
Monday 21 December 2015


Hello everyone, remember me lol. Yes I know I've been missing in action for quite some time & I will explain why.
Well I decided to take a whole break from crafting & the internet in general to be honest, I wanted to spend more time with my family.........time I desperately wanted as well. We also brought a camper to get away in at weekends...........we just brought a cheap one as we didnt know what Natalie would be like........she loved it, absolutely loved it. We have an awning with & we brought a bedroom extension so it meant we could all go away, the whole family together. There was me, Craig (hubster), my eldest son with his fiance Megan & my 2 gorgeous grandchildren, my daughter Natalie & my youngest son Jake. We went away quite a few times & we had brill times so much so we are doing it a lot more this year. 
We are also going through something important as a family at the moment, I cant tell you what yet but it's not bad.......if it goes through & goes well it will be exciting.......... it will also be life-changing as well. Only the close family know as I dont want to jinx anything but I will tell you when it all goes through & we are successful.

Ok so the other reason you havnt seen me on here is because I was going to give up crafting..........everything!! However a few weeks ago after much, MUCH nagging off Craig I decided to take it back up but its gonna be a different kind of crafting.....
Gone are my foofy style cards & instead I will be doing more CAS style & concentrating more on the colouring of my image. The images will also be done more in copics now & not distress inks......though I will use the inks sometimes lol.
I am moving out of my craft room, yes again but I'm giving it up for a very good reason which I will tell you about another time. We now have a spare room in the bungalow which I was gonna move into but......well that will become something else.
So I'm streamlining everything down & moving into a bureau......yep that black bureau that was once in my large craft room when I was in the conservatory.........yep that!!! I know scary to think I'm fitting everything into I will after christmas put a 'For Sale' page on my blog as LOTS of stuff will be getting sold. 

I will still make 3D projects & I still want to make things other than cards.....I have a lot of plans lol.

Well a week ago I finally did my first colouring with copics, I've tried a few times over the months but I've normally done the face & then I dont want to do this.
However a week ago I decided I needed a kick up the bum & it was time to either use those copics or give up completely. So off I went to Crafts & Me & brought an it's not Hannah Lynn (though that's what I went for lol).
No it was this one...........please excuse the quality it was just taken with my phone camera & not my usual is my first colouring with copics in over 6 months.
This is 'The Great Bow' by Jeremiah Ketner & as soon as I saw it I fell in love with it. Another one also fell in my basket...ooops.
My granddaughter says I need to add sparkly glitter to her as because she's pretty lol. She is not on a card yet but I have actually made my first card the other night ready for Natalie's class at daycare. Will show you them once they are all done.
I'm feeling quite rusty at the whole colouring & crafting at the moment but I thoroughly enjoyed colouring this little lady, she does look better IRL.
When she is on a card I will take proper piccies lol.

Ok so if you made it to the end of my long now you are probably thinking........OMG you can tell Vixster is back.....blah blah blah. I know I know, its the fingers they just run away with themselves when on the lappy lol.

I want to thank you though for not leaving me & sticking with me you are all awesome. I promise my next post will be a lot smaller lol.

Well I'm off to I havnt said that for soooooo long. Well after I've fed my washer ;-)

Tatty bye lovelies, take care & hope you all have a good day.
Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx


  1. Nice to see you back Vicky, I was only thinking of you the other day, so many old faces have gone sad....anyway, you haven't lost your touch at all, the colouring is wonderful and I look forward to seeing whats next for the meantime, have a wonderful Christmas and very best wishes for the new year...xxxx

  2. Heya! Nice to see you back in the Blogland. :) We all need a break every now and then and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed yours. The camper stuff sounds awesome - how fun it is that you can all go away together!
    Can't wait to hear what the thing you are so mysterious about is. Guess I'll have to wait. lol In any case, I wish it'll all go through as planned. :)
    It's great you are not giving up crafting after all. I would definitely love to see more of your work. Actually, I can't wait the finished card with this beautiful image. ;)
    Have a wonderful day!
    Hugs! xx

  3. Heya stranger, welcome back *lol*! It's been a very very long time in which I checked several times if your entire blog went MIA just like you......luckily not Vicky!!
    Cannot even remember how often I've been reading about big changes in your craft-life and no foofiness is a very big step. Cannot wait to find out what you're up to!
    For now, merry christmas en all the best for 2016 to you and your happy camper family!!

    xx Irene

  4. Lovely to see you back and great piece of colouring to kick-off with.
    Hope it is a fabulous Christmas for you & yours.
    Toni xx

  5. Lovely to see you back on your blog Vicky and starting to get back into crafting. Missed your beautiful creations and from the image which by the way is so beautiful and the colouring is lush I would never think you had not coloured for so long its fabulous such great depth to it. Sounds like you have had quality family time which everybody needs and can't wait to hear what your news will be my brain is already in overdrive!!!! Lol. Love Chanelle xxxx

