
Friday 28 June 2013

My Roller Coaster Week...........yes finally lol....

Howdi doodi my lovelies how are you all? It is absolutely bucketing it down here............its raining that much..........urgh......where's Mr Sunshine, huh hiding under his duvet me thinks ;0)

Anyhoo's I'm finally here to tell you about my, or should I say 'our' rollercoaster week. I will try keep it as short as poss..........there are quite a few pics as well.........but the words tell the real story so dont get skipping lol.

Well on the 10th June Megan went hospital for another scan, it was now 10 weeks since she lost all her fluid & yet Arjay was still hanging in there...........hanging tough as well. Now however his lungs were showing that they were quite small & not developing & this was a concern. Todays scan is to check on his lungs again. When the doc scans her his lungs are still small but now also his head is showing up as oval & looking as though it has been squashed a little bit. Fluid is about 6mm which is extremely low,a baby needs at least 20 mm to be able to move & stretch. Obviously because of the scan of Arjay's head the doctor warns Megan about the possibility that Arjay could be brain damaged in some way. However Megan says she's ok with that & she wants him no matter what!!! The doc wants to see her again Thursday 13th June for another scan because of these further developements. He has however put some weight on, he is now just over 2lb.

Wednesday 12th at about 9pm Ben rang to ask if we would have Payton because Megan was getting strong pains that were coming & going about every 3 minutes. So few minutes later they were dropping Payton off at mine & off they went to the hospital. We got Payton settled back off & into bed & I told him she could stay at ours that night so as not to disturb her again. At around midnight Ben text me saying that everything was fine, it wasn't active labour & things were still closed...........if you know what I mean lol. They were both tired & stressed & Ben had got to get up early the next morning to go to work...........they were getting sick of being in & out of hospital now.......its been every week for months.

Anyway the next day, Thursday 13th, Megan was back at the hospital for another scan. She told the doctor about the pains & the doctor explained that they were braxton hicks but because there was no fluid surrounding the baby she would be feeling them a LOT worse. So the doc scanned Megan & couldnt believe what she was seeing. Not only had the fluid built up to 27mm, the most its been for weeks!! His lungs were now larger than his stomach, which is what it should be & his head was nice & round. She thought she was looking at a different baby, she really couldnt believe it & told Megan that she could now see her once a week instead of twice a week. The doctor said that things can only get better from here. We were over the moon, it was like winning the lottery, well what we would imagine winning the lottery would be like lol. It was like a huge weight had been lifted off all of us, we constantly worried all the time & now we could relax...........we all could now sleep peacefully & have a good nights sleep.....................

................until that is until 2.20am that night/morning when my mobile phone started ringing. I answered it & Ben was asking if I could have Payton because Megan was getting bad pains again but these ones she just couldnt put up with & wanted go the hospital. I told him of course I would & I would wait at the bottom of my drive for him to come up.
Now Ben & Megan live just down the road so in car it would take a minute to get to mine & then onto the hospital from mine which was only about 10-15 minutes away...... He said he had to get Payton out of bed first but he would be up real soon. I put my dressing gown on & waited at my door watching out for the lights of Ben's car then walked to my gate to get Payton. When he got to mine Megan was screaming in pain which she had never done with all the pain she had had so far, so I was quite worried about her & Arjay. I got Payton & her changing bag & told them take care. Ben turned his car around & on his way past shouted to us to ring maternity to tell them they were on their way.......

So I'm holding Payton on my drive & Craig rings maternity to tell them. He had just come off the phone, we hadnt even had chance to close our front door when Ben rings saying Megan is saying' the baby is coming, dad what do I do? I'm not gonna lose this baby' he wass in a panic. So Craig asked him where he was & he was about 2 minutes away from ours, so he told Ben to turn around & come back ours & we would ring for an ambulance. I put Payton in her cot, she was crying her eyes out but there was nothing I could do I had to go outside & wait for Ben & Megan. Before I knew Ben turned his car & was parked in my drive, I opened Megans door & she was in sheer agony, she couldnt move, she couldnt even sit up straight she was in that much pain. Craig was still on the phone to the operator from ringing for an ambulance & she needed more information so he handed the phone to Ben. She told Ben to lie Megans seat back as far as he could & then look to see if he could see the baby at all. He looked the best he could as Megan had pyjama trousers on & told her she could see the baby. He looked at me & said 'Mam I cant do this', he was in a panic bless him so I took over & he stayed on the phone to the operator. I went over to Megan & tried calm her down telling her to breathe & told her I was gonna take off her trousers & underwear. She wasnt bothered as she was in so much pain, she couldnt even move. When I took her trousers off I could see the baby's bottom. Remember that Megan is only 29 weeks pregnant, so the baby is still in the breech position. I shouted at Craig to grab blankets & towels, we have a big fleece blanket that we keep in the living room so he brought that, which was good. I put some over Megan & some ready for the baby coming out. I then told her to do what feels natural.........seconds later out pops my grandsons legs & bottom into my hands, his head however was still inside....... I kept his lower body supported at the spine & wrapped to keep him warm & told her to just breath. Little by little Arjay's body was coming out a little bit more, his head was still not out though & I couldnt check that the umbilical cord was not around his neck though I was pretty certain it wasnt as there was a lot of the umbilical cord already out in my hands. The ambulance pulled up outside just as Arjays head came out. I had felt him moving in my hands before his head came out but now there was no crying or anything from him. I wrapped him in a towel & then the blanket but still held him there because of the umbilical cord, I just held him supporting his back & head & trying my best to keep him warm. The ambulance technician then came & clamped the cord & took Arjay away into the ambulance with the towel wrapped around him. The techinician said he was trying to breathe but his airways was blocked & they had no suction for babies............that I was NOT impressed with. So he just kept rubbing at his chest, tipping him down to try let gravity do its job..... We then got Megan out of the car & both she & Ben went away in the ambulance, main concern being Arjay & getting him medical attention ASAP!!! So the blue lights went on & the ambulance drove off. I then started to clean Ben's car, luckily he had covers on the seats for when he's in his work clothes, so they took the brunt of it. Luckily mum is a good cleaner & you wouldnt even have guessed what had happened by the time Ben came to pick up his car lol.

