My Lovely Friends

Monday 9 May 2011

Really Sorry

Hi everyone hope you are all ok & had a good weekend. For those poorly I wish you better soon.
Its just a quickie post to say I'm sorry for not visiting yesterday & today. I collapsed late saturday night & have spent the weekend in bed my pains are just unbearable at the min & there's a chance of me been admitted to hospital if they carry on. I hate moaning & whinging about myself, I know there are so many out there worse than me but I dont want you to think I'm being ignorant or anything cus I havnt visited you.
So due to this I'm taking the week off from all DT work & the week off from blogging I'm just not well enough at all to do any of it. I've not even read or published any of my comments I will try to do that at some point today but not promising anything lol. My hubby has put 3 of my cards on Ebay as he knew I would never do it lol....
I feel so terrible for letting people down & I really wouldn't if I didnt have to. My health is worse than I've told anyone but I dont like to moan or anything & I would rather share a smile than a frown. If you have sent me an e-mail I will reply back as soon as I can I promise.
Tatty bye for now & I will visit you all as soon as I'm able to. I'm missing my crafting but hubby has put his foot down with a firm hand & said my health has to come first.....he wanted me admitted to hospital saturday but I'm as stubborn as a mule when it comes to myself lol.
Anyway take care & thank you so much just for being you I love you all & I appreciate every single thing you all do.
Huge huggles to all xoxoxoxox


Lotta said...

I am so sorry to hear Vicky, good thing you have such a good hubby. Your health is most important, we are nothing without it, wheter we want it to be so or not. Take care! Scrapbooking is still here when you are better! Big hug to you!!

Karina said...

Oh Vicky hon, I am so sorry you feel so bad and have those terrible pains. I wish I could help you in a way that you can feel better. Never worry about taking a break. The health is the must importand and always have to come first!! And never think about to let anyone down when you are not able to write. Everyone will have understanding for this. I'm keeping you in my thoughts and hope you feel much better soon.
Sending you hugs, Karina

Unknown said...

Take care of yourself dont worry about commenting, hope you do get better without having to go into hosp.
Hugs Chris x

Exclusively by Mel said...

Bless you Vicky xx
Sending you big hugs. I feel for you, and hope you can get back to your crafting very soon.
Thanks for letting us know.
Love to you.
Mel. xx

heidy said...

Vicky ,that sounds terrable sweetie!
Please take your hubby's advice,and take care of your self first
Big big XXXXXHeidy

Gayle Cook said...

OMG....I didn't think you were feeling THAT unwell....jeez Vicky..I hope you feel better very soon....I'll say a little prayer for you..however, I have to warn you...they might ask who I am 'up there'!!!! lol

Gayle x

Vanessa (aka V'ness, Nessa, oldschool) said...

sweet girl...take some time & come back better!!!

Debs M said...

so sorry to hear you're not well, take care and get plenty of rest x

Mandy said...

Aww Vicky I'm so sorry you not well and in pain,please take care of yourself...And as you told me recently you and family come first,we'll all still be here when your well again....Sending BIG get well wishes and BIG BIG get well hugs...Take care...See you when your better...
Mandy x

angelique (anlou) said...

hiya sweetie
how terible is this hun
i wish you all the best and get well soon sweetie
we don't go anyware, we'll be waiting for your next creation when the time is right
all the best sweetie
hugs angelique

KarinsArtScrap said...

hi vicky your hubby has been right your health comes first.
But i know how it feel that you can't give any comments, you feel that you have let people down, but that is not true, it is in yourself.
but we see you when you are better.
so a speedy recovery.

greetings karin

Faye said...

You collapse and then apologise for not visiting!! Go get better, we'll all be here when you get back. Mwah, mwah. xxx

Clare said...

So sorry to hear you are poorly angel. You really should share with your bloggy mates cause they all get worried if they do not hear. It's not that you are moaning. Like you i always worry and don't want to go on but sometimes it's also good to get it off your chest. I have Rheumatoid Arthritis and have had a really bad flare up and spent the weekend in bed. Had to go to the hospital this arvo to have a large dose of injected steroid (even though im on them daily by tablet). Do you have any idea what is wrong hun? don't mean to pry. Like you i refuse to go to hospital unless im incapable of refusing!!!. Just have a rest hun, don't worry about blogging and replying as everyone understands, true mates do anyway. Lots of love & big hugs Clare xxx

Sam Healey said...

