
Saturday 21 May 2011

Melinda is blowing kisses to you all..............

Good evening my lovelies I'm back I know I'm not normally on a saturday night but I made a card for a challenge sketch a few days ago & forgot all about it & the challenge ends in a couple of hours so I thought I would move my bum & get it posted.
I also combined the challenge with WOJ which is a colour scheme.............I sooooo enjoyed making this card I only coloured the image yesterday tho lol.

This is a stamp my fabby hubby got me for crimbo & I've finally inked her up now which is why she is blowing kisses I think lol.......wooo hoooo I'm out of that darn bag I heard her say lol.
This is 'Melinda Blowing Kisses' by the artist Elisabeth Bell (who I love) for WOJ.

I so enjoyed making a card in this colour scheme, Aqua, Pink & Cream...... Flowers are a mixture from WOC & Emma's.

This is the inside. The beautiful paper is one of Bo Bunny's latest pad 'Gabrielle' this is sooooo drool worthy

I used the sketch to base my design around so I followed the sketch but made my card into the sketch if you get what I mean lol.

This little beauty is of course coloured with Copics. I will put the colours on later if I remember them lol.

For the card I used 12x12 cream card & shaped the front to match the top layer of the sketch.
Well I better go link up before I run out of time lol.
Thanks for stopping by I've spent hours catchin up today & I'm getting there lol.
Huge squishy hugs to you all mmwah
Tatty Bye for now......
Challenges I'm Entering..........

CES Challenges DT card...........Embellish it!!

Well good morning all my lovely fantastic friend out there. I just want to say a HUGE thank you to you all I really do love you to bits & the support you give is overwhelming really are fabulous mmwah!
Right onto the matter in hand before the boss comes & puts me in the naughty corner for being late ssssshhhhh dont tell her.
Right I'm here to bring you our new challenge today for CES Challenges & it is our lovely Kaylou's turn & she chose the theme of Embellish It!!!
I can hear the oohing & aahhing....we all love our embellishments dont we, gosh I couldnt be without mine.
Now I found an image this week when I came back & its a company I didnt know about.....I know shocker isn't it?? Anyway it was off the Top 3 on CES last Saturday so I popped over ot their store, you know to have a peekskie as you do............mmmmm yes I'm now booked in with a psychiatrist to start a plan on my new excuse is tho right is this 'I dont want you, my lovely friends of getting bored seeing the same images all the time' ssshhhh it works on hubby lol
Anyway on to the carrrrrrrrdddddddddddd

Here is 'Dancing Mae' & she is from Some Odd Girl........let me tell you these are a dream to colour.

I wanted this card to be fun, colourful & know kinda know what I mean...I hope lol.

Flower I made just using 2 different sized punches pinching the ends in & spraying them with spray & shine & then attaching a brad to the middle.

She is coloured with Copics which I cant remember the colours as I coloured her as soon as I got her lol which was days before making the card sorry peeps.

The inside is decoarted to compliment the inside.
I've used my new Fancy Pants paper from Crafty Emma's store I love the vibrant colours on them. 
Scalloped card & smooth white card for the image are also from Emma's.
The brads were off Ebay & everything else is from my wee stash.
Please pop over to see my lovely teamies work & the GD's work they are gorgeous. Also we have a new addition to the mad house this week, please pop over give Jenny aka My Inky Hands a warm welcome, also pop over to her blog she makes gorgeous cards........really pop over..
Well I think I've babbled on waaaaaaaayy too much yet again, did you notice anything about my card folks?
Well the challenge is 'Embellish It' & I've barely put any on....I dont figure do I you would think I would do my usual OTT style.......mmmmm
Anyway I'm off to link up then I'm coming round to see you all as I only got round to a few last night so I promise today I will be there I've already glued my butt to this here sofa.
Hope you all have a fabby dabby weekend & mmwah thank you for stopping by a wee blog I really do appreciate it.
Tatty Bye for now my lovelies xoxoxoxox
Challenges I'm Entering..........


Friday 20 May 2011

Quick Update...........

