
Saturday 9 April 2011

A New Addition To Our Mad Hoose....

Good evening my lovelies hope you have all had good days so far. Beautiful weather & for those that have been or are going tomorrow to Ally Pally hope you have fabby time & get loadsa crafty goodies. I unfortunately didnt go :0( so I spent my money shopping on the net.....not that its anything new there like lol.
I have some exciting news to tell you, well its exciting for the Vicky household lol.
Megan my sons beautiful girlfriend has moved in with us....aparently she thinks we are an awesome family, bit mad & nuts but she loves us to bits.......awwww isnt that sooooo sweet & she is actually right about the mad & nutty thing lol.....its never dull & boring here I tell ya lol. We of course love her to bits in the short time we have known her we consider her family she truly is a gem. Do you know the most important thing tho she adores Natalie to bits & Natalie adores her......thats rare as without being nasty a lot of people ignore the disabled they are scared of something that is different & they dont know how to react or what to say which I find incomprehendable to be matter how hard you think it is to say something just a simple hi or anything to let that person know you care. I've always brought my kids up by this saying
'Dont do to others what you wouldnt like done to you' we are all different the world would be a pretty boring place if we were all the same. Why be ordinary why you can be extraordinary, we are all unique in our own little ways.
I'm babbling again aren't I lol. Well I just wanted to tell you all my fabby bit of news cus you are all my friends & well I do like to share things widg-ya lol.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend hubby is at fishing for few hours but he will be ringing me any minute, which I love cus I miss him when he's not here....yes I know I'm soppy but what can I say lol... catch ya all later my lovelies. mmwah
Toodles xoxoxoxo


  1. Evening Vicky, Your news is fab sweetie, so happy for you, she sounds like a perfect fit for your family, thats everything......enjoy the rest of your week-end hun.xx

  2. LOL! Does she really know what she's letting herself in for hon???

    Seriously, isn't it lovely that she feels that comfortable with you all, & as you say gets on well with Natalie.

    Have fun xxx

  3. congrads :)
    When I read the title I was thinkin maybe you gotta dog...but another child is WAY better!!!
    congrads to your sorta daughter in law 'cause I am sure even if you are a bit nuts, she is very lucky to be included as family :)

  4. hi huni this is fab news she sounds such a sweetie and its awesome that she and Natalie are good friends you couldn't wish for anything more aye hun have a great weekend
    Lorraine xx

  5. Well that really is exciting news!
    You already sad everything so beautifully!
    Lot of hugs to your extended family!

  6. They say that when you have any disability , your senses is extra sharp, so Natalie knows Megan is true, so glad for her and the family, i so agree, what do one mean when saying " different" ??? We all are, kindness and love goes a looooooooooong way .........:))
    lotsa luv
    ps: love your blog heading!!

  7. Aww, what fab news and you sound over the moon. Been to SIL's for a BBQ and left Zoe and Daniel there, which means me and Jessica can go to Ally Pally and hubby and collect kids tomorrow - yippee!!
    Have a fab weekend and so glad Natalie has a new companion

  8. Where would we be without..NUTS!!... well we would not have peanut butter..and we would not have you and there you go. Hope all goes well with Megan...I'm sure she has had plenty of experience with visiting.. that she will fit right in.
    Have a wonderful hearing from you..
    Luv CHRISSYxx

  9. That's lovely news, Vicky! xx

  10. That sounds like great news!! I know what you mean about how people find it hard to relate to disabled people. I always remember years ago when I was a teenager, there was a deaf man who approached me and my friends and he couldn't really speak either and he was lost and wanted someone to help him get in touch with the home, etc and I spent about an hour helping him and my friends were like 'oh, you're so good with people like that' and I was like 'they're not people like that, they're no different to you and me' but then as I've said before cos my mum's always worked with people with learning difficulties, she's took me into work with her from when I was about 6 or 7, so I guess I'm 'used to it'! Anyway, I'm rambling now!!! Was fab at Ally Pally today with Vicky. Would've made it complete if my other Vicky had been there!! You'll have to come in September - maybe we could arrange something!? We'll have to chat on the email! Hugs, Marie xxx

  11. How lovely to hear some NICE news for a change, and also to hear how well Megan gets on with your daughter - I love what you said about teaching your kids to never do to others what you wouldn't want done to you. I think I'll pass that one on to my granddaughters!

    Also I was thrilled to hear what you said about missing your hubby when he's not there - we're just the same! Seems that most crafters are married to lovely men - how lucky are we?


    Judi x

  12. Hi Vicky, how lovely for your son to have met a really nice girl (who you like!!!!), my lot are a wee way off bringing home boyfriends even, but when that all kicks off homelife I'm sure will be even more busy (& fun) Hugs Heidi xx

  13. Hi Vicky.
    What a lovely post!!
    It's so nice to hear your good news!
    All the best to you all. xx
    Love, Mel.

  14. That is fablous news sweetie and I don't blame her for saying she loves your family. It is great news for Natalie as well, it is fabulous that they get on so well together and everyone feels at ease with one another.


  15. This is so lovely to read, it sounds like you are one big happy nutty family and for everyone to feel that way is so important. I bet natalie feels like she has a sister in the home

    hugs, Sarah x

  16. Such a lovely post Vicky :)

    Im sure you and your sons girlfriend will grow quite close and Natalie will adore having such a fun new big sis! ;)




Thankyou so so much for taking time to leave me a comment grab a hug while you are here as a thank you. mmwah. Lotsa hugs from me ;0)