  6. Great to see you back, Vicky and it sounds like you have exciting times ahead! Merry Christmas to you all xx

  7. So nice to see you blogging Vicky, beautiful colouring as always, wishing you a Merry Christmas
    Kevin xx

  8. Great to see you back! Your colouring looking brilliant, can't wait to see her on a card. Debra x

  9. Fantastic colorization, you are right the moments spent with family are precious. I started after my son's illness.
    To the pleasure of seeing your new creations, I wish you happy holidays to you and your family

  10. Oh what a treat to have a lovely post from you I do miss your crafting and the stories about your amazing family. I'm looking forward to your new cards and projects and your craft sale Wow. This tempter is just brilliant. I am so glad things are going well for you and I hope that you all enjoy a magical Christmas and the very best New Year Take care Love and Christmas hugs Carole xx

  11. Hi Vicky!!!! So glad to have you back with us!!!! Your fun and witty posts have been missed...your GORGEOUS makes and inspiration for us all...well just so glad to see you crafting again!! I've always thought that your colouring was AMAZING...this is just STUNNING!! Wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas and all the Best in the New Year!!!!!
    Take care,
    P.S. Can't wait to see what you have to show us next!!

  12. I realise there are things more important in life than crafting .. However in my line of work I also see the importance even within s busy hectic life to make time for yourself & nurture your creative self, so I am glad u have made a little space got some form of crafting 😘 Looking 4ward to seeing your future makes xx

  13. Dear Vicky, great to see you back. I was thinking on you now and then and was wondering what's about not seeing any new posts and projects. But I am glad to read you're fine and only took a creative break. I am looking forward to read more about your news you're mentioned. And also to see your future different projects.
    Big hugs,
    Karina xxx

  14. Oh this has made my day! So glad to see you're back hunny. Love your colouring on this fab image, stunning! You're not rusty at all!! Look forward to seeing the new direction you'll be taking with your crafting and loved having a big catch up, sounds exciting days for you. Love and hugs, Wends x

  15. Hi hon, I'm so glad to read tyou were missing for a positive reason, not because anything had gone wrong! It's lovely to hear from you and you haven't lost your touch at all, the image you've coloured is gorgeous. Glad you are all enjoying the camping, great fun! Hope the next adventure in life works out well! Take care xx

  16. So glad to see you back Vicky! I'm hanging out to see your next crafty adventure now! Hope all's going well redesigning things in the house. Hope you can still find a crafty corner to call your own. Stunning job on that lovely Crafts & Me image. So beautiful. Big hugs, Wends x

  17. Ooh this is stunning Vicky! Looking forward to seeing what you do next. So thought I'd already left you a lovely long post! Great to see you back lovely and hope you find the right space to keep your hand in crafting. Hugs, Wends x

  18. Well helloooooo there! I missed this post at the time but something made me think to take a peek at your blog today and I saw this post, so I'm delighted that I popped by.
    Your colouring looks fab, and I look forward to see you back with some cards soon and hope that all the exciting things you have planned work out great for you :-)
    Big hugs, Kat xx

  19. Sooo glad you are back.. so understand the "break" from it all. I have blogged sporadically and am back but not so much that I don't have time for family and for working in other mediums that I have so missed. Look forward to your posts! Gorgeous image and beautifully colored as always! xxx Ann Marie

  20. You found your way back again!! Craft has the ability to do that.....gets a hold on you in some form or another. Looking forward to seeing more of your brilliant work. Your colouring of this gorgeous image is beautiful. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  21. Hi Vicky, Well I popped over to see what you are up to as I have been missing for almost a year! I sadly have a poorly sister who needs daily care...I am her next of kin. She has no Carer so I do everything I can for her.
    Great to hear you bought a Camper, we sold ours 2years ago and bought a little caravan, often wish we still had the camper :( it was much easier to get away.
    I am dying to hear the changes that are going to exciting!
    I have been crafting whilst I have been missing but very different cards to what I used to make too. I am much happier with my creations these days, I just need to blog again when time permits. I do lots of other craft items as well now, so i don't get bored.
    Well hurry back with your news :) I will keep popping back to say hi.
    huge hugs Mau xxx

  22. OMG hun!! I am so glad to see you! :) I have checked back here a few times, and well, I hoped life was going so great, you had rather better things to do! :))

    Good on ya hun!

    FYI, after a 2 year break, im kinda dipping my fingers in again too , new craft space, electricity where I needed it, huuuuge daylight light etc.

    I gave up after google nerfed my blog and wouldn't work on my satellite speed. I took up soap making instead lol.

    Doubt I will ever get back to blogging, I don't have the time, but I visit old friends often :) But yours is the first comment I have left in 2 and a half years

    HUGS and huge huge smiles Vicky!!

    Alison xxx

    aka The Great Leveller
    google.. still wont let me sign in :(

  23. Thinking of you today Vicky. Wishing you and your gorgeous family a truly wonderful Easter. Hugs, Wends x

  24. Just popped by to say hello. Hope you are well, hunni. The family tips ounds lovely. Hugs to you, Vicky, take care :)
    Elizabeth xx


Thankyou so so much for taking time to leave me a comment grab a hug while you are here as a thank you. mmwah. Lotsa hugs from me ;0)