Good evening my lovelies how are you all? Are you ready for the weekend?
Well Natalie is back home now safe & sound. As most of you know Natalie has been through at the Alan Shearer centre since Monday so we took these few days to decorate her bedroom cus its near impossible to do it when she is here..........hence why it still hadnt been done. We finished the last of the painting yesterday & then all we had to do today was wallpaper the one wall, make drapes & wait patiently for the wardrobes to be delivered.
However the Alan Shearer centre phone about 5 last night to say they were having a problem with her peg site. As a lot of you know Natalie is fed through a peg in her stomach as she cant handle any solids or liquid via mouth. The carers couldnt get anything in her out & they phoned us so we told them to check it hadnt burst. A peg stays in an open hole in her stomach & inside it has a small balloon that we fill up with about 6ml of water obviously that balloon can burst at times which then means the peg is not secure & if a peg falls out the hole can then close & seal in a matter of hours. They took out any remaining water but couldnt get the peg out so the only thing they could do was take her to the A&E department. Unfortunately it became a long night as they had been a crash & a stabbing apparently so it was really busy. By the end of the night none of us could get the peg out so they had to admit her for observation & insert a NG tube down her nose & throat to be able to give her her important meds. If it couldnt be removed today it would of meant an operation to re-site it & while this is not a big operation Natalie has had over 20 ops in 18 years so I didnt want her to go through yet another.
Anyway as luck has it we managed to free the peg today.....a valve inside had broken stopping the balloon from fully deflating which is why we couldnt get it out........phewwwwwwww....
So we are back home & Natalie is in bed watching a dvd..........yeah she doesn't sleep well lol.
Hopefully we will get her room finished over the weekend & then I can start Jakes as I have 4 wardrobes arriving any day for his & his sisters bedroom. I have to say tho that hubby has done most of it as he wont let me do much bless him.
I am now going to do my DT commenting then I will be round to catch up with you all. I'm sooooo sorry I'm behind that darn thing called life does like to get in the way doesn't it lol. I havnt even read my comments
yet :0( but I thank each of you for popping by to look at my blog & my latest card.
I will be back in the morning with my DT card for Emma's & its a new image that I've only recently found this week, its a digi & I'm totally hooked already & now own 15 already.......ooops lol.
Well I'm off to blog hop see ya all soonies
Tatty Bye xoxoxoxo

Sweet Pea Stampers DT card............

Good morning all you lovelies hope you are all ok & those poorly I hope you feel better real soon.
This is a scheduled & very quick post as Natalie got admitted to hospital last night, nothing serious but will explain later.
This fortnight over at Sweet Pea Stampers our challenge for you is Lace & Pearls
For mine I have used a beautiful new stamp I had still un-inked from the artist Karen Middleton

This is sheet 11 plate 138 which you can find here.
Isnt she soooo beautiful I love love love this stamp & yet another on my fave list.

Pearls from stash & lace is from Bunny Zoes

Paper is Websters Pages

Image is coloured with Copics.
YR0000 YR000 E00 E21 R11
R0000 R20 RV34
E50 E53 E35
Wings sprayed with spray & sprinkled with glitter

Scalloped card & flowers from Crafty Emma's. Pink A4 card from my stash.
Look forward to seeing all your sweet pea images with some pretty lace & pearls on.
Do pop by & see my fabby teamies creations, they are all stunning.
Thank you so much for stopping by I really do appreciate it & I will catch up with you all ASAP.
mmwah xoxoxoxox
Challenges I'm Entering............

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Vintage Boutique.........Simply Sassy

Good evening all you olvelies out there how are you all? For anyone thats poorly I wish you better real soon, its just cack feeling ill isn't it? Anyway my Simply Sassy set 7 arrived through my door yesterday & normally I'm not one for inking rubber the minute it drops to the floor......tbh it can take me forever lol. Anyway as hubby ordered them & picked them I only saw what they were yesterday & yes I was drooling & gave such a cuggle.......he made me make a card with one of his faves, he has mainly 2 of this set & lucky for me 1 of them was my fave so here is what I make a card with today....
This is 'Vintage Boutique' from Funky Kits.....isnt she gorgeous & this one is in my top 5 of all the sassy's & I love vintage........I even have a skirt like this but mine is in white cus these came back in last summer & they are lush & cool lol.

Yes its an easel card I do love these. The papers are from the new Bo Bunny pads which Emma has just got in stock I had to order all them lol. I have used 'Timepiece' which is perfect for this image.

She has been coloured with Copics will put the colours on tomorrow.

I've used 2 stamps for the bottom, they are both from LOTV 1 is the new postcard one that hubby got lme last week & the other is an older one which I got ages ago but its lay in my tin til now.

I used the postacrd stamp again for inside but left it blank so a message can be written there. They were all stamped using memento brown. The 2 on the bottom were distressed & inked with 'Tea Dye' distress ink to give them an aged look.

I followed 2 challenges for this card & 1 is vintage so everything has been distressed with my scissors cus I couldn't find my tooly thingy lol & then its all been inked with Tea Dye distress ink. Gems twill ribbon, lace ribbon & A4 card are all from my stash. The flowers are a mixture from WOC & Crafty Emma's.
Well thats it I'm off to link up then I'm coming round to see everyone's blogs who I havn't yet been to today.
Thank you sooooo much for all your lovely comments I love you all so much & thank you for stopping by.
Tatty bye for now mmwah xoxoxoxo
Challenges I'm Entering........... - Fab Sketch (I rotated it cus I like to be different lol) - Vintage Easel (loved it ladies thank you)

Tuesday 17 May 2011

Dad's The Word........

