Good evening my lovelies how are you all? Have you had a nice weekend I hope you have sweeties!!
Well I have no card tonight as I've been busy all day in my little hobbit (craft-room). Yesterday I ended up really ill all day apparently it was a few side effects from the was awful I kept walking into things when I was walking & when I sat I kept falling was funny when I walked into stuff I would end up laughing at myself lol. So yesterday I spent the day in my jammies & by 8pm I lay in bed with hubby & spent the rest of the night watching dvd's & Jake would come in every now & again & lie on the bottom of the bed watch the film with was dont want to know how many times we've watched it lol. So today I am feeling better so I've worked my ass off this afternoon trying to move stuff in my craft room & have a good sort out at the same time.......I didnt realise how much shoite I had I've filled a bin liner with stuff I dont want & I've only got half way thru it. Why do we keep so much tat? I hang my heed in shame!! Now I'm sitting back in the living room Craig has made me a cuppa & I'm chomping away on a wubble wecker gives me energy.....ssshhhh thats my excuse anyway it was the same excuse for the lion bar I've just had too lol.
I thought I would show you my craft room in progress now its messy & there is a big pile fo stuff in the middle of the room still to be sorted.....I have another 3 big boxes from the conservatory to take out there tomorrow. I've had enought for today tho....I've been on it since dinner time I stopped an hour for tea as hubby made it bless him. Anyway here are some piccies....
This is as you come in the doors. The pine drawers have got to be painted yet to match up with the slim metal ones. They are fab for a craft room actually as they are only £15 from Ikea & you stain, varnish or paint them how you want.
This is to the right side & this is 3 bookcases put together, which is still to be organised I'm just kinda plonking stuff on there & then rearranging as I go lol. The pile of stuff in the middle is still to be sorted...
This is the left hand side. The unit on the left was actually a beech cd unit that I brought a couple of years ago but I painted it & distressed it to go in my bedroom to hold little perfume bottles & ornaments & stuff, my bedroom is shabby chic so it went well. Now I'm going to use it to house all my stamps....they are staying in the conservatory til last lol. Craig brought me a new cd unit from Argos but it goes really well with the furniture in the conservatory so I've gave it to him for his Xbox 360 & Nintendo Wii games lol.
I have rails on the wall at the bottom to house my punches, all small punches tho are stored in the wicker basket on the bench in front.
This is my designated cutting area. The 2 slim metal drawers next to each other house all my A4 card, 1 set holds all different coloured card & the other set holds all cream & white A4 card sorted by GSM. Yes I'm one of those that likes everything to have a place & a label.....I know I'm sad lol. See my craft robo next to the cuttlebug....its hard to believe I have one of those as I dont blinking use it.....tell a lie I used it once the day hubby got it me when I 1st took up once in 11 months is shameful isn't it?? I am gonna try use it more tho. The slim shelves on the walls holds all my wooden block stamps....most of which are still unused!!!

I was in the middle of putting away the rest of my score boards when I took piccies lol. I finally got around to putting sticky labels on all my distress inks today I've been meaning to do it since I brought this rack about 5 months ago lol. The little drawers are from the £1 shop.......guess how much!! How did you guess that?? My jars of sweeties sit on the top lol.
This is the other end of my hobbit which is on the left as you come in the doors.....this is my designated jewellery making area. I really must start making some again I'm just enjoying paper crafting so much tho!!
This is an idea I had about a week ago I had left over poles from when I put some up in my kitchen but only had 1 pack of hooks & I didnt want to go Ikea just for hooks so I thought of a different way of attaching all my ribbons......altho I need go back Ikea anyway as I've ran out of poles...I only had 3 & all my ribbon doesnt fit on.
Before the christmas I ordered a load of these clips....cant remember the name of them. I had already a load of keyring in my jewellery stash so I cable tied the keyring to the poles (yes I raided hubby's shed for the cable ties lol) I then started folding my ribbons & putting the clips on them & then hooking them onto the keyrings. I'm not very good at explaining sometimes so it might be better if you just click on the piccy to enlarge lol.
This is the last piccy this is a pearl bracelet & earrings that I make to symbolise Lung Cancer, I sell them to raise money for Roy Castle Foundation which is the only charity totally dedicated to Lung Cancer alone. If you click on the pic to enlarge you will just be able to make out the name what I call them.
Actually I will put another pic on to show you better.
So this is now the last pic lol. With every bracelet brought I give away a pair of earrings. They are all made with white imitation pearl & crystal beads & with 'Hope' charms attached. On the tag which I made & printed myself is the name of the jewellery. The lung cancer jewellery is called 'Joro Gems' the Joro represents 2 important people....the JO are the 1st 2 letters of my dad's name John, who lost his fight against this disease 21/2 years ago....the RO are the 1st 2 letters of my brother's name Robert who is still fighting this disease, he is just 34 years old. They both had different types of lung cancer, my dad unfortunately had the worst kind....the most progressive kind. My brother however has the slowest growing 1. The one my brother has is not even caused by smoking its from scarring on his lungs...well thats what they think anyway!!
So the JO & RO came together as 'Joro Gems'.
Well thats my craft room in progress I will post piccies of the finished thing & if I think of any more storage idea's or tips I will post them on. I love my ribbon storage they used to be in big plastic drawers on wheels that went under the bench but they were that full I never saw half of what I was sometimes whatever I grabbed 1st. We are hopefully going back Ikea this week to get Natalie's wardrobe I've seen such a gorgeous big wardrobe in there that will go floor to ceiling its very yummy....while I'm there I will get more poles lol. I've also finally found wallpaper for my Jakes bedroom & Natalie's bedroom they are lush its took me 5 months to find Natalie's cus I'm so fussy & got it off the internet the same as Jake's as soon as he saw his he got me to order it straight away incase they sold out lol. I will show you a quick peek they only got delivered can carry on with Natalie's room this week.

This is Jake's which is perfect for a teenage boy....I love it!!
This is Natalie's but let me tell you its soooo more beautiful IRL the silver is all glittery so it really sparkles when the light catches it.......she has her own bit of bling on the wall....honeslty its nearly as gorgeous as my princess...
Well I'm sooo sorry if I've bored you but if you have got to the end xoxoxox to you well done lol.
Thank you so much for popping by I'm gonna catch up a little bit if I can keep my eyes open long enough as its nearly midnight lol. If not I will see you all in the morn altho I have managed to visit quite a few this morn before I started lol.
Anyway tatty bye peeps loves ya loads & loads.
Huggles & kisses