OMG I really hope you feel better soon. I have a chronic pain condition so know what it can be like when you feel so rotten. Look after yourself - you are important too!!
Lots of love
Sam xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Vicky
so sorry to hear that you are really poorly, sending you humongous healing hugs, hope you manage to get it all sorted out REAL soon. Your Hubby is so right in what he says YOU must put your health first, and as much as I/we are missing you already, I/we just want you to get well
I may be A.W.O.L. commenting for a while, as I am having an op (on Friday the 13th), what a day to have an op on lol, I am sooooooooo superstitious (so am dreading Friday) but will just be glad to be free from the pain.
You take care & look after yourself
HUGE hugs
Sandra (craftynan)

Julye said...

Oh Vicky now get over that stubborness you are no donkey and if you need to go to hospital to get sorted grin and bear it. I know just how you feel there's always something and someone more important to look after than your self but when all said and done if you don't get yourself better how can you look after anyone else.
i can say this to you as someone said that to me last year when I was putting off having a hysterectomy even though I was in terrible pain all the time. It nearly drove me mad whilst I wasn't allowed to do anything post op and even though I'm not back to the physically strong point I was proir to surgery I am getting there and feel so much better and can care for my son and enjoy life with him and his Dad much more.

So hope this inspires you to be a good girl and do as hubby tells you if for only the first time in your life lol. Hugs and hope you feel better real soon Julye

THERESA said...

Girl, you take care of yourself 1st, we will still be here and still love you lots, hubby is so right!!
Thinking of you and will be praying for you!!
lotsa luv , me

Lindsey said...

Oh you poor thing. Massive hugs hun and wishing you lots of good healthy thoughts to make you better very soon. Take care chick and please DON'T reply to this comment.
Linds x

Tracey T said...

So sorry to hear that you're not well again. Wishing you a speedy recovery and sending lots of love. Tracey xx

Curly said...

I hope you feel better real soon Vicky,

Hugs Bridget :0) x

Anonymous said...

oh vicky im so sorry. i now...i saw you had been by my blog and you now im not feeling too good either. but our helth must come first, we have kids to take care of and must therefor listen to our bodies.
you gotta rest and take care of yourself, thats the most importend thing, right.
we all understand.
ill pray for you and i now you soon will be better. but please promise me to rest and take care of yourself. love ya!!!

Maria Therese said...

Get better soon sweetie :)

Mary J said...

Oh Vicky, my honey - I am so sorry to hear you collapsed. Don't you worry about visiting us - you always do your fair share of commenting!

I will keep you in my thoughts and hope that you make a full and speedy recovery. {{HUGS}}

lynne said...

Hi Vicky,
I knew there was something wrong when you never emailed and said that you would explain. Thought it may be your health or Natalie's.
Is this your kidney pain etc?? If so do they know whats going on with them? I really do hope you get sorted out soon. You have got enough to deal with without your health being poor too.
I am thinking about you and please take care of yourself....your husband is right, you are more important that a bit of cardstock and a challenge or two!
Hear from you once your better...and dont rush anything...take your time!

Lynne x

coldwaters2 said...

OMG Vicky I am so sorry to hear this news I really hope with all my heart that you will be ok soon.
Lorraine x

Wishcraft said...

Sorry to hear you're feeling so ill Vicky. Get LOTS of rest and let everyone look after you. Hope you're feeling much better soon! Lisa x

Tracy said...

Oh Vicky,
So sorry to hear about your health, I do hope you'll be feeling better real soon. Take care
Tracy x

Unknown said...

Oh my goodness Vicky!!! I so hope you will get better ASAP!!!! And please, stop apologizing!!! Rest and take care of you, we'll be here waiting for you!!! Lots of hugs & sunsine!!! /Sari

Lorraine said...

oh huni i am am so sorry you feel poorly its not fair is it but i have some good news too you have won the mothers day candy at sweetpea stamps so get get your bag of happiness i hope it cheers you up keep smiling and i hope you are feeling better really soon xx

fionalawlor said...

