I wondered if you were okay hunny xxx Don't worry about SPS stuff you know real life is far more important hunny xxx Huge hugs hun xxx Pascale

Sue Jones said...

Was Wondering where you were :( - Glad they have pushed your op earlier. I had this a few years ago am haven't looked back so, hopefully you will be feeling a lot better soon. I used to not eat rich or fatty foods and not eat after 7pm (while I was waiting for my op) I found that helped with the pain .
Take care hunny xxxx

misteejay said...

Oh Vicky, sounds like you've been having a real rough time of it.

Sending (((hugs))) and hope you are feeling much better.

Toni xx

Sue said...

Hi hun
aww so sorry to read you have been so poorly, sending you a big squishy hug, you cant give up craftin ya to bloody good, i would miss ya n ya creations, hope ya op comes sooner than later hun, hugs, sue.x

Lorraine said...

oh huni im so sorry i hope your feeling better and i am so glad you decided not to give up crafting i mean how can you with the talent you have it would be criminal.
All that matters though is that you get yourself well you have been missed by so many i send you lots of cyber cuddles xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Chrissy said...

My dear sweet Vicky, I have been so worried and was one that e-mailed..I knew things must have been bad..sensed it..and hope and pray for you to get well soon.
I'm sitting here moaning about a sore back, while you have been suffering in silence. I am so sorry all this is happening to you, and the sooner they get to the bottom of the problem, the sooner we can all have your bright, breezy, cheerful self back.
Take card my little friend,we will all be here, waiting for you when you get back.

Debs said...

Hiya Vicky
So good to hear from you.
OMG hun it sounds like you have been through a lot lately.
You really don't need to apologise to anyone.
Your health should always come first.
I hope that they are able to find an answer to your problems real soon and that you get on the road to recovery as soon as possible.
Listen to your body - and don't go over-doing things.
Take good care.
Debs xx

Jan said...

Aw Vicky, I'm so sorry to read this I was wondering where you were. I have health problems hun so I no where your coming from.
Please don't give your crafting up we miss you too much I hope you get the treatment you need asap. Sending you hugs and vibes for a speedy recovery xx Jan

arjette said...

Oohh boy, I really hope you're doing better now... take care of yourself!!!!

gr. arjette.

Mary J said...

Oh honey, of course I miss your gorgeous creations and our blog **chats** but you must of course look after yourself! Don't feel pressured in visiting me!

Will be thinking of you gorgeous - take care of yourself!!


Mary J xxxx said...

Hey Vicky

Sorry you're still poorly and in pain! You can't give up crafting - who else has WP's that their not afraid to cut into? Feel well soon chick

Claire x

Sara H said...

I´m so sorry to hear about your collapse, you really have been through rough times. Hope you will recover very soon! Please don´t give anything related to crafting away, you are so talented!

Loopylou. said...

oh vicky my lovely, sending you little mo and lou hugs and hoping that you are feeling up to crafting soon, missing a bit of vicky in my google reader everyday and sending you some cyber chicken soup with extra snuggles in. love Lou xxxxxx

Susie said...

Oh Flower, I really hope you start to feel better soon. And thanks to Craig and Crafts & Me for ensuring that you don't give up crafting!! Take care, hun. Susie xxx

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Vicky sending you lots and lots of cyber hugs. I was getting to the stage I was going to e-mail other people to see if they knew how you were. It's amazing how you can think so much of people and you've never even met them.

As for giving up crafting, I have said that many a time when my health has gone downhill but if I'm honest that is one thing that has kept me going through the bad times health-wise and also now with my mum. I'm glad the family have knocked you into shape otherwise no matter how far I was away from you next month in Northumberland I'd have come knocking on your door to sort you out!!!

I don't know what surgery you have got to have but I hope that they have found the root of your pain. Sadly they can't always be 100% certain. I know that from personal experience and now with working at a hospital for nearly 12 years but I shall keep fingers crossed you will be bouncing back very soon as you've got to be well enough to support your son and the mum-to-be in the new life set to come into your household and you also need to be there for Craig, Ben and Natalie.

BIG HUGS, Kym xxx

PS I'm sorry if my birthday card didn't get to you on time but what with all the sorting out to do at mum's house I forgot to post it along with Renate's card - dog house for me eh?????

Karina said...

Oh dear Vicky, so glad to read from you. I missed you and already thought something isn't well.. Had you in my mind several times. Please don't stop crafting... I don't want to miss your gorgeous creations and inspiration. Crafting gives you power and perhaps even to forget your pains for a little while. Hope everything will come fine for you that you can be yourself again soon.
Big hugs to you!

Unknown said...

Oh Sweetie....Poor thing! So sad to hear that you are not doing well at all!!! But glad to hear from you!! I do hope you will get better ASAP!!! Sending lots & lots of hugs & tons of sunshine to you!

gina g said...

