
Saturday 9 April 2011

A New Addition To Our Mad Hoose....

Good evening my lovelies hope you have all had good days so far. Beautiful weather & for those that have been or are going tomorrow to Ally Pally hope you have fabby time & get loadsa crafty goodies. I unfortunately didnt go :0( so I spent my money shopping on the net.....not that its anything new there like lol.
I have some exciting news to tell you, well its exciting for the Vicky household lol.
Megan my sons beautiful girlfriend has moved in with us....aparently she thinks we are an awesome family, bit mad & nuts but she loves us to bits.......awwww isnt that sooooo sweet & she is actually right about the mad & nutty thing lol.....its never dull & boring here I tell ya lol. We of course love her to bits in the short time we have known her we consider her family she truly is a gem. Do you know the most important thing tho she adores Natalie to bits & Natalie adores her......thats rare as without being nasty a lot of people ignore the disabled they are scared of something that is different & they dont know how to react or what to say which I find incomprehendable to be matter how hard you think it is to say something just a simple hi or anything to let that person know you care. I've always brought my kids up by this saying
'Dont do to others what you wouldnt like done to you' we are all different the world would be a pretty boring place if we were all the same. Why be ordinary why you can be extraordinary, we are all unique in our own little ways.
I'm babbling again aren't I lol. Well I just wanted to tell you all my fabby bit of news cus you are all my friends & well I do like to share things widg-ya lol.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend hubby is at fishing for few hours but he will be ringing me any minute, which I love cus I miss him when he's not here....yes I know I'm soppy but what can I say lol... catch ya all later my lovelies. mmwah
Toodles xoxoxoxo

CES Challenges DT Card.............Monochromatic

Good morning all you lovely jubbly people how are you all? I am fine & dandy....its sunny again woo hoo.
Now I'm a teensy bit late with this post I went to publish but then changed my mind about the photo's cus they were took at night under artificial light....I wanted sunshine.....natural daylight. So in my jammies I toddle off ootside with my card & camera & cus its early my bench is still in shade so I take my card to the steps. We have 2 steps coming down off the decking onto the garden. Did you know how wet the grass is in the morning from the dew......even wetter when you in very thin jammies!!! Yes I come down funny off the step & fell on my ass on the wet grass......needless to say the piccies are better, worth a wet ass!!!! lol
Ok stop laughing now I can hear ya........& no I dont have a piccy of me doing my diving swan act!! lol
Anyway onto why you are here its cus its Saturday......I can hear yayyyyaaayyyyy.
This week our fabulous Shell has chosen the theme which is just my fave theme
Yes you know I love mono but instead of going for my greys I went sepia as I've only done it once before & I luuuuurrrrve sepia photo's....I've even used another un-inked stamp, yeah check me

Isn't she perfect for monochromatic.......I thought so anyway & I followed a sketch that just cried out to be a gatefold....perfect actually!!!!

The flower I made myself with some shimmering organza & stuck a button in the middle, it really does look gorgeous IRL.

I've even coloured her with Promarkers.........yes I know but they were feeling neglected lol. I'm making myself to colour with all my mediums in 1 week....I've done well I've just got my prisma's to do one with now. I like a change they say its as good as a 

The inside decorated simple with a sheet of paper & a nestie & a simple flower with a gem in the middle.
The paper is GCD 'Paris Night' which was perfect for this image, the paper, the Tim Holtz ticket, the smaller flowers & of course Promarkers you can get all of these from Crafty Emma's Store.
All of the rest is from my little craft room.
Hope to see over there there is a prize of £10 to spend in Emma's shop excluding postage....ooooh so many goodies in that shop I tell ya.......I wonder if I can enter????
Anyway I'm off now to take a cuppa to my man cus he had a bad night & is still in bed so I'm gonna take him a cuppa.
Will be round in 5 mins to sees ya all.
Tatty bye for & thank you sooooo much for stopping by you all totally rock.
Challenges I'm Entering......

Just realised I havnt told you what the stamps is sorry peeps....its by Kanban Crafts & its called 'Moulin Diva's Tres Chic' & you can get it from Funky Kits

Friday 8 April 2011

Sweet Pea Stampers DT Card......Dance Of The Butterfly

Good morning my lovelies & what a beautiful morning it is again I sure hope its as beautiful where you are.
Well today is Friday yayyyyyaaaayyyyy thank crunchie for that.... It also means us Sweet Pea Stampers have a new challenge for you & this weeks challenge is...
Something For Your Mom/Hero
Now we know Mothers Day has been & gone here in the UK but for other mums all over the world they are still to celebrate. Also mums are great all year round & we should tell them that often not just mothers day, you could make a birthday card or even a simple note to say thank you.......
So get those lovely sweet pea images & send us your fabulous cards.
For my card today I have used the soooo beautiful 'Dance Of A Butterfly' by Ching-Chou Kuik which of course you can get from Sweet Pea Stamps.

