Good evening my lovelies thank you to everyone for the get well messages its been an extremely rough day again today so much so I cant possibly have any more drugs now......nothing is working tho. I'm still waiting on results of my CT scan I do know I have kidney stones but they are not sure if its that causing all of the pain or if its something else as well as kidney stones...........its really bloody awful tho.
Anyway I've popped on to give you an update. If you remember about 6-7 weeks ago I put a post on about my yorkies......well this is how my miss Fudge looks today.........
No she is not over-weight there are little babies in there......I've felt them moving they have been so active today lol. Hubby took these pics about an hour ago & she is looking at me as tho to say ''You let that dog, that dirty dirty dog do this to me!!!!!!!!!!''
''yeah & you should of had his tiddler cut off...........'' she then says to my hubster lol.
We have made her a whelping box today as she is due in 7-10 days time. You should see her when she walks bless her.........well TBH she waddles more than walks lol. She loves lying down here as this is normally where Natalie's chair is & Fudge lies behind it we've had a shifty round & put a box here for Fudge ready for the birth & Natty's chair the other side.
P.S. Excuse the Betty's in the cabinet I love Betty Boop figures the bikes are my pride & joys I have the british bike in my other unit on the other side lol. The USA one there wasnt many made so it could be worth something maybe one day lol..........hopefully my grandkids will benefit from it lol.
Anyway I'm signing off now & going to bed I've done quite a bit of blog hopping today but if I havnt got to yours I promise to catch up tomorrow cus I really need to go bed with me hot water bottle & watch a dvd.
I will have my Kenny K card for you in the morn so until then nighty nighty peeps, take care & always keep on smiling.....we always have something worth smiling about & thats always the important thing to remember.
Toodles mmwah xoxoxoxoxo

Hey gorgeous, sorry my comments have been naff the last couple of days got a lot on with my middle one, back at hospital on wednesday but it is looking like and amutation, fingers crossed they can do something other than that...
Cute doggy and i had to smile as my little fatties is also having fur babies, she is due on 4th july but usually has them a week ealry, its going to be a busy holiday time for us all...
Big hugs sweetie love pops x
LOL you'll have a house full of babies!! I bet these ones will look amazingly cute! xx
Awwww, little Fudge is the absolute cutest - bless her and her little preggie tummy!! So cute! My nan always had yorkies when I was growing up and now my Tippy is half yorkie. I love 'em, they've got the best personalities - even if they do think they can take on the world LOL!! And don't forget what I said - if any of the pups are needing a home, you know how to get in touch!!! Tippy would love a friend hee, hee!!! Hugs, Marie xxxxx
P.S. Sorry you're still in pain. Hope the docs sort you out soon. Feel better, hun xxxx
Ahh bless her. Hope all goes well with the puppies, please put some piccys on when they arrive. I used to have a Yorkie - wonderful little dogs. Hope you soon feel better Vicky.
Pam x
Ah can you blame her,that dirty
And sweetie,please take care of yourself!
XXX Heidy
Will be remembering you in prayer! Hope they get you fixed up real soon! Your little Yorkie is a cutie! Too cute!
Ouch, that sounds so painful :( I've had stones myself, while 8 months prego and it was not a pleasant experience! Feel better soon, Vicki!
And good luck with the upcoming new puppies!!
Hallo Vicky sorry to hear you are still unwell and as of yet no results! Never mind as you said keep smiling and that pup dog fudge is sure to keep you grinning. The way they look at you, they surely know what you are saying. Hope you sleep well hugs heidi x
hi ya hunny, sorry to hear you have been having a hard day again, i hope you get the results soon.
bless your sweet little doggy, she has a hell of a big belly on her, and i cant wait to see the little ones :smile:
take care hunny, Sarah x
Ahhhh poor! she looks so tiny but so exciting too! I bet you cannot wait to see them sweetie..!
Hope you feel better soon...and things get sorted for you very soon..sending the biggest of Vicky xx
Hi Vicky, firstly thankyou for your lovely message yesterday. I am not sure if you received it or not but i sent you a long email last night on the contact addy on your blog. Do hope you got it. I am so sorry that you are going through equal agony hun. I will say though that kidney stones are the most painful things i have ever had in my life and i have had a lot of pain with different illness. I just hope the op that i am going to have will do the trick. If you want a chat my email is
Congratulations on Miss Fudge's impending puppy birth. Can't wait to see some pics when they arrive lol!!!. Will you keep any pups?. Like me, i do hope that you have an easier night hun. I am just off to bed with my red n white polka dot hot water bottle!!!. Big hugs and like you say, keep smiling. Love Clare xxx
Sorry to hear you are not feeling too great. Put your feet up and take it easy.
You yorkie is a real cutie.
What a sweet looking puppy, cannot wait to the big day arrives and you post some pictures. Hope you are feeling better soon, I have also been so bloddy sick for the last couple of days, I spent my Birthday on the bathroom floor sicker then a dog. Get well soon.
Congrats in advance on yorkie pups! She looks so cute with her belly all popped out, but I'll be she doesn't feel so cute, huh? Sorry to hear that you still feel like crud. My ex had kidney stones and said they were horrendously painful. He had a high pain tolerance, but they had him writhing on the floor. (hug) for you!
AWWWWW, she is so cute, gonna have some lovely babies........:))
lotsa luv
Aaaaaaaw, I can't wait to see the puppies!! I love, love, love, love animals. Hahaha, LOL, I like the first pic and her look at you :o) Gorgeous!! Hope everything goes well and the puppies are all alive and healthy.
Hearts and hugs, Alessandra
awwwwwww bless her!!! hope you are feeling a little brighter today hun, sending hugs for you from me and mo xxxxxxxxx
Hope you have a better day tomorrow Vicky. How lovely that your yorkie is having pups! I'm sure they will be adorable!
(we have a llasa apso, her name is millie and she's spoilt rotten!!)
Elly P
x x
Oh Vicky, I didn't know you were poorly, I do hope things get better SOON! Your little dog looks VERY cute, are you going to keep the pups, and be grandparents to those TOO?? LOL.
Big, but gently, hugs
Judi xx
OMG Vicky isn't she a little beauty and having puppies OMG I feel your excitement I would be in seventh heaven if I had a little doggy given birth, all those wee little pups. I hope all goes well for her and also for you I hope that things will get put right soon.
Lorraine x
Oh bless.
I grew up with Yorkies.
My mum was and still is mad on them.
I remember when Cindy was pregnant bless her.
She used to waddle is well and looked very disgruntled if we laughed at her.
My mum only has one remaining now.
Scamp his name is and boy is he spoilt rotten.
Goes to the hairdressers weekly LOL
Hope they find out what is wrong with your soon hun. Pain is no fun especially when there is no relief from it.
Hot water bottles rock too eh? :) I wouldnt be without mine, and my hubby has been going spare with toothache for a week, and its the only thing that seemed to help.
Hope you are ok hun :)
Love your piccies of your doggy, how cute, and I cant wait to see pics of the puppies when they arrive. You look like you have it all in hand ;)
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