
Wednesday 26 October 2011

Hi everyone................

Hi everyone how are you all? I want to start by thanking all of those that have left messages & e-mailed me over the last month. I havnt got throught them all yet but I will I promise & those who have e-mailed & not got a reply I will be getting round to replying.
Last month my only brother got taken into hospital, he has cancer & it had spread to his spine & pancreas & he could no longer walk or even feed himself. He didnt want to burden his wife with extra responsibility as well as look after their 3 children, 1 of which is only 3, so he got himself admitted to hospital. My brother lives over 200 miles away from me so we were constantly up & down the motorway to the hospital.
Sadly on 28th September 11pm uk time my brother passed away, he was 35 years old.
This was the reason I needed time away & I've kinda locked myself away with my family since then so have barely been on my laptop or the internet so this is the reason I've not e-mailed back to people.
I finally picked up my copics last night & had a go at colouring, its the first time in the last month so tomorrow I'm gonna TRY have a go at crafting hopefully.

Also on another note my eldest son & his girlfriend moved out last week into their own place which let me tell ya had me totally bubbling my eyes out. He has lived at home with me & his dad for 20 years & now he's not here........I felt like I wasnt gonna see him & Megan again........silly I know. Thankfully we are extremely close so we are texting each other constantly & still see each other every day lol. They wanted a house before the baby was born so they could have it ready. I am SOOOOO proud of them I really am.
Of course it has cost us a fortune but never mind thats what mums & dads are for so I'm told lol. However it did mean me & hubby got our bedroom back as we gave Ben & Megan the big room so I occupied myself last week by decorating......still bits to finish tho & its the fiddly bits that take forever.

Well I will go now hopefully I will be back tomorrow, I will catch up with you all I'm just taking it easy at the mo so it may take me longer than normal
. For all those out there that are affected by cancer in some way, my heart truly goes out to you & I am sending the biggest of hugs your way. This awful disease doesnt care who it attacks, it doesnt matter what age, sex or race you are........but the one thing it can never take is the love & your memories, so hold onto them........nothing can take them away!!!! Sadly this is the 10th member of my family it has taken but to all those out there still fighting........well give it all you can, keep on fighting & we will keep you all in our prayers & thoughts.

Take care everyone see you all soon, I've missed you all
Huge hugs Vicky xxx


  1. So sorry for your loss hun. I've missed you. Take care. Claire xx

  2. so sorry to hear your news, thinking of you and yours xx

  3. So,so sorry to hear about your lost.
    I was thinking about you.

    I'm so glad that your kids are making their own nest.
    And thank goodnesses they have you.
    I'm sure that you will be there for them in any time.

    Take care of each other.

  4. Ooh hun....I don't know what to say....but I'm sending you big hugs and I'll be thinking of you and your family sweetie....

    lots of love Vicky xx

  5. oh Vicky I am so so sorry to hear your sad news, you keep your chin up and your little bundle of joy will be hear soon and will be you some much needed love and and happiness.


  6. Hello sweetie, I am so sorry about your brother! When you said that your family needed you and you would be away a while I knew it had to be something really serious. It must have been such a hard time for you and yours. I would like to say something to support you but I can't really think of anything else but to say my thoughts are with you. And I do believe that what you just said about keeping those precious memories is so true. You are never really gone when people who loved you remember you and I for one believe that is the truth. He will always be with you. Hugs, Frea

  7. Hi Vicky....
    I'm reading your story with tears in my eyes.... I'm soo sorry to read about your brother, my condolances.. I kind of know how you feel.. I lost my dad 11 years ago, he had cancer too... it's an awefull disease, sorry if I write it wrong...
    I wish you and your family all the best, take care and think lots of happy thoughts about your brother that bring a smile on your face, maybe that helps a little bit...

    hugs arjette.

