My Lovely Friends

Monday 5 September 2011

I'm back...............

Hello my lovelies how are you all? Do you know it seems ages since I last did a post & yet its only just under a week........
Anyhoo's I had my operation on friday which went well I had my gallbladder removed. They cut me 4 times which is not too bad I Its rather sore to say the least but what else can I expect from having an organ removed lol. This is the first time since last Thursday I#ve switched my lappy on but I've just spent the weekend in bed watching dvds with hubster lol- in between him doing other things of course youngest Jake lay on the bed with me last night & we just watched dvds all night it was lovely.......
The op went well & the staff down theatre were just fabulous as always.....didnt get no bacon & egg mind!
I still need further investigation into my upper left abdomen & kidney but will cross that in 6 weeks & the doc wants me completely recovered from this first.
I'm hoping to try do a little bit of colouring today........I had the new release stamps from Sugar Nellie delivered on saturday......oh they are soooooooo gorgeous & I got a load of their steampunk charms which are just fabulous.........they are all sitting in the envelope still tho as I've not so much as picked up a copic :0(

Anyhoo's my lovelies I'm gonna try to catch up with you all today......I will do it in short bursts lol....I have really missed you all & I'm looking forward to seeing what you've been creating.

Also I will just tell you about some new releases.........we have new release at
Crafts & Me & also at Kenny dont want to miss any of them so pop yourself over & take a peekskie
See ya soonies peeps mmwah
Squishy hugs to you all xoxoxo


marion said...

Welcome back, so glad to read your operation went well (as far as you can say these things) and I hope you'll be back on your feet soon so we can enjoy your lovely projects. Hugs, Marion

Janette said...

So glad your ok hun, lovely to hear from take time and get better before you try and rush things, make the most of the care sweetie...big hugs, Janette.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Jan said...

Hi Vicky, It's great to hear from you after your op. I had it done a few years ago, so no how you feel! Please take it easy, take care sending you healing hugs xx Jan

KarinsArtScrap said...

hi vicky i'm glad everything was going well, and i hope you don't have any pain anymore.
get well soon.

greetings karin

Unknown said...

Oh, so glad to hear from you and that the op. went well! Sounds like you have had some lovely days in bed!!! Hope your not too sore, take it easy and don't laugh too much!!! Lots of hugs and sunshine!/Sari

Loopylou. said...

so pleased you are ok and recovering nicely hun, take it easy sweets, been missing a bit of vicky since your last postie hun.
huge hugs lou and mo xxxxxx

THERESA said...

So glad you're back and ok, seems like foreva that i read a post,lol, look after yourself and relax, most important now!!!
lotsa luv from me to you

Marion said...

Hi Vicky,
So glad the op went well and you are at home for recovery. It is much better now than when I had mine removed. I had to stay in hospital 2 weeks.
Just don't overdo as you start to feel better.
big hugs

Mary J said...

Hi Vicky! So pleased to hear it went well! You take care of yourself honey! I know you have a lovely family who I bet are spoiling you rotten!

Heidi said...

Glad you are back and on the mend, fingers crossed for 6 weeks. keep getting the rest you need and let others run around after you for a change, hugs heidi x

heidy said...

Hi sweetie,glad to hear the OP went well,and that you are doing ok!
Please take care hun!
XXX Heidy

Mandy said...

Hi Vicky,
It's lovely to have you back,I'm so pleased the op went well and your on the mend,but mind and take it steady...
Mandy x

Unknown said...

Hiya Vicky good to hear you are doing ok all my sisters have had this done, not me yet touch wood, Krista who designs Simply sassy's has digi's for sale, and I got lady victoria from KK, take care of yourself.
Chris x

Sandra H said...

Hi Vicky, so please your op' went well and now you can relax until you go back for futher investigation hopefully all will be fine, it will be nice to see another of your great creations really missed them take care:) Sandra H

Lotta said...

Good to hear you are on the recovery side! Take care!
Hugs Sandra

KraftyKoolKat said...

