Good morning my lovelies we have another miserable day here.........where ever you are I hope you are warm & safe peeps.
Ok its just a post really to say a huge sorry to you all for not getting round to your blogs, I'm sooooooo trying lol.
As you know we are getting these gorgeous cats, well I am giving them my hobbit (craft-room), its getting converted into & we are adding runs so they have somewhere to play. We are also sectioning off 1 end to turn into a whelping area with incubators etc in, completely sterile so they cant pick up any nasty germs & wat-not. They will of course sleep & live with us in the bungalow, this is just where they will play & where mom can have her babies when the time comes.
So as I'm giving up my craft-room I am moving into the corner of the living room........not good lol but this is my decision I dont mind giving this up for my furry babies.
After speaking to my lovely sweet friend Pops & me picking at her brains lol I am going to get one of those work-box thingys............a wardrobe folding cupboard check me out how good am I explaining things.....not.. lol. Hubby was just gonna get me a large desk but how messy would that look & in the living room it would drive me round the bend. TBH I'm a messy crafter but like the home clean.
Anyway it means I'm having to how hard is that but tbh I dont need this many stamps its silly I will never ever get to use them all as I keep buying new ones that come out & I also have a bjillion digi images...........which I soooooo love lol. So I'm mega busy trying to sort out crafting things...........what to keep & what to sell. The selling stuff is gonna help pay for this cupboard cus damn are they expensive grrrrrrrr.........wonder if I could sell hubster......or.....
HUBSTER FOR RENT cheap prices but will need him back in one piece..........he brings you cups of tea while you are crafting & he's lovely ;0)
Anyone interested............answers on the back of a comment box lol.
So my lovelies I am trying to visit you all & leave comments but when I'm late this is why, we only have til the 10th december before she comes (still havnt completely decided on a name lol) & with crimbo & the bungalow needs decorating............I need blinking help !!!!
Right off for a womble before the school run........well 6th form but its still the same aint it.
Tatty bye & thank you so much for putting up with me mmwah xxxxxxxxxxxxx