Hi my lovelies how are you all? I'm so sorry I've not being around to your blogs been bit topsy turvy here lol, scroll to bottom of post for latest update on Megan.
Anyway I've done no crafting but I forgot to show you a card I made for a very special couple on their engagement..........psst sorry for the pics they were took the other day in a rush & I no longer have the card.
On Christmas Day Ben got down on 1 knee & proposed to Megan & she said yesssssssssssssss!!!
woooooooooo hoooooooooooo.
Isnt this so beautiful would you believe he brought it back in September cus the jewellery store had knocked £200 off it so he got it for £400............his plan tho was to propose on Christmas day, I didnt think he would last til then......he is so impatient he gets very excited lol.
For the card as you can see I didnt use an image instead I thought I would do........do you know I dont know what word to use for this lol................
The sentiment is computer generated by moi but the frame is a digi image from Whimsy.
All flowers from Wild Craft Orchid & papers are Websters Pages. Ribbon, gems, feather & lace from my stash. Wooden heart from Crafts & Me & I painted it white.

The card blank is from Crafty Emma's.
Right now onto the bestest pic of all!!!!!!!!!!!
Meet 'Payton' my grand-daughter yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!
She was finally born at 6 o'clock this morning weighing in at a healthy 7lb 10oz. Mum & baby are doing fantastic. Isn't she just gorgeous. I will put better pics on later.
I soooooooooooo cant wait for some squishy hugs. Am going over to their house to get it tidied ready for the coming home........sshhh dont tell them tho lol. I'm also gonna cook them some meals for the next few days just so its 1 less thing worry about. I really am so proud & I cant stop smiling, I've been up all night but its just excitement I feel & not tired at all.......
Well I'm gonna go try do some hopping before I go & clean I will be round to you all by tonight tho.
Thank you sooooooooooo much for your comments on my last post they mean so much to me.
Thank you for stopping by big huggles to you all mmwah xoxoxoxo

aawwwwwwwwwww vicky she is absolutely beautiful hun, awwwwww!! i am so excited! please send ban and megan my love and give payton a great big snuggly from me and mo!
awwwww how lovely xx
and huge congrats on their engagement too and the card is lovely but payton steals the show!! awwwwwww!!:)
this has made my day!!
huge hugs Lou xxx
Oh sweetie congratulation!! I've got tears in my eyes so touchy..She's so sweet! And you know the stuff you do at their house will mean so much to them when they get home! When I got home from the hospital with Amanda my MIL had done the same for us and I was so happy she did :) Enjoy your little one I'm sure she will be the best granddaughter ever ♥
Omg! Omg! Omg! Payton is just so gorgeous hun. You must be so ecstatic today Vicky, there is'nt another feeling in the world that will top this one. A wonderful gift of a grandchild. :o) So glad to hear they are all ok, sending my love to the new Mummy & Daddy too. Enjoy the cuddles hun. :o)
Love the gorgeous, fab sentiment and beautiful flowers too.
Donna x
She is absolutely adorable! I can understand the excitement:) And I'm so happy for you all.
Congrats on their engagement, and your card is fantastic:)
Have a wonderful day grandma:)
Big hug from me:)
Oh Sugar, this is magnificent! The feather is just the most perfect little touch, I love it. Happy New Year. xxx
Oh Vicky, I am so very pleased for you! Payton is beautiful, aah! Big Congrats to Ben and Megan on the birth- and how lovely of you to get things ready for them and cook some dinners...that will certainly help them such a lot! The card is gorgeous, love the elegance of the flowers and colours a perfect engagement card. Biggest of Hugs, Teresa xx
your card is so gorgeous and elegant!!! I just LOVE every detail!!! You granddaughter is just gorgeous!! brill photo!! Hugs Juls
Oh my word no wonder you are so excited she is so beautiful Vicky!!! Give my love to Ben and Megan and if you can manage a cuddle with Payton from me!!! lol
Congratulations to them also on there engagement my word it all goes off at your house!
Love the card the sentiment is just so perfect.
Can't wait to me more gorgeous pictures of your 1st Grandchild!
Love & Big Hugs Chanelle xxxx
Morning sweetie this is really gorgeous, loving the colours, and a HUGE congratulations awwwwwww what a gorgeous picture, I am feeling so broody now, and how very thoughtful of you doing that, Lee's mum did this for me when I came home with Sammie and it took a lot of stress out of coming home, congrats whoo hooo hugs pops x
Whooop whoop whoop!!! Congratulations on everything :D That is one scrummy bubba. What a lovely start to the new year. xxx
Oh nearly forgot - beautiful card hunny. xx
What a wonderful news!!! A GRAND-DAUGHTER!!