Hello sweetie. It is so lovely to see you posting again. I am glad the op seems to have gone okay and I hope your pain will get better sooner rather than later. Take things easy sweetie. Being as you have been missing you wont have seen my footnote on one of my postings. My OH decided bless him to come through the lounge ceiling via the loft on Friday. He was very poorly at the time but is improving as the days go by. Our insurance company have been very good and the plaster is doing it Thursday and coming back to paint Saturday. We just hope our purchases don't come round again until it is repaired. Lol!!!


June Nelson said...

Hi Vicky darlin great to have you back, hope your ok soon I was ok within a week but suffered ever since!!! never mind eh? its over with now and you can hopefully eat without pain. You take care, missed you June xxx

angelique (anlou) said...

hiya sweetie
glad it al went well
but do you take it easy hunni
it's not nothing you're going true
i'm glad you let us now sweetie
hugs angelique

Poppet said...

Glad to hear everything went well Vicky. i hope your recovery is a speedy one. Sending you big hugs. :-) xx

Sue said...

Hi hun
glad all well, don't over do things n take it easy,huggies, sue,x

Tracey T said...

So pleased that everything went well and that you're home with the family. Get plenty of rest and stay off the bacon butties until your tummy can cope! xx

Tracey said...

Glad to see you back Vicky, have a speedy recovery :)
Big hugs

tiggertastic said...

hi sweetheart, so pleased to hear that it all went well and also to hear you have been resting up while back at home, let everyone pamper you hun and enjoy those Dvd's

take care and sweet wishes, sarah xx

Pop's Cards said...

Hi gorgeous lady i am so pleased that your surgery went well, i was thinking about you, just wait while you have recovered there will be no stopping you, bigg healing {{{{HUGS}}}} x x x

Chrissy said...

Yaaay!! so glad you are back...have been thinking of you, and knew where you'd be and what was going glad it all went well, you will be a new person soon...and definitley 'no Bacon and eggs' maybe once in a while...
Take care, and rest...


misteejay said...

Lovely to have you back and so glad that you are home & taking things easy. Hope the recovery goes well.

Sending BIG (gentle) hugs.

Toni xx

arjette said...

Wooww Vicky, that's quit a story!!! Hope you are getting better soon and everything goes well with you, take care!!

gr. arjette.

Vicky said...

So pleased the Op went well Vicky and you have had plenty of rest too hunni...

Enjoy the new stamps...Ooh the new LOTV are out tomorrow...Mmmmmm...

take care and sending big hugs Vicky xx

Tracy said...

Hi Vicky,
So glad all went well and hope you recover quickly, take it easy with the colouring, you know how heavy those copics can get LOL!
Take care hun
Happy crafting
Tracy x

debby4000 said...

Wishing you a speedy recovery Vicky.

Ally said...

Sending u a warm welcome-back-hug! Hope u get well pretty soon, Sweetie!
Thousand hugs, Alessandra

Lorraine said...

hi huni so pleased yor back and all went well and what no bacon and eggs you should sue lol
take care of yourself and i hope your not too sore xx

Vanessa (aka V'ness, Nessa, oldschool) said...


Julie said...

Hello lovely!! Glad it all went well and that you are recovering!! Keep on taking it easy but just a little bit of colouring perhaps, so we can see more of your fabby makes!! Gentle hugs, Juliexx

Wishcraft said...

Hi hun, so glad to hear your op went well :o) Hope you're all recovered soon but there's no rush, get lots of rest and enjoy being looked after! Lisa x

Unknown said...

Make sure you continue to take it easy while you are recovering from your op. Make the most of being spoilt!

coldwaters2 said...

Hi Vicky I am so glad that the operation was a success and I really hope you a speedy recovery and that you start to feel well very soon.
Lorraine x

Heidi said...

I've been thinking about you sweetie. Glad that you're fine and wishing you a quick recovery.
Hugs, Heidi:)

Grenouille Greetings said...

I feel bad that I wasn't here to wish you well with your surgery but I'm pleased it did go well. How's your belly button?
Hopefully the removal of that naughty gallbladder will put an end to your pain! Big hugs, Lesley