I have followed the sketch again from Bearly Mine Challenges, love this sketch!!

She is of course coloured with Copics
YR000 YR0000 E01 E13 E50 R20
C00 C1 C2
B32 B93 B95 B97 & diamond stickles here & there.

A place inside with a tag for you to write a message on.

Papers are the beautiful Websters Pages. The seam binding was off the fabby Rach. The butterfly was punched out using my Tonic punch & then smothered with glitter dust.
The gorgeous flower is from Crafty Emma's Store.
Everything else is from my stash including the fab blue chain & charm with 'Mother' written on.
The sentiment is stamped with a wood block stamp off my shelf.

Well thats it from me but please go over & see my fabulous teamies creations they are all soooo stunning.

I'm off to do some blog hopping to catch up a bit before I go wash & polish my car........wonder if I can pay someone do it for me????? lol...... Thank you so much for stopping by you know I love you all mmwah.
Hope you all have a lovely day & hope it stays sunny & bright for you.
Challenges I'm Entering.....

Toodles xoxoxoxo

Thursday 7 April 2011

Tilda Wearing A Head Wreath............

Good morning all my lovely friends, how are you all? I hope the weather is good where ever you are its absolutely glorious here again so hubby is mowing the front lawn bless him.
Took my step-mum to the vets this morning, well not her, her dog I mean!! She has a Dobermann he is the softest thing on 4 legs, he is gorgeous but he's getting old. Anyway she took him the vets & he has a heart murmer, his back legs are going & his kidneys are failing so unfortunately the dog has not come back it was best & kindest for him to be put sleep. He was nearly 16 years old he was the oldest the vet had seen in such a big dog........its so sad tho & we will miss him so much.... My step-mum is very upset, luckily she has 2 yorkies to keep her occupied a little.

Anyway now onto my card I actually made this last night & just put the flowers on this morn I've decided that I will do most of my posts in a morn cus then I get all the natural light which I love lol.
Well you read the title & yes I've done a magnolia card I have had this stamp since maybe last summer cant remember TBH lol however I found it yesterday & shamefully the packet was still sealed at the back oops.
So I thought I would colour her up............

Yep she is an oldie but a cutie still lol. I needed a fix with all my faffy things after the CAS card, wow I cant do many of them......they kill me....I had hair right down my back....I'm now BALD!!!!! lol.

Shabby chiccy kinda card. Wavy edges were done with me Crafters Companion 12x12 paper cutter.

Isn't she a doll lol & guess what I've even coloured her......oops soryy Painted her with Distress Inks....yeah get me lol........still need loooooaaaaads of practice tho, I really should start using them more!!

Took the piccy's on the little bench thats outside my ickle hobbit. The paper is a digital download from the Etsy store, I've distressed them & then inked them with Vintage Photo .
The vintage seam binding is 'Hug Snug' from the US & I've frayed the edges to coincide with the whole shabby look........I love this stuff!!!
The flowers & lace ar from Wild Orchid Crafts.
The stamp is of course 'Tilda Wearing Floral Head Wreath' from Sir Stamp A Lot, who might I add has a sale on loads of stuff so I'm away shopping in a min to buy some more bits for my candy & maybe a few things for moi lol.

Well thats it from me I would like to say hi & a big big welcome to my new followers big squishy hugs to you & thankyou for following me I'm truly honoured...
Also a big thankyou to all that gave me their opinions yesterday about my candy I soooooo appreciate it, I just hope you like what I will be offering.....
Well I'm off to make my man a cuppa then shopping. I'm not sure if this card fits any challenges as I really did do it just for fun.....make have a peekskie round in a bit.
Thank you for stopping by I will come see you all very soon I promise.
Toodles for now xoxoxoxo

Wednesday 6 April 2011

Would love to have your opinion plzzzzzzzzzzz.......

Hello all my lovelies. It is absolutely glorious up here in the north it is soooo warm I've even had my double doors open on my hobbit, its lush. Been trying to get stuck in with the garden a lot of things need rescuing after the poop winter we've had. In between my craft room & the conservatory is decking with a small pond set in it, well to be honest its more of a water feature lol. Either side I planted a grass, one of these that grown really big & bushy. I planted them 4 years ago when we first started the garden after moving in. 2 years ago my hubby built the conservatory & the plants got knocked about but they survived. If you look at the far end in this piccy you can see the tall pride & joy...........
This was taken early last spring before my craft room got extended, you might have to enlarge the piccy to see the grasses prop....soz its the only one I can find at the mo lol.
This is my extended craft room....look at my lovely grass tho now.....

