
Saturday 19 March 2011

CES Challenges DT Card.........Come Sing With Us - tra la laaaaaaaaa

Guess what its me again bet you didnt expect that did you lol. Of course I am back with another DT card & this time its Crafty Emma's Store Challenge.
Thank you to everyone who joined in with Emma's male theme last week boy o boy did you knock our socks off with those.....they were all awesome!!
This week its our lovely Carrie's turn to choose the theme & she has chosen a fun one.
A Favourite Song or Be Inspired By One.
......tra la laaaaaa wow its a good job you cant hear there are dogs howling now!!
I did 2 cards one I was gonna post yesterday but I fell really ill in the afternoon so I kept it just incase I could finish off my DT card, so this is actually my back up card but this song is still in my top 10 & believe me my list of songs is HUGE....well I was a DJ for a number of years so I got to love a lotttttt of songs lol.
This one tho makes me think of hubby & altho I normally like my clubby beaty songs this one is a nice slower one. First tho I will show you the card......

My song is 'Written In The Stars' by Westlife here is the link its a lovely song & makes me always think of Craig. Its not my fave but when I finish my other card I will tell you the song & the little romantic story behind the song lol........I will give you a clue its another Westlife one....hubby loves their songs lol.

Anyway back to the card this is of course Fizzy Moon 'Wish Upon A Star' Emma has such a huge stock of Fizzy Moon in & not just the stamps she has the whole kit & kaboodle including the very yummy Fizzy Moon papers.... I'm not normally a teddy bear person unless its Teddy Bo lol but I saw this on the fabulously talented Rach's blog & well I had to have it.....however its sat in its envelope for over 2 weeks I'm a bad bad girl.......... I have added a real button to him found this lovely lilac one in my button jar & used bakers twine also from Emma's.
The blue rose also has 'Waterfall' stickles added.

Except for the blue A4 card, gems, ribbons & die cuts which are all from my stash everything on the card is from Crafty Emma's Store. The papers are the gorgeous Fizzy Moon 6x6 papers they are gorgeous with a fabulous sparkle on them.
Fizzy Moon himself has been coloured with Prisma pencils, the ribbon was covered in 'Waterfall' stickles & I also added it to the little stars & I added some 'Pearly Stuff' The sentiment comes with the stamp actually you get a few sentiments with it which is fab. The swirls & leaves I used my Marianne dies & some lilac card.
Well thats it from me we really hope to see all your song inspired cards this week.....we expect to have a lot of tunes stuck in our heads poor family are gonna suffer this week cus it would be ignorant not to sing along with you lol. Do pop on over to see my teamies as they have all done corkers this week again.
I'm off now to link up then I'm doing me some hopping so I will see you soon my lovelies.
Thank you for popping in & leaving your lovely comments I really appreciate the time you take to do this & I loves ya for it.....mmwah.
Challenges I'm Entering......... - Up In The Air (stars in the sky)

Lotsa huggles xoxoxox

Sweet Stampin DT Card

Good morning everyone how are you all this fine morning? Actually I dont even know if it is fine as its really 11pm friday night & I'm scheduling this for this morning.........keeping fingers crossed that it publishes as the last few times it s let me down......bad bad blogger!!!
I would also like to welcome all my new followers (waving like a lunatic) I'm so happy & honoured to have you here & I hope I continually provide inspiration....mmwah..
Well its Saturday so that means I have DT cards to show you this post is for
Yes its team Fluff's turn this week to show you some inspiration. First tho we would like to thank everyone who entered the movie themed challenge it seems you like that a wee bit better than the sketch the week before.......we had very few entries that week. Hopefully this week will be better still so I hope you will all join in as we need to make the girls job hard for picking the spotlights lol.
This week the theme we are going for is
Slugs, Snails & Puppy Dog Tails....
Our sponsor this week is Whimsy Stamps.
Which basically means a card for a boy.....a real propper boy who loves to get dirty!! Think boys, mud, insects etc......
Now you know me & these male cards (I'm sure they are doing it to me on purpose you know lol)
Well here is my boys card....

It is a Kenny K image 'Tug O War' which I just think is awesome to be honest & whenever I've played this with my boys & hubby we have also got dirty lol......such fun tho.

These little boys have been coloured with Copics

All the papers & sentiment are digi printables papers from Pink Gem & the sentiment from the Cutting Cafe.
The button, string & brown saddle stitch ribbon(altho you can barely see it lol) are from my stash & the brown leather string is from my jewellery stash. I was asked to make a bracelet last year & I brought a load in all different colours as you do lol. The brown card used for matting is the rolls from inside wrapping paper at crimbo lol.
Now with tug of war you need people the other end............. they are......this is one fo the reasons I love digi's cus you can do things like this. I just mirrored the image & stuck it to the inside. I kept it plain white on the inside so I just layered another piece of white card & then stuck the image on gives it the same thickness & feel as the front then if you get what I mean lol.

