My Lovely Friends

Sunday 26 June 2011

I'm back my sweeties.........

Hi my lovely friends how are you all? Hope you are all having a gorgeous weekend wow is it warm & sunny here!! Well as you can tell I am back home now they let me out last night after a wee bit of begging......let me tell ya if it wasn't for my pain I would of even begged on my knees.....but.....well the floor is hard & cold &......well I'm.....well to be honest just blooming
Anyway....see my babbling is still here no damage to that........I can hear ya sighing....awww I can even hear sobs of tears lol.
Anyway as I was saying I got let out last night, kinda like on parole lol....they are keeping my bed for 24 hours incase the pain gets too bad & I need go back in.....ya know for the good drugs they give you.....ohhhhh heaven lol.....basically its so I dont have to go through the whole A&E process.
I have Pancreatitis which is either caused by alchohol or gallstones....well the last time I drank anything alcholic was 5 years ago I cant touch the stuff for some reason anymore. So I had a scan & apparently I have loads of gallstones & altho I've had them a few times & not really been that much bother mine have decided to take a different route & go into the Pancreas.....OMG I have never had pain like it....EVER!! For those who have had it you will know!! Its been going on for the last few weeks at least b ut they dont know if its the answer to all of my pain we've just got wait & see. Anyway the other morning the pain had gone into all of my ribs & it felt like I was being crushed, I could barely breathe after 35 mins of putting up with it I collapsed on the passage floor trying go the bathroom & I couldnt get up again & I was begging Craig to ring the ambulance. Craig & the kids were worried sick bless 'em as normally I really do put up with a hell of a lot of pain without a wince but this can bowl over the toughest of people.....WOW!!!
Anyway the long & short of it is I have to have this special scan thing & then they are going to remove my now I just have to wait for the NHS to let me know when. I have got to watch what I eat & basically put up with the pain but if it gets too bad go back into hospital where they can administer the gooooooooood drugs lol.......they really should of given me them to bring home with me lol.

I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart soooooo soooooo much for all the messages & e-mails I havnt worked through them yet but I will & I will be round as soon as I can I'm just taking things really slowly & doing things bit by bit.....but I will be round to see you all....I've missed ya all heaps!!
I want to say a BIG HUGE special thank you to my fabulous friend Lisa who let me tell you is an absolute gem she really is.....mmwah loves ya hunni & thank you sooooo sooooo very VERY much hun.
I would also like to say a HUGE sorry to any of my DT teamies for letting you down & I promise to back with you asap my lovelies. Altho I have to say I work on the BEST DT's they are all absolutely fantastic & I could wish to work for & with better people I love you all girls mmwah!!!!

Well I think I've bored you enough now my darlings so I will love ya & leave ya for a bit.... Oh but before I go when I came home I had a fabulous DT package from my lovely boss Teresa.....yes new rubber stamps & OMG.....well if I could I would be dancing they are absolute gorgeous & 1 I've been waiting to be turned to rubber as its......well you will have to wait & see but do keep an eye on the Crafts & Me Store blog to get your sneak peeks..........these you dont want to miss.....I promise you!!!!

Right I really am going now lol.....goodness I do go onnnnnnn!!!
Hope you all are having a great weekend, enjoy the rest of it my lovelies & I will see ya soonies MWAH
Huge huggies to you all xoxoxoxoxo


Fiona said...

hey Vicky...glad your feeling better but it sounds like you still have have a lot to come. At least you have your family and friends to support you....let them do the running around and you put your feet up.

Take care

krafty-kutz said...

Oh u silly sod!! You dont have to thank me, cash will do!!! pmsl.
get well soon xxx PS...REST, & plenty of it xxx

Sandra H said...

Hi Vicky, So pleased to hear your out of Hospital and to know now why you was taken in, Gold stones l hear are not very pleasant and can give you lots of pain as you have just enjure, hopefully it will all get sorted for you quickly, anyway, rest and enjoy this lovely weather we are having at the moment as l hear it's not going to last, Take care....:) Sandra H

Faye said...

Hello my darling, it is sooo good to see you. Take it easy and I hope your operation comes up quickly. Mahoosive huggles. xxx

Janette said...

Hi Vicky sweetie, OMG I had that, thought I would die in the end and finally had my Gall Bladder removed, soooo much one can imagine the pain, it would knock any fella off his feet, you have my heartfelt sympathy do as they tell you and fingers crossed it will soon be out and over with....was so worried about you, glad your home...take care.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

angelique (anlou) said...

hiya sweetie
i'm glad you're at home
you let us scare hunni
the operation you have to go true is not so fine, i've a friend who has going true this, and i wish you all the best sweetie
see you soon, but take it easy sweetie
have a great sunday hunni
hugs angelique

Kirsty said...

