
Friday 10 January 2014

Saturated Canary DT Post and Hubster update

Hello everyone I'm running a tad late this morning. I have for you today an inspiration post for Saturated Canary. Things are changing over on Saturated Canary Challenge blog this year so pop on over to find out all the details. Also there are some images Krista is retiring on the 25th January, pop on over to check that out as well & get your code to get 50% off.

Ok so onto my inspiration post. I did actually make 2 with images I've had coloured up for ages, one with copics & the other with distress markers. However I dont know if I like one of them so I quickly made another to replace it. I will show the other one over the weekend though.
I have gone for a romantic type of card as Valentine's is drawing closer ;0) The papers are the gorgeous Prima 'Romance Novel' which were from MCH. Pop on over to check out the closing down sale, lots of awesome bargains to be got.

Up the side I added 'Tulle Pleat Trim' & 'Shabby Seam Binding', love this tulle ;0)

The envelope I made with a cut out from the Prima papers & also the tag. I cut out a stamp & attached it to the front of the envelope. The tag inside I attached some seam binding & a 'Key' charm which I dipped in shabby white fran-tage. 

The flowers are Prima 'Lyric' . The clock die-cut is Marianne Design which was inked lightly with Antique Linen distress ink.

I added a gorgeous Prima 'Zipper Pull' that says Beauty on it, quite apt for this card. The tags at the bottom I cut from the Prima papers & stapled them together & cut out letters to add on.

The gorgeous image is probably my favourite SC rubber stamps, she is called 'Breeze' & I coloured her with my distress markers. I also added some shabby pink fran-tage as well.

I made a bow with the seam binding & added a Scalloped Pearl from WOC, the small heart shaped pearls are also from there. I also added 2 'Bark Hearts' in the top corner. Inside is decorated to compliment the front as always.

Pop on over to the Challenge Blog to see my teamies gorgeous creations.

I have had a couple of emails asking how hubsters op went. Well after the op I will give you the surgeons first words to him after recovery. 'Well that was erm interesting......' Apparently his little finger was still broken but couldnt understand why it didnt show up on xrays. Really he needed a bigger op & have plates & pins but because they were not expecting that, they did not have the materials needed in theatre. So they have grinded the lump down & use that mixed with glue to try fix his finger. He has about a 50-50 chance of it healing but the surgeon is not hopeful. He goes for an xray in 4-6 weeks to see if its healed, if not then he will have the bigger op. So he is in plaster once again bless him, we are hoping this works as the bigger op means it will take a few months to heal properly. I'm obviously dealing with Natalie on my own, we have hoists so that helps, its just dressing, bathing & changing her nappy which requires a bit of muscle lol. She is small in height but weighs about 9 & half stone, just a few pounds lighter than me...........yep unfortunately I have put weight on this last year :0( However we are managing not a prob & our home is still a mad house as usual lol. I will be able to bench press our van at the end of it lol........

Well thats it from me we have our grand-daughter staying tonight & at the minute she is addicted to one of Natalie's dvd's.........Over The Hedge, I think its cus the main character has the same name as her baby brother, only spelt different lol, his name is RJ.
So I am some what behind in commenting but I will try my best to get round to the rest of you today.

Thank you so much for stopping by & your lovely comments mmwah

Thursday 9 January 2014

Crafty Little Fairies DT Post

Good morning everyone how are you all?
Its time for another new challenge over at Crafty Little Fairies & this week its a super duper easy peasy challenge...........seriously gals & guys I want to see you ALL playing along with us ;0)
The theme this week is............
.................see now how easy is that!!! It doesn't matter how you use your Kraft as long as you use it.
I think for most of my cards I use Kraft, so I loved this challenge.
I've also used another of my new LOTV Baby stamps..........full of super cuteness.....
I made a card for a Baby Girl this time, so of course Pretty in Pink lol. The gorgeous papers are of course my new Pion Sweet Baby 6x6, this one is 'Pink Forget Me Knot' I inked the edges with Pumice Stone & machine stitched them.

All the flowers are from LLC & the leaves are Magnolia Doo-Hickey dies.

The gorgeous lace & the Shabby Seam Binding I got ages aog from LLC.

The image is called 'Rocking Horse' & I coloured it with my distress markers.
The letters are Little Darlings 'Use Your Words' sentiment stamps. I have neglected this stamp for so long!!

I added a double bow with the Seam Binding & attached a 'Bark Star' to the centre. The 'Girl' tiles are of course Whimsy 'Spell It Out' stamps. The scalloped pearls were from WOC & I added a
  'Letter's Cube' Charm. There is also 'Cheese Cloth' under the second layer. I also added Gesso here & there.

Please pop on over to see my teamies gorgeous makes, they are stunning!!

Thanks so much for stopping by I really appreciate it.
Will catch up with you all later lovelies.
Hugs to all thats visit mmwah

Challenges I'm Entering............
A Creative Romance - Something New (stamp, papers, charm & flowers)
In The Pink Challenge - Anything Goes

Sunday 5 January 2014

Prima Ballerina Tilda

Hello everyone how are you all? Have you packed your xmas decorations away? I did ours on the 28th, I needed the extra room for Payton's & Arjays toys lol. Hubster has got the outside lights to take down today though as we forgot about those lol.

Anyway I'm here today with a new stamp that hubster got me just before xmas. I love this Magnolia stamp & it will become another of my faves. I've got her coloured up twice actually as I loved her that much, 1 pink & the other lilac lol.
Isn't she soooooooo pretty. The papers are from my new stash off my santa hubby ;0) These are sooooooooo gorgeous, they are the new Pion Flower Frames, this one is 'Rosa 6x6'. I inked the edges with walnut & machine stitched them.
I've added a Melissa Frances 'Resin Corner' & 'Pearls' both were from MCH. The seam binding is a roll fom my stash & the button in the middle of my bow is also Melissa Frances 'Vintage Glass Button'.

I used 2 of the 6x6 squares to do inside, the top part will have a little verse on of some kind. Isnt that frame just gorgeous!!!

This gorgeous lace is called 'Madeleine' & is also from my new crimbo stash. The flowers are all from LLC & I added 'Stardust Stickles' to them. You can just about see the sparkle on them.

The stamp is 'Prima Ballerina' from the Little Circus Moscow collection. I coloured her with distress markers & added a bit of Shabby Pink Fran-Tage.

I've used Magnolia's Doo-Hickey 'Swirl''Butterfly' which I also covered in Pink Fran-Tage & MF Pearls. The frame around the image is the large Petra Oval by Marianne Design.

Well thats it for me, I've family coming for tea later so I'm slow cooking a joint of smells lush. 

Also my commenting will be slow at the moment & a bit sporadic, obviously my DT commenting has to be done. Do you remember hubster breaking his hand last year? Well its never healed properly, he has a big lump on it, in a lot of pain still & some of the swelling is still there..........he cant even wear his wedding ring. So he's in hospital tomorrow for an operation to try put it right which means he will be out of action for about a month. He's left handed & thats the hand he broke, I've brought him a pile of dvd's so help him not get bored lol. Obviously Natalie is a person job but I will have to do her on my own & look after hubster & usual stuff, we dont have carers or anything to help, Natalie is our daughter so its our job to care for her & be there for her. I will try to keep up as much as possible my lovelies.

Thank you soooooooo much for all your lovely comments they mean so so much to me.
Squishy hugs to all mmwah

Challenges I'm Entering............
Tilda's Town - Something New (stamp & papers)