
Tuesday 14 January 2014

My Photo Booth

Hi everyone how are you all?
Well things are changing some what at the Pass household with some building work soon. At the moment our bungalow is quite big, especially for a bungalow, we have 2 bathrooms, 1 is classed as a wet room & has a walk in shower, sink & toilet. The bathroom is at the bottom of the bungalow but can also be reached from Natalie's bedroom as well as the passage way, that consists of toilet, sink, bath & shower above bath. The problem is that only 1 person at any given time can bathe Natalie using the shower & a large bath aid that goes over the bath........we dont have the equipment for her to actually have a bath & she is way too heavy to lift out ourselves. Anyway Natalie does require at all times at least 2 adults caring for her & when bathing her 1 either side of the bath. Unfortunately 1 side of our bath is against a wall & as the bathroom is a good size its not big enough to turn the bath around & allow a wheelchair all around both sides. If ever we fall ill a carer will refuse to care for Natalie because there is no room for 2 people. So they are going to build Natalie her own bathroom, an extension on her bedroom, she will have complete privacy as it will just be hers. We have told them leave the toilet out as she is in nappies & that way we can add a lot of storage..........believe me she needs it just for her medical stuff. 
Luckily we have a large/ish garden but the problem is one of the sheds we have at the side needs to be removed as it will block light from Natalie's new windows. The extension will lead off her large window, so her window has to be re-sited. So I am giving up my hobbit as a craft room so hubster can use it as a shed & instead hubster is converting the conservatory into a craft room. It's the only option we have, it has disadvantages & advantages, the biggest advantage is I wont be at the bottom of the garden & will still be with my family as the living room is right next to it. The other advantage is its bigger although with windows all around I dont have upper wall space.

Anyway I will stop rambling on & show you my photo booth that my hubster made me. Now I have had loads of emails asking about where I take my photo's of the cards ect & if I take them daytime or night-time. So I thought I would show you while I remember & before I move out of my hobbit (although wont be a bit yet as hubsters hand has to heal) 
Excuse the shelf underneath its got old photo's of my kids on (Ben is just 15 here, he's just turned 23 lol) & some sentiment stamps that have still got be opened & stored properly.
Anyway as some of you remember we brought old tatty kitchen units for my craft room, I painted them all up & added new handles as they were not nice at all.

The little cupboard was the one above the cooker & I think it had an extractor fan below it. As I've got enough storage in my craft room I could afford to lose this cupboard...............

.............. & use this as my photo booth. It was hubsters suggestion & he covered the entire inside of the cupboard with Matt Self Adhesive Vinyl, it might work the same with gloss not sure. We brought 2 light strips with bright daylight bulbs in them & attached 2 inside the cupboard, 1 either side. We placed them diagonally to distribute the light all over (this was my idea lol)

This picture was took without the flash on on my camera so you could see how dark the cupboard truly is.
P.S. Excuse the little candle, I placed small vanilla candles in all the cupboards to keep them smelling nice lol.

This photo is with no flash & with the lights on, I placed a can in there to show you the brightness.
For those that ask what I spray my flowers with when I want to soften the colour, this is what I use.

This is a wooden sign my hubster brought me, he saw it in a shop when he was out one day & thought of me & got it for my craft room, fab isn't it & so true, I love it!!

Basically you could make anything as a photo booth as long as you use daylight bulbs as they are the best true light there is. If you dont have the room to keep to do this then I highly recommend the light tents, they are mega cheap, come with different colour backgrounds & most importantly fold into a small square. Before this cupboard thats what I used, again though make sure you have the right lights & use daylight bulbs...........your lights will make or break it. Also if your camera has Macro on it.........use it, its meant for close ups & instead of taking your camera towards the object, zoom in, you get a much better picture by zooming instead of taking your camera closer.........its why we have that feature ;0)

Well I hope thats answered some of your questions. It doesnt really matter where you take your photo's but good lighting & the right settings on your camera DO matter, they make all the difference.

Will be back tomorrow with a DT card.
Tatty bye lovelies will be round soon to see you all mmwah


  1. Hi hun, fab pictures and info, good luck with the alterations and your craft move, my stuff is in two rooms with the family moving in!!! I never know where anything is lol, hugs Liz xx


  2. Sounds like you have a great plan to get everything done to benefit Natalie, Vicky. I'm glad she gets what she needs. You are all so willing to make adjustments and take care of each other in your family, I so admire your hard work and will to find a way! Truly amazing! Thanks for sharing your photo booth tips, too. How genius! I use a tent, but I do love your cupboard- so easy and it's there all the time! Great idea! Take care, sweetie! Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  3. Sounds like life is going to be hectic at your house very soon hun, it will be so worth it thogh won't it? Love your light box!

    Donna x


Thankyou so so much for taking time to leave me a comment grab a hug while you are here as a thank you. mmwah. Lotsa hugs from me ;0)