My Lovely Friends

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Hello my friends

Hello all my lovely jubbly friends, how are you all this bright & breezy day? Its gorgeous yet again up here in the North East & yet again washing on the line I'm loving it I can tell ya lol....altho the dryer still has to go on for towels & underwear...:0( lol.
I thought I would let you know how my angel is doing. Well yesterday we should of made the most of moments like these......which were few.....
Asleep on the sofa with a towel underneath her head incase she is sick & her pooh bear blankie over her. Really wish we had gone bed when she was alseep cus last night she didnt want to sleep at all the little bugga lol. She is still managing a smile & the odd little giggle here & there which is so weak & wheezy you cant help giggling at her lol.
She became grumpy tea time last night so we lay her on our bed & I sat next to her for a couple of hours & we watched Princess Diaries 1 & 2 which are her fave films.....I enjoy them too lol. So I did manage to sort half of my Copics out whilst sitting next to her & do my Copic colour chart finally. I even managed do  little colouring I coloured skin & hair on one of my stamped images lol It took me an hour just do the hair, I told you I take ages colouring lol.
Anyway she is back on half strength feeds today & touch wood she is tolerating them & no more sickness. She is really wheezy still & most of the time running a fever so the fan is on constantly lol.
I want to thank you for all of your sweet lovely comments you really are the best mmwah. I'm trying my best to catch up with commenting but its a bit sporadic at the moment but I promise I will catch up with you all eventually.
Missing you all loads see ya soonies.
take care peeps & keep on smiling.
Huggles xoxoxoxoxox


Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Vicky, glad to hear Natalie is a tiny bit better. It's important you get some rest when she's resting as there is no good you getting poorly - even if your kind of resting is doing some colouring. I'm glad to hear Pooh Bear is looking after her as well. My eldest had a Pooh Bear and a baby panda that would always look after him when his asthma was bad. I'll leave you in peace now. My hubby has gone out to play snooker with his brother for a few hours which is quite good as he never sits still and with me feeling and looking like a zombie with a swollen mouth/face after my surgery on Monday, I can do with some time on my own where I don't even have to open my mouth to talk. Take care and lots of cyber hugs to you all including pooh Bear who is doing a very important job looking after Natalie. best wishes, Kym xxx

Heidi said...

Hi Vicky, have been looking after my youngest daughter the last few days she has had a sicky bug and not too well with it, so didn't know your daughter had been poorly too. Hope you get a little sleep and rest and that she is feeling a lot better soon. Hugs Heidi xx

cardmaking bird said...

Ahhhh, bless her. I bet Nats loves you - putting photos of her when she's looking rough all over your blog LOL!!!! I hope she continues getting better. Thanks for visiting me, I really do appreciate you taking the time esp when things are like this for you. Big hugs, Marie xxxxxxx

Rach said...

hiya hun, so glad to hear that Natalie is feeling a little better.. hope you get some sleep soon.. hugs rachxx

KraftyKoolKat said...

Oh hunni she looks so sweet while she is sleeping(don't they all!!!) I hope she continues to improve bless her. It must really upset here being sick . Hope you keep well hunni as you have enough problems. Hope you are free of pain at the moment.


lynne said...

Hi Vicky,
My house has been the same as yours by the sound of it. Carrie has been running a temp from Sunday and like Natalie had a cold but because of her immune suppressant medication for her Autoimmune Liver Disease she gets it so much worse and then has no immunity to fight anything off. Luckily she was not sick but her temp is still up.
Natalie looks so comfortable sleeping with her blanket! Hope she gets back to normal soon and hope you all get some well needed rest!!
Thinking of you,
Lynne x

Lindsey said...

Aw bless her. I hope she is on the mend very soon. You poor things.
Big hugs
Linds x

Vanessa (aka V'ness, Nessa, oldschool) said...

hope she is back to normal soon!!!
hugs sweets

Donna said...

Good news that Natalie is on the mend must be exhausted too hun...hope you can catch up on some sleep soon :) Donna x

Tracey T said...

She looks so sweet, I'm glad she's been able to keep something down at last! Hope you're OK - make sure you take good care of yourself. Big hugs, Tracey xx

Lorraine said...

Hi Vicky i am so pleased the sickness has stopped and i really hope she has a full recovery soon bless her she looks so peacefull in the piccy take care of yourself xx

angelwhispers said...

She looks adorable sleeping!! What a litle princess and Winnie to keep his eye on her just perfect!!

Hope she feeling 100% soon Vicky and you can all get some much needed rest!! Love Chanelle xxx

KarinsArtScrap said...

I'am glad she is a little better now vicky.

greetings karin

An Occasional Genius said...

Bless her, she looks positively angelic in the pic! You must remember to take care of yourself too my lovely, get some sleep whenever possible. Hugs xxx

Exclusively by Mel said...

Hi Vicky.
Just wanted to thank you so much for your comments on my blog. Bless you xx
I have popped over here a few times before to read your wonderful blog. Found you through Rach.
Take care.
Love, Mel. xx

Unknown said...

Hi Vicky, isn't it terrible to watch your kids being sick! The're older now, but when they were really young and couldn't yet say what was wrong with them, it always made me feel so helpless!! I hope she will be her old self real quick. She's lucky to have such a sweet mom like you. Hugs and XOXOXO Frea
p.s. Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog about my little purse project! You put a big smile on my face!

coops said...

aw bless her.i hope natalie is better soon :D

xx coops xx

Unknown said...

Glad to hear she is on the upswing!!...Poor baby!...Niamhy is sick this week too. Looks just like your little one on the couch. Towel and everything.

Sending her kisses!:)


Mina said...

oooohhhh Im so pleased your beautiful little angel is a bit beautiful is she in this photo
Mina xxx

Janine - Ellabella said...

Hi Vicky I´m so glad to hear that Natalie is feeling a little better...hugs

sallysbitz2 said...

Awww poor luv x
I do hope your Daughter gets better soon & you need to rest too hun x
Funny how we have to do something though related to crafting.

I am back to work now... so have not got much crafting done coz I am A1 knackered Lol

hugs sally x

Angie said...

hi vicky glad to hear Natalie feel's better, you make sure you look after yourself too. i think colouring is so relaxing and the best part of cardmaking.
take care
hugs to you all
Angie x

Heidi said...

I'm glad Natalie is feeling a little better:)
She is so cute.
You must be kind to yourself Vicky. Get the rest that you need. I understand that it's difficult... hope it will be back to normal soon.
Take care sweetie.
Lots of hugs, Heidi:)

Emma said...

Aw such a sweet pic of Natalie, sorry to hear she has been poorly but fab to hear she is getting better.
Hugs Emma x

xxxtglxxx said...

Awww, what a sweet picture - bless her :)

you take care of you too!



coldwaters2 said...

Awww bless her, she looks so peaceful sleeping there, I am glad that she is improving.
Lorraine x