
Saturday 27 November 2010

My Blog Awards

A couple of weeks ago I got 2 awards from 2 fabulous ladies.....MMWAH thank you both. I will do 1 at a time.  The 1st 1 I got from the fabulous Gemma who does awesome cards & I love visiting her blog. Thank you sooo much sweetie for this I really am honoured you thought of me.
Now I have to tell you 3 things that make me special......gosh to be honest I dont think highly of myself at all but I will say these 3 things.....
1. I believe I am a very good mum, the best I can be. My kids are polite, grateful & above all the most important factor, I think anyway, they show respect to people....
2. I am the best wife I can be, my hubby & my kids always come 1st no matter what I will drop everything for them.....altho I do spoil them a lot.
3. I am a very grateful person & a very good friend, my friends I think of as family & I am grateful to have those friends....including all my friends in Blogland that I've not even met yet I really do think you are all terrific & I loves ya all. I am also a verrrrry soft hearted which sometimes can be a bad thing especially when trying to be strict somewhat with my kids lol.
Now they say I have to pass this on to 5 bloggers.......oh my lord this I cannot do so I'm gonna cheat ok.
1.All my fabulous teamies at CES Challenges get to have this award.
2. All my fab teamies at Crafty Purple get this award.
3. All of my fab teamies at Sweet Stampin get this award.
4. To all the fabulous crafters that follow me & leave me comments all the time get this award.
5. Finally to everyone that either follows me or I follow please take this award.
Now no-one said I couldn't do that did

My 2nd award was awarded to me from my fab Stokie teamie who I love to bits.....thank you Shell sweetie so soooo much. I love all your fabulous creations & I especially love your family outing stories, they always make me smile & when you leave me comments you always cheer me up.....for that I thank you from the bottom of my heart hun.

Now this one works a lil different to the last 1. I'm supposed to tell you 3 things you dont know about me so here goes.
1. Me & my hubby have been together since I was 15 but unfortunately we've had a bit of a tough life at times...not as tough as a lot of other out there tho. I lost my 1st son when I was 16 he was born 10 weeks early & was born dead. I then had another son when I was 17 he was 7 weeks early & unfortunately just under a day old died in my arms. I then had my 3rd son at 18 he was born 6 weeks early & altho he spent a time in special care at the fab hospital in Stoke (North Staffs scbu know me verrry well lol) he did survive & he is 20 years old on New Year's Eve. I had my daughter when I was 19 about a month before I turned 20 & altho nothing was detected when I was pregnant we found out she had sever brain damage & that she will be lucky to survive 2 weeks.....she was also in special care for a long time & has had a few brain surgeries but she is now 18 & has had a tough life just to survive year in year out but do you know what......every single day she has a smile for you she cannot do anything else but that smile means the world to us. My youngest I had when I was 25 & everything has been great with him he was born 3 weeks early but he was a big baby lol. He is now 14 years old he is the tallest in the family with a shoe size of 11-12 (boats I think they are called lol) we also have found out just this last week or so that all his organs & his heart are completely the opposite way round.........All of my children are unique in their own special way & I was truly blessed to be given them & I would never change my life for anything. We take each & every day as it comes cus life really is too short & we only get 1 shot of each day to the full because you never know if there will be a tomorrow.

2. I have 3 hero's in life 1 is my dad who sadly lost his fight against cancer 2 years ago & altho he never got to see his 60's he felt he had had a good life & had a fabulous family & didnt wish for anything more. My 2nd hero is my brother he is 4 years younger than me, he is 34 & he is currently battling stage 4 cancer, it is terminal but he is not gonna give up the fight.......he is looking it straight in the face & trying to figure a way to win this thing........ My 3rd hero is my daughter who against all odds survived & still survives we are told she wont have a long life but we appreciate every single extra day we get & she will keep on fighting to prove them wrong just like she always has done!!!

3. We are a very close family who believe love & respect are 2 of the most important things in life. I still give my kids hugs on a daily basis & they give me hugs daily too. I still cuddle up to hubby all the time, we are still like 16 year olds to be honest lol.....some people think thats weird I think its the way it should be. If you love someone why be ashamed to show boys have the same attitude lol so they think nothing of bringing their girlfriends here & telling them they love 'em in front of the ode 'uns lol (me & hubby he hee).
Well not that you wanted a blooming life story.....I am soooo sorry but for those who visit me regular you know I like to gabble on.....I'm thinking of renaming myself as Mrs Gabbalot....what do ya think??

I have to put this award on my side bar now with a link & I also have to pass it on. Well you know I'm gonna chicken out there as well dont ya.......well I love you all so its just too hard so everyone please grab this award cus I think you all deserve it..
If you got to the end give yourself a round of applause & make yourself a deserving cuppa with choccy bickies lol.
Nighty night peeps
Hugs to all
Vicky xxx


  1. congrats on your awards huni and its so nice to hear a bit more about you and i think your friends and family are lucky to have you and you so deserve the awards huni xx

  2. I have nothing to say besides "Wow..." Keep shining your light!

  3. oh my work Vicky...I knew I loved you from the moment I saw your crafts...but to read some personal things about you makes me love you so much more.
    totally crying here
    you are one special girl :) I am thinkin a hero to many indeed!!!

  4. OMG Vicky I am sat here with tears strolling down my face. I can hardly believe the rough times you have been through. You are a true inspiration to anyone that knows you personally or cyberly (that's a made up word but a good one I think lol!!)You come across so positive and full of love and fun. You are truly amazing!
    Have a wonderful day - God Bless you and your beautiful family.
    Love & hugs
    Debs xx

  5. Goodmorning Vicky, you know hun, sometimes you 'meet' someone and you know straight away that you're dealing with someone special, and sometimes you don't even have to actually meet them in person. I had that feeling when I 'met' you from the start and now I understand why!! It's the experiences in life that make you into what you are. You are a very generous loving caring person, and I thank you for sharing this so personal story with us. I have deep respect for who you are and am greatful to have 'met' you. Big XXX, your friend (and MUM LOL) Frea

  6. Thanks for thinking of me. I think you are awesome. You rock! xxx

  7. Wow, we all have to be strong sometimes but you seem to have been strong forever, so from all of us who take strength from reading about your life - Thank you. I hope you take strength from the friends who visit you here, Jac xx


Thankyou so so much for taking time to leave me a comment grab a hug while you are here as a thank you. mmwah. Lotsa hugs from me ;0)