Congrats!! And what a beauty.....she is georgeous! And a lovely name too!!
I'm a little bit jealous.....I can't wait for the day I become a grandmother. One of my friends is also a grandmother....and it is soooo nice to watch!!
I think I have to wait a bit longer ;(
Wish you and yours all the luck and love in this special time!! Enjoy it!!
Greetings Mary
Oh wow, what a wonderful start to a new year, many, many congratulations Vicky to you and your lovely family, you must be walking on air with pride xx
Oh Vicky congrats with your beautiful grand daughter,shes gorgeous!
Oh I can believe that your proud!
And your card is amazing,they will love it!
Big XXX Heidy
Oh Vicky Gongrats on becoming o grandmother, I`m so happy for you and yours :). So sweet girl, lovely!!
Beautiful cards, amazing!!
Lots hugs Majsan
Congratulations! Isn't she beautiful! What a fabulous start to the New Year for you all. Hugs, Tracey xx
oh my! shes absolutly adorable! congrats sweetie! and congrats to mummy and daddy too!
what a wonderful new years gift. the best gift ever.
big hugs to you! and sgueeze the little one from me too.
Hi Vicky, Oh wow your best present over this festive period l bet! she looks so beautiful l will be checking in again for more updates, your going to really enjoy being a grand parent they bring so much happiness into your lives and they grow so fast so make the most of their tiny lives, ...........And congratulations to Megan and Ben what a lovely surprise happy famies all round truly pleased for you Vicky enjoy oh an l almost forgot your card is stunning too:) Sandra H
Congrats!!!! big big hugs to you all!
What a packed few days you have had sweetie. 21st birthday/engagement now a gorgeous birth. Congrats to everybody. Viewed all the lovely cards and of course this lovely little cute bundle. All are beautiful.
WHOOP WHOOP YEE HAAAA aint she just the most beautiful little thing.Aw Vicky you m,ust be so proud, your a grandma awwwwwwww biggest of awwwws, I love babies, ooh im so excited for you darlin. Its nice for something to happen good for you after your rotten year last year, brilliant. Congratulations on mammy and daddys engagement too, its just all so lovely the whoe lot, I will have a glass of wine tonight and toast you all. such a cheer up post darlin, you take care grandma xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Congrats on being a Grandma! You will be the hottest granny around! It is so nice of you to help them out with the housework and cooking I know it is always so tough to ask for help; and you doing it as a surprise is extra special. Hope you get many squishy hugs.
Your card is gorgeous! Loving the shape and those flowers are great. The sentiment is just perfect.
Congrats again on the arrival of this sweet princess!
Wowee an engagement and a new baby. Lots to celebrate then!
Beautiful card and congratulations on the latest addition to your family.
Huge congratulations to you grandma...how fantastic, and how beautiful she is. Congrats to Ben and Megan on their engagment and the birth of Payton.I'm so happy for you all, Natalie must be happy to, becoming an aunt.
Such a gorgeous ring...fabulous card.....but the baby stole the show...she is beautiful.
Oh! now I can go to work humming happily...love to you all.
wooooooooow vicky a grandmother and a engagement what great news.
beautiful card and what a adorable picture.
congratulations on both.
your 2012 start great.
greetings karin
Oh wonderful wonderful lovely payton. Well done to megan and congrats on the engagement. woohoo. I have to admit my engagement ring was a 'Jasmine' ring. Will gave it to me when I had just had her. hehe. hugs heid x
Congratulations on your beautiful granddaughter! <3
Lots of good news and fun on your blog today.
Love the engagement-card, its so romantic and georgeus.
Happy New Year, sweetie. :)
Hugs, Anne.
aaaaawwwwwww look at that little squishy face she is so gorgeous Vicky...wwwwwoooooohhhhhooooo massive huge congratulations Grandma or is it Nana....and massive congrats on the engagement too...what a fantastic start to 2012
Mina xxx
Well wonderful as your card is hon it pales into insignificance compared to that totally gorgeous little girl!!! Huge huge congratulations to you & to the proud parents. You are gonna be such a lovely Grandma & how sweet are you making meals & cleaning...the best!!
Congratulations to Ben & Megan on their engagement too, no wonder you're having trouble sleeping lol!