Hello darling poor you you are going through it at the mo aren't, you certainly cant give up crafting hun but I know when I was poorly a couple of years back I was going to do the same thing but my hubby and family talked me round too. And boy I'm so glad they did as I have to have an op on my left foot in tree weeks time so wont be doing much else for a while I wont be able to drive for eight weeks! oh my god that's like a bloody nightmare lol. Anyway look after yourself now do you hear me lol. luv gina xx

Naddel said...

Get well soon! And all good wishes to you!

Elaine said...

You can't give up crafting!!
I shall some over and slap your legs if you ever mention it again (and I can slap hard!)

You'll be back to crafting when you feel well again, roll on September Vicky, though it's still a fair way off when you're in constant pain!

Take care sweetie

Love Elaine xxx

CraftyC said...

Hi Vicky, it is so nice to see you back and your usual chatty self. I hope you are on the road to recovery and it so nice you have a loving family. Must be hard with Natalie and the pups but your a wonderful mum and a great friend.
Wishing you well

Kirsty said...

Hi I am so glad you are still crafting as you have a place in my heart in blogland because of your encouraging comments and how down to earth you are not to mention your incredible talent . I really do hope the operation will help and that you can feel much better again !! Kitty ;0) p.s please take care and don't do too much !

Sandra H said...

I had wondered Vicki with not seeing many of your comments on other blogs now l know the reason, Hopefully once the operation has taken place your health will improve and please don't give up on the crafting it wouldn't be the same not seeing your lovely cards and reading your comments, you have a lovely family behind you and hopefully not only your blogger friends but your family will inspire you to keep crafting take care :) Sandra H

Anonymous said...

oh hun! i so hope everything will be ok for you very quickly. its terrible to deal with pain everyday.
i too ended up in the ER, twice just shortly after i got home from my vacation.
i have been struggeling with the mess in my stomach for almoust 3 years know and my good, i would do just about anything to just get ride of the pain sometimes.
ill be praying for you hun!

Angela said...

Oh Huu, I am soooo sorry you still feel terrible. I was so hoping you was just taking a break with your family. And as I read I can tell you have still been feeling ill. I do hope you start to get dome relief soon. We all understand, so don't worry about us you just take care of yourself.
Sending you BIG HUGS, Soon to be Granny (lol)

Vanessa (aka V'ness, Nessa, oldschool) said...

Sweet friend!
Omg never give up crafting, you r so amazing!
But keep it in perspective, you & family first, crafting second or third but never put it before what is most! I don't mean to preach I am just so worried bout you sweet girl!
Much love

Exclusively by Mel said...

Hi Vicky,
I wondered what was going on.
Sorry you had to go back in before your op :(
At last you have a date!
Missed you lovely. xx

cheryl said...

oh hun I wondered where you were hun,oh bless your heart sweetie I really hope you get better soon hun its not fun having health problems,hope you get your treatment asap hun,and praying,for you wishing you a speedy recovery,love hugs cheryl xxxxxx

Unknown said...

oh sweetie...

I am sending you the biggest hugs I can.. I hope they sort you out as quick as possible xxx

debby4000 said...

Oh you're have a rough time at the mo and hope September comes round quickly so has to give you relief.
Its no wonder you don't feel crafty but you will be once you feel better.
So don't you dare give up.

xxxtglxxx said...

Oh Vicky - its such a relief to see a post from you! :)

Been thinking about you, so I hope you are feeling a little better.

Everyone here understands and you should not feel pressured into doing anything. Its meant to be a hobby to relax you and its meant to be fun. Real life is more important and you have had such a time of it lately.

I have missed your fab creations but would miss you so much more if you decided to give it all up!! :)

Just do what you want when you can and dont worry about anything else, we will all still be here hun!

Take care and big hugs from me,


KraftyKoolKat said...

Oh hunni I am so relieved to hear from you. I have been so worried over you. I left it quite awhile before I bothered you with an email then it got to the stage that I couldn't hold off any more. Not long now sweetie till they try to help you. Lets hope they are successful. I also hope the baby is safe.


Mona`s Bittelille Scrappekrok said...

I`m so happy that your op is scheduled. I really hope you`ll feel better after that. You shouldn`t worry about visiting me. It`s more important that you get well and fit for creating again. Luv yah, hun! Take care. Hugs...Mona

tiggertastic said...

oh sweetheart i knew something was up, i e-mailed and checked your blog every time i came on the laptop to see if you had posted anything. Just so upset that you have had such a dreadfull 2 weeks and to hear that my sweet friend that is always positive and full of life was down is just not right. Pleased that you are looking forward again now and that the operation really isn't that long away now.

take care, hugs Sarah xxx

Marion said...

Hi Vicky,
I am sorry you have been so poorly. You must take things easy until you have your op. Give up crafting! Don't do that hun, you would miss it and we would miss out on your wonderful creations.
lotsa hugs