Hi so glad you are okay and know what going on now. Hope you get the op very soon. I once had calcium stones and they were mega painful and I had an injection in my butt and have never had any bother since lol. Hope you are taking it easy. Kitty :D

Debs M said...

nice to hear your back home, hope the pain stays under control, thinking of you x

alethea said...

Glad you are out of hopsital Vicky but not glad that you may have to have surgery although if it means no more pain for you then I guess surgery is for the best!!! I hope that you are back to your old self soon!! Hugs xx

Sue Jones said...

So glad you are home. If they say that they will take your gall bladder out thats great . I only ever had the pain twice ( that was enough) and i was lucky to get my gall bladder removed a few years ago- never been better!
While waiting , i found it helped if : I didn't eat late at night ( after 7pm) , I cut out all fat and creamy rich foods too . Don't worry , you can eat what you want after the op ! Not too good as i put weight back on again LOL!
Take care xx

Jacki Daniels said...

Hi Vicky so glad you are feeling a bit better boy this gallstone lark is getting past a joke thos a at 3 of my blogging friend suffering with now what are you all doing I do know a little of what you are going through I suffered from an inflamed gallbladder a few years ago they thought I had stone but thankfully I didn't it was just inflamed for some reason I put it down to stress at work but the pain was horrid I thought I was having a stroke or heart attack at first as the pain kept shooting down my left arm and as you said felt like I was being crushed but all is well now with that anyway take care of yourself take things easy (easier said than done I know) but do try big careful hugs to you
Jacki xx

Dragonlady said...

Hi Vicky

Your poor girl, glad you are out of hospital again and hope the NHS doesn't live up to it's normal waiting time. I would have thought the more times you are admitted the higher up the list you would go? Still that doesn't help you now. At least they know the cause and what to do to deal with it.

Hope you won't have too long to wait and take care.

Hugs Ali x

Lotta said...

So glad to hear you are better!
Even if i dont know you in person I feel i kind of know you a little anyway! Hugs Sandra

Grenouille Greetings said...

Thank goodness you are still with us. The Craft Community has been worried sick!
I'm so sorry that you are still in paid but it must be a relief to at least know what ails you and hopefully you won't have to wait too long for your op. A friend of mine had gall stones and was in a lot of pain. After her gall bladder was removed she was as right as rain! I hope your tests show that everything else inside is in good working order! Take care of yourself. Big hugs, Lesley

Karina said...

Hi Vicky hun, so glad to read from you!! I was quite worried when Lisa wrote you were in hospital. Hey sweetie, don't even think about for letting anyone down or don't worry about not being around that much now. The most important is that you get well again and hopefully soon can live without those pains. I really hope the surgery will help you. You were in my thoughts and still am. Sending you big hugs,

Mona`s Bittelille Scrappekrok said...

Hey my sweet friend!
I was soooo worried when we got the message. And i am soooo glad you are safe and allmost sound. Though you have still things to come. I really hope you take care of yourself and let Craig and the kids spoil you rotten now. And do please keep on rambling... i truly love reading your fun posts. They really crack me completely up. Somestimes so hard that the tears come running, hahaha. Take care sweetie and be sure to let us know how you are doing. We will be waiting for you to get well. BIIIIGGGG bearhug to you...Mona

cheryl said...

hi vicky hun oh so so glad you are back home,and are feeling better well as much as you can,under the circumstances,just make sure you do not do anything, and take it easy hun please and hope they get you sorted out soon love hugs cheryl xxxxxxxx

THERESA said...

Just so sarn good to see ya back on line, i have missed your post's so much!!
So sorry for all the pain you are having, just glad you know where from, now for them to fix and fast
Take it easy , let the family run for you!
Lotsa hugs, kisses and luv ........ me

Sam Healey said...

So glad you're feeling a little better and I hope that the pain levels remain bearabe until they can fix it xxx

KarinsArtScrap said...

hi vicky glad your back, i hope if you have the surgery, that you have no pain anymore.
I have mist you too, and i'm glad to hear something from you.
pain is not nice, hope to see your cards again.

greetings karin

Exclusively by Mel said...

Glad your back lovely xxx
At least you enjoyed the highs ;)
Love, Mel.

lynne said...

Hi Vicky, Glad your home and its good that they are keeping your bed for 24 hours for you! When i was in and out the hospital they kept my room for me to let me home for weekend etc and its was great not having to go through the whole admission process everytime.
I hope you manage to keep the pain under control and rest!! Your so like me in the way you put up with too much pain and then you body cant cope and causes you to collapse......try not let it get to that stage because its harder to get under control. Isn't the good drugs amazing!! The person who invented them deserve a gold medal!!
Take care,
Lynne x x

Rach said...

hiya sweetie, glad to hear that you are back home.. please take it easy... hope that they sort it all out for you soon and your are feeling 100% again.. big hugs Rach xx

Ally said...

