
Friday 28 March 2014

Birthday Wishes CAS Style

Hello everyone on this lovely morning...........yeah can you hear the sarcasm, yep its raining dogs & cats here :0(  
I was going to have a different card for you today but hubster ended up in the A&E department yesterday with a suspected broken hand..........not the left one, no it was the right one this time. He was changing the brake pads on his sons car, something needed an helping hand as it was stiff & he missed & hit his hand. There was a huge lump on it & to A&E we went. Thankfully though it doesnt look broken.............phew........he's having inflatable tools from now on ;0)

Anyhoo's I did make card last week & its a CAS card, yep another CAS card, I'm getting better at these lol. I found new images that are so adorable & coloured this little cutie up.
Isn't this so cute..........I thought she deserved the be the main focus, also I'm trying to build my CAS cards for emergency birthdays & cheaper postage birthdays ect lol.

The fabby tags are of course LOTV 'Sentiment Tags' & the brad is an MME one from my stash, had them forever!!

This cute digi image is from A Random Fan & is called 'Doctor Autry' & I coloured it with copics & I also added glossy accents to her glasses. Colours used listed below.........
E04, E11, E21, E00, E000, R20 - Skin
E49, E47, E44, E43, E41, E40 - Hair
R85, R83, R81, RV10, R00 - Dress & Bow
E35, E33, E31, E30 - Teddy
C5, C3, C1, C00 - Shoes & Dress
N3, N1, N00 - Ground
R00, R000 - Background

The yummy papers are MME 'Cupid's Arrow No 14' & they are still on sale over at Bunny Zoes as she has 30% off ALL papers ;0) The buttons are form my stash. The edging was done with a MS PATP punch. 

You will also be able to get A Random Fan in lushious rubber over at Bunny Zoes due in 31st March. There is also a sale on dies
We all love a sale dont we peeps ;0)

Ok thats it from me I'm off to sort my daughter I've not put her on Ebay yet.......I need sort piccies out lol. I think a few of you thought it was my grandaughter we had a bad night no no it was our daughter, she can scream for england lol. Think of an air raid siren & then you have Natalie's scream lol. Good job she is just gorgeous ;0)

Thanks for stopping by I will get round to see you all laters, we are hoping for a none eventful evening lol. 
Tatty bye, take care mmwah

Challenges I'm Entering.....................
Charisma Cardz - CAS Cards
ABC Challenge - H is for Hair (my favourite thing to colour)
Little Miss Muffet - Anything Goes

Thursday 27 March 2014

Crafty Little Fairies DT Card

Hello everyone I'm running a wee bit late today I have a certain young lady who has kept us up all night...........believe she has a set of lungs on her like you wouldnt believe. Yes she was a bugger, so thats it...........the only solution is to put her on ebay ;0)
Kidding of course & as I'm typing this & telling her what I've said she is now giggling at me.......

Anyhoo's on with the post & its time for a new challenge over at Crafty Little Fairies & this week its the pink fairies turn.........yes I know I'm blue ssshhhh I'm challenge crashing ;0) The theme is..
.........simple as that, just add a tag somewhere. Remember please that you have to have either a stamped or a digi image, it can be of any company as long as its an image you coloured.
Here is my other James Bear finally on a card, its only took what 2 weeks I think since I coloured him, poor thing, isn't he so darn cute!!

I used gorgeous Pion 'Phlox' from the lush Vintage Garden collection. I cut out one the little images & made a tag with it. I cut the top off a 'So Wrapped Lovely' tag & attached it to the image & added string, 'Cheesecloth' & a small LOTV 'Sentiment Tag'.

The inside I also decorated as always, added the same frame & Doo-Hickey 'Swirl' thats on the front of the card.

The gorgeous stamp is called 'James Big Heart' & I have to say this is one of my faves of LOTV, he's just gorgeous!! I coloured him with my distress markers, I lurve LOTV images when they look soft :0)

I used a Grand Spellbinder die for the second layer & as always machine stitched all the papers. All the flowers except the tiny ones are WOC from LLC & the leaves are Magnolia 'Sprawling Ferns'. I added 'Pearl Rose Organza' & some gorgeous lace from LLC which Sandy doesnt have anymore :0(Also added another LOTV 'Sentiment Tag'. The pink fabric flower is from my stash.

Well thats it form me today its took ages for me to do this post as my lappy running slow for some reason ggggrrrrr!!

