
Saturday 27 November 2010

My Blog Awards

A couple of weeks ago I got 2 awards from 2 fabulous ladies.....MMWAH thank you both. I will do 1 at a time.  The 1st 1 I got from the fabulous Gemma who does awesome cards & I love visiting her blog. Thank you sooo much sweetie for this I really am honoured you thought of me.
Now I have to tell you 3 things that make me special......gosh to be honest I dont think highly of myself at all but I will say these 3 things.....
1. I believe I am a very good mum, the best I can be. My kids are polite, grateful & above all the most important factor, I think anyway, they show respect to people....
2. I am the best wife I can be, my hubby & my kids always come 1st no matter what I will drop everything for them.....altho I do spoil them a lot.
3. I am a very grateful person & a very good friend, my friends I think of as family & I am grateful to have those friends....including all my friends in Blogland that I've not even met yet I really do think you are all terrific & I loves ya all. I am also a verrrrry soft hearted which sometimes can be a bad thing especially when trying to be strict somewhat with my kids lol.
Now they say I have to pass this on to 5 bloggers.......oh my lord this I cannot do so I'm gonna cheat ok.
1.All my fabulous teamies at CES Challenges get to have this award.
2. All my fab teamies at Crafty Purple get this award.
3. All of my fab teamies at Sweet Stampin get this award.
4. To all the fabulous crafters that follow me & leave me comments all the time get this award.
5. Finally to everyone that either follows me or I follow please take this award.
Now no-one said I couldn't do that did

My 2nd award was awarded to me from my fab Stokie teamie who I love to bits.....thank you Shell sweetie so soooo much. I love all your fabulous creations & I especially love your family outing stories, they always make me smile & when you leave me comments you always cheer me up.....for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart hun.

Now this one works a lil different to the last 1. I'm supposed to tell you 3 things you dont know about me so here goes.
1. Me & my hubby have been together since I was 15 but unfortunately we've had a bit of a tough life at times...not as tough as a lot of other out there tho. I lost my 1st son when I was 16 he was born 10 weeks early & was born dead. I then had another son when I was 17 he was 7 weeks early & unfortunately just under a day old died in my arms. I then had my 3rd son at 18 he was born 6 weeks early & altho he spent a time in special care at the fab hospital in Stoke (North Staffs scbu know me verrry well lol) he did survive & he is 20 years old on New Year's Eve. I had my daughter when I was 19 about a month before I turned 20 & altho nothing was detected when I was pregnant we found out she had sever brain damage & that she will be lucky to survive 2 weeks.....she was also in special care for a long time & has had a few brain surgeries but she is now 18 & has had a tough life just to survive year in year out but do you know what......every single day she has a smile for you she cannot do anything else but that smile means the world to us. My youngest I had when I was 25 & everything has been great with him he was born 3 weeks early but he was a big baby lol. He is now 14 years old he is the tallest in the family with a shoe size of 11-12 (boats I think they are called lol) we also have found out just this last week or so that all his organs & his heart are completely the opposite way round.........All of my children are unique in their own special way & I was truly blessed to be given them & I would never change my life for anything. We take each & every day as it comes cus life really is too short & we only get 1 shot of each day to the full because you never know if there will be a tomorrow.

2. I have 3 hero's in life 1 is my dad who sadly lost his fight against cancer 2 years ago & altho he never got to see his 60's he felt he had had a good life & had a fabulous family & didnt wish for anything more. My 2nd hero is my brother he is 4 years younger than me, he is 34 & he is currently battling stage 4 cancer, it is terminal but he is not gonna give up the fight.......he is looking it straight in the face & trying to figure a way to win this thing........ My 3rd hero is my daughter who against all odds survived & still survives we are told she wont have a long life but we appreciate every single extra day we get & she will keep on fighting to prove them wrong just like she always has done!!!