  8. Oh Vicky, I'm so very sorry for your huge loss. You and your family are in my thought.
    Hugz Fleur xXx

  9. Dearest Vicky. It's so good to hear from you, although I'm so, so sorry to hear about your brother. You're so right about this awful disease - my mum has just found out that a friend of hers (who she met through work because my mum was keyworker for her daughter who has learning difficulties), has only been given until Christmas. This lady has devoted her life to her daughter - like you have with Nats - and because she thought she might have a chance, she's been going through chemo for the last six months and been away from her daughter, only to be told there is no hope, and so she's basically wasted all that time that she had left with her daughter. It always seems to take the best ones from this earth (which don't say much for me cos I'm still here!!!! Sorry, that's my black humour).
    I hope you know I'm always here if you need to talk - although it sounds like I'm last on the list of a very long list of people!! Take care. Lots of love and hugs, Marie xxx

  10. Oh Vicky I am so sorry to hear about your brother!! That is so sad!!! My cousin lost her hubby suddenly on the weekend at the age of 32 (reasons are still unknown) and I just can't even imagine what she is going through!! It is very sad when we lose the ne's we love but you are right we do have the memories that we have made with them and I think that is important!!! My thoughts are with you!!!! Hugsxx

  11. I'm so terribly sorry for your loss heart goes out to you and your family, and to his wife and is a very hard time for all concerned.

    So glad to hear you are coming back soon, little steps my friend, we will all be here for you.

    Luv CHRISSYxx[have missed you very much]

  12. Hello Vicky, Its really lovely to see your back and l'm sure it must of been hard for you having lost your brother its sad at any time to lose a loved one but when its a member of your family its even harder and at such a young age too hopefully crafting will keep your mind occupied and once your ready to take part in the blog again it will be nice to see your amazing projects, I'm a new grandma or nana and its a lovely feeling grandchildren bring a lot of happiness into your lives and your 1st grandchild will do this for you's Ben and Megan will love their new home and l'm sure they won't be too far for you to visit and for them to visit you l have 3 children and they flew the nest and came back but l'm sure Ben won't do this and if he and Megan do come back what's the worse that can happen ........well you know that decorating you just did they might benefit from it and not seriously though do take care lots of love :) Sandra H

  13. my sweet friend!!!
    I am so glad to have you back with us, I have had so much love & hugs waiting for you!!!
    I knew in my heart your news about your brother was coming but it still leaves me so sad for your loss.
    Please remember all those that love you...I, he, your dad & so many others are with you, standing beside you always.
    all my love

  14. I am so very sorry for your loss, Vicky. You are such a strong person with such a big heart. This is VERY evident from your blog. Your brother, I'm sure, would have been oh so proud to have you as his sister. He is now at peace. And your love for him will live on forever. My heart goes out to you and your family at this terrible time. Big hugs, Lesley

  15. Hi Vicky,
    Lovely to have you back,you've been missed.....I'm so sorry to hear your sad news,big hugs to you and your family.....Your sentiments in your post are so very true,having lost very dear family members and friends myself due to cancer,I echo each and every word you wrote..... Lovely news about your son and his girlfriend getting their home together and getting it ready for the newest member of theirs and your family,bet you all can't wait for the baby to arrive..... Take care...
    Mandy x

  16. Hi sweety,so sorry to hear about your brother,I so feel for you hun.
    My mom died of cancer.
    Your all in my thoughts,please take care!
    XXX Heidy

  17. Good Morning Vicky!
    I had tears in my eyes reading your news! I am soo sorry for your big loss and it keeps me speechless here seeing dying so young of cancer! But unfortunately this is the way it you said so matter what age, what race and what can hit us all in a sudden! My FIL passed away two years will be 2 years this coming Sunday, so we are thinking of him a lot more these days....also from cancer. It is always a sad story, but it always makes me more sad to hear about younger people. My FIL fighted against cancer a year long and it was heartbreaking being with himn day and night (he lived in our house) and see him the en he lost hope and died within a week.
    I m thinking of you and send you a big hug across the ocean and my condulences!

