
Wednesday 30 November 2011

Sorry for being MIA.....I'm Back with BARGAINS!!!!

Hello my lovelies how are you all? I'm so sorry I've been missing in action the last few days & not been around to see you I have had ill kiddo's. Natalie had a really bad seizure so she has been really ill, I had time send a quick e-mail yesterday & thats it........I even missed Krista's sale at Saturated Canary :0( I wanted all the ones I didnt have....... but kiddies come first of course. Anyway she is a lot better now thank goodness & is lying with her quilt over her watching princess diaries.........her favefilm. Also my son has not been well & we ended up taking him the docs, he was out playing football on sunday night with his friend & fell over & banged his chest...........yep cracked ribs!!!!!! So he is VERY sore at the mo & off school......if anyone gonna do anything it will be Jake lol.....

Anyway I also wanted to let you know about a couple of bargains I've found this morning.....ya know crimbo shopping.......these are not craft related tho peeps....
1st off if anyone has a teenage daughter who loves her brand names........what kid doesnt lol, mine all do.
Anyway I've been wanting to get Natalie the Superdry Windcheater Jacket with the pink writing they are between £55-£65 but I got an e-mail this morning from a shop we shop at sometimes & they are on special for £40 how fab is is the link
Now the next one is a disability shop which I've just found........Natalie is soooooo hard to buy for as altho she is 19 she has a mind of a 3 month old baby........anyway we decided to get her some new lights cus she luuurrrrvvvves lights of all kinds. She especially loves the Sensory Light System, they average about £400 & over to buy...........well I found an excellent shop which does some disablility toys & aids cheaper than others. The lights we have managed to get for Natalie were just £ brill is that here is the link if you know anyone who is disabled or anyone who just loves lights to be honest........I ended up getting a few things from there I was just so now me & Craig cant wait see Natalie's face at christmas cus she really does love these lights.........wooooo hoooooooo.

Well thats me signing out & hopping around to visit you. Sorry for the long post, we all love a bargain & I just wanted to share mine cus it could save you a few squid lol.........that means pounds for my friends over the pond........

Huge squishy hugs to all mmwah xoxoxoxox


  1. Sorry to hear your kiddies have not been well...2 out of 4 of my boys have been unwell which 1 of them 2 is my 18 month old, started with sickness last friday then went onto being full of cold...bless him!!

    I suppose its that time of year again!!

    Anyhoo sweetie hope they are all better very soon..sending (((hugs))) and xxx

  2. As you say Vicky, family has to come first.

    So glad you were able to get your bargains - the lights are a fab deal as they are always soooooooo expensive.

    Hope your off-spring are all on the mend.

    Toni xx

  3. hiyah vicky!
    oh poor natalie, i hope she is feeling much better today though i bet she is tired out after her seizure, send her some sqooshy hugs from me and mo please hun.
    And super thankyou's for the linky's hun as I have just found Mo a bath disco light on there! so cool!!
    huge hugs Lou xxxx

  4. sorry to hear your kids are unwell..ouch cracked ribs!! glad you found some bargains x

  5. Oooh get you with all the bargains. I hope the kids are ok now Vicky and I hope you are keeping

  6. Sorry to hear both Natalie and Jake are poorly, I hope they are both better soon. Great to hear you have found those great lights for Natalie. Try to get a picture of her although it might be hard with the lights shining back into the camera.


  7. Oh Vicky, hugs to Natalie, sounds like she is gonna be thrilled with her new lights. I love that pic of her in your sidebar with the cool shades on!! Ouch for your son, why does everything happen at once! You take care too, hugs, Karenxx

  8. Sorry to hear your babies are poorly hun...and woohooooo on the bargains too...!

    big hugs Vicky xx

  9. Oh my sweetie pie I hope Natalie is doing better and omg poor Jake. Boys, why do they have to be so rough?
    Looks like your grandbaby is really growing. I just found out I am going to be a Nana once again. This will be my 4th grandchild. Oh the joy!
    Happy bargain shopping!
    Hugs Bonnie

  10. Hope the kids get well soon. I'm not going to look at those links, cos I know I'll end up spending on Superdry stuff and I've just cough cough blown a small fortune on craft stuff :D xx

  11. Hi Vicky,
    Sorry to hear the children have been poorly. Jake's ribs must be so sore bless him. Glad you were able to fins some great bargains.

  12. Sorry to hear the kids have been poorly, love to them both. Off to the superdry link, my eldest loves there stuff!

  13. I'm trailing at the end of the line Vicky...had computer problems, but seems ok now...sorry the kiddos are not well..and great shopping, love a bargain.
    Big getwell hugs to Natalie and Jake...

    Luv CHRISSYxx

  14. Sorry to hear your kiddies have not been well sweetie!
    XXX Heidy

  15. Hi Cracked ribs oh my that must be agony !! Boys ! will be boys. The lights and jacket what cool bargains !! Go Girl . I have just bought the teenager a smash book as she loves writing notes and keeping concert tickets etc !! as a wee surprise ! Kitty ;0)


Thankyou so so much for taking time to leave me a comment grab a hug while you are here as a thank you. mmwah. Lotsa hugs from me ;0)