
Saturday 2 October 2010

CES Challenge.............Challenge 6

Good morning peeps its Saturday again already so you know what that means
We are on challenge 6 & this week its the fantabulous Julie's turn to set the challenge & this week your challenge is..............
you can make anything as long as we can see a HAT somewhere on your creation.
I actually couldn't believe how many stamps I had with Hats on but eventually I chose these.....

I love these Magnolia stamps I'm rather ashamed to say this but Tilda I've had for about 3 months & this is the 1st time I've inked her up....shame on me!!!! I got a picture of a witches hat off the net, resized it & printed it out & used it as a template. I actually had a diff pic in my head of how this would turn out & the pic in my head was nicer but never mind :o(
The papers are Basic Grey 'Eerie', fab pad of paper this is. The pearl Hat Pins were white & I coloured them with a black Promarker. Also the bottom rose by the pins was cream & I sprayed it with Cosmic Shimmer 'bronze'.

Here are the close-ups of Tilda & Edwin they are coloured with Promarkers. I decided to colour their hairs Orange which I've never done before but I think they look ok. I chopped off Tilda's broom & replaced it with a more authentic 1 which I got from Ebay, I think they are fab!!!

This is my handmade flower, I love making these!! I've added Stamens to the centre & I sprayed it with Cosmic Shimmer bronze & red. The lace on the hat was Ivory & I coloured it with my Spice Promarker.

The little sparkly gems at the bottom of the hat are from my stash & the Halloween buttony thing is from my button jar & cant remember where it came from initially.
Basic Grey papers, Dew Drops, Hat Pins, Mulberry Curly Rose, Stamens, Promarkers & the scalloped card are all from Crafty Emma's Store
Now for the prize for the winner.....

Memory Box 'Glitterati' paper pad......I wish I could enter lol I luuurrrvvveee paper lol.
Pop yourself over to CES Challenges & check out the DT's creations they are absolutely amazing.
Well that it from me I hope you can join us for this weeks challenge we all look forward to your creations.
Mr Blogger seems to be working fine today so I'm hoping to catch up on all my commenting & blogging. May be back later with a new card but until then
Bye-D-Bye for now, hugs to you all that stop by here & big big thanks, you are all fab.
Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx - Seasons Change

Friday 1 October 2010

Awww my little Poor Boy

Good afternoon peeps just a quickie post before I cook tea I have my orders to make home-made Lasagne tonight. I have made a male card today......get me another male card!!
Without further ado I will introduce you...... 'Poor Boy' from Secret Crafter  I brought a few digi stamps the other day I just couldn't resist them they have some fab 1s. I've still got their website open now on another page because I'm wanting a few of their rubber stamps lol. I have followed the sketch on Sketch & Stash for this card, its a really canny sketch I enjoyed it & think I will be using this on more be on the look-out lol.

Here is a Close-Up of 'Poor Boy' he is coloured with Promarkers which are available from Crafty Emma's Store. The papers are Basic Grey 'Kioshi' of which I really am down to scraps now so I'm looking for more. All the edges have been inked with Vintage Photo distress ink & distressed. The buttons are from my stash & I've threaded Twine from Emma's through them. The top corner I've just covered a button in some Kioshi paper.
I have also had another new stamp today....... personal stamp I ordered it about a week ago & it arrived today. I ordered it from Bunny Zoe's & I really am so pleased with it.
Well thats it from me for now it has took me ages do this post because Mr Bad Blogger is been a nightmare & taking soooo long to up load my piccies.
Will hopefully post another card later, I will also be around blog hopping later to look at your wonderful creations. CES Challenge tomorrow, by these weeks really are flying past.
Bye-D-Bye for now, thank for stopping by
hugs to you all Vicky xxx

Thursday 30 September 2010

Pretty As A Flower.......Sarah Kay

Hi there peeps its me again I'm running rather late tonight so this is an extremely quickie post. My card tonight is another 1 of my new stamps but its not Tilda tonight lol.
Meet Sarah Kay 'Spring Blossoms'
I love this stamp I think its sooo pretty. I have followed the sketch on Fussy & Fancy which this week the fabulous Mindy designed, pop on over to her blog her creations are stunning.

Sarah Kay has been coloured with Promarkers. The paper is from Papermania 'Rose Garden' & all papers have had their edges inked with 'Victorian Velvet' distress ink.

The flowers are from Wild Orchid & then topped with Cosmic Twinkles 'Iced Candy'. The organza ribbon is from Bunny Zoes & the button on the ribbon I think is from The Hobbyhouse.

All edges were distressed with my stressy tool & the pink pearls are from my stash. The sentiment came with the paper pad. The card the image is on has had corners punched with my new MS corner punch.
I'm off to link this up & then off to the land of nod. I really hope you like my card. Thankyou with all my heart for your wonderful comments I appreciate each & every single 1.

Nighty night
Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

Wednesday 29 September 2010

My Autumn Tilda........Apples & Cherries collection

Good afternoon all you lovely crafters I actually made this card last night but unfortunately I decided to do some crafting in the living room inside of my hobbit..... BIG MISTAKE!!! I brought the new dvd yesterday 'Streetdance 3D' I absolutely luuurrrvvveee dancing....more than crafting & cars & that says something!! Anyway we decided to put the dvd on so I could watch it whilst crafting just in 2D & not 3D mind....think that may be bit hard to do lol. Well I had half my card done, my image done there was about 15 minutes work left......WRONG once the dvd went on it turned into 2 HOURS work left.....its not a good idea to craft & watch a DVD about your biggest passion.......& believe me its a huge passion of mine lol!!
Well onto my card I've noticed a few challenges around blogland setting 'Autumn' as their challenge & my goodies turned up today so naturally after I came back from the hospital I just had to play.
Here is my 'Autumn' themed card.....
Meet 'Tilda in the wind/rain' from the new 'Apples & Cherries' collection. I couldn't resist these new 1s I would of got them all if they were not sold out lol. The paper I've used is Basic Grey 'Porcelain' which I've nearly completely ran out of :-( I've also added some Tulle from my stash onto the umbrella & some Glossy Accents to make it look wet lol.

