
Saturday 28 August 2010

Crafty Emma's Challenge..... Kick Off A New Challenge

Good morning everyone hope you are all fine & dandy this morning.
Well its Kick Off day with a new weekly challenge Crafty Emma's Challenge blog.
I am sooo excited about this Challenge blog & the other girlies I am working with are just FAB & very talented, I feel VERY honoured to be working with them all.
We are starting off the challenge with everyone's favourite 'Anything Goes' which basically means you can create whatever you like as long as its papercraft.
Here is the 1st prize.... a 12x12 My Minds Eye 'Oh La La' paper pack....mmm it certainly is ''Oh la la''

 Pop on over to the challenge blog to check out our talented DT's fabulous inspiring creations.
Here is mine....

It is a Notepad, this was an old hardback book, the insides were cut out & it has been covered in these gorgeous 'Pink Paislee' papers which are from Crafty Emma's Store, the tag is also from here as to are the pretty Dew Drops & the Pearl Pear Shaped Pin in the flowers. You really must get these Dew Drops they really are SOOOOO pretty, the camera doesn't do them justice. The images are from Kenny K & have been coloured with Promarkers which Emma also stocks. I also added metal corners to help protect the corners & also because it looks nice lol. The flowers are all from my stash, so is the doily which has been inked with Vintage Photo distress ink.
This is the inside of the notepad, again just covered in 'Pink Paislee'. Before the pads went on I glued on a piece of ribbon to provide an anchorage for a pen. The pads are actually free downloads from Graphic Garden they have loads of free printout things on there, its fab....

Here is the close-up of the images, I absolutely love Kenny K images they are fab to colour.
Well I think thats it from me we hope you can join in with our first challenge, 1st prize will be picked by random & there will also be a Top 3.
Come along & join in the fun.......its not to be missed!!!!

Bye-D-Bye for now
Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

Thankyou so much for visiting & for your wonderful comments I appreciate each & every 1 of them, hugs to you all. xx

Thursday 26 August 2010

WOW.....I Have An Award

Hello peeps I know I havnt posted for a few days I've been a bit busy & bit ill, this damn kidney is giving me a lot of trouble but nezzer mind lol. Anyway I have received an award this morning.....I can't believe it I'm sooo proud.......I am grinning like a chesire cat ;0) Here is my award which I received from the lovely Coops.....thankyou hunni soooo much. Love Coops blog & she lives where I was born & bred Stoke-On-Trent so its really nice to have a potter crafter as a friend.

Now I'm new to all this but I think that 1 of the conditions of this award is I have to pass it on to 7 of my fave blogs.....My Goodness how do I do this????? Well I would choose Coops but as she gave it to me I can't so here are my 7 in no particular order........
2. Susie
3. Heidi
4. Poppet
5. Angie
7. Sarah
WOW........I really wish I could pick more 7 is NOT enough :-( There are sooo many more I could pick as I think you ALL have wonderful blogs & make wonderful inspiring creations.
Thanks once again Coops hun.

Lotsa hugs to all
Vicky xxx

Sunday 22 August 2010

Cowgirl-Up blog hop....dont miss it!!!!

Hello there crafters hope you are all having a wonderful weekend & hope the weather is keeping nice for, its gorgeous up here in the North. There is a Blog Hop on 29th August over at Cowgirl-Up I have have copied & pasted there badge & info below....

       We will be having our Big Blog Hop and Image Release and Sale!

        Looking forward to Ya'll being there!

        Mark your calendars for August 29th!

        Don't forget to create a post with our Announcement Badge

        and post it on your side bar!

        We will be hopping around and looking!

        Someone will be winning a special prize!

        Leave a comment that you have made a post and posted the badge!

So don't forget 29th August for the Blop Hop & of course not forgetting the crafters do like our sales don't we.............
                                                   Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx