
Friday 25 March 2011

So Blooming Annoyed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good evening my lovelies how are you all? Glorious weather again today my son even text me when he was at school to ask me put the roof down on my car when I pick him I did altho I think its still a bit too nippy we had a fresh breeze coming off the sea so maybe wait a bit longer before I put the roof down again lol.
Anyway I know I said I would be on tonight as Fridays are now my family night but I'm feeling rather peed off & just need to rant!! Its not very often I do have a fact on here this could be my first I always think that compared to what some people go through then I should stay quiet. This however really does bother me, to be honest I feel really upset & if I wasn't so angry would prob be crying.
My daughter has come home from school & apparently there was a little mishap.....yeah right little my ass.
The school phoned to say that a child in the class had scratched Natalie & that they were really sorry & they have to inform us of any little mishaps......well shall I show you Natalie apparent little mishap???
This is on the bottom of her arm....

This is the top outer part of her arm..........

This is her stomach (excuse the scars she has them everywhere she's had over 20 operations in her life so far)..........

This is the top of  arm on the inside........
So what do you think of my baby's LITTLE mishap??? This is why I'm so damn angry!! She doesnt hurt anyone cus she cant, she isnt nasty to anyone cus she cant speak, she does nothing so why did this child attack her?? Why on earth wasn't she been watched ? Natalie requires 24 hour supervision, she has to have a nurse on hand everytime she is at school so how did this child attack her if she was under constant supervision?
Its annoyed me & her dad so much, her elder brother hasnt seen it but her younger brother is angry about it, I had to tell him off for his language actually which doesn't happen often.
The school didnt even put any dressings on & when she got home from school the one on her stomach was still bleeding. Apparently this child only goes there on a Friday.....fine Natalie will NOT be going next Friday. They better pick up their act or she will stay at home indefinately!!!!
Thank you for listening to me rant on I promise its extremely rare I do have a rant.
Also thankyou for all your super fabulous comments on my sweet pea card below. You have cheered me up, even as angry as I feel so from the bottom of my heart I thank you & I love you all loads.
Huggles xoxoxoxox

Sweet Pea Stampers DT Card...........bit of nostalgia for me

Good morning my lovelies & what a beautiful morning it is again. WOW we really are getting spoilt by the weather just lately, it was so warm here yesterday I nearly put the roof down on the car when I did school run.....prob was I always take my yorkie Charlie with me as he loves the car so I was worried he would jump out if he saw something he liked......will have to get an harness I think lol.
Anyway this is my first post as a Sweet Stamper girl gosh I'm so excited yet nervous at the same time lol.
Our challenge this fortnight is
Pack A Punch so get them punches out peeps.
Now as you know its nearly a year since I started crafting well last June I coloured my 1st Sweet Pea stamp I was so nervous colouring it cus I had only been doing this colouring lark about 6 weeks at the time & I was still trying to get to grips with it lol. Anyway as its my 1st DT post I thought I would go back to my first stamp.....its great to see how we have progressed since then.
Here is 'Seeing Through' by one of my fave artists Ching-Chou Kuik

She is of course available at Sweet Pea Stamps store & also available here in the UK, although out of stock in the UK at the mo. I followed the sketch over on Sketch & Stash but rotated it & then after I had done it I realised I had already done a card & entered there.......DOH!!!!

I have used Basic Grey 'Curio' paper which is just gorgeous & available at Crafty Emma's who has a sale on starting today. The bottom of the paper was punched out using one of my MS punch around the page sets but I only wanted the bottom & top 2 corners done.

The flower I made myself with some Crochet ribbon I have used also on this card. The button is recycled from my gran's cardigan which I think is beautiful. The tag is also from some linen ribbon I have & I cut a piece off to sew onto my flower......I'm really pleased with this TBH & will be making more.

She has been coloured with Copics but cant remember the colours...sorry peeps :0(
She has been cut out using my Deckle Nestie & then matted onto brown shiny metal which was also cut out using a nestie. I forgot I had these sheets of metal I got them in december I think....they are lush. I then added a few feathers behind her & Bob's your auntie all finished. Oh I also added Frosted Lace stickles to the roses for that bit of sparkle lol.
Well thats it from me but pplease do pop over here as my lovely teamies have really punched out their creations this week....sorry for the pun but they are really stunning.
Hope to see you entering this fornight & look forward to seeing all of your sweet pea creations.
Thank you all for stopping by I'm coming round to see you all now.
See ya soonies my lovely friends mmwah
Challenges I'm Entering..... 

