
Thursday 27 January 2011

Love Blog Award

Good evening all my fabulous friends. I'm afraid I've no card for you tonight cus I've just been that busy with Natalie's bedroom & what time I've had I wanted to catch up with having a look at all your fabulous latest creations which have stunned me tonight, wow!!!
Anyway the other night the fabulously talented Doreen awarded me with this award.
Now there are a couple of conditions apparently you have been tagged & want to accept the award & participate then you have to create a post & post the 'Love Blog' image. You should then blog the persons link that gave you the award & inform her/him that you accept.
Doreen sweetie I am very honoured you chose me & I accept this award with pride & a huge smile on me face lol.
I then have to choose 3-5 of my fave blogs which I will also link in this post then they will inform me they have been tagged. I hope I've got this right.

Dear Bloggers the aim of this award is that we bring unknown good blogs to light.
so I ask that you do not pass this award to fellow bloggers who have more than 3000 followers.

The hardest part for me is picking these fave blogs as there are sooo many but I'm gonna be naughty I'm passing it on to more than I should, actually way more I know they are not in the rules but its my way of saying thankyou to people who so kindly commented on a post I did that meant sooo much to me but more important it means the world to a family who is suffering every day.
So I pass this award onto........

Thankyou girls from the bottom of my heart for sparing me the time on this post you truly are fabulous people & I am lucky to have you as good blogging friends. You should feel darn proud of yourselfs. MMWAH

Well I'm away now thanks again Doreen shug it meant so much to be awarded this.
I'm gonna have a cuppa hopefully get my daughter settled off go in the shower then away to bed cus I'm shattered the stuff that has to done in Natalie's room weighs a ton cus it always has to be so much stronger that normal stuff...... She soooo loves her tv still peeps she has to have it on all the time & to be honest we have had less screaming off her...woooo hooooo thats def good cus the one thing our Natalie has is a good set of lungs on her......she could the siren if we ever get another world war lol. Just joking I would want to scream if I was in her position so yell it out darling!!!
Goodnight peeps sweet dreams, take care & keep on smiling.
Thank you for popping by will be back tomorrow with a card......hopefully lol.

Loadsa hugs to all

Wednesday 26 January 2011

Verity - Sugar Nellie

Good evening peeps I've made a very quick card tonight as I already had an image coloured this card is for 2 challenges its made primarlily for them. Without the image it took me 40 minutes to make this which is soooo extremely quick for me as I do spend hours on my cards I like everything to be perfect. I am extremely fussy lol.
Before I get on to the card I would like to say a HUGE thankyou to my 13 followers who commented on my previous post about a sick or dying child you all totally rock & from the bottom of my heart I thank you for being soooo understanding & having a caring heart.....I love you all for sparing the time to read it & comment.  I know there are some that havnt blogged today at all so have prob not seen the post.
Onto my card I have used 'Verity' from Sugar Nellie. I actually brought this as well as all of the other digi's that were released that day but its took until now to have time to make this card. I dont know where all my time goes at the minute. Anyway here she is....

I've cheated & used a pre-made scalloped card from Crafty Emma's lol. Gorgeous flower is from

The gorgeous blue seam binding is from Ebay & the small blue flower in the centre is from Crafty Emma's. The gems are from my stash.

She has been coloured with Prisma's, my fabulous hubby gave me a really nice surprise the other day I got these

Sorry for the poop pic I took it under normal lighting & in my home we have no bright bulbs as we like subdued lighting.....ya know the cosy type I think we have 60 watts in the bathroom & kitchen lol.
Anyway I coloured it in pencils cus I think the image really suits it & also for a challenge which I will link to at the bottom.
Well thats me done tonight Natalie is actually fast asleep so me & Craig are gonna take advantage & go bed early for a change lol.
Thanks so much for stopping by I appreciate all of your comments & your time.
Challenges I'm Entering..... - Sketch which I turned around to fit the image.



