
Thursday 27 January 2011

Love Blog Award

Good evening all my fabulous friends. I'm afraid I've no card for you tonight cus I've just been that busy with Natalie's bedroom & what time I've had I wanted to catch up with having a look at all your fabulous latest creations which have stunned me tonight, wow!!!
Anyway the other night the fabulously talented Doreen awarded me with this award.
Now there are a couple of conditions apparently you have been tagged & want to accept the award & participate then you have to create a post & post the 'Love Blog' image. You should then blog the persons link that gave you the award & inform her/him that you accept.
Doreen sweetie I am very honoured you chose me & I accept this award with pride & a huge smile on me face lol.
I then have to choose 3-5 of my fave blogs which I will also link in this post then they will inform me they have been tagged. I hope I've got this right.

Dear Bloggers the aim of this award is that we bring unknown good blogs to light.
so I ask that you do not pass this award to fellow bloggers who have more than 3000 followers.

The hardest part for me is picking these fave blogs as there are sooo many but I'm gonna be naughty I'm passing it on to more than I should, actually way more I know they are not in the rules but its my way of saying thankyou to people who so kindly commented on a post I did that meant sooo much to me but more important it means the world to a family who is suffering every day.
So I pass this award onto........

Thankyou girls from the bottom of my heart for sparing me the time on this post you truly are fabulous people & I am lucky to have you as good blogging friends. You should feel darn proud of yourselfs. MMWAH

Well I'm away now thanks again Doreen shug it meant so much to be awarded this.
I'm gonna have a cuppa hopefully get my daughter settled off go in the shower then away to bed cus I'm shattered the stuff that has to done in Natalie's room weighs a ton cus it always has to be so much stronger that normal stuff...... She soooo loves her tv still peeps she has to have it on all the time & to be honest we have had less screaming off her...woooo hooooo thats def good cus the one thing our Natalie has is a good set of lungs on her......she could the siren if we ever get another world war lol. Just joking I would want to scream if I was in her position so yell it out darling!!!
Goodnight peeps sweet dreams, take care & keep on smiling.
Thank you for popping by will be back tomorrow with a card......hopefully lol.

Loadsa hugs to all


  1. Awwwwwww, thanks hunnybun. Of course I would be honoured to accept the award and I'm very proud to be blog friends with someone as wonderful and selfless as you. Honestly, Vicky every day when I hear you talk about Natalie and everything else, I really take my hat off to you. From the first time I read through your blog and everything that's happened to you but you're just wonderful and it's a shame there's not more people in the world like it. Anyways, I'm sending you an email in a bit (about the peg thing!!) So that'll give you something to look forward to LOL!! Hope Nats has settled for you. Tell her if she doesn't go to sleep, she won't be able to be the princess in her dreams like the one in all those films she watchs!! Hugs, Marie xx

  2. Oh you are a sweetie! Thank you for this award. I promise I will post it on my blog but It will take a little while for me to get around to it. I have quite a bit of work on at the moment (which has been rare) and hubby is poorly and the house is a mess and I can't move in my Craft Croft - but thank you! And I will post it as soon as I can! Hugs, Lesley

  3. Hiya honey, thank you for passing on this award to me babe, mwah...

  4. oh huni I am truely honoured that you chose me and first heehee thankyou so much it means so much to me it really does.
    I hope your having a good day as soon as i have time i will post it on my blog for all to see thankyou your so kind
    much love
    Lorraine xx

  5. Hey Vicky!

    You know what, my li'l blogging buddy? I'm chuffed to bits you've picked me! Really, I AM! You brighten my day when I see you've posted on my blog. I love popping over and reading your little stories and having a gander at your gorgeous creations. You're one of the most genuinely nice/kind/generous people in blogland.

    I am so busy/tired at the moment that I couldn't possibly repost the award tonight, but first thing tomorrow it's going to go on my blog! :)


    BIG hug!!! Meesh. XXX

  6. Awww, you're so sweet! Thank you for thinking of me with this award. It's my very first award and therefore it means even more than a lot. Thank you very, very much! I'm very happy to come across your blog when I was hopping around the "blogland". You're one very special lady and I am really glad to be one of your blog friends. I've already posted about this award on my blog and passed it on. :)

    I wish you a wonderful day!

  7. Thank you so much hunni for this awarded. I feel very honoured to have received it. I hope Nat is settled and not feeling unhappy for you as I know it has a knock on affect. I deo not know where you get all your stamina from and still have time to turn out such gorgeous cards that take you hours to make.


  8. Congrats on your award hun. xxx

  9. Thank you so much for this award Vicky!
    I feel very honoured and thank you for thinking of me:) It means alot.
    Your are a very special lady and I'm so glad I got to know you in blogland:)
    I'll post this later sweetie:) Have a fantastic day.
    Hugs, Heidi:)


Thankyou so so much for taking time to leave me a comment grab a hug while you are here as a thank you. mmwah. Lotsa hugs from me ;0)