My Lovely Friends

Wednesday 7 September 2011

Hello sweeties........

Hello my lovelies how are you all? Just a quick post to say a HUGE thank you for your lovely messages I only got chance to read them this morning cus I havnt been on the net but boy have you all cheered me up you are all amazing people & I loves ya!!!
My belly button looks as though its getting infected.....yuk!! So its rather sore at the mo, hubby changed my dressings last night for me..........he's my ickle nurse lol.
I actually did some colouring last night on DT work & I managed ok altho stamping I struggle with, you dont realise how much you use your stomach muscles for simple new sugars didnt turn out well lol.

Anyway my youngest caught the dogs on the sofa asleep the other day & grabbed the camera to take a pic so I thought I would show it to you as its just so darn cute lol............
This is Bailey (boxer) & Charlie (yorkie)
Yes as you can tell Bailey loves his comfort lol.........but how cute do they look......
Anyway I'm gonna do some hopping to see you all now.
So my lovelies tatty bye for now....mmwah
Big squishy hugs xoxoxoxo


marion said...

Glad to read that you've managed to do some hobby things and wanted to do so. It is hard to be so depended on people, take good care of yourself ! Be aware that it is still and operation you've been through! I want to thank you for this lovely dog photo, it made me smile and say ahhhh... Hugs, Marion.

lynne said...

Hi vicki,

Never got round to sending you a message, we have all had sickness bugs and my kidney is playing up. Glad all went well. I hope you get a break from it all now, you have been through so much in the last few months.
Take care of yourself and dont rush yourself to do everything!!
Lynne x x

Kirsty said...

Hi awww hope the infection clears up in a jiffy must be so uncomfortable !! These two are so sweet together made me smile ! Thinking of you ! Kitty :D

Debs M said...

glad it went well, hope you have a speedy recovery x

Penni said...

That's far too cute !!!



Unknown said...

They certainly look comfortable mine would sneak up too when your not looking.
Chris x

cheryl said...

oh hun been thinking of you,did not leave a message on the other post,but just wanted to say hope you get better real soon hun and you must take it easy,hun and get well rested.
Really hope things continue to look up for you hun,as for your dogs oh hun how cute are they oh they are just adorable love that photo its brilliant,take care hun love hugs cherylxxxxx

Curly said...

How adorable,bless them,
Have a great day,
Hugs Bridget :0) x

Unknown said...

Oh, so sad to hear that you're not well... I hope your bellybutton doesn't getinfected!! Poor girl!!!
But oh my goodness...what a sweet pic your son took!! *lol* They look like they have been together forever, old buddies!!! Hmm...Our dog is extremly in love in soft places...sneaks up in the bed as soon he gets a chance....Please get well dear and rest,rest,rest!! Hugs and sunshine!

KraftyKoolKat said...

Ah bless they look gorgeous. I do hope you are taking care of yourself?

I am depressed as we have heard this morning that our house sale chain has fell apart. We were suppose to exchange on the 23rd and complete and move on the 30th. I am really pissed off as we have paid out for carpets at our new place and a fireplace to be built which is due to happen any day. We have no furniture here to use as we have sold it all as it wouldn't have fitted in our new place. New furniture is on order.


heidy said...

Oh that dosn't sound good sweetie if your bellybutton is infected,hope it will be better soon!
And they're so cute,love this picture!
Take care!
XXX Heidy

Janette said...

Awww Vicky how comfy do those two your being careful, I had the same op about four years ago, looked like a stabbing victim I

Heidi said...

What a gorgeous photo of Bailey and Charlie!
They are so cute:)
Take care Vicky.
Hugs, Heidi:)

Sue Jones said...

Go see the GP if your wound is infected- I had a problem with mine which cleared up very quickly with strong antibiotics. No need for you to suffer. I have to say, I haven't looked back since I had mine removed a few years ago

June Nelson said...

Hiya Vicky pleased your on the mend, my tummy button was just the same and needed antibiotics which put it right in no time darlin. Those dogs I could eat lol. Your a yorkie lover too, I have two and a shorkie and a cross alsatian collie, yep its mad in here, Enjoy your shopping darlin loads of love June xxxxxx

Pop's Cards said...

Aww hun what a super sweet picture, they look like they are cuddling...

Yo chill out and get weel first blogging can wait, hugs pops x x xx x x x

Unknown said...

Hi Sweetie, I have been a little absent because all of the work stress and now I read I missed you having had an operation! Goodness, it seems it is one thing after another happening either to yourself or around you!! So is that what caused all the pains you've been having?? Wow hun, I really hope you'll recover soon and will feel your old self!! Big hug, Frea

Mary J said...

Aww, they are so so sweet!!!

so pleased your hubby is doing his job well, lol! tell him to keep it up and make you brekkie in bed tomorrow!

Love ya!

misteejay said...

Glad hubby is looking after you.

Those dogs look so cute.

Thank you for your lovely comments, you always say such lovely things.

Toni xx

Chrissy said...

Hi! Vicky, so glad to hear[??] read you so chipper...Gorgeous photos of the dogs, my dog has his own 2 seeter opposite mine, and sprawls there all day and night.
Are they not the best animals...


Elise said...

Oh gosh Vicky!!! I hope you feel better soon and have a speeeeeeedy recovery! I am so sending you lots of big squishy (oooh but very gentle! hehe) HUGS!!!

My aunt had her gallbladder removed a couple of years ago also .. she's doing great! Get lots of rest and let hubby take good care of you! :)

Thank you for sharing the pic of your sweet doggies! Awwww! They're so DARLING! Best buds! :) Our puppy should be ready to come home to us in late October .. we're reallllly excited!

Take good care of yourself okay Sweetie?

Sending you lots of Hugs and Well Wishes ...

xxxtglxxx said...

So great to see you back Vicky! :)

and such a relief and great news that your Op went well. Taking it easy is the hardest part though eh? :)

Gorgeous pics of your doggies - awwww :)



Emma said...

Hope your button heals and oh what an adorable pics of the cute!!
Hugs Emma x