Well thats it from me pop over to the challenge blog here to give my fellow teamies some love cus they have sure made inspiring creations again this pop over & take a peekskie.
I will be back in a little while with my next DT card so dont go too far lol.
Thank you sooooo much for all your lovely comments about my new DT position I soooo appreciate it I can still hardly believe it!!!
Will be round to see you very soon my lovelies.
Lotsa huggles & cuggles

Friday 18 March 2011

Good evneing

Good evening my lovelies woo hoo thank crunchie its friday I sooooo love the weekends time to spend with your family....I miss the kids so much when they are at school altho Nats hasnt been for the last 2 weeks fingers crossed tho she will go on Monday if she's well enough as she is still coughing quite a bit. Jake we are not sure now if it is tonsilitus as it looks more like abcesses now at the back of his mouth/throat hopefully tho we will feel better over the weekend we have brought him a few things from the fingers crossed may have healthy-ish kiddies next week lol.
I havnt got a card for you tonight my plan is to have Friday night with my family as on a Saturday morning I have my CES card & every fortnight my Sweet Stampin one too so Friday nights is now family night woo hoo.
I've also been busy shopping as I finally kicked my printer into touch it did my head in & I was going through loads of ink cleaning it all the time so the vein in my heed popped yesterday & it went the journey. So we quickly went up Argoose & brought a new one with an extended warranty just incase it requires booting lol. Today I put clothes in the dryer cus I wont dry towels & underwear on the line & it was taking soooo long to dry the things so hubby told me go on the net & choose a new one. WOOO HOOOO my washer is an 11kg one so my loads have to get halved before they go in the dryer as thats only 6kg so now I've ordered a 9kg dryer which gets delivered tomorrow from the same company I got my washer off. Funny thing tho my hubby decided to have a look at the dryer afterwards & well the inside had collected fluff over a period of time so now it works perfectly lol......never mind I still needed a bigger one lol. So now the un-broken dryer is going in my craft room in the corner so I can save it for when my son gets a flat....up to now he has nearly all his flat furnished as I've been getting furniture over the last 6 months. I wish someone had done this for me lol.........I'm hoping he can manage to buy towels & stuff himself lol.
Well I'm off now I will catch up with you all tomorrow I still keep having probs with getting onto my dashboard sometimes it works then other times it doesn't......darn thing needs sacking!!
Anyway hope you all have a great weekend.
Love to all & take care

Thursday 17 March 2011

Crafty Purple Frog Challenge DT Card & some exciting news!!!

Good morning everyone hope you are all fine & dandy today. Sorry I'm late this morning I've got my youngest lad Jake off school today with what looks like Tonsilitus....he did go school this morn but then had to bring him back, so I'm gonna try make this post a quickie cus I'm running late.
First tho I have to tell you the first of my exciting news Iam a SWEET PEA STAMPER wooooo hooooo yes can you believe it they chose me as one of their new dt to join their fabulous team I cant believe it. I really am truly honoured & to be honest I even told my hubby that I wouldn't get picked as the talent was amazing from other applicants. I thank them from the bottom of my heart I really am honoured....its a good job you didnt see my dance I did mind lol. The rest of my news well.................nah you will have to wait for
Anyway onto my post which of course is for Crafty Purple Frog 
Thank you to everyone who joined our last you really do keep knocking our socks off with your fabulous creations......awesome they all were!!
This week with the sight of spring in the air (ssshhh pretend there is) we would like to see 'Green'
Now you can go a little bit green, 2 tone or you could even go HULK & go all green...the choice is yours peeps as long as we see green then come & join us.
Here is my green creation......

This is 'Ivy Mermaid' pyramage which of course you can get here.

Isn't she so beautiful. Now cus a few of us girlies went for the same one I went for pyramage for a change I do normally go for decoupage but if time is a problem them these pyramages are fabulous they really are.

Everything is from my stash except the green bakers twine which is from Crafty Emma's Store

The papers are K&Co which was one of my first pads lol. Since having more storage in my craft room I have different brands in different drawers.......yes I have a huge amount of paper its a weakness & I'm currently seeking advice from.....Craft Shops he he hee. It must be working cus my new order of paper from Emma's came yesterday lol.
Well peeps thats it from but please pop over see my fabulously talented DT sisters there cards are divine & they would really appreciate some love off ya.
Hope to see all your creations this fortnight & remember you can enter many times, we really do love to see your creations so come bring them to us here.
Thankyou so much for stopping by I'm off to link up then I'm coming to see you all.
See ya soonies my friends. mmwah
Challenges I'm Entering............


