
Thursday 26 August 2010

WOW.....I Have An Award

Hello peeps I know I havnt posted for a few days I've been a bit busy & bit ill, this damn kidney is giving me a lot of trouble but nezzer mind lol. Anyway I have received an award this morning.....I can't believe it I'm sooo proud.......I am grinning like a chesire cat ;0) Here is my award which I received from the lovely Coops.....thankyou hunni soooo much. Love Coops blog & she lives where I was born & bred Stoke-On-Trent so its really nice to have a potter crafter as a friend.

Now I'm new to all this but I think that 1 of the conditions of this award is I have to pass it on to 7 of my fave blogs.....My Goodness how do I do this????? Well I would choose Coops but as she gave it to me I can't so here are my 7 in no particular order........
2. Susie
3. Heidi
4. Poppet
5. Angie
7. Sarah
WOW........I really wish I could pick more 7 is NOT enough :-( There are sooo many more I could pick as I think you ALL have wonderful blogs & make wonderful inspiring creations.
Thanks once again Coops hun.

Lotsa hugs to all
Vicky xxx


  1. Aaaww, thenks, hun. Really lovely of you to think of me! i'll get it on my blog as soon as I can. Susie x

  2. Go You Vicky, well done getting the award! Think we got some things in common...i have kidney problems too and have been in struggling along for the past week or two...i think i am in stone passing mode, just wish it would hurry and pass!
    Anyway hope you feel better soon,
    Well done again!
    Lynne x x

  3. congrats on your award and thankyou so much vicky, that is so sweet of you hunny xxxxxx

  4. Congratulations Vicky, a well deserved award. Thank you Vicky I will accept this award with pride. I will try and post it over the weekend.

  5. Congrats on your award Vicky! You deserve that:)
    And thank you so much for giving one to me! That is so sweet of you, and I really appreciate that. Thank you so much:)
    Hope you're fine, have a wonderful evening!
    Hugs, Heidi:)

  6. Well done hun on your award and thanks for passing it on to me keep up the good work
    Hugs Angie x

  7. Aw thank you so much hunny...mwah ;-)
    I am as rubbish with awards as I am emails!! Lol
    Hugs Emma x


Thankyou so so much for taking time to leave me a comment grab a hug while you are here as a thank you. mmwah. Lotsa hugs from me ;0)