Good evening my lovelies I thought I would pop on & give you an update on things. I have managed to get around to some of your blogs today but I will try to catch up with everyone tonight hopefully or in the morning. My dear Fudge has been really unsettled today really clingy & wanting to be near me & Craig all the time, she has also being sick & panting heavily. Anyway it looks like she is in the 1st/2nd stage of labour so hopefully this time tomorrow we may have baby puppies. So its a night in the living room tonight for me & Craig just incase...... To be honest we have no idea how long this could all take!!!
I will put piccy's on once they are here my lovelies & if I dont get round to you please dont think I'm ignoring you cus I would never do that & I will catch up with you all.
Well I'm gonna go now I will keep you up to date on the Fudge labour saga.....oooooh gosh wish me luck I've never seen puppies been delivered before hubster has but I havnt so I'm gonna be quite amazed by it all lol. Honestly you should see my face when I feel them moving around inside her & she is even bigger than when we took the photos, I'm sure she gets bigger every day you know lol.
Right I really am going now lol.
Big squishy hugs to you all mmwah
Toodles xoxoxoxo

oh hun
hope your not kept up to long, look forward to seeing the piccie,sue,x
good luck fudge, and good luck grammy and gramps!!! hope she is ok, hugs Lou and mo xxxxx
OMG, I'm sooooo excited (which is funny really cos I'm miles away and now gonna see anything LOL!) Give Fudge a big kiss from me and wish her luck with puppy-birth!! Hope it's all goes well. Lots of hugs, Marie xxxx
P.S. Don't forget what I said if any of them fancy a home in the capital!!! Mxx
Awwww give fudge a big cuddle from me
aww how exciting! :) can't wait to see some pics of the puppies.
Hi Vicky
Good luck with the puppies hun!
I hope you are getting better.
Your last card is stunning, gorgeous image with amazing colouring.
Sorry for my lack of commenting.
Love Kerry xxx
good luck Fudge! x
How exciting! Hope everything goes well, can't wait to see some pics :o) Lisa x
Best of luck honey! I will be thinking of you!!! Send a puppy my way please!!
Oooo puppies...I love puppies...BUT..where the heck was I when you announced you guys were having puppies...and why didnt I see the photos of your dog, all round and preggies...Oh! I hate missing out on stuff like that..will definitely keep any eye out for puppy pics.How amazing watching baby animals being born, the mums do such a great job.
Please give me a kick in the comment department when you have news...could have said 'shins' but we live too far
Well l hope all goes well and it's not too long before the event take place, any idea how many? look forward to the photo's and don't over do it yourselves.....:) Sandra H
How exciting Vicky, I want one..... I wish
MY cat had a little several years back. I was just about to do school run when she got on the sofa and was making weird noises. Quickly took her off and laid her on a towel then watched her give birth to a litter of 5. Of course the kids were late for school and they were the cutest kittens ever. Hope all goes well!
Good Luck with the Labour Vicky, hope its not too Painful for
Can't wait to see puppies xxx Hugs Mau
Hi Vicky, I hope all goes well, can't wait to see the little puppies!! Huggies, Frea
oh my gosh how exciting i wish you all the luck not that you will need it i am sure everything will run smoothly i can't wait to see the piccies hun as you know i have a staffy boy and i would love it if he had pups with a girl dog of course lol good luck have a wonderful night xx
Hi hun. How's the whelping (is that the right word!!??) coming along? I've left you a little something over on my blog. Hugs, Marie xx
Hi Villi hope all is well and Fugde is doing fine and babies too if they have put in an appearance yet, how lucky watching the miricle of life unfold.
Hope all has gone well Vicky, looking forward to the update and pictures.
Pam x
That is such a fabby experience, not to be missed, wonderful and enjoy!!
Look after yourself, will be back to see the baby pic's, ooohhhhhh love them!!!
lotsa luv ..... mwah
hi vicky, I hope everything is going well with the baby puppies.
we are sure we seen a picture of them.
greetings karin
Good luck with the puppies!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh I can't wait to see them!!!
Hope all goes well xxx
Love to Fudge.
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