3. We are a very close family who believe love & respect are 2 of the most important things in life. I still give my kids hugs on a daily basis & they give me hugs daily too. I still cuddle up to hubby all the time, we are still like 16 year olds to be honest lol.....some people think thats weird I think its the way it should be. If you love someone why be ashamed to show boys have the same attitude lol so they think nothing of bringing their girlfriends here & telling them they love 'em in front of the ode 'uns lol (me & hubby he hee).
Well not that you wanted a blooming life story.....I am soooo sorry but for those who visit me regular you know I like to gabble on.....I'm thinking of renaming myself as Mrs Gabbalot....what do ya think??

I have to put this award on my side bar now with a link & I also have to pass it on. Well you know I'm gonna chicken out there as well dont ya.......well I love you all so its just too hard so everyone please grab this award cus I think you all deserve it..
If you got to the end give yourself a round of applause & make yourself a deserving cuppa with choccy bickies lol.
Nighty night peeps
Hugs to all
Vicky xxx

CES Challenges DT card........Challenge 14

Well hello again fancy seeing you you come here often lol.
Its me again just when you thought blogland was safe....I reappeared lol.
Right I'm not gonna ramble its a quickie post as I have a ton of crimbo cards I still need to do so I'm gonna have a day of crafting with washing in between......hope I dont get the 2 mixed up. I've also got crimbo internet shopping to do cus I've promised myself to get it all finshed by tomorrow night arrrggghhhh!!!!
Anyway onto my next DT card which is of course for....
Thank you for all your entries last week, wow there was a lot of gorgeous cards & it was hard decision so instead of Top 3 it became Top 5 lol......well you do make it hard for us lol.
This week Jen has set the challenge & she wants to see your....
Vintage Christmas cards
Now I absolutely love Vintage I really do but this week it was sooo hard with my Vicky-mo awol.
No colouring involved in this make I simply picked a freebie piccy from here pop yourself over she has a lot of fabulous free images, especially if you like vintage.

The card is basically an A4 piece of card squared up & then had its edges inked with 'Vintage Photo' distress ink. The papers have also been inked after they took a beating from my scissors, I have used Websters Pages so believe me I was nearly crying doing this :0( The lace is from mystash which I inked up a bit to make it look old. The heart I made myself using my cracle paints & my metalic rub-ons which I found last night.
The prize this week is...........

A gorgeous set of 6x6 'Father Christmas' papers by Pink Paislee which are sooo pretty.
Well thats it again from me please pop over & have a peekskie at my teamies fabulous gorgeous creations they are stunning. Also check out Emma's new design on her blog & pick up the new badges she will be having random draws for peeps who have the new badges on their get changing those badges if you wanna be in it.
Materials & links
Websters Pages & large brown curly flower - Crafty Emma's Store
All card used - Papermill
Gems & other flowers are from my stash.

Thank you again for popping in your comments really do mean the world to me, huge hugs to you all.
Vicky xxx

Challenges I'm Entering....

Sweet Stampin Dt card.............

Howdie peeps how are you all? Its still verrrrrrryyyy white here we thought we were gonna get snowed in, to be honest we dont normally get much snow but even our beach looks fabulous, I bet the 'Couple' are cold standing oot there at the mo.....if you remember that statue that was placed in a bay a few years ago, I think it was is the link cus I'm crap at explaining things lol....not that you prob want to know this anyway lol.
Anyway onto my DT card I really should keep this short cus I'm running mega late thicko-vicko is loose, I left my brain could be with my vicky-mo...amybe....oops I mean maybe he hee, I did warn ya!!!
This week over at Sweet Stampin the challenge isssssss......
Button & Bows
So grab that buttons jar & pile them on & of course dont forget your sweet bows.

Here is 'Mistletoe Kisses' from Prairie Fairy & she was an absolute dream to colour.....I think I'm gonna have to get more of these. She is coloured with Promarkers & a teensy bit of Prisma pencil....just a smidgin!!
I have also added glossy accents to her specs to give them a bit of ermmm......dimension (had to think of the word lol).

Isn't she bonny......she looks warm tho doesn't she & in this weather that we are having at the mo she needs to be!!!!!! Her fur has been dusted with Diamond Sparkles 'Angel Whispers'.

This week the prize is drum roll plzz...... 6 beautiful pins. The pin I have used on my card is from Pretty Pin. The bows are from my stash which I've had forever long time lol as also the flower. For the layout I followed the sketch over at Sketch & Stash.
Pop over to my teamies & have a peek-skie at their fabberlicious cards. Also dont forget to pop back tomorrow to find out who has won my candy.
Well I think thats it from me but come back soon for my CES DT card.
Thank you all once again for stopping by I loves ya all MMWAH.
Huge huggles Vicky xxx
Materials used & links
All card used - Papermill

Challenges I'm entering......  -  Non-Traditional Colours

Friday 26 November 2010

Carol Singing Tilda & come see my pressie...........woo hooooo

Good evening all you lovely crafters I'm still on my mission to catch up with seeing everyones blogs. I've finally finished my other DT card tonight I've really struggled with my Vicky-Mo today......has anyone seen her??????? Anyway the 1st 2 cards were not going right so they went to be filed under R.......third time lucky I was pleased with so away its gone to Emma's headquarters......
I did have a teensy-weensy-ickle bit of time to make a quicky card using another stamp that has still never been inked up.....bad bad girl that I am.....
Anyway here she singing her sweet little heart out just for all of you......
Isn't she soooo sweet & she sings like an angel......kinda like me ya know.....ermmmmm soz bout that I was choking on my choc-chip cookies, wonder why that happened......Anyway she is coloured with Promarkers & a little bit of shading done with a Prisma pencil, I soooo love the effect these pencils give. My hubby brought me the full set of Derwent pencils a couple of months ago & I put them up safe.....well that safe I only found them today hopefully I will get to play with them over the weekend.

All paper & card have been inked with Vintage Photo distress ink & so was the doily. The star is a crimbo tag from Wilkinsons that I layered up. All the fur on Tilda is Stardust Stickled & on her wings is a scattering of glamour dust. Papers are Memory Box 'Spiceberry' which you can get from Crafty Emma's. The ribbon is from Crafty Ribbons & the sentiment is I think from Sentiments 4 You & I just printed it out onto 150 gsm card. The gold bow is from my stash which happened to match up quite well to the ribbon. If I am being honest I'm not quite sure of this card but like I say I cant find my Vicky-Mo.......I think she's in hiding so if you see her pleassssssseee tell her come back!!!!
Well thats it for my card but I wanted to show you what mr postie brought me this morning off my darling hubby who is just the best in the world.....MMWAH loves you sexy xxx

Yes all of these Sweet Pea Stamps........I couldn't remembering him ordering this many & I chose them lol. I normally get these stamps from Crafts & Me but Sweet Pea had a sale on which I just could not say no to & there was some that the other site didn't have. Here they are close up....
Left side...

Right side...

Aren't they just fabulous & they really made my day.....I was screeching like a girl.....oh no wait I am a girl DOH!!!!!
Well I'm away I'm gonna have a wee break from the internet & try & ink 1 or 2 of these babies up......ah I love relaxing & doing some colouring its soooo therapeutic. Will see you all tomorrow with my 2 DT cards & I will be doing more blog hopping to come by & see you all.
Thank you so so soooo much for stopping by to see me I really do appreciate it soooo much you are all fantastic.
Loves ya all
Huge huggles Vicky xxx
Oh & its still snowing, the pieces that are falling are like £2 coins in size......still it makes everywhere look pretty just a shame eventually it turns to horrible mush......yukkkkk!!!!
Nighty-Night peeps xx

