
Wednesday 19 July 2017

Dad's Day

Hello everyone how are you all? Hope you are well but those who are not I'm sending get well wishes & a hug.
Now I said I woud start work through my cards that I have still not blogged. Well I have a quick & easy card for you today. 
It's one I made for hubster for Father's Day........only this one was not made in advance as I had only made one but still needed another. Hubster goes out with our 2 sons every Sunday morning for Father & Sons time & they go out with either 10th or 5th scale RC cars & Drones.
So while hubby was out I made this.....the actual card took me 20 minutes to make but finding the stuff to make it took me so much longer lol. Fathers Day fel on me having nothing in my craft room.........we had just finished installing the new units but all my craft stuff was boxed up & not boxed up correctly as it was a last minute decision lol.
So this is my 20 minute card with bits that I could sewing on this one as my sewing machine wasnt set up & the socket I use for it needed to be fitted :-/
So I used Pion Design papers for this. They are from the Mister Tom collection. 
No stamps used as I didnt know where they were & didnt have time to look, I was gutted as after I made the card I remembered I had brought a new sentiment stamp specifically for Fathers Day.......oh well there is next year lol.

I made a bow with some black & cream ribbon which I thought went with the papers I had chosen.......actually I found the ribbon first so everything got centred around that lol.
The cabochon in the centre I made using an epoxy dome from my stash & I cut a camera image from the Pion collection with a circle punch.

The tag with the image on is from the Mister Tom collection & I punched a hole & attached a ring to it & some waxed cord. The Father sentiment is also Pion.

I added some hessia ribbon stuff underneath & some corrugated card under the image. The letters are stickers & I cut the film strip from the Pion Borders sheet & stuck the letter toeach square in the film strip.
Not one die was used on this card which is incredibly unusual for me but I had no idea where my dies were..........honestly the mess was unbelieveable & awful. However my craft room is starting to look great...........its still not quite finished as other things in life have to come first but I can craft in there still so its ok lol.

Anyway lovelies I will go now & get my daughter ready for daycare.Then I have an exciting day of cleaning right through. We had such a hot day on Monday & stupid me used that day to paint the sheds.........omg it was soooooo blinking warm....yep total blonde day that day lol, but they look so much better in Wild Thyme ;-)

Thanks for stopping by & listen to me jabber on. Enjoy your day.
Lotsa squishy hugs 
Vicky xxx

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Vicky, that is fabulous hunny! A very dapper dude on that tag and all those masculine retro chic embellies come together to create a really stunning masculine creation. Love it! Hugs, Wends xoxo


Thankyou so so much for taking time to leave me a comment grab a hug while you are here as a thank you. mmwah. Lotsa hugs from me ;0)