My Lovely Friends

Wednesday 22 February 2012

Hi my lovelies

Hi my lovelies how are you all? I just wanted to quickly pop on to explain about why I'm MIA at times & not blogging much & also for the late candy.
First well the candy is some delicious candy I have purchased from the fabulous Krista, yes its fabby Saturated Canary candy mmmmm you gotta love that. I am having a gift certificate drawn up to a certain amount but poor Krista is unwell at the moment & I really dont want her to push herself drawing it up & would much rather her rest & do it when she is feeling better. I know all you lovely people would think the same & I know you dont mind waiting til our Krista is back to her fabulous yummy self. 

Second thing is while I'm trying soooooo hard to do blogging when I can my little grandaughter is not well bless her & the constipation she was suffering with she still keeps suffering with & at the mo the docs need to look at why & make sure she hasn't got a twisted bowel.............fingers crossed that isnt the case. Obviously bless her she is very upset at times so we have Megan & Payton-Lea over here with us a lot or we are over there helping out when we can. We also have her over night at times & at weekends to give them a break. We all know how hard it is being a first time mum & she is barely sleeping so of course this wears out mum & dad &.....well we never had any help when me & Craig had our kids so its nice we can be there for our kids & their kids as well.............yeah I know mine arnt kids, I have 2 teens & an adult but hey they will always be MY babies.
So this is a sorry I'm really not ignoring any of you I promise its just things are bit hectic at mo & Natalie always knows when somethings wrong so she lets us know about it her own screaming way lol.
Will try catch up with you all tonight. I have got cards done from last week but not had chance take piccies so not been able to blog them.......will try get the chance.
Hope you are all ok & those poorly I'm sending mahoosive hugs to you all for you get better soon
mmwah xoxoxoxox


Loopylou. said...

oh hun poor payton-lea, give her some really gentle snugglies from me and mo and I hope you aren't all too worn out from no sleep
huge hugs Lou xxx

Poppet said...

Sorry to hear Payton-Lea is still not well. When my little one had constipation the Dr gave us sugar water and that worked a treat. Apparently the longer the poo is in the body the drier it gets and the harder it is to push it out. (medical lesson over) I know exactly what you are going through and wish I had someone who could have helped me when my kids were little so hugs for being great parents and grandparents and helping when you can. :-) xx

Ardilla said...

Hope your granddaughter is getting well soon. It´s so difficult to be parents for first time... I didn´t have to much help the first six months of my daughter and loved help when I had it later.
A big hug,


Vicky said...

So sorry to hear the wee one is still poorly Vicky...hope her tummy is sorted soon and don't worry about should always come first sweetie..

take care and sending a mahooosive hug to you and your family..Vicky xx

angelwhispers said...

Sending you all lots of love and cuddles Vicky and I hope little Payton is soon on the mend I think its even worse when its a grandchild thats not well! Love Chanelle xx

June Nelson said...

Aw me darlink dont worry about anything!! candy or no candy I still oves ya and Krista too, I hope she is better really soon and you watch you dont burn yourself out either, poor little soul I do hope she is ok and doesnt have a twisted bowel bless her shes just a little dot!!!!! sending all me thoughts and prayers and big cuddles to you and Krista and Natalie and Payton lee xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

June Nelson said...

for my spelling too eeeek xxxx

Renkata said...

Don't worry Vicky, sometime life come in a way and we must do what we must do.
I just hope evrything is great.

Tracey T said...

Family comes first Vicky - everything else can wait sweetie. Wishing you all well and I really hope that the wee one gets better soon. Hugs, Tracey xx

Kerry said...

Hi Vicky,

I am really sorry Payton Lea is not well. I hope she gets better soon and the Drs get to the bottom of it.

It's lovely that you can be there for them and I am sure they appreciate it lots.

Love Kerry xxx

heidy said...

Hi sweetie,sorry to hear that little Payton -lea is still sufering from constipation,give her a very big hug from me!
Take care hun!
XXX Heidy

Ally said...

