
Friday 20 May 2011

Quick Update...........

Good evening my lovelies how are you all? Are you ready for the weekend?
Well Natalie is back home now safe & sound. As most of you know Natalie has been through at the Alan Shearer centre since Monday so we took these few days to decorate her bedroom cus its near impossible to do it when she is here..........hence why it still hadnt been done. We finished the last of the painting yesterday & then all we had to do today was wallpaper the one wall, make drapes & wait patiently for the wardrobes to be delivered.
However the Alan Shearer centre phone about 5 last night to say they were having a problem with her peg site. As a lot of you know Natalie is fed through a peg in her stomach as she cant handle any solids or liquid via mouth. The carers couldnt get anything in her out & they phoned us so we told them to check it hadnt burst. A peg stays in an open hole in her stomach & inside it has a small balloon that we fill up with about 6ml of water obviously that balloon can burst at times which then means the peg is not secure & if a peg falls out the hole can then close & seal in a matter of hours. They took out any remaining water but couldnt get the peg out so the only thing they could do was take her to the A&E department. Unfortunately it became a long night as they had been a crash & a stabbing apparently so it was really busy. By the end of the night none of us could get the peg out so they had to admit her for observation & insert a NG tube down her nose & throat to be able to give her her important meds. If it couldnt be removed today it would of meant an operation to re-site it & while this is not a big operation Natalie has had over 20 ops in 18 years so I didnt want her to go through yet another.
Anyway as luck has it we managed to free the peg today.....a valve inside had broken stopping the balloon from fully deflating which is why we couldnt get it out........phewwwwwwww....
So we are back home & Natalie is in bed watching a dvd..........yeah she doesn't sleep well lol.
Hopefully we will get her room finished over the weekend & then I can start Jakes as I have 4 wardrobes arriving any day for his & his sisters bedroom. I have to say tho that hubby has done most of it as he wont let me do much bless him.
I am now going to do my DT commenting then I will be round to catch up with you all. I'm sooooo sorry I'm behind that darn thing called life does like to get in the way doesn't it lol. I havnt even read my comments
yet :0( but I thank each of you for popping by to look at my blog & my latest card.
I will be back in the morning with my DT card for Emma's & its a new image that I've only recently found this week, its a digi & I'm totally hooked already & now own 15 already.......ooops lol.
Well I'm off to blog hop see ya all soonies
Tatty Bye xoxoxoxo


  1. Vicky...I'm glad everything turned out ok with natalie, the last thing you need just now is for her to need another operation. I'm sure she will love her room when it's finished...what girl doesn't love new stuff??

    Have a good weekend and you take care too.


  2. Oh Vicky it sounds like you've had a worrying day, so pleased it all got sorted out.
    HUGZ Fleur xXx

  3. Thank Vicky, for all the info, I really am interested and find you a tower of strength for your family.You always sound so bright and breezy, but it sounds like you have your hands full. Such a busy lady but always here for your blogger friends.You are an inspiration.I'm going to try never to moan about trivial stuff EVER never said promise..just try.Take care my friend...

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  4. Oh Vicky - thanks so much for keeping us informed, I am so relieved you managed to get the peg out without an surgical operation. It must take ages to get back to any kind of normality after an upset like that, I just cant imagine it.

    I hope that Nathalie had a good week at the centre until then, and it sounds like you were all so busy! :)

    I hope you are keeping well too hun :)

    and what a big tease - I have to know what you now have 15 of that I dont!! grrr! :D lol.

    Take care sweetie, and look after yourself too, your hubby sounds fantastic and a real tower of strength.



  5. Hi Vicky,I do agree with Chrissy!
    Glad Natalie is ok!
    Take care !
    Hugs Heidy

  6. morning hunny, i am so pleased natalie is ok and the decorating is going well!!!! be back later to see the card hunny!!! huge hugs Lou xxx

  7. WOW girl, you sure have such a lot on your plate, am so glad it came out without an op!!!!
    Hugs for everything you do and no worries, life gets to all of
    lotsa luv to you

  8. Hi So glad she is okay. I am in awe of how you and your family deal with all these little hiccups. You sure are a strong cookie ! and Natalie is so lucky to have you both. Hope you all have a great weekend. Kitty :)

  9. Sending hugs for you all xx Jan

  10. Ohh what a horrible day for you all, but I am so thankful it finally worked out and she didn't have to have another surgery. Poor thing. I bet she LOVES her new room. You have a wonderful DH

  11. Glad everything turned out alright Vicky. Have a great weekend. :-) xx

  12. Hi Vicky..... phew that 's good new s with the peg I know sometimes they can be a damn nuisance....So pleased everything is is ok ... How are you though Hun? take care.
    Hugs Kaylou xx

  13. OMG you and the family have been throught it haven't you, I'm so glad you are back home and Natalie is comfortable
    I hope you all have a peaceful weekend
    Thinking of you
    Hugs Susie Sugar xx

  14. Oh Vicky! i`m so happy that your sweet angel didn`t have to go through another surgery. She has truly been through enough. I`m sure Natalie will love her new room when finished. Have a nice weekend. Hugs...Mona

  15. Hi Vicky, just doing a catch up now, am so glad your sweet girl is Ok, it must have been awful for you again hun, and no fun for Natalie either, thankfully she is home again, hope you get the bedrooms finished soon hun, take care.xx

  16. Oh no, poor Nat. As you know, I know only too well what problems with PEGs can be like and I know how awful it is to have an NG tube put in, the poor love. Give her a big cuddle from me. Sending my love and hugs, Marie xxx
    P.S. Have you got an emergency kit (expanded gastronomy kit) at home? If not, you should ask the hospital for one. And were those things I sent you any good? Do you want me to send any more? Mxxx

  17. Oh my...You truly are an inspiration lady!!! Jeeez, you always sounds so happy & postive! Oh, sweet natalie, glad to hear she's doing better!

  18. Well done to all involved x such care is worth its weight in gold x good luck with the bedroom x Leigh x

  19. Playing catch up sweetie. So glad Natalie is okay, it must have been a worry for you.


  20. Good god what a evening hunny - poor Natalie having to go though all that bless her.
    i bet she is over the moon with her bedroom though :smile:

    take care hunny, Sarah x


Thankyou so so much for taking time to leave me a comment grab a hug while you are here as a thank you. mmwah. Lotsa hugs from me ;0)