Toodles xoxoxoxo

Thursday 24 March 2011

Hi everyone

Good evening all my lovely jubbly friends. Its just a quickie post to say I wont be making a card cus I want get my DT commenting done as tomorrow night is family night so is my night off. I wouls like to say thank you for your lovely comments on the card below you sure do know how cheer a gal up mmwah.
Tomorrow morning I have a card for you as its my first Sweet Pea Stamper DT Card.....1st one is always nerve racking dontcha I think I've bitten my nails down to my elbows
Anyway I'm gonna go make my rounds......he hee I sound like a doctor.......ok you have to imagine the white coat, stethoscope etc......maybe even a posh-ish voice so no swearing!! Can you picture it now???
No ok just me with the vivid imagination
Anyway hope you all enjoy the rest of your evening.
Here's a sneaky peekskie of my card for tomorrow lol.
Its my Nostalgia moment lol.
See ya soonies my lovelies.
Take care & keep on smiling. Be thankful for all we have & pray for all the people less fortunate than us.
Toodles xoxoxoxox

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Sparkly Gwenn

Good evening my lovely friends & you really are my fabulous friends. Thank you sooooo very much for all your congrats regarding my new DT I really am so overjoyed & even now still in shock TBH lol.
As I'm quite late tonight I'm just gonna get on with it as I've got go change my daughters nappy & try settle her down so I can go bed.......gonna kick Jake off to bed in 10 mins too lol what is it with teenagers they think they need less & less sleep & then wonder why they are so tired in the morning lol.
Anyway tonights card has another stamp on that I've not inked up....I'm doing well arn't I lol. Hubby got me these on day of release last year he got me the full set, this is the first one I've inked up.
This is 'Gwenn' designed by Molly Harrison for LOTV. My order arrived today from Emma's Shop which contained the brand new Websters Pages......I just sat & smelt them for ages, these papers have the lush smell & are fabulous quality. Best quality papers I've seen & I've got a LOTTTTTT of paper lol.
The ones used on this card are here. 

This beautiful 35mm Gardenia flower is also from Emma's, the hat pin I made myself with swarovski crystal.

Lace & blue pearls are from my stash. The layout of card is from a fab sketch.

White butterfly from my stash & the sentiment is printed off my lappy & I found a tiny frame in my box of things today. The circle is from a marianne die

She is coloured with Copics & her wings glittered with Baby Blue stickles. She is so pretty.
Colours used are as follows.....I did forget to write them down but luckily few were used so I can remember them lol.....
E00 R11 R20 - skin
E50 E51 E53 - hair
B000 B00 B02 - clothes
cant remember the greens tho sorry!!!
Well thats it from me I'm gonna get as much blog hopping as I can done however if my daughter doesn't settle then I will get up an hour earlier in the morn to do it then lol. At 5.30am its so peaceful with just birdies chirping lol.
Thank you so much for stopping by I love you all & appreciate every single comment left.
Take care all & keep on smiling
Challenges I'm Entering........ - No Square Cards Allowed

Huggles xoxoxoxoxo

Tuesday 22 March 2011

My Manga Girl & My Exciting News!!!!!!!!!

Good evening all my lovely friends. Welcome to my 2 new followers thank you soooo much for being here if you leave a comment I will come over to your blog as I always like to thank people & follow them.
First I want to tell you my exciting news cus I really cant keep it in any longer!! About a month ago I got a surprise e-mail off the lovely Donna who owns Bearly Mine she was e-mailing me to ask me if I wanted to be on a DT & when she told me which DT......well I danced, hopped & really got jiggy with it....I cant believe still now they have asked me. I will give you a clue they use my fave digi' is my fave digi image shop ever & they also do rubber stamps too.
All of my dreams in blogland have come true I work with the best teams & the best rubber & images & with some of the most talented people who I look up to soooo much.
Well I will compose myself now & show you my card. I only got to play tonight as this afternoon I realised that my last 6 cards I hadnt made boxes for & they were sitting on my shelf in my bedroom lol. So this afternoon I made a batch of boxes lol.
Here is another stamp that has finally seen ink, well I inked it last week.....this stamp however I've had over 7 months......bowing head in total shame as I type......

Yes I've made a fancy edged card again....I am so loving making these lol.
This is Manga Girl 2 available here  & she has been coloured with Copics.
The centre flower & pink Bakers Twine is from Crafty Emma's & everything else is from my stash.

Paper is from Etsy, digi download & matted up with grey card.

The box I make for most of my cards if there is a chance things will get a bit squashed.

