
Tuesday 22 March 2011

Copic & Promarker Storage....

Good morning my friends how are you all this lovely sunny morning? Its soooo beautiful up here today I may muster some energy up later & take the dogs a walk along the beach......we'll see lol.
Well last night I finished my Copic/Promarker storage or should I say part finished I've still got to add number & colour stickers lol. I thought I would show you my nearly finished project. Now this isn't my idea I saw it somewhere on the net last summer I think it was but I dismayed it as I already had Promarker storage at the time that suited my needs. However needs change & my storage had to. Most of you know that I use Promarkers & Copics & Prisma pencils but they come in their own storage tin, I do tend to colour more with Copics lately..... Anyway I dont have a particular place to colour I have a desk in the conservatory where I do my colouring or I do it in my craft room, in my bedroom & even the living room I love to just sit & relax & colour images. Due to this I need storage that is much more mobile cus in the summer I love to also sit in the garden or on the hammock & colour images......its soooo relaxing lol.
So a few months ago a brought a case off Ebay....a large one so I can have all my pens in one place & altogether........yes its took me 3 months to get my ass in gear & do this lol.
This is a large aluminium cd case otherwise know as DJ Flight Case as us DJ's use them for carrying our cds & mps3 discs.......I have 5 large ones up the attic full of mp3 disks from our days as DJ's lol.
Anyway you can get this one here.
Click on piccies for better larger view

IMPORTANT (I think anyway lol)
Now I would like to point out an important factor, the cases known as DJ Flight Case normally have the handles at the front which would be better to avoid for this storage solution to work at its best. Try get the ones with the handle on top like the one above.......things stay in the same place when carrying then, nothing gets tipped up!!

The cases come with plastic cd cases inside with the plastic strips on which just slide along the top. The lid of the case I use it to keep my clipboard which I ALWAYS use to colour on I know if the ink seeps through the paper it just seeps onto the clipboard. I also have my Copic Colour Chart & my Promarker colour charts there as well which are both laminated so they are always protected.
Now I havnt been on Copics for that long & whilst I do have all the Ciao colours I only have a few sketch lol. The copics have still got have all their number stickers on the lids saying what number they are. I only buy sketch if I want a colour that isnt in the Ciao. The promarkers do have some stickers on from when they were in my old storage however I didnt keep up with it unfortunately & then has they ran out I did the silly thing of throwing them away lol.

Yes I also keep a few images in the lid as well lol.

I am in the middle of putting all the colour spots on the promarker lids. To make it easier I've just printed off another Promarker chart (using the same card as I do for images) I'm going to colour each square up & then once they are all coloured I will punch small spots out of each colour & attach them to the Promarkers lids. So just by looking at the lids you will see roughly what colour it is or at least what row its in, depends how to want to sort your pens.

The cases fit more Copics in as they are slimmer even the sketch as you can turn them on their side. I've put my copics in order according to my colour chart so when I refer to my chart to see what colour I want to use I know what row its in so you can either find the right pen(when numbered it will be easier lol) or you can take the whole case out (like pic above) & then you put it back once finished.

I also keep spare cases in & I have a case with some pen lids in off  old pens cuse incase 1 cracks or I lose one. I have a case for copic lids & one for Promarkers. Also a good tip once you have put the coloured spots on your lids when the pen runs dry & you throw the pen keep the lid then rather than have to re-spot it you can just transfer the old lid onto your new pen. I learnt this through not doing this myself hence why so many no longer have took me a while click onto that idea lol. I am holding a spotted lid in the pic.....sorry about the lens cover showing, not enough hands lol.

My whole case of pens. My Copics & Promarkers all in the one place & all mobile so I can take it wherever I want & my handle is on top so the pens always stay in their position. I did have the cd/dvd rack storage for my promarkers but that only works if you stay in the one room all the time I dont as I like to spend as much time with the family as I can so this works perfect for me. Even if the boys are playing on the Wii or the xbox with their dad instead of their own rooms I sit in the living room & colour some images.......the stress levels I witness when the men are on their games is so funny I do end up laughing more than colouring lol.
Anyway thats it for me I'm gonna peg out my sons bedding outside & then have a little play down the bottom of my garden in my little hobbit....well large-ish hobbit lol.
Thank you so much for stopping by I hope I maybe given you some idea's about storage or at least found this interesting to some point lol.
Will be back later with some sort of creation.....I hope lol.
Toodles til then


