
Tuesday 18 March 2014

My New Craft Room Reveal

Hi everyone well I'm finally here with pics of my new craft room. I mean to post them earlier but had to go somewhere with Megan & ended up taking longer than we thought.
So here they finally are, there is a LOT of pics so be warned lol, also its still not finished yet & I've still not unpacked everything so some things are not even in its place yet seems to take ages sort it all out :0(

This is my new room & although its still not finished I love it already!!! Where I'm standing here to take the pic behind me is the door leading to the kitchen. We just got white venetian blinds to help reflect light back into the room.

Its a P Shaped conservatory so the narrow part hubster put a few of the cupboards from my old craft room & we got a new worktop as its a completely different colour scheme. The windows on the left there look into the living room, usually the one at the bottom is always open so I can still talk to everyone lol.

Now we are coming into the P Shaped part where I do most of my crafting. The big table that hubster built me is now on a rug, although I still havnt added all the shelves, they are leaning up against the radiator.

This is my main work desk where I make all my cards & get to look out into the garden, its fab having all this light flowing in.......... The trolley is a kitchen trolley that Ben & Megan gave me as they didnt use it anymore, these are awesome for craft rooms............I have all my glues, tapes, gesso & all other essentials on it & can wheel it to wherever I it!! I added hooks to the sides for things like towels & other bits.
I have my DAB radio on the window sill, I dont watch craft channels or watch tv at all when I craft all I need is my music...........normally Capital ;0) The LOVE clock hubster brought me 2 weeks ago for my new craft room, isn't it lush. The cake stand I store my wooden backed sentiment stamps in. The box on the score board I store all my images in that I ahve coloured up. I had to place a book on top as there is an image there for a Magnolia card lol. I love football so my coasters are of course Newcastle United ones lol. The punches are the 2 I probably use most.
I also have a love of Betty Boop, as you can see lol. I love the ornaments & have quite a few in my living room ;0)

Look there is my old craft room ;0) The drawers I have put there as they are on wheels so on hot days I can move them & still have the double doors open, dont worry they aren't the main doors we use. On the left is an old bureau I got off Ebay for the grand total of £6...........yep bargain. We used to have it in the passage way but its now in here & I've painted it black to match. I still need to put handles on there once I've decided which ones lol.

Inside has still got to be painted, its alos having the top insides ripped out & hubster is gonna build a rack for my copics. At the mo my distress inks & paper have been dumped in there lol. The small pic on the right is my small daylight lamp for colouring if I need it, this I had on my desk in my old craft room. When Megan started having problems when she was pregnant with Arjay I put his scan picture on the lap so I could see him all the time.........I also added an angel to look over him & then of course a pic of his big sister also to watch over him...............and they did watch over him as he's doing really well & getting so chubby lol.
I cant bring myself to remove them so they are staying there ;0)

As its a conservatory its ALL windows, so upper wall cupboards was a no no, so I had to rethink other storage. So I came up with the idea of getting cheap white wardrobes & these were on special at Argos. The metal drawers are the Helmer drawers from Ikea, I've had these for a few years & to cut down on space we removed the wheels off 2 of them & hubster attached them on top of each other & placed them in between wardrobes to make them stable. Yes the card needs replacing as I dont have red in here............yep I'm very anal & like everything matching so these were matched to my previous craft room lol.

We brought some contiboard from B&Q & hubster put shelves in all the wardrobes to turn them into large cupboards, perfect ;0) All the shelves are the same in all 3 wardrobes. Notice the boxes of unpacked craft items lol. I am also redoing my stamp storage so in here have 3 full boxes of stamps, 1 of a mixed stamp variety.............

These 2 boxes have my LOTV stamps in on the left & the right one has a lot of my magnolia stamps, they all wouldnt fit in there. LOTV sentiment stamps are with all my sentiment stamps which I will show you when I do my video.

This shelf keeps my 2 baskets, left one has my rolls of tape in & the right one is for flat cards that I send to friends/blogging friends. I have my bottles of glue in the middle & my baby wipes. I buy things I use often in bulk so I've always got a good stock in & know I'm not gonna run out of anything that is always needed, i.e. tape, glue & card lol. Baby wipes I use to clean stamps & also to clean up any spills, I buy these in bulk as well from Amazon for changing Natalie's nappies so I pinch a few packs for me every 2 months lol.
(Sorry bout the lighting these were taken last week at night time)
This is how I stored my dies in my last craft room as I never got round to storing them properly. I tend to keep most packages for my craft items, a lot are in a box up the loft. However my spellbinder dies I placed a magnetic strip on a piece of thick card & placed a set of dies & then put it in a bag. These then all got stored in a basket & I made index cards to go in between all the different makes of dies. Large dies went in another box.
Now if you saw my VERY old craft room you saw that me & hubster made a part of the wall where I could have all my dies on show. Well as much as I loved the idea I also hated how it looked messy.........I like things looking clean & organised..........hidden if possible lol. So this time around I placed the dies inside the cupboard doors, I can still see evrything I have but they are hidden when I dont need to. Now a lot of people emailed me last time about the magnetic sheets I used. Well this time I didnt use magnetic sheets as I didnt want joins between each A4 piece. So this is actually the magnetic sheets they use for  Motorway signs, its really tough & it comes in one roll depending how many metres you want, its fab!!