Tuesday 25 January 2011

If you only do one thing this week PLEASE read this post & help PLZZZZZZ

Good evening friends 1st of all can I say a huge thankyou to everyone for the comments about Natalie's room they have meant a lot to me & to Craig. Natalie absolutely loved it honestly if you had seen her face I was nearly crying. You know them key moments in your life that you will remember & treasure with all of your heart forever....well this was one of them it was beautiful to see her so sooo happy. She may not be able to talk but do you know what a smile says a thousand words & when you see your angels eyes light up with so much happiness you know at that moment she is truly happy & she loves you.....
Onto this post now you might wanna grab a cuppa for this one cus it may be a bit long I will however keep it as short as I can but believe me it is VERY important that you read it.
Last night I went over to my very good blogging buddies blog to look at her latest post. The fabulously talented Meeshka (pop over to her blog she does the most fantastic colouring I've seen done with Promarkers) she was actually 1 of my 1st few followers along with the fabulous Crafty Emma (who was my 1st). Anyway she was posting a plea about a charity called Post Pals, now I've never heard of this but when I read Meesh's post I went straight over to look at the website. It is a website dedicated to children with diseases & illnesses, some curable some sadly not but they all love to receive mail, whether it be cards or letters or gifts....they appreciate just the fact you have took time out of your busy life to think of them & them only. Now as most of you know I have Natalie who relies on me & her dad for everything we have been told by doctors that she wont live a long life cus of how severe her disablement is & everything that she suffers with. We really do take 1 day at a time & appreciate every single extra day we get with her. We have lived with this for nearly 19 years I was actually 19 years old when I had Natalie & we didnt find out until 2 days after she was born when they discovered that she had had a massive bleed in her head about 3 months before I gave birth which caused 90% brain damage & was extremely ill. It got worse every single day for the following 4 weeks.....we dreaded each day what we were going to have to face. Try & imagine having to change nappies for 19 years day in day out constantly, feed your daughter through a hole in her belly cus she doesn't have an eating action in her mouth & so constantly chokes. She even has to have medication through her belly. She has to have meds to help her empty her bowels. She has no dignity, she has to rely on others to do something as simple as wipe her own nose to pull the quilt up in bed cus she is cold, to try & let people know what is wrong with her through her crys & screams..... One of my dreams was to have a daughter, to be her best friend, to buy her her first bra, to have her stealing my clothes & footwear cus I've stayed up to date with fashion, to go shopping with. Most importantly to see grow up, walk down the aisle & become a mother herself.......all of these tiny little things that everyone takes for granted I had stolen from me but do you know what she is my best friend maybe not in the way I wanted I cant sit & have chats with her but I can cuddle up & watch movies with her, I can cry with her & most importantly I can tell her I love her & kiss her cheek, this I treasure with all my can take everything I have from me but as long as I have my kids & Craig I will ALWAYS be content, happy & loved.
Now imagine someone telling you all of that is going to be taken away from you....your angel is not going to survive much longer. Imagine having to watch your child suffer with an illness & with pain that you can not even begin to understand. I've seen what cancer does to adults & children I've have lost a lot of family through this awful disease& still am having to watch a very close family member die with this disease. Yet still I cannot imagine what these families go through. Imagine what them children go through every single day, how they must cope how their families must cope knowing how their precious one is suffering......the problem is we cant imagine cus unless you have lived through something you never truly know the pain, anguish & heartache that is caused. These parents put in 25 hour days, they put all of their strength into this every single day no matter how hurt they feel no matter how lost or how weak.....they do it all for love...the pure love of their child!!! Post Pals is a charity that wants to bring a little happiness to these childrens lives after all the suffering they have to endure dont they deserve happiness & to think something as simple as a little card can really mean such a lot. I have been in contact with or left messages or comments to a lot of different charities in the Uk about Natalie & never even got a reply, no response can these charities say they want to help when they cant even make contact with a family with needs they have no right to say they understand when they have no idea a lot of people do it for their benefit to make them feel good. This charity thinks of the child, the one who actually needs the help please I am begging you to just now & again send a card to a child, send them a smile just to let them know they are loved, they are thought of & most importantly they are not alone!!! Here is a link to a boy called Mathew P who has just a few weeks left to live......please go over & read his story, I did!!
Here is the card I made especially for him today. After reading his story I know he likes the playstation & he's a Ben 10 fanatic so I went through my digi images & found the perfect image just right for Mathew & one that I had not used still. Now you know me & male cards well this has my heart in it!!!

Of course its a Mo Manning image......its just perfect I think. If you look closely at his watch I painted the watch face green the same as Ben 10. The sentiment I cut from the paper pack I used which I've forgot the name of I'm the top tho I wrote 'Ben 10' in gold gel pen.

He has been coloured with Copics, PM'S & Prisma pencils blended with sansador.