  18. Vicky darlin my heart goes out to you. I understand totally what you are going through and you have been brave to post this and let everyone know what was wrong, I have kept you in my thoughts and prayers throughout this time you have been away darlin. I hope your days ahead are better, they will be but you know it takes time. God blessyou all love. Thinking of you June xxxxxxx

  19. oh my lovely lovely vicky, i am so very very sorry for your loss. Keeping all of your family in my thoughts and prayers for the time you will all be grieving. Your brother sounds so caring and strong to go into the hospital,thats so brave hun.
    And some extra hugs for you too from me and mo
    from Lou xxxxxxxx

  20. lovely, lovely Vicky
    I feel so with you and your family! It's hard to find words in a langueage that is not my mother tongue... know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, I do hope that you soon can laugh again. Your beloved little brother will look down from the stars and smile at you!
    Sending you tight hugs across the miles!
    lotsa love, Alessandra

  21. My condeleance vicky, he was veru young.
    also to your and his family.

    greetings karin

  22. hiya sweetie
    my deep sympathy for your lost of your brother and to your family to sweetie, my heart is with you right now hunni, take all the time you need to give it a good place in your heart sweetie, the pain will never go away but it get easyer in time, so nice your son an daughter in law have a place of ther own now, it must be hard, but he needs to be on his own 2 feet to learn the world hunni
    a band like yours will never be less than befor hunni
    take good care of yourself sweetie
    hugs angelique

  23. ((((((((((((((((hugs)))))))))))))))))
    SO very sorry darling. My younger sister has throat cancer and is now on her last lot of treatment :(
    I don't even want to think about what you have been though.xxxxxx

  24. Oh Vicky, my heart goes out to you! I realise that nothing but time can help to heal the loss of your brother, but at least you have the new baby to look forward to so hopefully that will bring a little bit of light into your dark days.

    Take care of yourself, we'll be here waiting for you when you're ready.

    Lots of love and a BIG hug

    Judi x

  25. Dear Vicky,

    I only know you by following your blog, but I wanna wish you sympathies on the death of you brother. I put a candle for you and your family to give strength and energy to continue life in this difficult time.
    Greetings Mary

  26. I'm so sorry for your loss. All the best to you and your family. xx

  27. Sorry to hear of your loss - you and yours are in my thoughts.

    Have missed you here in cyberspace but totally understand your reasons for being absent.

    Hope you are looking after yourself and not overdoing things too much with decorating and stuff.

    BIG hugs
    Toni xx

  28. Missed you too, so, so sorry about your loss, never easy, but as you said, the memories is for life, hold on to that my friend!!
    Difficult when they move out, but one of these days the little one will be here, such joy.......:))
    look after yourself, see ya soon and lotsa luv

  29. I am so sorry. I agree with you about how cruel this cancer is.

    You are doing so right to take things slow.

    Sending you a BIG hug! Sandra

  30. Oh Vicky, I'm so sorry to hear your news. Sending you huge hugs hun, glad to see you back. Lisa x

  31. Oh Vicky hun, this is awful news, I knew it had to be bad to keep you away from your blog.....I will keep you in my prayers darlin, am so very sorry for you and your brothers poor family. Stay strong sweetie, God bless.xxxxxx

  32. We've missed you too Vicky, much love to you and yours. Cancer as you said is indescriminate in who it takes. Hugs and lots of loving thoughts sent your way. heidi xx

  33. So sorry for your loss Vicky I'm sending you a big Hug!! Love Chanelle xxx

  34. Missing you Teamie.
    Sending BIG hugs
    Take care
    Trish (-:

  35. Hi Vicky I just wanted to say how sorry I am to hear about the loss of your brother it must a traumatic time for you all, he was so young it is just unbelievable.
    Take care
    Lorraine xx