In my old craft room I stored most of my stamp in folders, 1 for Simply Sassy, 1 for Sweet Pea, Sugar Nellie ect ect......... I laminated a piece of card, but before I did I stamped an image on the card of what stamp was going there so I would always know if a stamp was missing or where it went. I actually liked this storage & it was fab as I had no where else to store my stamps without taking up a huge amount of room...........
This is another unit that was in my passage way & I now have this in my craft room. The dresser I got for my craft room is now in the passage way so it was a swap lol. Again it didnt match the decor so I painted it black & then sprayed the handles black & laquered them as well. We did the handles though so you could still see the bronze edges, it looks so good IRL........perfect place for my printer and.............
The lamp is just temporary until I get a black one ;0)

This is where all my stamps will be evrntually once I've resorted them & catalogued them. These are just put in there for now as there was no more room in the Magnolia stamp box. These will be perfect for all my stamps.............I am going to be selling some as I dont think they will all fit in.........

This is me standing next to my large table looking back down the conservatory. The door at the end is the main one we use to go outside & the red door is actually the back door to our kitchen. Its a rented property which was specially built for disabled, so when we asked if we could build our own conservatory they said yes as long as dont knock down any walls or take out the was only 2 year old property at the time. So the conservatory stretches from the living room to a quarter of the kitchen. 
At the end there is still more stuff to unpack.

Hubster built a small back board to go along the worktop as it comes slightly higher than the window sill, it stops things falling onto the window sill & also he put plug sockets on to give me extra sockets. This is where I use my hot glue gun & heat gun. I also stamp images on this bench. 

To the left is one of my daylight lamps for taking photo's, I have 2 of them. Underneath is a gas heater incase it gets cold in there but as the rest of the bungalow gets really warm it gets too hot to put the central heating on, so when its like that I just use this heater. To the left as you can see is my sewing area. The big table hubster built is perfect for cutting large fabric on, I love it!! The wood leaning up is for other things that are still to be done in here.

The cupboards still need to be finished painting & have their handles put on, at the moment they have only had a primer. There are quite a few things still to do in here, hubster is sorting out my ink storage tomorrow hopefully & my punch storage. There is still a lot to unpack as well, a lot fo the boxes on top of the tall cupboards still need unpacking as well as stuff will take time finding the right place for everything but I will get there...........eventually lol.

Well thats it from me hope you like my new craft room, I will do a video when its finished completely.......
I have to say I love this room sooooooooo much & the family love having me closer by instead of at the bottom of the garden. I have to say a HUGE thankyou to my wonderful hubster for helping to make all this come true, you are a gem my darling & I love you with all my heart <3 p="">

Thats it from me my lovelies, I will be back tomorrow with a DT card.
Tatty bye & thank you for stopping by mmwah


  1. I'm speechless.
    Vicky, it's GORGEOUS.
    When can I pop round? :0)

  2. wow Vicky...I am so jealous!! This is fab,really clean and fresh and so bright with all those windows.


  3. OMG, wauuuuuuu
    am I dreaming?
    Your craft room is like from dream
    Can I come for one day to you and craft with you?
    you can be so happy
    and I am happy for you too
    hugs from/with sLOVEnija

  4. Oh! Vicky you and your hubby have created the perfect craftroom, it's amazing. Hope you have hours of fun in there hun.

    Donna x

  5. OMG Vicky I am madly jealous!!!!! Its gorgeous!!!!

  6. This looks great!!! Love it!!!

  7. This so gorgeous sweetie, I am so jealous. Love everything about it Hun.

  8. Wow Wow Wow this is Awesome I want one of these! Loooove your room and sooo inviting to work in enjoy!

  9. WOW!!! am a dreaming!!! its just fabulous...a big well done to your hubby...when can he do mine lol!!

  10. That is one amazing craft room!
    It looks fabulous lovely, hope you have many happy hours in there <3 xxx

  11. When can I come for a girly chat and crafty afternoon? ;) Just kidding! But your new craft room looks FANTASTIC!!!!

  12. oh my....this is a crafters dream!!! Love,love all the light you get in, and you have SO much craft stuff!!!!
    Amazing!! Happy craftying!! Hugs and sunshine

  13. Oh Vicky..........It's Dito from above absolutely stunning can't get much more in there surly!! x

  14. Oh my god......I've died and gone to craft heaven :) wow!!!! I'm soooo happy you have a craft room now I didn't realise you were down the end of your garden, I'm up in the loft ha ha! We will go anywhere to craft :) wow I'm so impressed you will be very happy here yay!!!
    Vic x

