My Lovely Friends

Tuesday 5 April 2011

The Rose..........also an update about Natalie

Good evening all you lovely jubbly people how are you all? Well my daughter went back school yesterday, her scratches are healing nicely & the dressing on her tummy is healing nicely we were able to leave the dressing off tomorrow. The person who attacked her is never allowed in her class & the staff are to be a lot more vigilant. I have told them Natalie requires on them to be her hears, eyes & voice she cant do any of that herself so has faith in her carers to do that job. The nurse would you believe didnt think the cut on her tummy warranted a plaster.........I always thought an open wound requires covering at least for a few hours. When you get a needle what does a nurse do after??.... she applies a plaster!!! She is now very grumpy & screaming her head off now so I'm gonna get on & do this quick, think she heard me talking about her to you lol.
Right tonights card is for the 'Less Is More' challenge....yes you heard right, I know I'm a girl who loves her bellies & flowers these are what can make a card beautiful enough to drool on....ok so thats what I do as I'm patrolling blogland lol.
Now the challenge is add a touch of red.....just remember my motto is 'MORE IS MORE' usually lol

I stamped a sentiment stamp onto white card with Momento black & then stamped a rose in Firebrick Red distress ink. This is 'The Rose' named after my dad, I used to sing the Bette Midler version on karaoke when I'd set up my DJ decks to make sure sounding etc was right & it was my dad's fave song he liked to hear me this is in memory of my best dad!!!

The bottom I cut out using a WOJ die. Yes I've still done inside but even that is less & the 4 gems on the front well they made me do it........I blame them you know......sssshhhh I wont tell if you dont!!
Right I'm off to try  & settle my daughter off......hence the tryyyyyyy!!
My hubby is sitting next to me he has just done me a cuppa & as he looked over all he could read was where it says WOJ.........whats a WOJ he asks.........its not drugs is it??? ROFL they make you laugh dont they lol.
I'm really away now
Tatty Bye peeps love's ya & thank you for stopping by on my basic CAS card.....I will be back tomorrow with something very ott.....I hope lol....
Challenges I'm Entering.... - Add A Touch Of Red (this is as CAS as I get girls hope its ok)


Larisa said...

very nice card - red on white! This looks so stylish!
hugs. Larisa. xx

angelwhispers said...

Well Vicky I would have bet my life you couldn't do it but by god you have and its beautiful!!! xxx

Glad Nats is back at school and at least you have the knowledge that the girl in question is no longer there with her and she is safe!! I hope they take on board Nats needs and this never happens again!!

Love to you all and I hope you managed to settle Natalie down!!! Chanelle xxx

lynne said...

Hi Vicky, I have been MIA for a good few days due to due having a sickness bug along with the flu. I was in bed for days but have been up and about today.
I cant believe that happened to Natalie! The staff should be much more alert and as you say be her ears, voice and eyes...such a frightening thing for her. Glad the wound is on the med, i thought that a wound should be covered too to stop infection getting in!
Love your card, i am not very great with CAS designs but should really give it more of a chance! The white and red works so good with each other!
Lynne x

Seafield Jo said...

This is a lovely card.

Vicky said...

Glad Natalie is back at school hun...and lets hope they will keep a better eye on her hunni..and BLW I would put a plaster on her wound too..and I'm a nurse!!

Love you card do CAS very well!

hugs Vicky xx

Lorraine said...

hi huni so pleased Natalie is back at school and feeling better and lol a WOJ thats so funny.
I really like your clean and simple rose card its stunning xx

Shell Shearer Swinscoe said...

WoW!! you! C&S! just don't go together missus....but you've done it, its blumin gorgeous!
Hope you manage to settle Natalie ok tonight
huge hugs Stokie Shell xxx

Doreen said...

Your card is stunning.I love the red rose.

Good to hear Natalie is back at school at least the carers will be more caring

Chrissie said...