Take your time, don't put the screws on yourself, we all will be here when you'll be back.As for me you don't have to pressure to comment all my cards, I know you are around and I don't question it when you skip or miss one of my cards (or two or three), don't worry! Catching up is awful :)
Hope Payton-Lea is getting well soon! Poor little creature.
Hugs, Alessandra

Unknown said...

No worries Vicky, hope that little girl feels better soon. Hugs, Frea

Elise said...

Awwwww .. Vicky you are just so sweet to always be thinking of others! Your children and Grandbaby is SO very lucky to have you and hubby in their lives to help take care of them! Yes, I agree .. any kind of help for mum and dad to rest would be so appreciated! I never had any help as well .. so I know how worn out first time parents feel too. hehe!!!

Bless your little Granddaughter, and I hope her tests will reveal there is no twisting also.

Sending you all Love and Hugs,
Elise said...

Hope you get things sorted for DGD, nothing worse when they are that tiny. Don't worry about commenting, it's the very least of your worries.

Look after yourself too Mrs, otherwise you'll be no good to anyone!!!

Claire xxx

Teresa - My Crafty Heart said...

Oh Vicky, please give Payton-Lea an extra cuddle from me and I hope she gets better really soon and this problem is sorted out for her, Hugs and kisses, Teresa xx

Doreen said...

I do hope you get your granddaughter sorted out and it is nothing

Sandra H said...

Hi Vicky, Don't be bothering about us you have more important things going on in your life than blogging hope the little one gets better soon and your right it is hard work being 1st time mums and dads and it's great that gran's and grandads are available to take over infact it's nice having the little ones l just love it do take care and don't be over doing things yourselves hugs to all of you:) Sandra H

Chrissy said...

Poor little Paton Lea....hope she gets the attention she needs to fix this problem up..poor Mum and Dad, they probably feel so helpless....You take care of yourself too, young lady, dont want you crashing in a heap...awww...wish I lived closer...not when it is snowing hair cant take the dampness...but I'm there in spirit..and dont worry about first...we will still be here...


misteejay said...

Sounds like you & the family have a lot to contend with at the moment - take care of yourself and don't run yourself too ragged.

Big hugs
Toni xx

Lau W said...

I'm so sorry. I hope all will be ok soon !
Hugs and kisses my friend !

Barbara Sproatmeyer (LM2) said...

It's so nice that you are there to help! My Mom helps me out a bunch and it's these types of things that make a new Mom feel like she's drowning. I hope she gets feeling better and that the DR can accurately diagnose the issue. :( Wishing you all the best. *Hugs

Wishcraft said...

Aww hope Payton-Lea is feeling better soon hun... I must admit I'm a bit jealous of how hands-on you are as grandparents! Pav's mum would love to have the kids but she's got a brain tumour and is obviously feeling ill most of the time. My mum had my eldest occasionally overnight but hasn't had them once since we had Dex - we haven't had a night out for over 4yrs lol!

Anyway, moaning over, popped over to see you and ended up having a good old whinge! Hope things get back to normal for you soon hun, big hugs, Lisa x

Rachel Parys said...

Hi Vicky!! Just became a follower, you are amazing!!! It's funny how buying one little digital stamp can open your world to more awesome, and talented people! Your family is beautiful! I can't wait to see what else you make in the future!!

KraftyKoolKat said...

Ah bless I hope babe is free of pain soon and they get it sorted.


xxxtglxxx said...

Aww Vicky hun, I hope your little grand-daughter is doing better, Im so sorry to hear she has been poorly :(

She and her mum and dad are so lucky to have you and your hubby to step in and help, it must make them feel so relieved to know you are both there.

Dont you worry about commenting hun, we are all still here (admiring your work). I sometimes struggle because my internet has such a low allowance, that I have to limit my visits to all blogs to be able to keep up with DT commenting and still keeping in touch :)

Hope you all have a good weekend, sending hugs to all of you,


LaJanette said...

Oh poor baby; I know it is so hard to see a baby suffering; hope everything is okay with her:0) You are such a lovely grams! Big hugs to you!
