Hi my lovelies how are you all? I'm just quickly popping on here to give out a bit of a warning.....our email accounts were hacked yesterday & lots of emails were sent to various people & companies. Hubster has been on & sorted it this morning & hopefully its secure again............fingers crossed.
However I have sent NO emails.........been too busy tbh lol, so if you do get an email from me please just delete it as who knows what it will be. When I email people I always put something in the subject box thing lol.........usually related to what I'm emailing about etc. I have sent no emails these last couple of days though so anything before today just delete. I'm so sorry to everyone who got these emails but there were DEF not from me sweeties.
Anyway I just wanted to let you know my lovelies, I'm off to get back to my decorating now lol.
I do have a surprise in the next day or 2 though ;0) keep your eyes peeled.
Wish you all a lovely Easter weekend with hopefully 'NO SNOW' our bunny wants to stay warm & fluffy lol.
Tatty bye, sending big squishy hugs to all xxxxxxxxxxxx

It happens to other blogfriends too, it's awful but right away so obviously that something is wrong and I delete them immediately. Fingers X-ed it won't happen again Vicky!
I haven't been around in long time, was in Newcastle cause my daughter's been hit by a drunken driver (drugs, no drivers licenc and just took his brothers car) long story short...she'll need many months to recover but we're sooo happy she's still with us.it was extremely close to receive a totally different phone call and I'm still sick when I think about it!!
Happy Easter, hugs Irene
Thanks for the warning sweetie. It is so annoying.
Happy Easter sweetie.
Not a nice thing to happen. Happened to me around 9 mths ago or so and ended up crashing my computer beyond repair, up to 4000 emails in one morning and they continued until I got a new email addy...hope it's all sorted for you.xx
Hi Vicky
I received one of those Emails from you but it looked suspicious so I deleted it straight away.
Wishing you and your wonderful family a really Happy Easter
Take care
Hugs Sue xx
Hi Vicky, Gosh that can be such a nitemare so pleased you have it sorted now take care and enjoy your easter xx
I got one Vicky but it looked suspicious to me so it went into junk. Happy Easter. Judy x
Hope everything works fine again Vicky.
Had no email from you [ lol ].
have a wonderful easter.
greetings karin
Oh dear hun poor you I bet you're worried sick with those naughty hackers! I did get an email from you but please don't worry it was just an empty email - I've heard this is happening all over so I guessed that this was the case with you too.
Hope this puts your mind at ease - if only a little :-)
Have a great Easter!
Hugs xx Cara xx
I got one Vicky...was pretty excited as wondering what it was about..it was only a link that would not open so no worries there...thought you were loosing it for awhile..lol..thanks for explaining..no harm done.
Hi sweetie, I got one of those mails too. Thought from the first sight that it looks strange and deleted it. All my warning clocks are ringing when I get an e-mail with just a strange link in it. This cannot be something serious. Hope you're doing fine, hun! Wish you and your family a Happy Easter. We have white Easter over here after we had a green Christmas... tee hee :o)
Btw... LOOOOOVE your card you made for the C&M challenge!!
Big hugs, Karina
How awful Vicky, the nuisance! Don't understand what the fun of those hackers is... Anyway, hope you have a lovely Easter!! Big hugs, Ira xox
Hi Vicky - I also had one of the emails from you but felt that there would be more to it than a link to somewhere else so I deleted it. I do hope you can sort your emails out now, it's not nice when someone hacks your pc. I have had funny emails for a while now although they were via something that happened on Facebook, I will never ever use Facebook again because of it.
Hugs to you Sue Pxxx
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