
Thursday 27 November 2014

I'm Back, helloooooooooooooo

Hello everyone how are you all? Yes I'm back, I took some time off to spend time with my family & have a bit of a break. However things regarding Natalie went down bank, with health issues & behavioural wise I would rather not go into it all on here. 
Things are still on-going with Natalie & fingers crossed we get there in the end.

However we all need an outlet & crafting is my outlet, something to take my mind off things. So I've decided that I need to get back to crafting, I've really missed it & I even started colouring an image a couple of days its not finished & let me tell you my first ones went in the bin. Its starting to come back to me now though, I think lol.

I have to say sorry if anyone has emailed me recently, a couple of months ago we had problems with our email & some of mine did not get to where they were supposed to & also I didnt receive a lot of emails as well. After it was sorted though I was then at a point when I didnt want to email people, so didnt blog, didnt fact the only people I've been in close contact with is my immediate family. Sometimes things happen in life that really throw you. We are all on a time limit so to speak, I think we just take too many things for granted. Time is special & we need to enjoy it & make the most of it. 

Anyhoo's without depressing you further what I will say is I'm so sorry for not keeping in touch, I honestly have a good reason. If you did contact me & I havn't replied then please try again as I've now checked all my email & I'm up to date replying to peeps. If you emailed when my email was having problems then it could have been lost in cyber space lol.

Well fingers crossed I have something crafty to show you very soon, I need to certainly move my butt on the whole christmas more ways than one lol.

I have had a few emails asking me about how I store my sentiment stamps, if you are interested let me know & I will post it on my blog instead of replying in emails. Also its easier describe with piccies isn't it, maybe I could do a video. 

Well I'm going now before you throw things at your screen at me ;0) Hope you are all doing ok & those needing any hugs right now I am sending you big squishy ones.

Take care lovelies.
Lotsa huggles Vicky 

P.S. I havn't been on facebook since my last post, so its been a couple of months. I will hoever go on in the next few days & catch up there as well.