
Saturday 29 October 2011

Something different............

Hi all you lovelies how are you all? Thank you so much for all your kind words in messages & e-mails, they have brought tears to my eyes but not in a bad way if you know what I know & explaining things....I'm rather pants at it arnt I??
Anyway I started crafting last night & its a damn good therapy let me tell ya lol. I'm not showing you yet tho cus I've not took piccies yet. However what I thought I would show is something I altered..........again lol.
I love shabby chic & thats what my bedroom was in so I brought plain lamps & gave them a beating etc lol & the pic below shows you how they looked when they were bedroom at the time is a very pale green which you can see on the wall behind lol.
Click on photos to see them better..........
Yeah just the base got the beating lol. Now this is taken in the middle of decorating & the new bedroom is more 'French Chic' this time so needed new lamps.............hubster not happy bout that 1 so my designing skills came out again & I turned the above lamp into this..........

I sprayed the base black & then attached wool & some beaded binding. The bow is actually a crimbo tree bow I removed the gold tinsel & wrapped wool around the middle to hold it together (like the tinsel did) & then added a crochet flower I made & a black flower to the centre from my stash.
Black flower is from WOC

This is on my bedside after the room was decorated............
Viola........this is it lit up....... they really do look gorgeous & I'm so pleased with them.

Pic took at night!
They match the bedroom perfectly & at a fraction of the cost. I also painted the bed as it was light oak, there is a mirror to match to go above the bed but I've still not finished it lol.
My furniture is just cheap furniture from Ikea as my son took mine with him........grrrrrrr

This is some of the last bunch of flowers my dad ever brought me, luckily I dried them out & split the bouquet into 2 as it was huge. This lot I decided to spray with matt white spray paint suitable for spraying on flowers. Its not covered perfectly as I did not want it to.
The little boxes are part of a gift all the DT girls got from Kenny K & Elena a few months back.

Well sorry for the long post & lots of photo's lol. Will be round soon to do some hopping Ben & Megan are on their way...........well I havnt seen them since last night lol. I know I'm soft & soppy lol.

See ya all soonies mmwah.
Thankyou so sooooo much for stopping by.
Huge huggles Vicky xxx

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Hi everyone................

Hi everyone how are you all? I want to start by thanking all of those that have left messages & e-mailed me over the last month. I havnt got throught them all yet but I will I promise & those who have e-mailed & not got a reply I will be getting round to replying.
Last month my only brother got taken into hospital, he has cancer & it had spread to his spine & pancreas & he could no longer walk or even feed himself. He didnt want to burden his wife with extra responsibility as well as look after their 3 children, 1 of which is only 3, so he got himself admitted to hospital. My brother lives over 200 miles away from me so we were constantly up & down the motorway to the hospital.
Sadly on 28th September 11pm uk time my brother passed away, he was 35 years old.
This was the reason I needed time away & I've kinda locked myself away with my family since then so have barely been on my laptop or the internet so this is the reason I've not e-mailed back to people.
I finally picked up my copics last night & had a go at colouring, its the first time in the last month so tomorrow I'm gonna TRY have a go at crafting hopefully.

Also on another note my eldest son & his girlfriend moved out last week into their own place which let me tell ya had me totally bubbling my eyes out. He has lived at home with me & his dad for 20 years & now he's not here........I felt like I wasnt gonna see him & Megan again........silly I know. Thankfully we are extremely close so we are texting each other constantly & still see each other every day lol. They wanted a house before the baby was born so they could have it ready. I am SOOOOO proud of them I really am.
Of course it has cost us a fortune but never mind thats what mums & dads are for so I'm told lol. However it did mean me & hubby got our bedroom back as we gave Ben & Megan the big room so I occupied myself last week by decorating......still bits to finish tho & its the fiddly bits that take forever.

Well I will go now hopefully I will be back tomorrow, I will catch up with you all I'm just taking it easy at the mo so it may take me longer than normal
. For all those out there that are affected by cancer in some way, my heart truly goes out to you & I am sending the biggest of hugs your way. This awful disease doesnt care who it attacks, it doesnt matter what age, sex or race you are........but the one thing it can never take is the love & your memories, so hold onto them........nothing can take them away!!!! Sadly this is the 10th member of my family it has taken but to all those out there still fighting........well give it all you can, keep on fighting & we will keep you all in our prayers & thoughts.

Take care everyone see you all soon, I've missed you all
Huge hugs Vicky xxx