Happy New Year to you &all the family, as you say it's started off well already! Hugs xx
awe Vicky...I am so please you have your new grand daughter...and what a little cutie she is and what a beautiful name she has too.
Oh congrats on the new arrival and the engagement! Happy days!
I love your card, it is amazing!!
Hiya hun,
I am so over the moon for you all it really is going to be a great 2012 for you guys and you all so deserve it :D I can't wait to see even more pics as time goes on.
Huge hugs
Amy xx
Oh Vicky, I've gone all emotional! Isn't she just absolutely adorable! Oh you must all be so thrilled, I'm so pleased for you hun :o)
PS your card's fabulous too, got a bit sidetracked there! Big hugs, Lisa xx
Aww Big Congratulations on your beautiful grand-daughter Vicky!!! Ooh I just want to cuddle her !!! LOL and Wow! an engagement too - I love the ring!! and what a gorgeous card! Love the sentiment and the delish flowers and feather - really scrummy!!
All the best for 2012!!!
Good Health, Happiness and Prosperity to you and all your family!!
Big Hugs!
Sue xx
Oh My Goodness! :) Aww Vicky! Massive congratulations hun - fabulous news! Payton is a beautiful name and what a cutie!
Such a gorgeous picture, you must all be so proud and thrilled! :)
Congratulations on the engagment too - such a special time for your family :)
Gorgeous card hun! I was too chuffed by all your other news! LOL! :)
Wishing you and all your family a Happy New Year! :)
oh wow hun massive congratulations on both counts so pleased you have a new grand daughter she is just beautiful and such a wonderful name too.
And congratulations,to ben and megan too hun,happy new year to you all hugs cherylxxxx
Aaaawwwww!!!! What a total heartbreaker. She is so beautiful. A huge congrats to you and the new parents. I`m so excited for you, lol.
Also love the engagement card. Looks gorgeous!
Take care, hun. Give sweet little Peyton (love that name, lol) a big hug, lol.
Beautiful card Vicky and I'm sure it will be treasured.
Now that little bundle of joy is certainly the way to start the New Year - hugs to you all.
Toni xx
Awe Vicky! I read your post and was so happy for Ben and Megan and when I saw that lovely picture of Payton I was all "ooh" and "aah"! She's so adorable! And you must be such a proud grandma! Huge congratulations are in order!! Your card for Ben en Megan is so elegant, they must have been very impressed!! Hugs, Ira xox and enjoy Payton as much as you can!!
Hi there Vicky! Looks like your New Year has got off to a very happy start - congratulations to you all.
Huge hugs
Judi x Oops! Nearly forgot to say - I love your card!
Awww... Payton is soo adorable Vicky - Many Congratulations & Congratulations to Ben & Megan too :) Your card is fabulous as always, I love all the details.
Wishing you a Very Happy New Year!
congrats on the engagement and what a gorgeous pic of Payton, congrats all round x
Oh Vicky what fantastic news please pass on my congratulations and what a beautiful, beautiful baby, I can imagine that you are all so chuffed.
The card is also a beauty the colours and design are perfect, Happy new Year
Lorraine x
Yipeeeee what a gorgeous little bundle, Vicky what an exciting time you've had, a christmas to remember. I'm so happy for you all and tons of love and congratulations to all your family.
Happy crafting
Tracy x
Congratulations she is beautiful!
hugs Tessa & Anke
Love her ring but love your sweet little grandbaby way more!!!
she looks absolutely beautiful!!!
Congrads to you all :)
you sure deserve to have an awesome 2012...what a way to ring it in!!!
Many congratulations Vicky on the birth of your first granddaughter. She's a bundle of joy and I can see that your gonna spoil her rotten. What a lovely mum your are to help them out when you always have so much on your plate.
Congratulations Grandma!! She is totally adorable and look at all that hair - lol xx
Hi Wow it's all so exciting you must be so proud a beautiful infact stunning card really pretty !! for a wonderful couple !! How exciting they have so much gorgeous stuff going on in thier wee lives especially with this new princess !! Congratulations to them !! and you a super new gran !! Kitty ;0)
Congratulations Grandma! and to the whole family too. and such a beautiful engagement card you have made, love the fluffy feather (hubby has some like that in his fly tying box .. ..)
hugs, annie x
SO precious Hun. She is beautiful.
I also love the card you created so elegant. Congrats to your son and his soon to be bride.
And congratulations to Ben and Megan too on their engagement! Such excitement in the Pass household! Hugs, Lesley
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