
Saturday 19 March 2011

CES Challenges DT Card.........Come Sing With Us - tra la laaaaaaaaa

Guess what its me again bet you didnt expect that did you lol. Of course I am back with another DT card & this time its Crafty Emma's Store Challenge.
Thank you to everyone who joined in with Emma's male theme last week boy o boy did you knock our socks off with those.....they were all awesome!!
This week its our lovely Carrie's turn to choose the theme & she has chosen a fun one.
A Favourite Song or Be Inspired By One.
......tra la laaaaaa wow its a good job you cant hear there are dogs howling now!!
I did 2 cards one I was gonna post yesterday but I fell really ill in the afternoon so I kept it just incase I could finish off my DT card, so this is actually my back up card but this song is still in my top 10 & believe me my list of songs is HUGE....well I was a DJ for a number of years so I got to love a lotttttt of songs lol.
This one tho makes me think of hubby & altho I normally like my clubby beaty songs this one is a nice slower one. First tho I will show you the card......

My song is 'Written In The Stars' by Westlife here is the link its a lovely song & makes me always think of Craig. Its not my fave but when I finish my other card I will tell you the song & the little romantic story behind the song lol........I will give you a clue its another Westlife one....hubby loves their songs lol.

Anyway back to the card this is of course Fizzy Moon 'Wish Upon A Star' Emma has such a huge stock of Fizzy Moon in & not just the stamps she has the whole kit & kaboodle including the very yummy Fizzy Moon papers.... I'm not normally a teddy bear person unless its Teddy Bo lol but I saw this on the fabulously talented Rach's blog & well I had to have it.....however its sat in its envelope for over 2 weeks I'm a bad bad girl.......... I have added a real button to him found this lovely lilac one in my button jar & used bakers twine also from Emma's.
The blue rose also has 'Waterfall' stickles added.

Except for the blue A4 card, gems, ribbons & die cuts which are all from my stash everything on the card is from Crafty Emma's Store. The papers are the gorgeous Fizzy Moon 6x6 papers they are gorgeous with a fabulous sparkle on them.
Fizzy Moon himself has been coloured with Prisma pencils, the ribbon was covered in 'Waterfall' stickles & I also added it to the little stars & I added some 'Pearly Stuff' The sentiment comes with the stamp actually you get a few sentiments with it which is fab. The swirls & leaves I used my Marianne dies & some lilac card.
Well thats it from me we really hope to see all your song inspired cards this week.....we expect to have a lot of tunes stuck in our heads poor family are gonna suffer this week cus it would be ignorant not to sing along with you lol. Do pop on over to see my teamies as they have all done corkers this week again.
I'm off now to link up then I'm doing me some hopping so I will see you soon my lovelies.
Thank you for popping in & leaving your lovely comments I really appreciate the time you take to do this & I loves ya for it.....mmwah.
Challenges I'm Entering......... - Up In The Air (stars in the sky)

Lotsa huggles xoxoxox


  1. This is gorgeous Vicky I've got this stamp but not inked it up yet, I love the colours too. Hope your feeling better. luv gina xx

  2. Gorgeous creations hunni. You always put so much detail into your cards sweetie.


  3. Love all your pretty blues and the fabby lay out of this card. It's a star!!!
    Do hope you are feeling better Vicky! Hugs, Lesley

  4. Ahh so cute!!
    Love your Bear card Vicky.
    Thought it was funny that you placed his button there!
    Love, Mel. xxx

  5. Totally adorable card Vicky and such a sweet image...your attention to detail is fab and I love the gingham ribbon :) Donna x

  6. Fabby card, Vicky. Funny cos I saw the card that Rach made using this stamp and it made me look at them in a whole new light!! I didn't know you used to be a DJ - check you!! Spinning the wheels of steel, eh?? LOL. Can't wait to see your next card and read the story - you tell lovely stories, hun. Back later, then. Hugs, Marie xx

  7. This is soooo cute. Love the colour & shape x

    hugs sally x

  8. love it:)...and hope you are feeling much better!


  9. I love this song too, it's beautiful. I haven't heard it for quite a while though, I think it's time to pay a visit to YouTube. ;)

    As usually you created a fab card. I just love those Fizzy Moon images. I wish I could get my hands on those stamps. *sigh* Anyways, it's brilliant. Your coloring and the colours you chose are amazing. And the starts DP you used for the background is just yummy. I love the glittery stars. Perfect card!


  10. what a cute funny card vicky, very beautiful.

    greetings karin

  11. So beautiful card Vicky,I love the image and the colours.
    So gorgeous papers and the details.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  12. Another beautiful card sweetie and such a cute wee bear...I love it hun :o)

    hugs Vicky xx

  13. Hi hunnie, this is just gorgeous, I just love Fizzy Moon soooooooo sweet. Fab LO & the colour is great!
    Hope your having a fab weekend
    Hugs Stokie Shell xx

  14. So Gorgeous, loving the blues and the teddy is soo cute.Love the sparkly stars, just soo pretty.
    Luv CHRISSYxx

  15. Awww, Vicky what a lovely post :)

    I adore these Fizzy Moon bears - they are rapidly climbing their way up my 'must have' list! ;)

    Love your card, its got such a lot of fabulous details, great colours and its totally gorgeous!
    Beautiful flowers, and you have coloured him so cute.

    Im not too sure about 'inspired by favourite song' I think most of mine would be banned! lol.

    Hope you are feeling better - genius plan to have a back-up card - I must make a couple of those.



  16. Gorgeous card Vicky!
    Adorable image:) Beautiful design and details.
    Have a lovely Sunday sweetie.
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  17. What a perfect song and a beautiful card Love it!!

    Hope you are feeling a lot better Vicky!! Love Chanelle xxx

  18. OH Vicky honey, this is tooo cute - just tooo cute!!

  19. Hi Vicky,Gorgeous card, love the image and colours are fab.xx

  20. gorgeous card the sweet fizzy moon image and fab soft colours and details :D

    xx coops xx

  21. Hi ya hun
    so sorry im late every time i decide to comment me net buggers of, roll on wens when i get me cable fitted!
    Totally gorgeous card, awesome colouring as always, beautiful papers & embelies, lovely design, sue,x

  22. Hi sweetie - just letting you know that the hAnglar Easter kit is on Ebay now! From Sweden, £33. Huge hugs, Tracey xxx

  23. Gorgeous card, Vicky - such pretty shades of blue and goreous embellies!! Love your story behind the song choice too, hugs, Juliexx

  24. Fabulous card,with lovely details. Thanks for playing with Charisma this week.
    xx Vee

  25. OMG!!! You make the most magnificent the style of this phenomenal creation!!!!
    Hugs Janine

  26. This is so pretty! Your colors are so soft and that little bear is precious. Thanks for joining us at PCJ this week.


Thankyou so so much for taking time to leave me a comment grab a hug while you are here as a thank you. mmwah. Lotsa hugs from me ;0)