
Thursday 28 November 2013

My Exciting News & Update On My Grandson

Good morning everyone how are you? By this weather is getting darn cold now..........think I need some thermals lol.
Anyhoo's I'm here with a quickie post today to tell you something exciting...........
Oh wait you need me tell you before I start yayyy-ing.........yes yayyy-ing is a word its in the Vickionary ;0)
Well my news is that I've been asked to join............
wooooooooo hoooooooooo so excited & chuffed. I can work with any images so I can start getting out more of my neglected ones. Cant wait to start working with the uber fabulous girlies on the DT
The new challenge this week by the way is.........
CLASSIC CHRISTMAS, red, green & gold.
Now isn't that easy.......

Well I'm away but I will be back shortly with my card.
Update on Arjay is he had his operation yesterday, mum & dad were bit panicky as he was only supposed to be down theatre an hour when he ended up being down there 5 hours. He's in so much pain so his heart rate keeps going high & he's not feeding too well so they have had to insert a nasogastric tube up his nose so they can give him what he wont drink.
He has to have a scan this morning to make sure everything has stayed in place but fingers crossed the operation went well. We are hoping he picks up & our little fella can be allowed home today.
I REALLY need give my tough little fella kisses & cuddles.

Well tatty bye my lovelies I'm off to put my new badge on my side bar, woo hoo ;0)

Hugs to all mmwah


  1. Congrats Vicky, so thoroughly deserved - ur such a talent it won't be long before every challenge blog wants ya lol. Bigs hugs too to Arjay, sending all our love and best wishes to him for a speedy recovery, luv Jo and family xx

  2. Yippee Vicky - I am SO pleased that you have joined the fairy family!
    Oh, poor Arjay. I hope the pain eases soon and that the operation was a success. Fingers crossed he will be allowed home soon and you can give him lots of cuddles. He certainly is a real fighter.
    Big hugs to you all,
    Sue xx

  3. Awwwwww, poor little guy!!! Children are so resilient and I'm sure he will start feeling much better soon!

  4. Vicky...your little guy is in my heart and thoughts!!! He sounds like he will grow up to be one tough little monkey!!! Your Christmas will be that much more special when you all hold him in your arms!!!! NOW to your news...BIG CONGRATS!!! You are AMAZING!!

  5. Big congrats on your new DT role sweetie it is well deserved.

    Fingers still tightly crossed and in my prayers for your little bundle of loveliness.


  6. Fabulous news about Arjay Vicky, so glad all has gone well and congratulations and welcome aboard at CLF..

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  7. Aw poor little men,thinking of you all sweetie!!
    Congrats with your new DT!!
    XXX Heidy

  8. aww bless I hope he is okay. Congrats on your DT position x

  9. Hello Fairy Vicky!! We are so thrilled to have you join us hun, so it should be us yaaaaying, lol! Glad that Arjay's operation is over now, and keeping him in my prayers for a good recovery. Huggles xx

  10. First, congrats on your new DT post as a Fairy!!! lol. soz darlin' just had to get that one in!! your will be such an asset to the team. I'm keeping my fingers,eyes,legs and arms crossed that sweet Arjay is home with you soon so he can be enveloped in all your love. Hugz n love Suzi x

  11. Congrats on your new DT post Vicky, really pleased for you hun.
    I do hope little Arjay starts to pick up and can come home soon to all the cuddles awaiting him, I think babies come on so much better with plenty of love & cuddles. Take care, hugs Teresa x

  12. Praying for little Arjay , he's such a trooper
    Congrats on the Crafty Little Fairies team you will be a wonderful addition, looking forward to seeing your creations
    Hugs Julie P

  13. Congrats Vicky you will do them proud Oh Poor Arjay glad the ops over with now sending lots of hugs and kisses xx

  14. So happy you are joining the pink fairies, you know I love your cards. Arjay is one tough little fella, hugs x

  15. Hi Vicky so lovely to have you join the Crafty Little Fairies!
    Hugs for Arjay
    Lynsey xxx

  16. Aww hunny. Hugs and love to you all for Arjay's quick recovery. It's not easy watching someone so small undergo surgery. But he's shown he's a fighter! Praying all goes well. Congrats on the 'fairies' DT. Look forward to seeing your gorgeous makes up there. Big hugs, Wends xxx


Thankyou so so much for taking time to leave me a comment grab a hug while you are here as a thank you. mmwah. Lotsa hugs from me ;0)