The buckle I coloured with a gold metalic promarker & then attached ribbon to each side & threaded it throught each side of the buckle so it looked more like a belt....its actually the 1st time I've done this or even seen it but I just wanted to do something different for Mathew. The card itself is made with A4 Kraft card & all the matting was done with the same card.

I also brought him a Ben 10 keyring of course you dont have to buy these children gifts just a simple little card is enough. I am not wanting to enter this is any challenge cus this is not for me but for Mathew to let him know he is precious, an angel & is loved & thought about......something to bring a little smile to his lovely face which then will bring a smile to his family even if its only for a minute at times like these minutes dont count......but seconds do & that is huge.
I am so so sorry if I've droaned on I feel so passionate about these things. Me & hubby have had no help for nearly 19 years.......we had to wait 5 years for a wheelchair cus her notes got lost & then they forgot about her. Her tube in her belly for feeding took 8 years to get for 8 years at 3 times a day we had to put a tube down Natalie's nostril down the back of her throat & into her stomach so that we could feed her or give her meds.....sometimes it made her nose bleed. It also caused her to bestared at constantly when she was out & about with us. Yes we were offered a nurse at first but we are her parents, we wanted to have Natalie she didnt ask for any of this....we will do whatever we have to & tho its not easy at times I wouldnt ever trade my life...... This is what a parent does for the love of their child. Look at your children,nieces, nephews, cousins, granchildren.....look at them & think to yourself how it would make you feel just knowing other people care, other people are there for you & you are in their thoughts daily......wouldn't you want to know that someone somewhere cares enough to send just a little letter or a little card.
Come on crafters it may not mean a lot to you but it will mean the world to the family who receives it.
Thankyou a billion times if you have read this whole post I truly appreciate it with all of my heart I really do, you totally rock & I love you all. Crafters really are the most kindest people & I know we can put a lot of smiles on a lot of faces.....even if its just for 1 minute.....that is 60 whole seconds....count it & see just how long it really is......time is precious!!!!!!!!
On a lighter note I have posted 2 pics of Natalie with her new tv one is her smile altho she has her hand over her mouth & the other is of the tv while she is lying on her bed. She still has her joggers on bless her lol.

She is watching a princess dvd cant even remember what its called. I then went onto & ordered her another half dozen dvds lol.
Thankyou for stopping by & listening to my plea if this just reaches a few people then its been worth it. I give thanks to everyone who already helps with this charity & I thank anyone else that will help in the future.
Happiness really is priceless no matter how much you think your card is worth in a shop or on a website its worth soooo much more to them kids & their families.....your cards are worth their weight in gold, they are priceless!!!!!!!
All my love & heartfelt thanks to each & everyone of you that has listened to this post.

A sneeky peekskie into my princess's palace.......

Good afternoon my lovely friends I thought I would show how Natalie's bedroom is coming along, which might I add is verrrrryyyy slow!! I've always wanted a 4 poster bed for Natalie but cus she has to have a special bed I've never been able to also she has tracking that runs over the top of her bed attached to the ceiling to hoist her up & out of bed......cus at 18 you can guess she is not the lightest even tho she is small for her age still lol. Anyway I had the idea that I would like a canopy built for her just to come so far out without getting in the way of the hoist & without altering the bed at all.....not that we could alter the bed cus its basically like a posh hospital bed instead of all the metal its wood & has wooden sides so she doesn't fall out. Anyway as you know I found one of them brackety things they have in hospitals to put the tv on well me & hubby have spent the morning attaching the bracket.....what a job that was let me tell ya but it was worth it to know its solid & above all safe & sturdy as a house.  Hubby also spent the last few days building a canopy to house the bracket as well as conform to my design pmsl. I thought I would post some piccies now that the canopy is up with the bracket & we have just attached her pink tv & added some cool lighting into the top of the bracket......she loves lights....absolutely adores them lol. There are quite a few pics tho but you will see why.

This is still not finshed its all got to be painted the 2 strips of wood are having shelves fixed to them which hub by is doing now. The top one is to put her Ipod Touch on which she got for crimbo & the bottom one is to put her minature Betty Boops on or her Me To You bear ornaments....I cant decide yet....its hard!!! I've also got to makes drapes to go down the side but we've got her fitted wardrobe on the other side of the room to do & decorate yet. The pink thing you can see is her old wardrobe. Its also not going to be pink & lilac anymore thank goodness cus I really hate it now lol.

