My Lovely Friends

Thursday 18 November 2010

Crafty Purple Frog DT card...........Flowers

Good moring to everyone. WOW.....I cant believe its been 2 weeks already since the last CPF Challenge, these days & weeks sure are flying by will be crimbo before you know it!! Are you ready for it yet????? No I'm not either yet although I have now got the Ipad for my 2 sons PC World delivered them yesterday woo hoo......I'm always happy once all the big expensive pressies are in.
Anyway onto this weeks challenge which is unless you have already guessed from my title...
Yep thats right flowers of absolutely any kind, as long as it has a flower on then come along & play with us at
Here is my contribution......
This is Ching-Chou Kuik's 'Merry Season' decoupage & you can get her of course from
Hubby chose this decoupage for me cus he thought it was really pretty & to be honest I needed all the help I could get lol. I've been very ill the last few days which is why I havn't been in blogland & then I was in hospital Tuesday having a procedure done which really took it out of me. I only pulled myself around last night finally to do my DT card.....altho Amy & the rest of my fab teamies told me to rest & not worry about this week lol. I did try but then my crafty hands got the better of me.....but please excuse my Mojo at the mo, the NHS have stolen it from while I was out for the count....the buggers!!!

The papers are Websters Pages which have become my all time fave papers....they are truly beautiful, these I got from Crafty Emma's Store, all the flowers are also from there, I just added Iced stickled to them to give them a bit of blingggggg.

The decoupage is stunning in RL...its so hard to catch their true beauty properly on photo. I added Iced stickled to her wings as well.......I think the only problem I truly have when using these sheets from CPF is it takes me a while to choose which 1 they are just all that stunning.
This week we have a fabulous sponsor yet again....we have the fabulous Emma with a fab prize from her fabby store.......

This yummy pack of Memory Box papers......I love MB papers!!!!
Of course we still have our other prizes...
2nd prize - 3 downloads from The Crafty Purple Frog
3rd prize - 2 downloads from The Crafty Purple Frog
4th prize - 1 download from The Crafty Purple Frog
We had a wonderful amount of entries last week, we loved looking at all your sparkly creations & we hope you will join us again this week with your flowers.
Don't forget to pop over to the challenge blog to see the other fabulous creations my ever-talented teamies have made.....they are Blooming Marvelous!!!!
Now dont forget that you DONT have to use a CPF sheet altho we do love seeing them & also a few people have asked if you can enter more than once.......well enter to your hearts content we just love seeing your creations so enter as many times as you like.....

Well thats it from me I'm hoping to get some crafting done later I really need a good crafting session lol.
I will also be catching up on my blogging so I will get round to all of you hopefully today.....I have a lot of catching up to do its amazing how much can go on when you have been ill & not around blogland for few days lol.

See ya soonies thank you for stopping by & for putting up with my rambling you really are the best.
Big HUGE huggles to you all
Vicky xxx

Challenges I'm entering....


Unknown said...

Hi Vicky, what a great card this is. You really made up for being away LOL!! But do take care of yourself, I had an operation last Friday myself and know all too well what happens if you run too fast too soon!! So just don't overestimate yourself and take it easy (now you say 'YES MUM' LOL)Hugs, Frea

KraftyKoolKat said...

Oh Vicky hunnie so sorry to hear you have been poorly. I do hope you feel better soon. I don't think your Mojo has gone because this is fabulous as usual.


denny said...

ooh loverly card hun and that backing papers so lush were was that from whoes is it make lol xxxxxxxx

Doreen said...

Simply stunning Vicky,I love the image and

Vanessa (aka V'ness, Nessa, oldschool) said...


angelwhispers said...

Hi Vicky!!! Can see from your post that you are feeling a little better from the rambling!!!! Seriously so glad to see you are feeling better and hopefully on the mend, your entry this week is as beautiful as ever!! Take care Love Chanelle xx

Jayne Hayward said...

Love the gorgeous image you have used and the layout and dp.

Jayne xx

CraftyC said...

Hi Vicky, your card is just gorgeous. Tis a lovely image and beautifully embellished. I owe you a massive apology for not replying to your email. Long story but it got deleted. Promise to email you soon and just hope you are all ok now
Cyber hugs

denny said...

hi vick hope your ok hun i got your message on my blogg lol were like that cos my girls are terrible for changes there phones i must have 15 diffrent phones in the cupboard oh hubbys a harbourer eh lolol eh i got a first did u se my badge twinkling on me blog thats first times iv ever won lol so proud won on die cut dreams whhohooho anyway i sat and made loads of stuff will post tomrrow lol and also got another memo card lol hugs denny xxxxxxx

coops said...

oh wow!! such a beautiful card vicky.the image is stunning and really gorgeous paper and colours.
so sorry you have been ill hun and in hospital too.i hope you`re feeling better soon and take it easy.

xx coops xx

Tracey said...

Hi Vicky this is such a beautiful Christmas card, love the paper you've used & those sparkly flowers :)

Have a great weekend!

crafty amy said...

I have no idea why you don't like this one seems like your mojo is still there to me :D


Amy xx

Anonymous said...

Really pretty card, thanks for joining us at ABC Challenge. Sue C x