You can just see it next to the barbeque.............. :0( I am gutted.......(Excuse the bag over my chimney it needed resealing lol....all this decking has got be re-stained.....any takers???)lol

Anyway onto your opinion sorry to bore you peeps lol. Now I've been buying odds & ends over the last month ready for my 1 year anniversary, 1 year since I started blogging & crafting......yes a year ago I seem to remember having lots of seems to be in a different kind of paper now tho.......strange really some say websters on ya think its the new £50 note???
Anyway without trying to give too much away......I dont want to ruin the surprise now lol. Say I had a set of pens or paints or crayons etc etc but I had used about half a dozen but the set was large & nearly all of it was unused. Would anyone accept it as part of a candy as its not all brand new in that set???
Answers please on a comment postcard in the tab below.........think this gorgeous weather has gone to my heed.........ner I was already doolally lol.
If you could give me your honest opinion I would sooooo appreciate it.
This set is a good one & I REALLY dont want to throw it but its not right its collecting dust either.
Thank you for your time my darlings will have to go get tea ready now will see you all laters
Toodles xoxoxo

Tuesday 5 April 2011

The Rose..........also an update about Natalie

Good evening all you lovely jubbly people how are you all? Well my daughter went back school yesterday, her scratches are healing nicely & the dressing on her tummy is healing nicely we were able to leave the dressing off tomorrow. The person who attacked her is never allowed in her class & the staff are to be a lot more vigilant. I have told them Natalie requires on them to be her hears, eyes & voice she cant do any of that herself so has faith in her carers to do that job. The nurse would you believe didnt think the cut on her tummy warranted a plaster.........I always thought an open wound requires covering at least for a few hours. When you get a needle what does a nurse do after??.... she applies a plaster!!! She is now very grumpy & screaming her head off now so I'm gonna get on & do this quick, think she heard me talking about her to you lol.
Right tonights card is for the 'Less Is More' challenge....yes you heard right, I know I'm a girl who loves her bellies & flowers these are what can make a card beautiful enough to drool on....ok so thats what I do as I'm patrolling blogland lol.
Now the challenge is add a touch of red.....just remember my motto is 'MORE IS MORE' usually lol

I stamped a sentiment stamp onto white card with Momento black & then stamped a rose in Firebrick Red distress ink. This is 'The Rose' named after my dad, I used to sing the Bette Midler version on karaoke when I'd set up my DJ decks to make sure sounding etc was right & it was my dad's fave song he liked to hear me this is in memory of my best dad!!!

The bottom I cut out using a WOJ die. Yes I've still done inside but even that is less & the 4 gems on the front well they made me do it........I blame them you know......sssshhhh I wont tell if you dont!!
Right I'm off to try  & settle my daughter off......hence the tryyyyyyy!!
My hubby is sitting next to me he has just done me a cuppa & as he looked over all he could read was where it says WOJ.........whats a WOJ he asks.........its not drugs is it??? ROFL they make you laugh dont they lol.
I'm really away now
Tatty Bye peeps love's ya & thank you for stopping by on my basic CAS card.....I will be back tomorrow with something very ott.....I hope lol....
Challenges I'm Entering.... - Add A Touch Of Red (this is as CAS as I get girls hope its ok)

Sunday 3 April 2011

Kenny K DT Card.....wooooo hooooo & A Happy Mothers Day

Good morning all my lovely friends Happy Moms Day to all the moms & moms to be out there, hope you all have a super fabulous day. Hope you get looked after & spoilt rotten but most of all I hope you have a fab time with your families.
I am not even allowed to make a cup of tea today never mind touch my a day where my washer aint will have withdrawal.
Anyway my lovelies its Sunday which means its time for
Yep this is my first DT I cant believe it you know....but please dont pinch me just incase it is a dream. Right you will want to know the challenge wont you......
Pretty In Pink
Think I took it quite literally with my card....may have gone OTT!!!

This is the gorgeous 'Bling Baby' which of course you can get here.
I followed the fabby sketch on Bearly Mine, excellent girls loved this one!!

She is of course coloured with Copics & had lots of glitter added cus after all she is 'Bling Baby'

This gorgeous butterfly is a Marianne die I saw it on my fab friend Angie's blog & it was soooo beautiful so of course I went straight on the net & brought myself one.....dontcha just love internet shopping lol.
It was inked with victorian velvet distress ink & then embossed with thick embossing powder a few times.

Yes its a twisted easel these I absolutely love.
The flowers are from Crafty Emma's
The papers are from Bearly Mine
the lace, feathers, bling etc is all from my stash.
We hope you can join us this week as well as Kenny K prizes we also have fab prizes from
Wild Orchid Crafts who are offering gorgeous flowers, I love their flowers.
Please pop over here to check out my fellow teamies creations they are all so stunning, I work with such a talented bunch of girls.

Well thats it from me hope you all have a fabulous day today. Thankyou sooooo much for stopping by you know I love you all mmwah.
Challenges I'm Entering.....

Toodles my lovelies xoxoxox