What shall I say Vicky?? OMG, I really hope you get well better soon. You're right: the really good drugs you get at hospitals LOL...I know them! Aaaawww, then you feel terribly good in seconds...:o) ;) called morphine...ah, bless this is good stuff ;););) and takes the pain!!
I bothered Lisa all the time to ask her, how you feel, she is such a lovely woman!
I'm glad you have Craig around you who takes care so much so that your children don't have to be worried too much! Honey, take care! Yor familiy shall serve you :-) and just relax. I bet your DT's won't think at all that you let them down. Heaven, you would even make a card in bedside :):):) LOL
I sent you a package, it should arrive in a few days. Hope you like all the stuff in it!!
OK; I will leave you for now! Take a rest and take care!
Hug you sooooooooo tight, my love!!

Sara H said...

Glad to see you back and feeling a little better =)

Tracey said...

So glad you're feeling better & are back home Vicky.
Take care.

Pamela said...

So pleased to see you back again Vicky, hope you soon get things sorted. Have a few friends that have had the gall bladder op and all very successful and soon fighting fit again.
take care, hope those little puppies are doing well.

Pam x

Catherine SIWCZAK said...

great to see you there ! Hugs

Mandy said...

Hi Vicky,
So pleased to hear your home and feeling a bit better...I witnessed this pain with my Mum on New Years eve 1999,so I always remember where I was for the Millennium,and how bad the pain was for her...I hope you don't have to wait to long for the gallbladder to be removed,but in the mean time take things easy.....
Mandy x

cardmaking bird said...

Ouch!! Sounds super painful!! But I have to say, I'm so glad to have you back - was so worried and have missed ya, hun. TAKE IT EASY!!!!! Lots of love and hugs, Marie xxxx

gina g said...

Hi Hunni i've been checking on and off to see if there was any news, aww you poor thing I know what you've been going through and I had my Gall bladder removed last year no probs at all, its been at bit mad here too with Aaron and my cat so I've not been able to craft or get on here as much as normal lol. Aint the new stamps gorgeous i just been having a play first time in a week still must grumble, you take care now. luv gina xx

Jo Street said...

Hi Vicky, glad to see you out of hosp n almost up and about. Hope it keeps itself under control and you can stay at home.
Jo x

kaylou said...

Hi Vicky
glad your back Hun,hope you are feeling better, look after yourself and enjoy your tlc.
Hugs kaylou X

Vicky said...

Poor you hun..Gallstones are just fingers crossed you will be in real soon to have your gallbladder out..but sadly you have to what till the pancreatitis to settle down first :o(

take care sweetie..plenty of rest and a lil crafting is what Sr Bailey!

enjoy the rest of the afternoon...hugs Vicky xx

Pop's Cards said...

Hey gorgeous, I am so pleased that you are home, I hope that htye go away on there own, i was worried sick when i read that, Mwah x x xx

Chrissy said...

I am so pleased that you are home.I knew in my heart and head that there was something wrong, as you never miss a beat, and I popped across to your blog in case I has missed a post, which would have been highly unlikely, and Lisa's post was there,telling us the news. I read that post 10 tines at least, and felt helpless,and clicked off, sat for the day, thinking,praying,and then e-mailed Lisa.Today she told me you were home...phew...I'm so happy to here that.Home is where the heart is, and thats the best place..except for the good drugs.
Rest well sweetie, the world will carry on, take care,look forward to seeing you post again, when you are ready.
Lots of luv

Clare said...

So sorry to hear you have been in hospital angel. Well it's gallstones then? they are real similar to kidney stone pain i understand so im not supreised you were rushed in hun. My Dad kept getting pancreatitus and was rushed in about 3 times until they finally removed his gallbladder and took out a massive stone (yuck was all black, ughh!). He is sooooo good now hun and has not looked back. Im so sure this must be contributing to the other stuff as Dad was getting bowel probs and lots of different pains with it. So lets hope and pray the NHS hurries up for both of our op's hey!!!. You know my email & phone no darlin if ya fancy a chat. Big hugs Clare xxx

Sandra H said...

Hi Vicky, nice to know your out of Hospital it must of been a frightening experience for you!
l have heard in the past that Goll stones are not very pleasant but hopefully the Hospital will sort it out asap, nice to have you back..........:) Sandra H

Tracey T said...

Thank goodness you're OK - I've been really worried about you. You poor thing, you must have been in agony. Hopefully you won't have too wait too long to get the op done and then you won't have to go through all this again. Thinking of you and sending huge hugs, Tracey xx

Heidi said...

Hi Vicky, glad you have the pain a bit more controlled. hope they get you in really quickly so that you can get on the road to recovery so to speak. Hugs from Heidi x

Sheena said...

