Hello my lovelies how are you all? OMGoodness I am on cloud 9 I got chosen as one of the GDT for the beautiful Krista & her amazing blog Saturated Canary!!!!!!!!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
When I got the e-mail this morning I couldn't believe it, it was 7am & I was having a cuppa still in my dressing gown.........popped onto to AOL & there was the e-mail...... Yes I did a dance around the living room not a pretty sight in a terry toweling dressing gown let me tell ya lol !! WOW I'm so gobsmacked I was actually shaking e-mailing her back. I wasn't going to enter cus I saw everyone of the amazing entries & .......well amazing they were but then in the dying hours I thought I would try myluck.........in my head however I had this voice saying 'you gotta be kidding girlie you got no chance'..........so glad I didnt listen to that voice.
So I want to say a huge HUGE MAHOOSIVE thank you to everyone of your lovely comments & a bigger thank you to Krista & all the lovely amazing girls on the DT, you really have made me soooooooooo happy, proud & so totally honoured to be GDT.
Thank you a bzillion times sweeties.
Loves you all mmwah xoxoxoxoxox
If this is a dream please dont wake me !!!!!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS, dear Vicky!!! May I say that I am not surprised at all.....Krista is lucky to have such a talented artist on the team!!! I adore her work and I look forward to seeing your creations and I just know I will want to buy all the stamps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Congratulations Vicky" just seen it on there blog how exciting for you to work with such a wonderful set of designers! They have picked a winner with you anyway your work is stunning!
Love Chanelle xxx
Squuuueeeeeeeeee!! Lou jumps up and down and hugs Vicky!!!!!! Huge congrats hun xxxxxxxxx
Congratulations - well deserved your work is beautiful
Sue T
wooooooooooooooooowziw, congrats, you soooo deserve it! How ever do you manage to be in so many DT's LOL?! I'm very happy for you!
Hugs, Alessandra
Wahoo Vicky, really chuffed for you and soooooo well deserved!! hugs, Karenxxx
Girly you so deserve it! Your work is amazing and I love visiting your blog:0)
Looking forward to seeing your creations:0)
Congratulations Vicky you really do deserve you GDT spot. Your entry was absolutely amazing. I have to say it was you that got me hooked on Saturated Canary images with your lovely colouring.
Good Luck
Congrats! Cobngrats! Congrats! Your really deserve it and Krista can be happy to have you as GDT! =))
Congratulations Vicky...Welcome to the Team!!! Your cards are stunning and I love every single one you make!! xx
Hi ya hun
congratulations, i told ya they would snap you up, they be keepin you to i wouldnt bet, sue,xxx
Well done Vicky.xxx
I'm soooooooooo pleased for you my friend...well done sweetie and I cannot wait to see your gorgeous creations... :o)
biggest of hugs Vicky xx
Hi Vicky!
I saw it earlier today and know how happy you where gonne get! hehe, I can almost see you dancing around!! Big congratulations!! hugs Sandra
Well of course you were chosen - I'd have been more gobsmacked if you hadn't been! Huge congrats hun, hope you have lots of fun :o) Lisa x
Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not surprised at all, your cards are always soooo beautiful!!
gr. arjette.
Hi, congrats!!!!! I saw the card u submitted for the dt call and there's no wonder you were chosen, you deserve the spot your cards are fab! So pleased for you xxx cara xxx
Many congratulations Vicky and well done must deserved too! you'll do them proud l'm so looking forward to seeing your creations and you would of been at the top of my list no worries there have a great evening:) Sandra H
Congratulations Vicky they are lucky to have you. Enjoy xx Jan
Aww! Vicky, I am so chuffed to bits for you hun, Woohoohoo! way to go girl. I can't wait to see your gorgeous designs with SC little sweeties. You keep doing the happy dance, you sooooo deserve it. :o)
Donna x
See I told ya!!!! You tell me off for being Mrs Doubtful and yet you my girl have no reason to ever doubt yourself, you rock girl!!! Enjoy it and CONGRATULATIONS!!! :D xxx
Congrats hun, its well deserved......
Well done sweetie,your work is always fabolous so they really picked the right girl!
XXX Heidy
Awww Big Congratulations Vicky!!! You SO deserve this !!! your creations are Stunning!!!
Enjoy it hun and I can't wait to see what you make!!