  1. how many pens ! i must upload my pro-marker storage tat stu made me but is so dinky compared to your master storage system

  2. OMG how many have you got I'm comming round to pinch them lol fab idea I have seen it used before maybe when (if ever) I get as many I will do the same I still can't get over how short a time you have been doing this you amaze me honestly I think it's great
    Jacki xx

  3. Hi Vicky,
    Brillant storage system you have there!!
    I have all my prismas and fabers all over my desk. Right mess!!
    I cant store them upright as I cant read the colours then.
    Hope your enjoying the lovely weather :))
    Love, Mel. xx

  4. i'm are totally organized! it looks so nice and neat:)...i'd be embarrassed to show you my marker collection. it's sort of pushed in piles on the outskirts of my desk:) have inspired me to take control of the mess:)

    have a great day...look forward to seeing your creation later:)


  5. oooh it looks fab vicky....noe if only i could get on with sorting my ribbons out i can move onto the pen storage.....!! lol!!!! hugs Lou xxx

  6. Fab idea. I've got to sort out my storage at some point - just need to get motivated!! :) x

  7. This is just fantastic and a great idea for your pens!! Love it Chanelle xxx

  8. Fantastic storage system sweetie. You are so organised. Hope the doggies and yourself got your walk along the beach.


  9. Look at you, Little Miss Organised!! It looks fab hun, and such a good idea. You've got loads of pens!! I keep my prismas in a clear plastic box and my promarkers are still all in their original packaging - not v space efficient!!
    It's a lovely day today, I enjoyed the sunshine and took the dog for a walk across the heath. Back to check on you later! Hugs, Marie xx

  10. this is fab i love this storage i think i need one now lol xx

  11. Hi vicky great idea i have the 2 plastic case's my ciao's came in but the promarkers have always been a problem. I use to store them in 2 A4 storage boxes but were a strugle to keep moving them, then looking for a colour. I now used a 3Lt really useful box and have colour coded the tops it's much better. like you i colour in all rooms.
    take care
    Hugs Angie x

  12. Wow that is a load of

  13. Vicky this is'll never believe it but I use my DJ case to store unmounted stamps - I'm going to have to get another one now!!!
    I wonder what else they can be used for???

    Carol x

  14. Wow this looks fab Vicky i will have to look out for one of these cases.Thanx for sharing.
    Trish (-:

  15. wow vick love the manga girl babe its gorjuss hunny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  16. I am a bit like you, i wanted promarkers but once i got them i wanted Copics....its on the birthday list and i keep leaving a tab open on the laptop at the set i know men...they need a bit of steering in the right direction when it comes to presents. Thats how i got my Cricut, i just set the reminder for the shopping channel so when he got up for work it was on the tv every morning! He still laughs at that!! It drove him mad....but it did work!

    Love your storage system. Mines in a couple of really useful boxes with stickers on the lids too...good tip about keeping the lid!

    Lynne x x

  17. What a brilliant storage system, I too am amazed how many you have! Thanks for all the useful little tips you have given us all here xxx

  18. I am very new to colouring pens and just wondered if you have any trouble with the ink all running to one end leaving the other dry ?
    I was told to always store my promarkers horizontally to avoid this but I would love to be able to store them upright.
    You storage solution if fabulous.

  19. so helpful! thanks for sharing. CoB

  20. A brilliant idea for storing your pens. I, too, thought you could not store the pens vertical as they would dry out at one end.
    I use the Really Useful Boxes for everything, including my promarkers etc. I lined the bottom of the box with light corrugated card and made a slot for each pen. It works but would love one of those dedicated set of drawers in wood specifically for promarkers etc, but at nearly £40 with postage just a tad too much.Perhaps Really Useful Box Co. could come up with a similar idea but in plastic!!

  21. What a great idea. Thanks for sharing it with us. I don't know if you know but letraset say you can refill your promarkers with tria inks and they have a list of which inks to use for each pen,
    H xx

  22. Does someone have a link where to buy the case?

  23. Hi,
    Could someone post a link where to buy this case?


Thankyou so so much for taking time to leave me a comment grab a hug while you are here as a thank you. mmwah. Lotsa hugs from me ;0)