Winter Wonderland

Hi peeps hope you all ok & for those that are feeling yuck & cacky I hope you feel better real soon. I have not dissapeared my health has just been ermmmm well lets just say not good but never mind. I have also been busy doing DT cards but I will have a card for you tonight. I thought I would pop on firstly to say sorry if I've not been to your blogs I havnt been in blogland, I spent 3 hours on the net yesterday crimbo shopping & I forced myself do that I want crimbo finished by Sunday, so apart from ickle bits I have Natalie's crimbo finished I've just got get her a tv that will take her ipod touch you know right I'm showing my age but who cares I wanted 1 of those tape things, they were called ghetto blasters when I was younger & every1 would walk around carrying them or on their shoulder with their music blasting...... Are you reminiscing right about now lol..... Anyway I asked my parents for 1, a red you know what I got......I got this thing that my dad used to use at work, it had a radio, a tape deck & a 6 inch tv & was mains operated. If I wanted to carry the thing around not only would I need a shopping trolley for how heavy it was I would also need a car battery to power the darn thing.....oh the red bit....well it was silver so dad took it apart & sprayed it red!!!! I did act excited tho cus the thought was there......but howay.....I was seen carrying, no sorry MAULING that thing around I would of been arrested as it could be classed as a lethal wouldn't want it swung at ya!!!! Now everything fits in ya blooming pocket!!!!
Anyway now that I've rambled on with my ickle story for your amusement lol. I wanted to show you some pics that I took 10 mins my ickle Stokie Shell if you want snow come up to the North East... we have it in abundance.........
These next 2 pics are taken from my front front garden winter land lol

Sorry for the bad pic but I wasnt going out to take a better 1 I'm still in my jimjams!!! brrrrr
These next 1s are my back garden....

This next 1 I took from my kitchen window lol.....

Doesn't everything look soooo pretty when its is still snowing now. I have even kept my kids off school cus there was no way I was sending them in son Jake his school is about 6 miles away & Natalie's school is an hours drive up the A1....not journeys I was willing for them to make...
Well thats my winter wonderland....we are making snowmen later he hehee, well the boys I mean lol.
See ya later with a creation I'm off now to come catch up with all your wonderful makes so expect me at your blog very soon....

Bye-D-Bye for now peeps.
Loves ya all
Huge hugs Vicky xxx

Monday 22 November 2010

Jingle Ride, Jingle Ride......Jingle all the wayyyyyyyyyyyyy

Good evening peeps a very quick post from me tonight I'm running mega late......its took soooooooooooooo long for my glitter to dry grrrrr.
So tonights card is for 3 challenges in mind including PFP, I missed not entrying last week cus I was ill so I'm scraping in by the skin of my teeth this week lol.
There theme this week is 'Distressing & Stitching'
Another easel card cus you know how I love 'em lol. All papers are definately distressed & stitched with real stitches....ooooh get me lol. This is 'Jingle Ride' from Whimsy Stamps I've had it couple of weeks its took me til now to colour it & the reason for the colours is taken from my crimbo tree which is pastel colours & it looks gorgeous.....when it goes up that is lol.

She is coloured with Promarkers & bits of it have been coloured with Sakura pens for a bit of dazzle. Stickles have been added to fur & pole & Petal Pink liquid pearls were added to the bells & top of pole.

You can see the razzle dazzle a lil better in this pic. Ribbon is from Crafty Ribbons & all papers are from Bearly Mine which I printed off onto 160gsm card so it would be nice to distress. Once edges were distressed they were then heat embossed with Personal Impressions embossing powder in 'Mothers Day Pink' from Crafts & Me. The layout is a sketch that I've followed over at Cute Card Thursday.

The bottom I applied onto certain snowflakes some Stickles & some Liquid Pearls to add that bit of sparkly decor lol, they were also distressed 7 stitched the same as the top. The sentiment is a digi image from Whimsy. The flowers are from Crafty Emma's. The small bud flowers & gems are from my stash.
Well thats about it I'm off to link up then hopefully to bed.

