
Friday 1 August 2014

Double DT Card for 2 Challenges

Hello everyone how are you?  I'm sitting here writing this post wondering whether to ring the hairdressers once they open (its currently 8.30am) & see if I can get hair chopped off today...........I'm extremely nervous about it but excited to get something different & have a whole new look..........if they can fit me in that is lol.

Anyhoo's lets get onto a fabulous new challenge over at Live & Love Crafts Blog, your one stop shop for all things Vintage & Shabby Chic and of course beautiful. We have kept it simple this month as we know everyone likes more family time this time of year & most of us have done less crafting. I certainly have lol. Ok so the easy peasy theme is.............
STITCHING, real or faux
.........super easy for me as everything goes through my sewing machine anyway lol.
Also we have a brand new challenge over at A Creative Romance which is......
...........I myself love bike riding in the nice weather, kids certainly do so I think this fits fun in the sun too ;0)
I decided to make something I havn't made since they first came out, a Book Card. When I first made one there wasn't even a tutorial out for them, so I resorted to my original way of making this.

As there are a lot of pics I will leave all links at the bottom of the post. Pics can be enlarged if you click on them. The 'Daughter' at the top in the resin oval I cut from the Pion sheet, right at the bottom where it says what collection it is..........well dont want to waste it lol.
This is the inside of the book card.

I have used a 'Postcard' from this Pion sheet & then added the sentiment from this Pion Sheet.

I made 2 pockets on the left side & added tags into them. The white tag is a Magnolia doo-hickey & the rest I cut from the Pion sheets, Tags 12x12 & Images 12x12. I also added a border along the top from Pion Borders 12x12.

Down the centre I cut another part of a border out. It reads...
'A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart', isn't that lush!!
This is the back which I have kept simple apart from a Pion Border, a Joy Crafts die cut in half to act as brackety things top & bottom & of course my badge for the centre. The Personalised stamps to do this you can get from Bunny Zoes, I got mine when I first started crafting & it adds that finishing touch to the back of your creations. Besides you always want them to know where it came from & who lovingly made it ;0)
This is the spine of the book & I just added a 'Nameplate' thingy form my stash, I've had these forever & cant remember where they are from. 'My Precious Daughter' I cut from the borders.
This little border I cut from 'Baby Doll 6x6' & it reads 'A daughter reaches for your hand and forever touches your heart'. I have used the Joy Crafts die cut in half on the front as well though you can only see parts of it lol.

The stamp is of course Magnolia 'On The Road Tilda' & I cant believe its took til now to ink this little sweetie up :0( I have coloured her with distress markers.
However I have only realised when loading my post that I havn't finsihed colouring the flowers in her basket & she has no rosy cheeks :0( Better get right onto that!!!
The gorgeous butterflies I cut from the Pion Borders 12x12 sheet. Inked them with walnut & then covered them with Crackle Accents.
Its hard to see in the pics but I stamped the card so the pages looked as though they had print on, I didnt want a blank book lol.

Last pic now I promise. The photo's dont show how much prettier it is IRL, gutted about that as this I am actually pleased with..........that my friends is a rarity. 

List of ingredients used.............
Pion 'My Precious Daughter 12x12................papers used are..
Pion Baby Doll 12x12
Pion Alma's Dress 12x12
Pion Borders 12x12
Pion Tags 12x12
Pion Images 12x12
Cheese Cloth
Shabby Bark Heart
Kort og Godt Rolled Roses
WOC Flowers
Crown Sphere Pin
MF Petite Frame
Shabby Pearl Rose Organza Trim
Shabby Ruffle Trim
Rhinestones Lace
Flat Backed Pearl string
All of these I got from Live & Love Crafts.

Well thats it from me I'm off to the hairdressers this afternoon.....yep I booked an appointment & luckily they had a wee space for me. Now feeling nervous lol.

Did you stay up last night to buy the new LOTV stamps, I sure did, although I was really good & didnt buy them all........ Had to save some money for my hair lol.
I've got my grandbabies tonight woo hoo............which means a wet nannie at bath time lol......well its easily mopped up & whats more important.......FUN FUN FUN!!! ;0)

Thank you soooooooooo much for stopping by.
Hope you all have great weekend, for us in the UK its a long one as its Bank Holiday weekend wooooooo hoooooooooo.
Tatty bye & take care mmwah

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Deep Ocean Challenge DT Card - Summer Colours

Hello all you lovelies out there, how are you all? Thank you all for your lovely messages, yes it was a long post, but hey its me lol. 

Ok I'm gonna rush on now as this was supposed to be up last night but I was at the hospital & well things didnt go to plan, so I'm only now posting lol. 
Ok so over at Deep Ocean Challenge blog we have a new challenge & this fortnight its....
..........oooh we certainly have the weather here in the UK to inspire us. 
I have used one of Krista's recent images.............this could become a favourite I soooooo enjoyed colouring this beautiful lady up........
The image is called 'Fairy Sweet' isn't she gorgeous!!! I have coloured her with distress markers as I wanted a shabby soft look.........not that I need a reason to use my distress markers lol. The wings I printed out agin & layered them up & covered them with glitter. I also added Shabby Pink fran-tage.