Thank you sooooooo much for stopping by my lovelies.
Take care & enjoy your day mmwah

Challenges I'm Entering................
Bearly Mine Challenges - One For The Girls
Stamping Sensations - Pretty In Pink

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Midweek Magnolia's Midway Reminder

Hello all you lovely people around the world, its lovely & sunny here today...........soooooo much better than the miserable day we had yesterday, yep Mr Sunshine has his hat on, hip hip hooray :0)

Okie dokie lets get on with todays post ;0) I am here today with a midway reminder for Midweek Magnolia Challenges & the theme is............
..............ooohhh lace, I kinda do that Homer Simpson thing where my tongue hangs to the side & I maybe's drool a bit when I think of lace lol........ Are you picturing it? Yeah not a good sight is it lol.
Ok now for my card lol.............
Ooooh Lace & Tulle..........heaven!! Yeah ok I'm easily pleased lol. Though I have to say the lace on here is my last bit from my stash...........although I will tell you a secret........ I made a gift bag last year with a SC image on, now the image I loved, the bag however.....well that was kinda erm.........CRAP!! So I ripped it apart so I could have this lace back lol.

The banner of course is La La Land Crafts 'Heart Banner' & I added letters on it from some Pion paper.

The gorgeous paper is Prima 'Romantic' I think its called, I would pop & have a look but I have a dog lying on me dont want disturb him lol.........excuses, excuses eh ;0)

The gorgeous stamp is 'Love Is In The Air Tilda', I actually think this is the first time I've inked her up....shame on me. I coloured her with Distress Markers, oops I forgot colour her cheeks, better get that done later. I also stamped around the edge in places with my LOTV stamp

Of course inside is decorated as always. Most of the flowers are WOC & the lighter pink is from LLC. The beautiful Tulle around the image is also from LLC, I absolutely love this stuff but do shed a tear when I use it :0( There is also a doily under there somewhere lol.

Well thats it for me new stamps came through my door yesterday & are crying at me to colour them I dont want to disappoint them ;0) Well after I do some more HW first :0(

Thank you for stopping by I really do appreciate it, please pop on over to see my uber talented teamies creations & leave them some love.

Tatty bye take care big hugs to you all
The papers are called Prima 'Romance novel', knew the darn dog would move so I didnt have an excuse be lazy ;0)

Challenges I'm Entering............
Marvelous Magnolia - Doily (there is one under there somewhere lol)
Oldie But A Goodie - Bunting (stamp is unused & more than 6 months old)

Monday 24 March 2014

Happy Birthday

Hello everyone how are you all? Hope you all had a lovely weekend, didnt it go fast, I'm sure we were robbed you know...........we really didnt get a full weekend...

I know I said I would be here yesterday with a DT make but I got my sundays mixed up & its this sunday coming lol. However I remembered today that I still hadnt posted this card which I made about a week ago..........its for a MALE!! What I hear you say lol. Yeah it doesn't happen very often but we do them.........I think men should like foofiness just like us women you know ;0)

Ok here is my male card & its with the best stamp company for male images....the first one I turn to ;0)
Yes of course its LOTV, I lurve their male stamps, well I love ALL their stamps how can you not!!

I've also used one of my favourtie MME pads, this one is 'Lost & Found - Breeze' & I've machine sewn all the layers & matted them onto teal card.

The stamp is called 'Cheers Bear' isn't he a cutie in his little shirt & tie. I coloured him with Distress Markers & I also added Glossy Accents to his beer ( yes beer cus he's all grown up, hence the shirt & tie lol) but its hard to see that :0(

Inside is of course decorated as always.
I die-cut 2 stars out of the pad & matted them onto card, because of the type of paper it is I think you can get away with even less embellishments. The sentiment is also LOTV & its one of their 'Sentiment Tags' I lurve these, my favourite sentiments tbh.

Well thats it from me I'm clock watching ready to go shopping for those fabulous new LOTV stamps.........well its law to have them ;0) 

Thank you so much for stopping by it really means a lot.
Take care & enjoy the rest of your day, hope its sunny like ours ;0)

Challenges I'm Entering.........
Cardz 4 Guys - Tag It
Fab 'n' Funky - Boys To Men
Allsorts - All About The Boy

For one week LOTV new release is on special, all 7 stamps for £30........woo hoo ya gotta love a bargain ;0)