
Saturday 2 October 2010

CES Challenge.............Challenge 6

Good morning peeps its Saturday again already so you know what that means
We are on challenge 6 & this week its the fantabulous Julie's turn to set the challenge & this week your challenge is..............
you can make anything as long as we can see a HAT somewhere on your creation.
I actually couldn't believe how many stamps I had with Hats on but eventually I chose these.....

I love these Magnolia stamps I'm rather ashamed to say this but Tilda I've had for about 3 months & this is the 1st time I've inked her up....shame on me!!!! I got a picture of a witches hat off the net, resized it & printed it out & used it as a template. I actually had a diff pic in my head of how this would turn out & the pic in my head was nicer but never mind :o(
The papers are Basic Grey 'Eerie', fab pad of paper this is. The pearl Hat Pins were white & I coloured them with a black Promarker. Also the bottom rose by the pins was cream & I sprayed it with Cosmic Shimmer 'bronze'.

Here are the close-ups of Tilda & Edwin they are coloured with Promarkers. I decided to colour their hairs Orange which I've never done before but I think they look ok. I chopped off Tilda's broom & replaced it with a more authentic 1 which I got from Ebay, I think they are fab!!!

This is my handmade flower, I love making these!! I've added Stamens to the centre & I sprayed it with Cosmic Shimmer bronze & red. The lace on the hat was Ivory & I coloured it with my Spice Promarker.

The little sparkly gems at the bottom of the hat are from my stash & the Halloween buttony thing is from my button jar & cant remember where it came from initially.
Basic Grey papers, Dew Drops, Hat Pins, Mulberry Curly Rose, Stamens, Promarkers & the scalloped card are all from Crafty Emma's Store
Now for the prize for the winner.....

Memory Box 'Glitterati' paper pad......I wish I could enter lol I luuurrrvvveee paper lol.
Pop yourself over to CES Challenges & check out the DT's creations they are absolutely amazing.
Well that it from me I hope you can join us for this weeks challenge we all look forward to your creations.
Mr Blogger seems to be working fine today so I'm hoping to catch up on all my commenting & blogging. May be back later with a new card but until then
Bye-D-Bye for now, hugs to you all that stop by here & big big thanks, you are all fab.
Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx - Seasons Change


  1. Darling card Vicky...such a gorgeous colouring of Edwin and Tilda and I love all the detail you have added especially the pearls and gems :) Donna x

  2. This is beautiful!!! I love everything about it!!! Hugs!!!

  3. WOWZER! hunny this is absolutely fantastic...i'm luvin it! what a lot of fab work you put into it ...ace colouring & all the added extras look great ...well done you! xx Lizzy xx :)

    Enjoy your weekend hun :)

  4. Hi! Vicky, what a fabulous mise en scene for Tilda and Edwin. Your coloring of orange hair is just perfect, and the little broom you placed in Tilda's hand is such a nice detail. I love the hat shaped background with all the spider webs, gorgeous. Thank you for joining us at Stamptacular Sunday Challenge and hope to see you again soon.

  5. Hi Vicky, fantastic card you've made. Love the background and so much detail. Perfect for halloween. enjoy the rest of your weekend and running around in your new car!!

  6. wow fantastic card your spooky tilda and edwin and they look well ready for a bit of trick and treating.your colours and papers are spot on and as always hun your attention to detail is amazing :)

    xx coops xx

  7. What a fun card! Love those stamps & the details- fabulous! Thanks for joining us at SSC this week.

  8. awwwwww vicky this is sooooo cute!!! i love the spiderwebby hat and tilda and edwin look so sweet, just love it hun, hugs Lou xxxxx

  9. Such a gorgeous card Vicky. Love the images you've used and the wonderful details also. Hugs Michele x

  10. love the little broom! such rich color. Just and adorable card.
    Thank you for joining our "Season's Change" challenge at Stamptacular Sunday Challenge!

  11. I love this card hunni...Halloween is my fave day of the year lol...(obviously nothing to do with it being my bday lol!!!)

  12. I do love your embellies! I love all your creations! Sheena xx


Thankyou so so much for taking time to leave me a comment grab a hug while you are here as a thank you. mmwah. Lotsa hugs from me ;0)