Listen Mrs, take care of yourself! And don't be a hero - as you say the hospital has all the gooood drugs!! Hugs, Sheena

Heidi said...

Dear Vicky, I'm so glad to hear from you! Hope you'll get better now. Let your family take care of you and be kind to yourself.
Sending you warm thoughts and hugs:)

Sue said...

Hi hun
oh so lovely to see you here, i do hope you are feeling better, oh best not check my alcy levels!! they be of the roof!! Hope you dont have to wait to long hun, huggies, sue,xx

kaos said...

Hey hun

Only just read about your hospital stay right now - I'm just glad you are feeling a bit better or rather that they know what's wrong and how to fix it! Hope it'll be over soon and you'll be up and about and fit enough to dance around your crafting stash *smile*
big hugs and all the best!!!

Lorraine said...

oh thank god your back you had me worried dont do it again lol i hope your feeling better huni i am thinking of you always take care huni xx

Poppet said...

Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better Vicky. Make sure you build yourself up ready for when they do the operation. :-) xx

Beccy said...

Real glad they let you, fingers crossed they dont keep you waiting too long before they sort you out.

Hugs Beccy x said...

Good to see you back hun. Fingers crossed that they've nailed your problem and that you get your op soon. Claire xxx

Unknown said...

Oh Vicky....So glad to hear that you are at home again, and that they finally figured out what's wrong!!! Oh, i do hope that you won't have any more pain!!!!! Wish i could blow it away!! *lol* Please,please take it easy, try to rest and get well ASAP!!!!! Lots of hugs to you!

Lau W said...

Happy to see you Vicky. I don't know what to say because of my bad english, but i think of you and i'm very happy that you feel better.
Take care my friend !

An Occasional Genius said...

So glad that they have found out what the problem is, hopefully that will be the whole problem & once dealt with you'll be back to normail (ish!) Take care of yourself hon. Love & hugs xxx

Christine said...

So glad that you are home, Vicky! I hope that your upcoming surgery goes well and your life can get back to normal, and be pain free! Gallstones are no fun!!

Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Vicky, sending you lots and lots of cyber hugs to make you feel better. I have sent you an e-mail. Take care and get plenty of rest. Kym xxx

Susie said...

Oh Hun, that sounds soooo painful! Take it easy and do as you're told!!
Susie x

Elly P said...

Hi Vicky,

Sooo glad you are home and feeling somewhat better. A friend of mine suffered the same thing and she, like you, was in unbearable pain so I really do sympathize. Anyway, enjoy the sunshine and allow the family to spoil you!!!

Elly P
x x

Marion said...

Hi Vicky,
No wonder you were in so much pain. I have been there. I had my gallbladder removed. I did not want to go to hospital but the pain was so bad that when they give you a date you are more than willing to get it over with.
The diet is awful because you can't eat such a lot of stuff, but when it is removed you will be back to a normal diet.
Take very good care.
lotsa hugs

Vanessa (aka V'ness, Nessa, oldschool) said...

I just wanted to say I have been thinkin of you while I was at the lake! Hopin you were ok!
You my friend are super sweet & I wish for you to be fixed up real quick!
hugs & love

Teresa said...

Vicky, I am glad to hear you are home and I hope they hurry up and do your operation.
Stunning colouring Vicky and the way you altered Sweet Selena is really clever. Thank you so much for posting. Even when you are ill you still don't let me down, and believe me everyone I told our Vicky to forget posting, but no our Vicky is a trooper.
Teresa xxx

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

Oh hunnie its so good to see you back in blogland, was really worried about ya hun! You stick to what the hospital has said & lets hope the good ole NHS gets its arse in gear & sorts ya out real soon!
Missed ya hun
huge hugs Stokie xx

Mary J said...

Vicky babes!!! You poor honey - I can't imagine what you went through and still going through! I am thinking of you and hope your DT package keeps your spirits up!!

tiggertastic said...

delighted to hear you are back home now hunny - the paid sounds so dreadfull but you did the right thing there getting into hospital at least the NHS can start the ball rolling on getting these nausty stones removed.

hope you got my little package ok,

love and hugs, Sarah xx

Janine - Ellabella said...

Hi Vicky...glad you feeling better. Don´t forget to put up your feet and relax a little bit!!!!!

Take care

KraftyKoolKat said...

Hi Hunni

I am so pleased to see you back. Sorry I haven't caught up with you sooner but I have been busy with our doggie baby. He has now gone home and left a big gap in our lives. I am pleased that they might have found the cause of your pain. I hope they can operate soon and get you on the road to recovery. Please do not put up with the pain as they are there to help you manage it.


Susie Sugar said...

Glad to see you back darling and to know your feeling better
Hugs Susie xx

Patty Sue 2 said...

I am so glad you are feeling's enough to drive a girl to! Keep on the straight and narrow!