Tilda has been coloured with Promarkers which you can get from Crafty Emma's Store. I've also used 1 of the Magnolia Doo Hickey Doily Flower dies which I also brought with  my new stamps from Bunny Zoes Crafts I inked the edges with 'Rusty Hinge' distress ink & added a flower which I got from Wild Orchid.
The card I have Tilda on was inked again with Rusty Hinge & then I used my new MS punch around the corner but only punched out the corners & not the sides.

Close-up of the flower I love these Magnolia dies the 1 here is the small 1. The leaves were punched out using my woodware punch & then inked with 'Forest Moss' distress ink. The flower was also inked just a tad with 'Vintage Photo'.

Last pic to show dimension. The flags were cut out using my WOJ Pennants die through the cuttlebug & then it was inked with 'Rusty Hinge', 'Forest Moss' distress inks & then a little 'Vintage Photo' on the edges.
I think thats it for now I've had a nice shopping trip this morn & brought my daughter some new clothes & coats I'm away now to pick up my son from school he finishes at 2.30 on a Wednesday which narurally he loves. Will be back later with something new, I've got a full night to craft while boys & their dad go fishing.
Thankyou for stopping by & leaving your wonderful comments you are all fabulous.
Bye-D-Bye for now peeps
Hugs Vicky xxx

Monday 27 September 2010

My Skater Girl.......Kenny K

 "She was a skater boy, she said see you later boy.........he wasn't good enough for herrrrrrr"

Good evening peeps was singing to myself lol its a quickie post from me tonight. I didn't think I was making a card tonight but then just after 9.30 I decided to make a really quick 1, it took me an hour & its for Kenny K. I absolutely love these images there isn't 1 I dont like & they are FAB to colour. Over there this week they have rather a fab sketch.....
I will def be using this again its 1 of those sketches thats great when you dont have much it!!!!!
For this sketch I've used 'Hockey Girl' here is the direct link. I know she is Hockey but to me she is 'Skater Boy' lol. Here is my interpratation of the sketch....

The paper is Prima 'Fairy Flora' pad from Crafty Emma's Store its soooo pretty!! I have inked all edges with Brushed Corduroy distress ink & distressed a little bit. The scalloped card is also from Emma's. The gems are from my stash, they are Prima I think.

Here she is close-up. She has been coloured with Promarkers.

The flowers I have punched out using Paper Shapers punches & then inked with 'Brushed Corduroy' & 'Fired Brick' distress inks, layered them up with foam pads & popped a Prima gem in the middle.
I think thats about it peeps hope they like it over at KK, fingers crossed.
Thankyou for stopping by it means sooo much to me as you know & I will be round in the morning to have a nosey at your blogs I havnt had time to get round tonight to every1. I'm at the R.V.I Hospital in the afternoon so I will catch up before I go.
Goodnight peeps take care & dont let the bed bugs bite.
Hugs to all Vicky xxx

Sunday 26 September 2010

Sparkley Tilda

Hello peeps hope you are all having a good weekend. We've had an adventful 1 to say the least but I shall not bore you with the details so instead I'm just gonna get on with my card lol. After the weekend I've had I couldn't get into a crafty mood last mojo had kinda said 'Toodles' 'see ya later'. So instead I eventually stamped a Tilda onto my water-colour paper & coloured her. Today some of my mojo made an appearance & said 'hi'........
Say hello to 'Ballerina Tilda'. She was stamped onto 'The Langton' watercolour paper & coloured with distress inks. I think there was a small explosion from a glitter bottle in my craft room & a lot of it went over Tilda & the card lol. Over at 'Totally Tilda' their challenge is 'Glitter & Sparkle'....she is certainly sparkling!!! I've kept meaning to enter their challenges but either run out of time or forget about it....well this 1 I am entering. As I painted Tilda last night I had to pick paper to match Tilda instead of the other way round, I actually do that a lot lol. The paper is K&Co & its from the 'Big Stack', its had its edges inked with 'Antique Linen' distress ink & distressed with my stressy tool.

Doily has been inked with 'Tumbled Glass' distress ink. All gems are Prima & the flowers I punched out with my Paper Shaper punches & then covered in 'Waterfall' stickles & white 1s are covered in 'Diamond' stickles & added a Prima gem to the middle.

The strip through the middle I punched using 1 of my MS punches, I cut small slits in each side of the doily & slid the card through & then added a punched flower. The swirls are made using my Cuttlebug.

The sentiment is from Magnolia & Tilda has been edged with 'Diamond' stickles.
Inks I've used to colour Tilda are.....
Skin...Antique Linen, Tattered Rose, Worn Lipstick & Vintage Photo.
Hair....Walnut Stain
Dress & Shoes....Tumbled Glass.
Well thats it from me I'm running a tad late on my tutorial just because of weekend disasters but I will be putting it on in the next day or 2.
I hope you like my card I would love to hear what you think whether its good or bad. Thankyou for stopping by & thankyou for your wonderful comments they really do make me smile, I appreciate every single 1.

Bye-D-Bye for now
Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx - Glitter & Sparkle