  36. Hi sweetie its so good to here from you i did sort of think that your brother may have been poorly im so sorry that he passed away huni at such a young age too but im sure right now he is looking down on you and is so proud of you too,my heart goes out to you and your family and i have been thinking of you huni,good to here you were able to get colouring again i look forward to seeing your cards again please remember you have lots of blogging friends too and if ever you want a chat please shout i'll here you hun
    big hugs
    Lorraine xx

  37. aaaawww my wee little flower I am so sorry for your sad heart goes out to you and Im sending you and your lovely family all my love...I know exactly how you feel about your Son leaving home, I was gutted too when my Daughter left home...its a whole new chapter though and so exciting for them and will be for you know where I am if you need me or just fancy a rant
    massive higs
    Mina xxx

  38. oh my dear vicky,I knew it was something serious,when i first saw your post oh hun my heart goes out to you and your family wish I could say something,that would make it all better,hun,just know that I am thinking of you hun,and my love and massive hugs go out to you and your family ,love hugs cherylxxxxxxxxxx

  39. Hi sweetie! I'm sorry because I haven't been the best blogger pal lately, but things at work were really crazy for some time. But I was thinking of you ... Anyways, today I finally managed to also visit your blog and I just read about your loss. I'm so, so sorry for your loss. My condolences! Will be thinking of you and your family. Just give me a shout if you need someone to talk to. Sinding big, big hugs your way! xx

  40. Dear Vicky!

    It is so great to have you with us again. I have known this for a while but still i`m sitting here with tears running down my cheeks. It totally breaks my heart that your brother had to go in such a young age. My heart goes out to you and your family. It`s such a devastating loss. Just take care of the good memories you have of him. I know a bit of what you`re going through. I lost my youngest aunt to this dreadful decease last year. She was only 49 years old. I didn`t have it so close into me on a daily base but she was one of my fav aunts so it was really hard to say goodbye. I really look forward to have you back in shape again but you have to do it in your own pase. I have truly missed your rambling, lol. Don`t stress out by having to answer, i know you appreciate all the comments you get, just take care of you and your family and we`ll "talk" when you are ready, sweetie!


  41. Hi sweetie. I have been so worried over you but didn't hound you with another email pestering you as I had already emailed once. I am so sorry hun at your sad loss and I know where you are coming from. I hope you can look back on the good times you had with your brother and smile soon.

    I bet you are missing your son but it sounds like he is keeping in touch. I hope you will be back crafting soon and we can see your beautiful work. I will be missing from the 3rd - 10th Nov as I will be having my new craft room done. I can't wait as I haven't been able to craft since moving and as it is at the moment I can't get to my craft bits.

    Speak soon hun.


  42. Vicky honey, I am so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine what you are going through - a very emotional couple of months.

    You are never far from my thoughts - no need to respond to my email, just fab to know you are coming out through the other end.

    Take care babes and see you when you are READY (that's an order!)


    M xxx

  43. Vicky, I am so sorry for your loss. It takes time to come to term with something like this.
    Take your time hun and know that my thoughts are with you and your brothers family.
    big hugs

  44. Hello Vicky,I don't know how I missed this post,I am so sorry you lost your brother at such a young age,one thing we don't lose is

  45. Hi I was just thinking I have not visited you fot aged and then I read this. Oh dear what a terrible time for you I can't even begin to understand how difficult it must be gor you. Thinking of you :D xx

  46. I am so sorry for your family's loss, sending hugs, take care.
    Tracy x

  47. Oh sweety...So,so sad for your loss!! Cancer is such a terrible illness!! Sending the warmest and stongest hugs to you and your family!!!

  48. I'm so sorry about your brother hon, I hope being with your family has brought you some solace. Sending love & hugs to all your family xxx

  49. I was so sad to read your news Vicky :(

    Nothing I could say would make any difference, but I am sending a massive hug to you and your family.

    Such a relief to see you back too sweetie :)




Thankyou so so much for taking time to leave me a comment grab a hug while you are here as a thank you. mmwah. Lotsa hugs from me ;0)