My Lovely Friends

Thursday 23 June 2011

Some very sad news

Afternoon peeps....This is lisa. I have just had some really sad news...Vicky has been rushed into hospital.
I think they are keeping her in for a few days. Im not completely sure what is wrong, but i do know she was in alot of pain & was finding it hard to breathe. so, I just got a phone call telling me all this & craig asked me if I could remember her password to her blog??? So...Vicky being Vicky, wasnt worried about her health...& was more concerned about her DT's & letting people down....can you believe her!!!
Anyways, as soon as I know anything more I will keep you all updated. I have put a link in on my name incase anyone needs to contact me xxx


Gina K said...

Lisa, please give Vicky get well wishes and let her know that I'm thinking of her!! We've only met out in this "blogland", but I'm concerned about her! Gina

Fiona said...

I do hope everything is ok. I will be thinking about her.


Debs M said...

oh no, i hope everything is ok!
Thanks for letting everyone know and please send my best wishes on to her xxxxxx

kaylou said...

Aww Vicky hope your ok Hunny, sending big hugs to you..look after yourself.xxxx
Thanks for letting us know Lisa.x
Bigs hugs Kaylou xx

alethea said...

I hope that Vicky is ok and that she will be out of hospital really soon!!! Hugs xx

Rach said...

lisa, give Vicky a huge hug from me when you see her, and wish her a speedy recovery... xxxxx

Ana Márquez said...

Sorry, I've just read her profil and it like me so that I just could come in to the blog to know that fantastic girl who make scrapbooking and look after her beautiful princess :-(( I don't know that she was in trouble... I hope, with all my heart, that all will be all right soon. Account with my prayers. A great kiss from Spain to you, she, and everyone here, and sorry for my bad English.

Jan said...

Sorry to hear this Lisa, sending lots of healing vibes & gentle hugs xx Jan

Sue said...

Oh my
please give her a hug from me, i do hope she is soon home & feeling better, tell her not to dare worry bout cards n blog, silly girl, huggies, sue,xx

Marlies said...

I hope everything is allright with Vicky and she recovers soon.
hugs, Marlies

Vivi Casale said...

Oh gosh.. I`ll have Vicky on my prayers and on my thoughts for her to get well quickly!!!
Thanks for letting us know!!

Poppet said...

Sorry to hear Vicky is ill. I am sending love, hug and positive thoughts to her and her family. :-) xx

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness!!!! Poor Vicky!! I hope all is well and that she will get better ASAP and come home soon! Please convince her to take a brake..We all will be waiting for her when she's strong enogh again!!!

Sara H said...

Vicky,you are not letting anybody down by not posting for the moment! Don´t worry about anything else than your health,it´s the most important thing!
Hope you get well very soon!
Hugs xoxoxo

Trina said...

Praying for you Vicky! Take care if yours; we'll still be here...

Janette said...

Oh dear Lisa, please tell Vicky we are worried about her, she is such a sweetie she really is, hope all will be ok, she has been suffering to long with all this, perhaps now they can sort it out....lots of love to you Vicky...xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Lindsey said...

Please send her my love. I hope she will be ok and that she is feeling better soon, Linds xx

Pop's Cards said...

Sening you prayers for a speedy recovery x x x x

Catherine SIWCZAK said...

I hope she will recover very soon ! many hugs

Sue Jones said...

Sorry :( Hope all is resolved soon and its something easy to treat. Send her my Love xx

Unknown said...

Will sure keep her in my prayers!! Hugs! Leah Ann

Christine said...

Vicky, best wishes for a speedy recovery, I hope everything is okay!! (((hugs)))

crafty amy said...

Oh my gosh!! Vicky sweetie I am thinking of you and sending you all the good thoughts I can hun. I don't know what else to say.

Huge hugs

Amy xx

Judi said...

Hi Lisa/Vicky

Thanks so much for letting us know. Do send her my love and tell her I'm thinking of her.


Judi xx

Pamela said...

So sorry to hear this news and do hope all will be well. Please pass on my best wishes.

Pam x

Anne said...

Oh my, that is terrible news!
I hope everything turns out fine, I`m keeping you in my thoughts, Vicky!

Lots of hugs, Anne.

Mau xx said...

Oh! so sorry to hear this, Sending all my Love and huge gentle hugs, Hope she is soon well and home again xx Mau
ps Thanks for letting us know xx

Bits N Bobs said...

Thank you so much for letting us know hun I will say a prayer for her speedy recovery and pray it is nothing too serious.
Silly Vicky worrying about everyone else.

Tracey T said...

