
Thursday 1 December 2016

Noor Design UK Challenge DT Post

Hello everyone, can you believe its been a month since the last challenge begun......where are the days going........I have soooooooo much shopping to do still...

Anyhoo less babble now ;-) Our new challenge over at Noor Design UK this month should fit any of those crimbo cards/projects we still have left to do......I still have a few to do lol.
.........actually even non crimbo have sparkle.......we all sparkle dont we hee hee. Super duper easy challenge dont you think ;-)
I made another lollipop card.....this one however stayed as a lollipop card as they are so darn cute & I love making them ;-)
I have used my favourite papers, stamp, embellies........ok the list can go on here lol. 
All links to items used will be at the bottom of this post.......except my new die but will explain that in a bit.

Tracy recently added........much to my excitement, cinnamon sticks & bells.......yessssssss.
Can you see the little flowers there...........guess what i Made them with Foamiran. I made these a few days ago & since I have won a flower making class by the unber talented Lady E..........OMG I love this lady's creations........I want to be as talented as she is when I grow up lol.
Truth be known I dont want to grow up lol.

Have you seen these cute little tree's.........they are from the latest Magnolia Doohickey club kit Volume 12..... I sprayed them with glue & then smothered them in glitter........only because the challenge wanted sparkle, or I wouldnt have added it pmsl.......yeah right like I need an excuse to add sparkle pmsl.....
Some more foamiran flowers made by ickle me.

This I made monday along with a few other flowers that I cant decide whether they are roses or carnations but I feel quite proud of them.......... I didnt follow any tutorial & just played. The bottom layer of the poinsettia (the leafy bit_ I also gave the sparkle looks lush in real life!!

This is the reverse side of the Lollipop so nothing gets squashed I made a pocket for tags, I'm still quite proud I came up with this idea ;-) Can you see the doily............that is my new die, not new out just new to me. Its a Cheery Lynn Doily die & I LOVE IT!!! You may see this lots.
The magnolia stamps on the front are from the Aspen collection & I coloured them with distress ink refills & markers. The bow is also a magnolia die. You can also see the lace better here, how pretty is that.........

Ok I've babbled on & on & on & I'm gonna hush my buttons so you can first go & see the rest of the fabulous creations here & second............go make a creation & enter as we love to see your wonderful creations.

Thanks for stopping by lovelies.
Big HUgs Vicky xxx

Challenges I'm Entering.........
Additced To Stamps - Dies &/or Punches
Simply Magnolia - Anything Goes
Midweek Magnolia's - Anything Goes

Wednesday 30 November 2016

Deep Ocean CHallenge DT Card

Hello everyone how you all doing? Can you believe how fast these days are going by........not long now til the jolly red fella comes........shaking his belly like a bowful of jelly oooh so exciting :-)

So we have a new challenge over at Deep Ocean Challenges & this fortnight its........
Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
.....yep he's making his list, he's checking it twice, gonna find out who's naughty & nice.....are you singing along yet, altogether now......santa claus is coming to townnnnn ;-)

I made this card a couple of weeks ago for an order of 4 christmas cards but as I havnt had much time make anything else this fits our new challenge theme......

I didnt realise the charm had flipped over on the tag......but dont worry you will see it in the next photo lol.
I've used Pion Design The Night Before Christmas papers......all have been machine sewn around the edge.

See there is the charm of the lovely santa ;-) I've added Marianne Design Tree, Reindeers in kraft with white gel pen for markings & some Memory Box Mittens, also in Kraft but with a contrasting band using scraps from this paper. 

Add some gorgeous flowers, apple pomegrantes, glass strawberry & a Little Darlings Doily die underneath. There is also a banner going along the top but I've covered most of it by accident. Leaves are Tim HOltz Holiday Greens........can you tell I love those dies lol.

This is the inside with another Marianne Design Tree & Little Darlings Fancy Rectangle die.
These papers are gorgeous, love this collection!!

Gorgeous red ribbon from my stash & I added a beautiful button to the centre & underneath we have a cone & some berries. The pretty lace was from LLC a while ago.

The image is from Pion Design Night Before Christmas Images From The Past. & was also cut out using the same die as inside. The tag is also from the same Pion collection here.  The wording on the image I cut from Pion Borders sheet from the same collection.

Please pop over to see my teamies fabulous creations & show them some love. Hope you will join in with our fabby challenge this fortnight.

This fortnight we are sponsored by the lovely Tina from Craft Heaven & your prize is.....
 A €10 Gift Certificate to Craft Heaven Shop

Thanks for stopping by lovelies.
Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

Challenges I'm Entering.........
Allsorts Challenge - Anything Christmas

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Noor Design UK DT Post

Hello all I'm here with a christmas card today using things from Noor Design UK, I made this card a couple of weeks ago but forgot to add the flowers until last night.
The idea of the card came form a Hanglar card I saw on Pinterest a LONG LONG time ago.......many of you may have seen it. It was an oblong card but with 2 hanglar images........I took the 2 images & extended on it.
I made a tag card instead of an oblong card........all links will be at the bottom of the post.

I've used Magnolia stamps from the latest collection, this is 'Sitting Cozy Edwin' & he was coloured with distress inks & markers.
I also added a die-cut Find It Trading behind with him.........I also did the same behind Tilda below.........

......this is 'Sitting Cozy Tilda' also coloured with distress inks & markers. The banners that they are sitting on are going to have names added but I dont want the people who are having this card to see ;-)

This is the inside, of course I will add a place to write or I might add a pocket to put tags in to write on......I havnt decided.
The papers are all Maja Design 'I Wish' colection, 12x12 sheets.

The squares were cut out using Little Darlings dies & mounted onto foam tape, Edwin & Tilda were also mounted onto foam tape.........all to give dimension.

I added seam binding to the eyelet at the top & hung a charm from it with wax cord.
The flowers are WOC & the leaves are Rosy Owl which I cut from Pion paper. I also added bark stars & a loose pearl from my stash.
The Merry Christmas banner is also from the same paper collection.

Thanks for stopping by.
Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx

Challenges I'm Entering...........
Magnolialicious - Need A Little Christmas
Simply Magnolia - Vintage
Ribbon Girl - November Use Any Image Challenge