Thank you to everyone who has commented on my fancy edges. I have had a few e-mails asking which punch I use. For all my cards I use 300gsm A4 card so the card is too thick for punches really. I use metal border dies to make the fancy edges, the Whiff Of Joy dies are perfect & fit perfectly the width of my card which are usually 15x15cm. Here is the one I've used for this card.
Well thats it from me I'm off to catch up on some blog-hopping while waiting for my daughter to go sleep......a clonk on the head just doesn't work of course lol.
Thank you for stopping by & thank you for taking time to leave me a comment I really do appreciate every single one.
See ya soonies peeps loves ya loads.
Challenges I'm Entering.......


Copic & Promarker Storage....

Good morning my friends how are you all this lovely sunny morning? Its soooo beautiful up here today I may muster some energy up later & take the dogs a walk along the beach......we'll see lol.
Well last night I finished my Copic/Promarker storage or should I say part finished I've still got to add number & colour stickers lol. I thought I would show you my nearly finished project. Now this isn't my idea I saw it somewhere on the net last summer I think it was but I dismayed it as I already had Promarker storage at the time that suited my needs. However needs change & my storage had to. Most of you know that I use Promarkers & Copics & Prisma pencils but they come in their own storage tin, I do tend to colour more with Copics lately..... Anyway I dont have a particular place to colour I have a desk in the conservatory where I do my colouring or I do it in my craft room, in my bedroom & even the living room I love to just sit & relax & colour images. Due to this I need storage that is much more mobile cus in the summer I love to also sit in the garden or on the hammock & colour images......its soooo relaxing lol.
So a few months ago a brought a case off Ebay....a large one so I can have all my pens in one place & altogether........yes its took me 3 months to get my ass in gear & do this lol.
This is a large aluminium cd case otherwise know as DJ Flight Case as us DJ's use them for carrying our cds & mps3 discs.......I have 5 large ones up the attic full of mp3 disks from our days as DJ's lol.
Anyway you can get this one here.
Click on piccies for better larger view

IMPORTANT (I think anyway lol)
Now I would like to point out an important factor, the cases known as DJ Flight Case normally have the handles at the front which would be better to avoid for this storage solution to work at its best. Try get the ones with the handle on top like the one above.......things stay in the same place when carrying then, nothing gets tipped up!!

The cases come with plastic cd cases inside with the plastic strips on which just slide along the top. The lid of the case I use it to keep my clipboard which I ALWAYS use to colour on I know if the ink seeps through the paper it just seeps onto the clipboard. I also have my Copic Colour Chart & my Promarker colour charts there as well which are both laminated so they are always protected.
Now I havnt been on Copics for that long & whilst I do have all the Ciao colours I only have a few sketch lol. The copics have still got have all their number stickers on the lids saying what number they are. I only buy sketch if I want a colour that isnt in the Ciao. The promarkers do have some stickers on from when they were in my old storage however I didnt keep up with it unfortunately & then has they ran out I did the silly thing of throwing them away lol.

Yes I also keep a few images in the lid as well lol.

I am in the middle of putting all the colour spots on the promarker lids. To make it easier I've just printed off another Promarker chart (using the same card as I do for images) I'm going to colour each square up & then once they are all coloured I will punch small spots out of each colour & attach them to the Promarkers lids. So just by looking at the lids you will see roughly what colour it is or at least what row its in, depends how to want to sort your pens.

The cases fit more Copics in as they are slimmer even the sketch as you can turn them on their side. I've put my copics in order according to my colour chart so when I refer to my chart to see what colour I want to use I know what row its in so you can either find the right pen(when numbered it will be easier lol) or you can take the whole case out (like pic above) & then you put it back once finished.

I also keep spare cases in & I have a case with some pen lids in off  old pens cuse incase 1 cracks or I lose one. I have a case for copic lids & one for Promarkers. Also a good tip once you have put the coloured spots on your lids when the pen runs dry & you throw the pen keep the lid then rather than have to re-spot it you can just transfer the old lid onto your new pen. I learnt this through not doing this myself hence why so many no longer have took me a while click onto that idea lol. I am holding a spotted lid in the pic.....sorry about the lens cover showing, not enough hands lol.