Please give Vicky my love and best wishes for a very speedy recovery. Tracey xx

Caroljenks said...

Lisa please give her our love and thanks for letting us know. I do hope she will be well again soon - tell her we miss her already xxx

Carol x

Unknown said...

OMG, I don't know if anyone is going to read this but I sure hope poor Vicky will be alright! I'm sure there are lots more people in blogland who really care, so Lisa when you read this, do give her all my best and a big hug. Frea

Vanessa (aka V'ness, Nessa, oldschool) said...

omg sending love my sweet friend!

lynne said...

Oh no, I hope everything is ok. I knew she has had some kidney issues but i hope they can get to the bottom of this.
Please send my love to Vicky, will be thinking about her.
Yes, only Vicky would worry about her DT work when she is so ill!! What is she like!!
Lots of love to her!
Lynne x x said...

I hope Vicky feels better soon and that they finally find out what's wrong with her. xx

Unknown said...

That is sad news sending you hugs.
Chris x

Heidi said...

This is just awful, give her all our bestest wishes and to take care of herself first not us bloggers!! Hugs and well wishes Heidi x

Kimmi said...

Oh Gosh - Sorry to hear Vicky isnt well. Wishing her a speedy recovery and that she comes back to her blog fighting fit when she is ready!

Big Hugs

Kimmi xx

angelique (anlou) said...

hiya sweetie
i just hope it's not such a huge problem with her health
thanks for the update
wish her all the best hunni
i hope to see her real soon in blogland
hugs angelique

CraftyC said...

Send her my love Lisa, will be thinking of her and thanks for letting us know!

Love crafts forever said...

Thank you Lisa for letting us know what is going on. My sweet Vicky, my hugs and prayers on your way. Please, please stay strong. I hope you will feel better very, very soon. Lots of hugs and kisses.
Hugs Nataliya.

Beccy said...

oooooh poor Vicky, send her my love and wishes that she recovers real soon.
Beccy x

Sandra H said...

Thankyou for letting us know, l hope it isn't serious and Vicky has a speedy recovery, tell her we will all be thinking about her ......:) Sandra H

cheryl said...

oh hun please give her my love,and keep us posted,please oh how she is,if she is going to be in for a while would appreciate,her addy so i can send her a card,love hugs cheryl xxxxxxxxxxx

coldwaters2 said...

Oh Lisa please send my love to her this is awful news and will pray that it is not as serious as it sounds. My thoughts and prayers will be with her and her family who must be worried so much
Lorraine x

Country Mouse said...

Wow, how scary. I will keep Vicky in my prayers. Please keep us updated and let her know we are all praying for her.

Lorraine said...

oh nooooo please send her my best i love her so much it pains me to hear she is unwell Vicky has been a real friend and an inspiration to me please let her know I was asking after her
Lorraine xxx

Renate said...

So sorry to hear that you are in the hospital.
Get well soon and take your time.

Lots of love from Renate

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

hi hun, just send her huge hugs from Stokie xx

Mina said...

omg thats such shocking is our wonderful Vicky doing...if you get time could you keep us posted please and send her a massive hug and kiss from me please
Mina xxx

KraftyKoolKat said...

Hi Lisa
Thank you telling us. I have been so worried the past few months about her. I am even more worried now. I do hope they get to the bottom of all her health problems soon.


tiggertastic said...

Oh Vicky sweetheart, i am so sorry to hear you are in hospital and so unwell, I am sending lot of well wishes and love your way. I hope that you feel much better soon, take care hunny

Thinking of vicky's family too and with kind thanks Lisa for letting us know

Sarah xxx

Tracey said...

Ooh that's terrible Lisa I hope Vicky makes a full & speedy recovering. Sending her lots of love & big hugs.

Elly P said...

So sorry to hear that Vicky is sick and I really do hope she gets better very soon..will be keeping her in my prayers.

Elly P
x x

Leanne said...

I hope it wasn't anything serious. Do wish Vicky a speedy recovery. Shall whisper a prayer for her.

Susie Sugar said...

Sorry to hear you're poorly darling I hope you're feeling better soon
Thinking of you
Hugs Susie x

Jennifer said...

Vicky sweetie.....just sending you huge hugs for when you are able to read this xx Jenny xx

Patty Sue 2 said...

Please take care of yourself and get better. You are in my thoughts and prayers!

Elise said...

Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry that Vicky is not feeling very well at all!!! Please please send her my love and get well wishes .. and give her a hug for me! :) Tell her get loads of rest and NOT to worry about the blogging stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Sorry to hear Vicky is ill sending best wishes and for a speedy recovery
Hugs Dianne xx :)