  15. I'm green with envy, it's going to be fabulous. Can't wait to see the video when it's completely finished. Debra x

  16. What a fabulous new craft room! Isn't your hubby a gem for helping you get it all organised the way you want it. Enjoy your new space! Hugs, Tracey xx

  17. WOW! I am not surprised your love your new craft room so much Vicky. It looks amazing. You are so tidy and well organised. Thank you for sharing lots of storage ideas.
    Big hugs Sue xx

  18. Wow Vicky must be like a dream
    It's gorgeous xx

  19. OMG!!! Vicky!! what a fabulous room you and your dear hubby have created. It's stunning. I hope you have many an enjoyable hour or 12 making all your gorgeous creations. I'm so green with envy. Enjoy sweetie. Hugs Suzi xox

  20. You are very lucky to have such a wonderful crafting space. You and Hubby have done a great job getting it completed. I'm sure crafting in there is very inspirational.

  21. WOW! I LOVE IT!! Everything is beautiful. I am jealous. Congrats and happy crafting!!

  22. This is a crafter's dream, Vicky! What a gorgeous and inspiring space! You really worked wonders in here! Enjoy it!

  23. Vicky, that's so amazing! I love it!! You're a lucky lady to have such a handy crafty hubby. Such a great job you've both done on the storage and tables and units. It looks amazing already and will only look better as you find homes for everything. I'm so happy and excited for you that's it's coming together so well! Hugs, Wends x

  24. Looks very organised and lots of light. Hugs, Carol S.xx

  25. How fabulous! I love all the storage options, What a wonderful creative space, lucky girl
    Hugs Julie P

  26. WOW!!! What a lucky lady you are, and with such a lovely husband!
    I just love your conservatory, the light from all the windows must be amazing to work in. Love your decorating. Seems like you will have a place for everything :o)
    Thanks so much for sharing, can't wait until your video.
    Hugs, Candy

  27. Oh my goodness I am so in envy of your craft room, it is amazing. You have made a great job of organising it all.

    Hope you have many many years of happy crafting in there, looking forward to all your new creations.

    Beccy x

  28. WOW!!! This is so amazing! I am so very jealous! What a great hubster you have! Hugs, Robin

  29. Wow looks fab, love to see how people store stuff. Love the cake stand with the wooden sentiments. I like everything neat too especially as my craftroom is the box room. Would love to have one this size. xx

  30. Wow Vicky you lucky girl what a fab space to get crafty in enjoy your room
    Hugs Angie x

  31. Oh Wow Vicky! Your craftroom is just amazing, you are so lucky! You have set it out beautifully and so much 'stuff' to play with.
    A dream come true, enjoy it as I am sure you will!
    Hugs Jude x

  32. So perfect and cosy, Vicky. Have great fun in there. Hugs,shMe :)xxx

  33. WOW this looks amazing...Lucky lady xxx

  34. Outstanding Vicky..what a fabulous craft from to move and much fabulous natural light.Well done to both of you.

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  35. Wow!!! This is stunning Vicky your such a lucky lady, what a chic well organised room! I am sooo Jealous, yes, with a capital J!!!
    Enjoy your new space!
    Love your new Zodiac card, your cards are always amazing!
    Cuddles Jay xxx

  36. Wow Vicky your room is fabulous. I love to see people's craft rooms and how they store things.

    Deborah A

  37. Beautiful! I LOVE all the windows--so much natural light, how lucky are you? And to look over the backyard/garden... heaven! My craft room was in progress for months, and all but a couple of projects are left to finish by my hubby. We are so very lucky to have husbands with skills!!! :)

  38. when can i come and play????????? This is amazing, not to mention uber organised. Love it x

  39. No surprises that I am very jealous of your gorgeous space and maybe a little of your awesome hubby for helping you create this!
    I love all the storage space and all that natural light in there. Oh, and the attention to co-ordination is right up my street :-)
    Enjoy it!
    Big hugs, Kat xx

  40. I am full of "WOWs" with my visit to your blog, Vicky! As I didn't know about Arjay until today, it must be nearly a year since I was last here and that's shamefull. Your work continues to be absolutely delightful and your craft space is enviable to say the least. I promise I will try to come by more often. I have so enjoyed todays visit! Hugs, Lesley

  41. OH MY GORGEOUSNESS!!! This is one incredible craft space and absolutely appropriate for one incredible artiste!!! The natural lighting is amazing. Outstanding job and thank you SO very much for sharing the pics which I'm thrilled are plentiful!! :) hugs and happy crafting!!!

  42. Oh my...that's amazing! So spacious and well organized. I'd spend 24/7 in there just bc it's so neat.

    Hugz, Sandy
    Owner & Operator @ Live & Love Crafts


Thankyou so so much for taking time to leave me a comment grab a hug while you are here as a thank you. mmwah. Lotsa hugs from me ;0)