All the flowers are from Live & Love Crafts including the Rolled Roses which are by Kort og Godt. I've also added bits of Gesso.

This is the inside, the gorgeous, beautiful papers are digi papers from Michele R Designs on Etsy. On this card I have used 'Shabby Flowers' papers, 'Shabby Flowers' Inserts, 'Shabby Flowers' Elements pack 1 & 'Shabby Flowers' Elements pack 2. The verse I took from Elements pack 2 & added it to an insert, I love the way its turned out & the verse is lush for a friend.
Michele has LOADS of different designs, most I have lol, well she does lush designs that are addictive. I only use digi papers with decent paper which I thought I had ran out of til I found some & then also ordered more lol.

The bow I made is from the Elements pack 1 & these really are so easy to make............if I can make them anyone can lol. The metal flowers is from LLC which I also added Gesso to. The pink doilies are from my stash.

I have stamped 'Made With Love' onto a Magnolia Tag which I also cut down to shorten it. I added 2 different shades of pink seam binding from my stash for the bow. The Bark Heart is form LLC.

The gorgeous crochet lace is from my stash & I really REALLY need to find more as its so so pretty & this is the last except a teeny tiny piece :0( All the paper I have inked the edges with Pumice Stone & machine stitched them as always.

Well I think thats it from me, I better go as I have a summer house to paint before I have to start my medication ready for a test tomorrow at the hospital............I did it the other day, well me & hubster but I dont like the colour so now I'm painting it a darker shade, fingers crossed lol. 
I am at the hospital 8am in the morning & its South Tyneside hospital so its through the Tyne Tunnel & further for us to travel but I will be around during the next day or two to catch up with you all.

Thank you soooooooo much for stopping by I loves you all mmwah.
Lotsa squishy hugs Vicky xxxxxxxxx

Tuesday 29 July 2014

Race For Life & Candy Winner

Hello everyone how are you all? Are we all enjoying this gorgeous weather? I am soooooo sorry I am so late with this post the weather has being so nice its been shameful not to spend time with the family.
We also took the family to Seahouses on Sunday, we all had a great day out & Natalie did nothing but giggle & laugh the whole day bless her lol.

Anyhoo's better late than never I am finally here with my Race For Life pics & of course the winner to that fantastic candy

Ok so the race was held at Newcastle Race Course & OMG I've never seen so many people, the crowd was huge & for the Race For Life event we actually had over 3400 women taking part that day was the biggest crowd they had seen. It was fantastic.
I have to admit we went to the car park & just walking from the car park.........I hadn't even gotten off it & I started to cry........seriously that was before seeing the thousands of bodies waiting to run to raise money for such a worthy cause. I was doing this for everyone who has suffered this disease & in memory of my dad, my brother & the rest of my family this disease has claimed. It came over me like a great big wave at the ocean & I suddenly felt so over-whelmed with emotion. I felt so many emotions as well, I felt proud but at the same time I felt so sad, sad for the reason we were there, the reason everyone was there, sad that the people I was also there for were not there with me in person........yes I know they would have being there inspirit, my dad especially but its so not the same. I wiped my tears & painted that smile back on my face & tbh once I saw how many people were there I suddenly felt extremly proud & let me tell you that smile was no longer painted on, the atmosphere was amazing it really was. The day started out quite dull & overcast but still very warm & humid, however about 3 quarters through the race the sun shone bright........& boy did it heat up even more lol.
I will show you some pics that my hubster & youngest son took.

This one my younest took before the race to try show the magnitude of how many were there, it shows half of them lol. Of course Metro Radio was there who were brilliant & they were there at the finish line to give every single runner a high 5 as they passed that line...........they stayed right until the last one passed that line as well. They were awesome!!
There was a speaker from Cancer Research to tell us what they are concentrating more on this year as the cure rates are extremely low, one of them was Lung cancer. During the speeches lots of people cried, yes & me yet again. There was also a minute silence in remembrance of all those that has sadly lost the fight.

Ok this one you need to read the little story I am going to tell you cause this woman is awesome.
Ok if you look at the pic above & there is a little speech bubble with Hi in it, well the remarkable lady standing there had breast cancer last year, she suffered a very hellish year & 6 months ago looked like near death. However she is now in remission & she wanted to enter Race For Life & she thought she was entering the 5k race..............only to realise a LONG time after that it was actually the 10k race she was doing. She did it though & came through that finish line with a smile on her face. I bow to her, she's awesome. The 10k race finaihed an hour before the 5k race began.
There really were som many ladies there, all shapes & sizes & ALL really was an awesome day & all my family really enjoyed it.
When the sound went off to start, I think it took nearly 10 minutes for us to even reach the start line that was just that many people there lol, but we were going to set off & do this..........
Time to give Cancer & kick up the butt!!

This is a banner hubster made the night before to hold at the finish line lol.........bless him isn't he awesome mmwah, loves you loads babe. Smeg is obviously what we call our Megan at times.

