Hello peeps, guess what??? ITS THE WEEKEND!!!!!!!!!!! woooooo hooooooooo. We are off out with all the family today to the river & take the dogs. Me & the eldest took our dogs out for a walk last night & ending up covering a couple of miles lol. This was not long after me doing 5 miles on a cycle..........I was pooped last night lol. Hubster brought me a cheap mountain bike off someone to help strength train my legs some more for running...........last night was my first time on a bike for years, so 5 miles wasnt bad. However I had to come back due to my phone going flat & me needing water. Yep the bike didnt have a bottle rack..........guess what I'm getting today lol.
Anyway the reason for this post today is that I'm am literally on my knees BEGGING you to donate for Race For Life, the money goes to Cancer Research directly. I know a LOT of us peeps have been affected in some way by cancer, whether it be a family member or a close friend that has lost this awful battle to this awful disease.
Now I am aware some of you will be on some of the DT's that are offering prizes however if thats the case or even if you dont want certain prizes I will just let you pick the ones you want & then pick another winner for the other prizes. So for example if Vicky won it & she is on 3 of the DT's so wouldnt want, Bunny Zoes, Saturated Canary or LLC.......she would win the LOTV stamps & I would draw a winner for the other prizes. If that does happen I will also send some secret candy to the winner, so you would still get a lot more for your £2 entry.
Come on peeps its £2...........thats it, over in the UK its a loaf of bread you are giving up & I'm sure we can all give a loaf of bread up. If everyone donated £2 imagine how far that would go for Cancer Research............come on peeps this money is helping to 'Save Lives' what is more important than saving lives. If you dont want to be entered into the candy, thats fine then you can of course donate £1..........yep just £1 will help go towards Cancer Research that works solely on donations & if these donations ever stopped...........well so would their research. So would those lives they help save each & every year. Maybe they have helped save someone you know, they work hard for us so let us help them to work harder.
The run is in 8 days, yep 8 days. I still have so much training to do as bad health has really affected me but I am determined to do this even if it means crawling. However it would be so much better if I was able to raise more money, please donate & help, I will be so grateful & I know the lives you will be helping to save will be soooooooo grateful, every £1 helps.
Links to candy & My Justgiving page are on my sidebar, hope you can help me out ;0)
From the bottom of my heart I would like to thank those that have donated, without you my get up & go would have got up & buggered off lol. Thank you for helping Cancer Research, you all totally rock!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you a bjillion times ;0)
Also a little plug in for Bunny Zoes as well cus look whats arriving soon...........

Yes new Magnolia's..... If you would like to pre-order these oh so cute new Magnolia's then pop on over to Bunny Zoes as she is doing 10% off each stamp on pre-order...........come on think of the money you will save ;0)
OOOOh Vicky this makes me soo sad! Every couple of days I check how much you've raised so far and I'm almost shocked with the result till now. We spent fortunes on our hobby and now almost nothing happens and you have to write this post and "beg" for more.....it's a shame!!!! I sincerely hope that something good will happen asap and not just because I lost both parents at a very young age but also my dearest friend almost 2 years ago..the money is so needed for for all the research and treatment to beat this horrible illness!
This old poop is in the gym 3 times a week working like crazy....the legs don't do their job properly so the fysio is breathing down my neck.....life is tough and you know all about it on your mountain bike LOL!!!
Cuddle from Holland, take care and fingers X-ed for the big day!!!
xxx Irene
Already donate Vicky and wishing you all the best for you run. This is such a worthy cause.
Hugs Sharon. x
Hi Vicky l hope you got lots of support for your run your so brave and l hope it goes really well for you and with all this practice hopefully it won't be too much take care and good luck xx
Come on Vicky, you can do this! But you know that anyway as you are a very determined lady.
I am hugely admiring of what you are doing and the prizes are just a lovely bonus :-)
Biggest of hugs, Kat xx
P.S. I just had to stop by Bunny Zoe's earlier but I was so good and just picked my one absolute fave new Magnolia stamp to buy... for now!
Hi Vicky, just want to wish you good luck for your race.
Hugs Lynsey x
I hope you get more donations Vicky you deserve it. Try promoting it on Facebook, sure you would get a good response especially if you ask everyone to share the Fb post for you xx
Hi Vicky, I told you weeks ago I would donate but never got around to it. Sorry for the delay but donation now made, good luck and big hugs xx
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