This is a beautiful clean and simple card, with a perfect touch of red!
Thanks so much for joining our challenge and have a good week.
"Less is More" said...

Is there no end to your talent hun??? I love this CAS - keep meaning to give it a go, but not sure I have the desired skills :)

Glad you got things a bit more sorted for your daughter. I hope she settles for you.

Claire xxx

cardmaking bird said...

Hee, hee - I think Craig would've noticed if you was on drugs before now!!! That did make me laugh! Although my mum and that's the same, I talk to them about blogging and DTs and this that and the other and they just look at me like I'm speaking a foreign language!! Oh well, at least I've managed to convert Sam!! (Or he knows what I'm on about anyway!)
I'm glad Nat's gone back to school and well done you for standing your ground! It sounds like they've taken you seriously in the end.
Gorgeous card - very elegant and classic. And what a wonderful sentiment behind it. I'm so sorry that you've not got your dad around. But I'm sure he's watching over you and thinking how wonderful you are!!
Hugs, Marie xxx

Gibmiss said...

Hi Vicky
Gorgeous the border Fabby card...
hope your little girl is ok xx

xxxtglxxx said...

very stylish hun! :) Love the splash of red, and that really is all it took to make this so special! Well done you for mastering this style so wonderfully.

Glad your little one is well enough to go back to school. It must so hard leaving her in someone elses care, but I'm sure they will all be on their toes now! ;)

have a good day Vicky :)



Chrissy said...

OH!! My word...well done...Love the red and white..very eye catching...what gems??? I didnt see any gems..[hee.hee.]
Glad Natalie is back at school..that nurse or teacher better stay out of dark alleys for awhile...she needs sacking...
Hope you are feeling better? Have a good night..

Mina said...

oh no Vicky who on earth attacked your beautiful Natalie...and how did I miss it, I hope shes ok now and glad to hear shes back at school, hopefully they will on their toes now...your certainly cracked less is more...beautiful elegant card
Mina xxx

Susan said...

Vicky, this looks beautiful!

sandra said...

Thank you for this update about Natalie.
I saw and read what happen but I was in such state of shock and and anger and I couldn't find the words to express myself without being rude.
Now I'm glad that Nat is so much better.

I'm used to see lot of layers and details on your cards,but this one is brilliant!
Simple,elegant and beautiful!
Love those colours!
Kisses for Nat!
Hugs for you!

KarinsArtScrap said...

first i'am glad your daughter is feeling better now and go back to school.

your card is elegant and i love the red rose.

greetings karin

Exclusively by Mel said...

Hi Vicky,
Glad Natalie is feeling better xx
I think your CAS card is stunning!!
How lovely that you used to sing to your Dad. Sorry you miss him so much.
Love, Mel.xx

Mandi said...

Hi Vicky
Super card, perfect touch of red, love the rose
My hubby never gets abbreviations lol
Thanks for entering
"Less is More"

Angie said...

glad to hear Nats feeling better now and i'm glad she's been able to go back to school. your card is lovely.
Hugs Angie x

KraftyKoolKat said...

Still beautiful hunni. It does seem strange not to see all your beautiful embellies but you have still made a super card.

Glad you are getting Nat's school sorted. Hope they take heed of their mistakes.


Tracey T said...

Delighted to hear that Natalie is better and back at school. Love, love, love the CAS card - it's absolutely beautiful! Big hugs, Tracey xx

coldwaters2 said...

I am so glad that Natalie's scratches are healing Vicky, it is also good to hear that the person who did it will not be allowed near her. As for you clean and simple card it is simply beautiful, quite romantic, I love it.
Lorraine x

An Occasional Genius said...

Well if you're bald, it's sooooo worth it!!! This is stunning but let's face it we knew it would be anyway.

Glad to hear Natalie's back to school & her wounds are healng. Also that the staff are being more vigilant & action has been taken. Hugs xxx

massofhair said...

A very beautiful, elegant and very classy card:-)