Here is Megan & myself not long before the finish line, yep feeling very hot, sweaty & knackered lol. Yes we wore bright pink tu-tu's for a bit of fun lol. 
However we had a good race, we kept up the banter, we even had a was great.
Although it was more like a cross country, it was not a track & at points due to very bad rain throughout the night it was thick with mud & very slippy. How our tu-tu's stayed pink & didnt end up very brown from us falling on our arses I dont know lol.
We had been given large foam hands at the beginning, which let me tell you made your hand sooooo damn warm lol.
This is us after the finish line with Natalie & Payton holding our foam hands lol.( Payton usually does not use a pushchair anymore but with these crowds we didnt want risk it, plus we knew it would be a long day for her.) We were given medals, thats what I am holding up, a bottle of water, a tube of Primula Cheese lol & a cakey-bready thing which I've got in my hand cus I'm desperately wanting some sugar in my body lol.
Here's our little Arjay who was just waking up, he slept through most of it bless him........think the excitement was just too much for him lol.
Here's my gorgeous Natalie with the foam hand & my eldest had re-positioned the fingers so it became a thumbs up. 
The day was great, the feeling of proudness was just awesome but what was best was when each of my family hugs me & said how proud they were. That feeling I will never forget & even now whilst typing this I have tears in my eyes remembering that day, that moment...........
Seriously peeps this really was an awesome day with fantastic people. We ended the day back at mine with a BBQ for everyone & I think it was late that evening before we packed up & called it a day.

However the next day I suffered badly & I have suffered all week & being really ill & in a lot of severe pain, thank goodness for Morphine lol. I've done 1 bit of crafting which was my Magnolia card the other day..... & I managed yesterday to do a little bit for my DT card tonight. Also I do have a card I made nearly a month ago for a GDT & didnt like it so replaced it with another one.............which I will post sometime in between DT work this week lol. I am hoping to craft tonight though as I am feeling some what better now, not 100% but I'm never that anyway lol, also I have a few bits of unfinished work for DT projects due.
However even though it made me ill for a week we are going to do it again next year. Yes I'm ill for nearly a week after but compared to what other people who suffer this disease have to go through its nothing. There is all different types of cancers & each one affects differently but I've seen the worst one & what that did & believe me I would suffer for a lot longer than a week if it meant it stopped people suffering & worst dying. Its a small sacrifice to pay...............

............ok talking about paying lets get onto the candy winner, yep long post I know lol. I thought when I first set the candy up & talked to sponsors ect that £2 was a fair amount, its so small even for those who dont have a lot of money. I certainly dont have a lot of money but £2 is a loaf of bread & I thought it was giving a loaf of bread away.............however sadly some people thought otherwise.

However there are a small amount of people who donated, who supported me & gave to one of the most worthy causes I know.............when it comes to saving peoples lives there is nothing more worthy, whether its cancer, kidney, heart..........the list goes on. I have supported & donated to I dont know how many in blogland, kidney, heart, cancer ect...........I kinda hoped it would be the same & I would raise lots of money. Thankfully though even though I didnt raise a huge amount, down to thousands of people donating & supporting others just in the north east just for the ones attending Newcastle racecourse on the 20th July we all raised over £490,000 which I think is totally amazing.

Now before I announce the winner to the amazing candy I have a few public thank yous to make.

First off all I would like to thank my amazing sponsors who donated & helped me put together this amazing candy, I know if it had been free there would have been 100's entering lol.
So a HUGE MAHOOSIVE thank you no particular order.

Thank you so so much for your kindness towards a worthy cause, from the bottom of my heart I really do 'Thank You'.

Also I would like to say a HUGE HUGE HUGE thank you to everyone that sponsored me & donated to Cancer Research, you have no idea how much it touched me, each & every donation. Each & every message, email & comment made tears come to my eyes, some made me cry as I know the pain that some of you are going through or have gone through. Tbh the pain never really goes away, you just learn to live with it, you learn to mask over it. I dont know how many times hubster has put his arms around me because I'm bubbling my eyes out because of the pain that you are or have gone through. I've also had lots of happy tears just thankful that not only have you sponsored me but you are donating to help fight one of the worlds biggest killers. So truly, deeply from the very bottom of my heart I thank you a million, billion, bjillion (something me & hubster say when we saying our loves yous, sloppy stuff lol) times, you are all pure gems & I treasure your friendship I really do.

Ok now for the winner, in one way I hate this part as there can only be one winner. If I ever win the lottery though you can expect a very big parcel to your door ;0)

Okie dokie so the winner is performed by Mr Randomorg himself is............
drum roll please as this is an amazing prize........

Well done sweetie, if you email me please & I will sort out your uber fabulous prize.

Thank you again to everyone I really wish I could send you all something as it really has meant so much to me, you have touched my heart forever mmwah.

There is still time to donate through my page if anyone would like to donate. Just click on my Give Hope badge in the sidebar.

I will be back later with a DT card & hopefully my blogging will be back to normal.........allowing for good weather as well lol. Well we all have to make the most of nice weather & family time dont we ;0)

Thank you for sticking by me lovelies, you all totally rock!!!!!!!!!!!