Hope you will be ok hun *big hugs* and feel better soon :)
Fiona x

Ann-Charlotte's blogg said...

I hope you bee better soon, thinking about you!
Hugs, Ann-Charlotte

KraftyKoolKat said...

I am so sorry to hear this news. I had my suspicions that you were not letting on quite how bad you are. I do hope you are out of pain soon sweetie. Do as you are told by Craig and the doctors. Health does come first.


Susie Sugar said...

Hi Darling I hope you feel better soon, rest up and let hubby pamper you
Catch you when you're feeling well again
Hugs Susie Sugar xx

Angie said...

Hi Vicky don't worry about not blogging hun, your hubby is right your health must come first. It's no fun when your poorly, take care of yourself.
Hugs Angie x

Mary J said...

Hi babes - still thinking of you today! {{MWAH}}

Chrissy said...

My poor sweet Vicky, I knew there was something wrong...You never miss a beat. DONT you dare say sorry. Your health is far more important than a comment.I'm so terribly sorry you are in so much's just not fair eh! Take care my friend, get some peth-a-dine[dont know how to spell it]that will knock the pain away.
I will keep you in my thoughts, send you good vibes... and you will be better soon.


xxxtglxxx said...

Awww Vicky hun :(

Im so sorry to hear you have been so poorly - I really hope you start to recover soon. I dont know what else to say, but you have been missed, but dont worry about a thing! We will all still be here when you are well enough to be back, so take it easy and concentrate on feeling better.

Sending my biggest, warmest, squeeziest hugs sunshine and take care

love n hugs


Gina K said...

I hope you are feeling better soon. Take care of yourself!

Kirsty said...

Hi hope you are getting plenty of rest and will feel much better soon and are doing what your hubby tells you. I bet everyone is missing you in blogland but want you to get well too. Kitty :D

Marion said...

Hi Vicky, So very sorry to read that you are so unwell. It is a good thing hubby has put his foot down. He is right, your health is more important. I wish you a very speedy recovery.

Julie said...

Hi Sweetie, not expecting an answer, but just wanted to say hi and hope that you're feeling a little better!! Take care, we miss you!! Hugs, Juliexx

Grenouille Greetings said...

Hey there girlfriend, I am so sorry to learn that you have been so poorly. I do hope you feel better very very soon. Don't ever worry about not coming by. I have had house guests and have been a naughty commentator then blogger went down and was out for nearly three days so actually nobody has been able to blog for half of this week.
I have only just got around to catching up with your work and every single one of your makes is GORGEOUS! I'm sorry that I am unable to catch up on them all individually but I have thoroughly enjoyed admiring them all and when you are feeling better, I am very much looking forward to seeing some more. In the meantime, I hope you haven't had to go into hospital and I hope you are soon back to your normal bubbly self, making lovely creations and pain free!
Hugs Lesley

Emma said...

Hope you are feeling loads better hunny.
Hugs Emma x

Kerry said...

I am so sorry to hear that you are poorly Vicky. I really hope you pick up soon. I will miss your cards and work, but your Hubby is right, you come first. Take care and lots of love. Kerry xxx

Ally said...

Dear Vicky, I really hope you get well soon! Take care and look after yourself. You still have loooooads of time to craft, so take your time to get well and come back with "fresh" strength!
Good luck and many hugs!

Auntie Em said...

Hope you are starting to feel better. Take care of yourself!!!

Arts by Sara said...

Oh My Goodness! I am sending you wonderful thoughts! I have not been by to visit in so long, which I appoligize for! My fiance and I have been working on a rather large project and it has been unveiled today! We have created our own site! Yay! Now I am finally able to come back around to all my wonderful friends, to find that you have taken ill! Hugs to you darling! You MUST listen to your hubby, he loves and cares for you and that is why he is putting his foot down!! You are a dear blogging friend and I understand! You get to feeling better and we will connect again soon!!! If you are feeling up to it, visit us at and just say "Hello"! Hugs and much LOVE to you!!! Happy Creating! Sara

krafty-kutz said...

hi hun, thank u for ur kind words and following, i also will defo be sticking around, so jealous of ur craft room, i could swear but i wont( which is unusual for me!!!)...pmsl
thanks again hunni xxx