Goodnight peeps thankyou soooo very much for stopping by I always appreciate it & I know how busy every1 is cus of the crimbo season coming up.......but if you cant get by to comment then dont worry about it there are a lot of things in life that certainly come before this.
I wish you all a goodnight I love you all mmwah
HUge hugs Vicky xxxx   
Take care.  -  Snowmen (snowmen on the strips of paper on the top)  -  Stitching & Distressing

GDT Card........Love Has Gone

Hello peeps how are you all today? Up here along the North Sea coast its very miserable & still blooming windows need washing & so does my car but I cant seem to get a dry day grrrrrr!!!
Anyway onto my card that I did yesterday. A few weeks ago I was chosen as 'Most Wanted' over at My partner in crafting crime, when you are chosen you are then asked to be GDT for a fortnight.....well I couldn't refuse could I? That would be rude!!!
There theme this week is 'Black, White & 1 Other' I went for beige as my other colour cus then I thought it would count for skin tones as well.... As you know a few weeks ago I brought some Sweet Pea stamps well this is another 1 of those that I've coloured for this card..............
This is 'Love Has Gone' & is by the ever talented Ching-Chou Kuik, this is a stamp I have been after for a few months but everytime I went over to shop for her she would be out of stock.... However a couple of weeks ago I saw her online at Crafts & Me & had to nab her straight away....tho I had to get her some friends so she wouldn't be lonely lol.....but she is worth it lol.

Obviously she needed an easel card to sit on......they will always be my fave lol. This is the bottom. The sentiment is a digi image that I printed out on my lappy....will put the links on at the end for you. All the papers & card have had their edges inked with a little bit of 'Black Soot' distress ink. The main backing papers are flocked which is just gorgeous IRL!!

Somewhere for you to write your message which was cut out using a nestie & the bigboy lol (bigshot).
All the papers went for a run throught the sewing machine to get themselves smartened up & trim lol.

The cream flowers have been inked with 'Dune' Cats Eye Ink....totally forgot I had these lol. Scrolls were cut out using my bigboy again lol.

Here is a close-up of this beautiful image. She is coloured with Promarkers & Prisma's & I've added Stardust Stickles to her wings.

Materials Used & Links....
Papers 'La Creme Stack' DCWV - Crafty Emma's Store
Flowers - Wild Orchid
Sentiment (digi download) - Whimsy
Black Velvet Ribbon - Crafty Ribbons
MS punch, pearls & Quikcutz Die & stickles all from stash.

Well thats it from me why not pop over to the challenge blog & have a go at this challenge.
Thank you all for stopping by you are all absolutely fantastic.
Huge huggles to everyone
Vicky xxx

Challenges I'm Entering..... - Where Have All The Flowers Gone

Sunday 21 November 2010

Kenny K DT Call

Howdie doodie peeps there is no card from me tonight I've been busy doing my GDT card which obviously I cant show you yet......unless they dont like it of course then I will show you sooner lol.
Anyway this post is about the KK DT Call. I have been agonising over this since I heard about it..... should I enter, should I not........well tonight with my 14 year olds size 11 foot up my bum (he is a big lad, he is taller than his eldest brother now who is 20 next month lol) I've decided to give it a go.....
They want to see at least 2 of what you think are your best I have picked ones that I like. The 1st 3 dont include a KK image but the 3rd 1 is 1 I did back in June for my daughters birthday & still is my all time fave card, fit for a princess. So I thought I would put my fave KK card on as well.......gosh I am soooo nervous.....I'm chewing on my elbows.....already got past my nails!!

Below is the inside

Now these are 3 of my fave images....Magnolia & Sweet Pea stamps are my fave stamp & KK are my absolute fave digi images.......they are soooo great to colour & I love them cus they are sooo versatile & Ican do them any size I want which is just fab. To be on the design team over at Kenny K would just be amazing.....they are all sooo talented over there I am in awe of them every week & I cant wait for the new images to be released.....
Well off to link this in wow knee's are shaking now.......its like going for an important interview this is!!!
Wish me luck I need all the luck I can get.......
See ya soonies peeps loves ya all loads.
Huge huggles Vicky xxx