Wednesday 16 March 2011

Crafts & Me DT Card

Good morning all my lovely friends how are you this morning? Well the weather report from the Northumbria Coast isssss.......dull, grey, dreary with mist coming in from the sea....yep its miserable again today just the same as yesterday.
Well I'm running a tad late this morning so I'm gonna get on with it.
Today is the new challenge over at Crafts & Me Challenges & there have been a few changes so grab a cuppa & a biccy & I'll tell you about them.
As from today 16th March we are going weekly.....yep no more fortnightly challenges you can come join us every single week. The Crafts & Me team are now 2 teams there is the original team with the 2 new additional girlies....we are the Rubbah Team.....(my hubby always laughs at that lol)
& now Teresa has teamed together some new fabulous talented girlies for the Digi Team as Teresa is releasing more digi images. So each week the teams will take it in turns to host the challenges, this week is the Rubbah Team. This is great news for you as its now twice the chance to win as of course there will be prizes every great is that...wooooo hooooo.
Right this week is my challenge & I chose photo inspiration for you all but I added an extra I would alos like to see some form of texture on your card as well, pop over here to look at the piccies. There are 2 & you can choose either one or both, the choice is yours & how brave you are lol.
Here is mine & I took inspiration from both piccies......

This is 'Pink Lighning' by the artist Jasmine Beckett-Griffith & is exclusive to Crafts & Me Store here.

She has been stamped onto smooth white card which you can get here.
She is of course coloured with Copics, sorry I forgot write down what I used & I'm one of these annoying people that puts a pen back in its placed once its been used but if I remember them I will put a list on.

Silver corners are from my stash as to is the lace & ribbon,

All papers are Prima which you can get here flowers & gems are from my stash.

Yes this is the bottom can you guess I made an easel card lol.

Yes I finally got around to doing a twisted easel these things are soooo easy & easier to photograph as well tbh as I always struggle with the easel cards but this was much easier.
I have to say I soooo enjoyed making this card & this stamp is on my favourite list she was brilliant to colour I just let my mind go & my fingers & pens
Well thats it from me but please pop over to see the rest of the girlies & give 'em some love cus the creations they have made are stunning they really are.
Hope you can join us this week over at Crafts & Me Challenges we all enjoy hopping around seeing your wonderful creations.
Thank you so much for stopping by I'm coming to hop by your blogs now to see all you wonderful peeps.
See ya soonies loves ya 'al.
Challenges I'm Entering........ - Flowers (Thanks Mona sweetie 4 the tip)

EDITED TO ADD; YAYYY I can get onto my dashboard again now.
There is somethin else important to say tho now lol.
Teresa over at Crafts & Me has had her blog going for a year woooo hoooo way to go Teresa.
To celebrate she is going to offer another prize by random org a person who enters this weeks challenge could win 8 digi images......fab digi images let me tell you.
So as well as Sweet Pea gift card you could also win digi images as well so what are you waiting for you have to be in it to win it. Come on peeps lets see those creations.

Monday 14 March 2011

Lady Raven.........

Good evening my lovelies how are you all? Hope you had a fab chillaxing weekend. This is a quickish card I made altho colouring the images are never quick lol. This one was coloured whilst watching The Simpsons with the boys so I'm surprised it didnt come out yellow lol. I brought some new smooth card off the net last week & it came today I cant remember what its called tbh but I dont think much of it & its not like it was cheap. Normally I'm a firm believer you get what you pay for....well not in this case. The colours didnt lie on top for long so blending was tougher so I'm not that pleased with this card but it will be ok as 1 of those emergency cards you need in a hurry lol. So smooth card will go in the pile off emergency use only when I run out lol.
Anyway onto my card which tonight I've used Kenny K......I cant even remember if I've made a card before with this image but here she is anyway...

Meet 'Lady Raven' by Kenny K which of course you can get here.

She is coloured with Copics.....
E000 E00 E01 E11 R20
C7 C5 C3 C0
B05 B02 B000

Flower I made myself with fabric from my stash, the large pearl & hat pin are also from my stash. The sentiment is from Sentiments 4 You, edged it in denim jeans distress ink & I stapled it on using blue staples of course lol.

The papers are Websters Pages. The scalloped card, papers, dew drops, flowers & black & white bakers twine are all from Crafty Emma's Store. Black card used for matting from my stash.

Well thats about it from me but before I go I thought I would let you know about some fabulous new digi images newly released today at Crafts & Me....they are all by Sara Burrier & are fabulous, there are some background ones too. So why not get yourself over here to check them out.
Thank you all soooo much for your lovely comments on Natalie's picture I am really pleased with how it turned out & proud it turned out nicely for my little girl. Thank you also for all her get well wishes you really are all fabulous......the best!!!
Well I'm off to link up & then do some hopping before beddy byes lol.
See ya soonies peeps thank you so much for stopping by mmwah.
Challenges I'm Entering.......

Huggles xoxoxoxo