The tv I think is gorgeous its 22 inches as the max the bracket will take is 23 inches, its also got freeview & dvd & ports to plug her Ipod into. The bracket is just fantastic it really is I cant wait to see her face when she comes home from school......I'm so excited I actually wish today would go quicker lol. Anyway the bracket is guaranteed for basically means that if in 10 years time the plates at the back of our tv change the company will send out a new fixing plate to accomodate the new style tv.....FREE. No matter what happens to this they will fix it....providing we have abused it obviously. It is fully turnable the tv can turn 360 degrees & the bracket can be moved up down & to each really is fabulous!!!

On Sunday night I was looking for some light fixture to fix to the canopy roof & I found these in Argos. They are LED & have 7 colour changing can also get them in white. We attached reflective card to the top to refect the light downwards....once the drapes are up & its all finished you wont be able to see the light strips just the glow.  The one above is showing blue.

It is hard to show in the daylight it is better at night we had the lights fitted last night & Natalie loved them she really did. We had them on a sequence so that each light fades out & the next coloures fades in....does that make sense lol.

This is to show you what the top of the canopy looks like, the metal bar type thing in front is the tracking for the hoist to slide along as it goes right along into the bathroom as her bedroom as an en-suite...gosh I could do with one of them living with this many males lol. I am so proud of hubby he has done a fabulous job & I know that Natalie already loves it & she hasnt even seen the bracket & tv so she is just gonna be over the moon tonight.
Well thats it I just thought I would show how the bedroom is going I've got to now find some material for her drapes & curatins at the window.....I havnt even got the wardrobes stuff yet or the wallpaper....I'm erm being rather fussy lol.......well to me she deserves it to be perfect.
Please come back later cus I have a special post that will need everyones please come back peeps. Thankyou for stopping by tatty bye for now peeps.

Monday 24 January 2011

Showcasing For Crafts & Me

Hello peeps how are you all? Hope you all had a fabulous relaxing weekend.
Today I'm going to show you a few of Crafts & Me stamps, these are their own exclusive range & so they are only available at Crafts & Me. Teresa is doing her very 1st show at Stamparama in Stevenage on the 6th February 2011 she would love to see any of you there..... The talented Vix is organising a book to help showcase the fabulous stamps that Teresa has in her exclusive range.... Now as some of you know sometimes we like to see an image of a stamp coloured because sometimes its hard to picture & then when you see them coloured you can then see what you could do with it inspiration!!! So for this book all the girls have worked hard at making some card fronts for Vix......this is where the hard bit came we had to keep them as flat as possible & without too many embellishments & try not to put flowers on.....the more they have the more room it takes!! We could certainly understand the reason for this but it still made go AAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH.......No embellishments!! No flowers!!! 
If you are like me they are my fave part of a card after the image so this job was really hard to do.
I am showing you just 3 of them that I made for the show to help showcase Teresa's fabulous stamps.
1st we have my fave artist in Teresa's range which is Hannah Lynn, she does amazing images which are so easy & enjoyable to colour & have fabulous hair....1 of my fave parts of an image.
This is Adrianna which I have had for an absolute age

Gosh I miss my embellishments & flowers!!!!!! She is coloured with PM's & Copics & I've used stickles for the fish & the spots on her gloves & top. The smooth white card for the image is also from Crafts & Me.
Next we have another Hannah Lynn

This is 'Heart On Her Sleeve' which is coming soon to Crafts & Me & she has been coloured with PM's & tiny bits of stickles added to little bits of hearts & again using the same smooth card....its one of my fave card actually for images & I have no probs at all when I'm using my digi images. It really is fabulous card!!
Last we have Lemon Shortbread who is an artist from Singapore, her images are gorgeous.

This is 'Cocktail Melody' which is another image that is coming soon to Crafts & Me & she has been coloured with Copics, isn't she just so sophisticated!! I cheated a little bit on this I used websters pages as they contain a lot of pattern & I have attached a bow.......really sorry Vix...I tried hunni I really was darn hard!!! lol.
If you have any questions regarding these card fronts please feel free to e-mail me & I will help with anything I can. If you need any details regarding the show in Stevenage then I'm sure Teresa will be more than happy to help so just e-mail her....her contact details are on the shop website.
Thats it from me for now thank you so much for stopping by & looking at just a few of my samples for Teresa. Dont forget 6th February you can see these & the other fabulous cards showcased by the very talented girls at Crafts & Me......
Bye bye for now peeps, take care