Helloooooo all my lovelies out there how are you all? I'm just popping on to show you a card I've goodness I've missed my crafting. I am on way to catch up with you all, last night there was a bum shape in the sofa cus I sat here that long trying to catch takes forever but I will be there...I will soldier on......onward upwards & all that lol.
Right I'm shushing now & showing a card I've done with my new rubber off hubby last week.
This is a new release from LOTV called 'Dad's The Word' I dont have that many male stamps so when these were I saw these I loved 'em.

The keyring style thingy is Tim Holtz off my hubby & the ribbon,button & scrolly thing are from my stash.
I punched out 'Happy Birthday' using my MS punch & also punch the lattice one at the bottom but cut off the scallops to make it more erm.....manly (she says in a deep choking....)

The image was stamped onto Bristol Board & has been coloured with Prisma pencils & blended with sansador.

Last piccy my camera has missed me & just wouldnt stop clicking, I had to smack it lol. Papers are from Bearly Mine.  
Well thats it from me for now I'm off to lie down for a bit cus.....well I've pushed myself a wee bit too much today as we've been having a sort out of Natalie's bedroom......yeah hubby told me off too. So he has gone pick up Jake from his work experience & I'm having a lie down for 5.
Thank you sooooo much for stopping by I really do appreciate it & I will be popping by to see you all later. mmwah
Toodles xoxoxoxox
Challenges I'm Entering....... Sketch (hope this is ok girls if not just delete it sweeties)

Monday 16 May 2011

Crafts & Me DT Card & LIM Challenge

Hello to all my gorgeous fabulous friends out there. Before I say anything I want to thank you with all of my heart for the lovely messages that you have left for me regarding my health.......I'm sitting here with teary eyes after reading them all. Yes unfortunately my laptop has been gathering dust & I've only today been able to read my comments. WOW you really are a fantastic lot of ladies & I'm soooo lucky to have such wonderful friends....thank you thank you thank you thank you......I really am soooo grateful.
I'm not much better unfortunately but I am having a better day today so I thought I would pop into blogland to visit you all & I'm really missing you. My craft room has not seen me for a week & half I went in there this morn & the blinds were still they are open now along with the window to let in some fresh air lol.
I didnt want to let my DT's down again this week so I'm going to try get ahead especially with my DT work incase things go pear shaped with my health. So I started today & made a really quick & simple card this morning using a Art Deco stamp from Crafts & Me & following a challenge over at 'Less Is More' which is one layer & embossing.....dry or heat. So here is my LIM card......I do struggle with these you know lol.
This is 'Bride/Flapper' exclusive to Crafts & Me & I just think she is fabulous & one of those stamps suitable for so many occasions & used is so many ways. Here I have stamped her onto 300gsm A4 card & then heat embossed her with black embossing powder. Added some black organza ribbon, few gold pearl gems & cut out a fancy shape along the bottom using WOJ border die 'French Lilies'.

The sentiment I heat embossed with Gold to match the pearls & then cut it out using the smallest of the oblong dies.
I had to take a photo of this so quick before I had chance to start attaching loads of things lol. Hope the girlies over at LIM like it I'm not great at these cas cards especially the lim cards....they are just sooooo hard to me they are lol.
My hubby got me crafting goodies last week which was so fab of him altho they are still sitting in their packages & he has ordered me some of the new sassy's but wont tell me which ones so have to wait til mr postie pushes them through my door. My hubby is just so fantastic I love him to bits & I am sooooo lucky & thankful to have him. He really has looked after me this last week & I have managed to stop him putting me in the car to the hospital lol.......well I'm there next week anyway, thats my excuse lol. Altho I'm not sure how as I've been in jammies for 2 weeks now as wearing clothes ya think they will mind if I turn up in vest top & satin spotted bottoms lol.
Anyway I'm away to come catch up with you all altho it may take me a while as I'm doing it in bits & having rests in between but I will be around to see you all cus I've missed ya too much now I need to see your fabby creations.
Thank you for popping by & thank you again for all the lovely comments you leave for me you really do put a smile on my face & even tho you also put tears in my eyes they are always tears of joy & happiness & I thank you for that I really do.
Tatty bye for now my lovelies & sorry for the long post. mmwah
Huge hugs to all xoxoxoxox
Challenges I'm Entering...... - One Layer Card with Embossing