My Lovely Friends

Wednesday 3 August 2011

A Quick Update.........

Good evening everyone how are you all?
First I want to thank you all for you kind messages & messsages of support you are all absolutely fantastic you really are!!!
Good news!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Megan doesn't have Meningitus phew!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We were all soooo sooooooooo scared we really were. All of the doctors are stumped, they dont know what it is its kinda like chicken pox mixed with nettle rash altho the spots are too small for chicken pox. Its just really weird she is covered especially on her belly & they are sooooo itchy bless her.
She saw this 1 doctor who said it was Scabies.............for goodness sake!! He gave her some stuff but didnt know if it would harm the baby. Thankfully my son told her to get a 2nd opinion & its not that & yes the cream would could of harmed the baby........I'm thinking he was due for retirement.....if not he should be made to take it!!!
She has been given some cream to help calm the itchiness down she is back at home & she is waiting now for another phone call for her to go see a specialist. She has seen 1 skin specialist already but she didnt know what it was. So its still a waiting game at the mo so she has got see 2 specialists 1 to check things are still ok for the baby & another to try determine what these spots are. What they do think tho is that its not contagious so we dont need to worry about Natalie.
I really am grateful for all your comments & I will get round to you all over this next day or 2. I am back in the morn with my Crafts & Me DT card which I will give you a little sneak peek of lol.

Well I'm off to bed now we've barely had any sleep since sunday & are feeling rather shabby to say the least lol. We have a few zzzzzz's to catch up on. Will be blog hopping in the morn to see you all. I've scheduled my post & I'm all set for beddy byes lol.
Nighty night my lovely friends. Take care & keep on smiling
mmwah huge squishy hugs to you all xoxoxoxox


Barbara said...

I am so glad that it is not meningitus. I can't imagine a doctor saying to use a creme that could possibly harm the fetus!! I am not a doctor, or a nurse but just wondered if it could be the fifth disease? My granddaughter had it last winter and it sounds similar. This disease usually affects children and it not too serious. Worth a try asking about it?? My payers are with all of you.

cardmaking bird said...

I am so pleased for you and your family. Such great news and it must've been such a relief. I hope they finally figure out what it is - and I hope you're taking care of yourself!!! Lots of hugs, Marie xxx

CraftyC said...

Hi Vicky, so glad that Megan has the all clear, a great relief for you all I'm sure. Not only did I have the pox with Jessica's pregnancy,you've reminded me that after she was born I errupted in a spotty itchy rash all up my legs. They were stumped to and put it down to hormones after the birth. Wish I new where the piccie was. Hope you get to catch up on some zzz's. Up since 4am - eek!!! Take care and take it easy!

heidy said...

Hi Vicky,hope they find out what it is,so they can help her!
Big XXXX Heidy

misteejay said...

Good news Vicky...hope you are all able to catch up on your rest now.

Toni xx

Maria Therese said...

Good to hear sweetie!!

cheryl said...

oh hun thank goodness it is not,that oh you must be so relieved,hun really hope they get the rash sorted out for her as it must be so uncomfortable for her take care hun love hugs cherylxxxxxx

Exclusively by Mel said...

Hi Vicky,
Blimey it's been a nightmare for you all. No wonder your worn out.
That Dr's sounds a right jerk!!
Glad Megan didn't listen to him!
Hope you had a nice sleep.
Mind you it was blinking hot all night!
Love, Mel. xx

Chrissy said...

Thank goodness.. that was huge far as that other clown...he should be srtuck off...why guess about something so serious, he's very lucky I was not in the room.
Take care...

Heidi said...

Glad to here all is good, and babes safe. One of my friends had spots on her midrift and matching area at the back during pregnancy, one old midwife said it happens sometimes cos of the hormones!? and when she had had baby they disappeared. Weirdly she didn't get them during the next pregnancy so who knows. hugs to you all and hope you got a good nights sleep Heidi x

Judi said...

FANTASTIC news Vicky! Hope they get it sussed soon.


Judi xx

angelwhispers said...

Vicky what fab news!!!! Lets just hope they find out whats wrong so the poor little thing can just get on and enjoy the rest of her pregnancy!!!! Hope you managed to get a good rest!!

Love to you all Chanelle xxx

Curly said...

I am so pleased for your daughter, thats really good news that its not meningitus.

I think that doctor should be struck off.

Bicarbanate soda helps stop itching I used it the the bath water when I had chicken pocks, but i would consult a doc first to make sure its fetus safe,

blessing to you and your daughter,
Hugs Bridget :0) x

xxxtglxxx said...

Oh Vicky - I am so relieved to read this :)

I havent heard the word Scabies since I was at school, what planet was this doc on!

So chuffed the Megan is doing ok (and baby too) I remember my sister in law going mad with itching when she was pregnant (it cant be very nice at all in summer), but all was ok with her too.

Take care - all of you :)



Lorraine said...

oh thank god she is back home and its not what you thought maybe she has had a reaction to something she was ellergic to?but im no doctor lol
im just pleased that she and bump are both home and ok xxx

Janette said...

Great news Vicky, I hope they checked out the obvious she allergic to we all know you can also develope allergies in pregnancy....I know it sounds daft, but you never know....hope she will be

Kirsty said...

Hi Hope they find out what's wrong ! my daughter and I both had rashes when we were babies and it turned out to be an allergic reaction to amoxyl penicillan. Hope she is much better today . Kitty x

THERESA said...

Glad that is out of the way, some people get spots( brown) with pregnancy, maybe this is something like that, i hope so!!
loook after yourself too.......:))
lotsa luv
love the sneak peak.....hehehe

marion said...

What a relief this must be for you and your family !
Cute sneak peak, cannot wait to see the rest of it. Hugs, Marion

Sandra H said...

Hi Vicky, thats great news you can now chillax!! great to know your back on form:) Sandra H

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness!!! That's great news!! But sad that they don't know what it is!!! What an idiot doc...maybe harm the baby....
When i was pregnant with my first child, i got some strange rash, the doc's didn't know what it was, but they belived it could have come from some laundry detergent or softner...Since some people can be extremly sensitive while preggers... Hope they find out it is!! Lots of hugs & Sunshine!