Love Sue xx
Congrats! You deserve it, your coloring is beautiful!!! I love SC stamps. I can't wait to see what you do with them.
Well of course you've been chosen to GD for Krista! Derr. You did see your card, right?! ;) xxx
well done and huge congrats you deserve it.
Chris x
Of course they chose you honey - you are brilliant at creating!!
You crack me up! Ye of soooo little faith in yourself!! haha! Your cards are to die for gorgeous especially with Krista's images!! You go girl! Congrats and I look forward to seeing more of your amazing creations!
Hugs, Dena
big congrats sweetie but im so not surprised cos your work is amazing they are lucky to have you xx
wwwwoooohhhooooo way to go girl, you so deserve it, your colouring is allways so perfect
Mina xxx
Oh my goodness Vicky - thats such brilliant news hun! :) CONGRATULATIONS!
I am so pleased for you, but no idea why you are so surprised. You are such a talented and inspirational crafter, your work always amazes me and leaves me gobsmacked. You will do brilliantly! :)
Have a smashing week hun,
Congratulations Vicky...the biggest WHOO HOO!!!! I can yell...all the way to you...But not surprised...bound to happen...you are brilliant..
Congrats! I saw your card on the Saturated Canary blog and had to drop by. Your coloring is gorgeous.
knew it!
congrads girl!
Congratulations!!!!! my lovely freind and im over the moon for you, your amazing and you deserve this soooo much, you are now fully appreciated for your wonderful work, enjoy every minute and I cant wait to see what beautiful things you create on the DT your amazing girl go for it, great news xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Welcome to the team so happy your in mwah x x x x
Yay! Congratulations xxx
So well deserved and well done, I had good feelings about you on SC-team all along :))
I love-love- LOVE your work, you have magic fingers :)I so look forward to your future creations :))))))
Yes, I have drawn the girl with apples myself ;) Wait until you see the next, I got so satisfied with her ;)
Love drawing, but I'm like everywere in my lines still, I never have a plan it just pops out something...LOL :D
Lots of Hugs Lilli xx
well done!!!..and many congrats!
Elly P
Congratulations Vicky!!!Your work is amazing and I love visiting your blog to see all your creations :)
Congratulations Vicky! Enjoy being on the team, you do make the finest of cards, so it's totally deserved!! Hugs, Ira x
Wohooooo ! congrats ! I'm very happy for you !!!
Congratulations sweetie!
Well deserved, you are so talented:)
Hugs, Heidi:)
Congratulations - sooooo well deserved- your colouring and style are gorgeous!! Susie x
Oh my love I can't tell you how happy I am for you. What awesome news. You are such an amazing artist and will be a perfect addition to the fabulous Saturated Canary Design Team!!!!! Big huge hugs of congratulations to you my sweet!!!! I can't wait to see your creations.
Hugs Bonnie
Oh Vicky - huge congratulations. How on earth can you think your work isn't good enough. That card you entered was stunning. They made the right choice.
Denise xx
OMG Vicky this is totally fantastic news and so well deserved, you are one awesome, talented crafter Congratulations.
Lorraine x
I am so HAPPY for you Vicky. We will be getting play together on another Team.. even if it's just for 3 months.. Hey I felt the same way, that's why I waited till the last hour to post mine. There was so much talent that entered. I guess even if we didn't make it, it should never stop us for at least trying. Because you'll never know if you don't try. Vicky, your work is GORGEOUS, so don't ever think your work isn't good enough. Congrats hun!!!!
congratulations vicky that's fantastic news.
your a talented girl.
greetings karin
Congrats sweetie it is well deserved. I told you she would want you didn't I? You should take notice of Auntie Cathy.
Hi Vicky
a HUGE congrats to you (although I'm not surprised that you were chosen), your cards are beautiful and you more than deserve to be on the D.T., NOW can't wait to see what you create with Krista's O.O.T.W. image's.
Sandra (craftynan)
Vicky, enjoy it, this is so deserved, I'm looking forward to your creations!
hugs, Alina
Hi Vicky! A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on becoming a part of SC! They are so LUCKY to have you .. you are such an inspiration and your work is amazing!!! I know you'll have a ton of fun, and I'm looking forward to seeing all of your gorgeous things!
Big Hugs,
Congrats Vicky!! You'll do awesome and your coloring is as good as anyone!!
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