My whole case of pens. My Copics & Promarkers all in the one place & all mobile so I can take it wherever I want & my handle is on top so the pens always stay in their position. I did have the cd/dvd rack storage for my promarkers but that only works if you stay in the one room all the time I dont as I like to spend as much time with the family as I can so this works perfect for me. Even if the boys are playing on the Wii or the xbox with their dad instead of their own rooms I sit in the living room & colour some images.......the stress levels I witness when the men are on their games is so funny I do end up laughing more than colouring lol.
Anyway thats it for me I'm gonna peg out my sons bedding outside & then have a little play down the bottom of my garden in my little hobbit....well large-ish hobbit lol.
Thank you so much for stopping by I hope I maybe given you some idea's about storage or at least found this interesting to some point lol.
Will be back later with some sort of creation.....I hope lol.
Toodles til then

Monday 21 March 2011

Crafts & Me DT card - Petal Melody

Hello all my lovely friends how are you all today? Did you all have a nice weekend? Well my daughter is back at school today after being off for the last 2 weeks........hopefully she will cope well & they wont push her too hard especially physio.
Today I am showing you 'Petal Melody' by Lemon Shortbread which is exclusive to Crafts & Me only you can find her & her friends here.
Here is my version of her.....

As you can see the weather is beautiful up here along the coast so I took advantage & took the photo's outside. She is coloured with Copics.....unfortunately I dont have the colours used I kept them out so I would write the list down but then yesterday I sorted a new storage solution for my pens as I needed something to hold my Copics & my Promarkers & being mobile so accidently put the all the pens in order lol. I will put piccy's on my blog soon of my new pen storage altho its not a new concept.
Speaking of Promarkers Teresa has them in the store now so pop on over here to take a peek.

The bottom edge of the card I did myself I was playing over the weekend to give my cards a fancy edge lol. So the edge was done with a die & I even kept the hearts that were cut out cus you just never know when you could use them & I ended up using a few on here lol. They are inked up with Weathered Wood distress ink.

The papers are from a lovely friend, thank you again soooo much Marie mmwah. I dont know what sort they are & to be honest I did not want to use them they really are that pretty & it made me weep cutting them :0(
I did stroke them for a very long time tho & drooled somewhat to lol.
The inside is decorated to compliment the front. For the actual layout I followed a sketch.

Here she is in all her glory.........she is soooo pretty & an absolute dream to colour she will be used often because she is perfect for so many occasions I think. Altho I've barely used a stamp twice cus I have that many to ink up......I am trying my best to get through them so I am stopping myself from buying any more til all my existing ones are inked..........heaven help me lol.
Teresa has had new stock in so as well as some Promarkers she also has the new Kraftin Kimmie stamps as well. She will also be getting some new Sweet Pea stamps so you will want to keep your eyes open for them as well......I certainly will lol.
Remember the stamp I've shown here is exclusive to Crafts & Me only.
Pop over to the challenge blog & join in the fun there we are now a weekly challenge with prizes every week. Also for this week Teresa is celebrating so another person chosen by random will win 8 digi images.....yes 8 so why not pop along & join in after all you have to be in it to win it.
Well thats all from me I will leave you in peace now lol enjoy the rest of your day.
Thank you so much for stopping by I do love reading your comments they all make my day & really put a big smile on my face....hugs to each of you that come along.
Challenges I'm Entering...... - Sketch (I have changed the flowers & sentiment around so if its not ok girls then please delete it......really sorry)

Take care my lovelies & keep on smiling mmwah

Sunday 20 March 2011

Spring Connie

Good evening all my lovelies have you all enjoyed your weekend? Have you had your chillaxing time lol?
Tonight I thought I would make a card to put 1 of my coloured images on, the ones that I colour & put them in a box then they never see the light of day you have any of those? That was until I saw this paper & thought it was perfect for The Sugar Bowl sketch with the theme of 'Spring' thats what I did.........

Are you scratching your head?? Yeah me too.....yes my coloured images are STILL in their box cus after I had done this card in lemons & grey I thought it would be fab with just a grey drawing........
....Enter 'Connie' I coloured her skin only & sat her right there & I think she sits well there. She is of course a digi from Funkykits.

The inside is done to compliment the front of course.

Paper is from Etsy, lace, pearls & sunflower is from my stash.
Other flowers are from Crafty Emma's.

The bottom edge of the card I did myself on my Grand Calibur.
Well thats it from me quick post tonight cus I've done no blog hopping today its been one of those busy days & when I did go on the net I went shopping to Crafty Emma's......yes she has the new Websters Pages in & I just love Websters.....& its not my fault that other stuff fell in the basket I did really well & kept it under £40......check me out lol.
Well I'm off to do some blog hopping so I will see you soonies.
Thank you SOOOOO much for stopping by with all my heart I appreciate it.
Take care toodles..... xoxoxoxoxox
Challenge I'm Entering.......