So my grandson was born 14th June 2.45 am, in the front seat of his daddy's car (pic below) delivered by his nanna............ He came into the world in style I suppose you could say lol.

Here is Master Arjay Pass born 14-06-2013 weighing 3lb 1oz, this is his first ever photo. This was taken within his first couple of hours, he's not been washed or anything obviously.
Sorry for some reason the photo is uploading like this, he is actually lying down, I've tried 3 times to upload it the right way but Mr Blogger is insisting it should be this way ggrrrr......
Arjay was poorly & the hospital close to us cannot look after babies born 32 weeks & under so they were waiting for a team come from the RVI in Newcastle to take him through there. They got him trnasferred to their incubator & once stable enough transferred him through to the RVI. Ben & Megan would go through once the doctor had discharged Megan & then she would be re-admitted into the RVI. 

He arrived at the RVI hospital at 6am but the journey had took its toll on little Arjay & he was now really poorly. It took them 3 hours before they could get him stable.
This is the first photo of Arjay in his incubator at the RVI, Royal Victoria Infirmary.
His next 48 hours are critical & all we can do is hope, pray & will our little fella to fight like he has been doing & pray he comes through this.

On the saturday me & Craig took Payton up to see her little brother.......
Arjay 36 hours old. Have you seen how much hair he has!!!!!!!!!!!!

His daddy (Ben) stroking his head, this one is to help you realise how small he is.

He did get over the 48 hours with flying colours bless him, he's a strong little fighter & every day he does that little bit better. He even started to have 5ml of Megans milk down a gastric tube. However about 24 hours after he vomited green bile & he had green bile in his stomach. So blood tests were done & he was tested to what was causing the problem.
This poorly little fella needed an operation because he had an hole in his intestines :0(

He had his operation 23rd June luckily his bowels were fine as there was a worry they would have to remove part of his bowel.

Yesterday me & grandad were going to go up again see our little fella but I wasn't well enough I'm not sure if it was a bug tbh so couldnt risk passing that on. Hopefully will be well enough in the next day or two & go see him.

Megan & Ben finally got to hold there son yesterday 28th June, for the first time, they were soooooooo unbelieveably happy about that.........I was so excited & over the moon for them.

Thats the finished blanket I made him. I ran out of wool on the original & when Craig got me some more it didnt quite match up so I spent 3 nights making my little grandson a new one ;0)

Isn't he tiny...........but let me tell you his spirit, will-power, love & strength are big & strong & this little fella is gonna be fine. He's a fighter & I always knew he would be ok, we will call it granny's instinct. He is going from strength to strength. He's even off his ventilator now & just on low flow oxygen.

So there you have it, this is the reason why time has been escaping me & not having time to do everything I want to do but I dont mind cus I do the important things, the ones closest to my heart & thats with my family. I would give up crafting in an instance for them, they are my life & I love them sooooooo much.

My son & daughter have a new little baby boy & I am such a proud nanna, they are all being so strong about it & they have come together & faced this as one, head on. I've been through this & things like this will either make you, or break you!! Its the making of Ben & Megan & I couldnt be more proud of them than I am right now. I love you both mmwah <3 p="">

If you have lasted to here well done I'm so sorry it was a long post but I told you it was a roller coaster lol. The docs are so proud of Arjay given what he has been through, 10 weeks without fluid when most babies would have not stayed in & then to be delivered in the front seat of a car in the middle of the night by someone who had no idea what she was doing lol. Now he is already off his ventilator & on low flow oxygen, he's just awesome!!!!!!!!!
Do you know my son text me a couple of hours later saying 'I still cant believe my mam delivered my son' I read it out to Craig & then said 'Oh yeah I did didnt I', it just hadnt sunk in what had truly happened. Do you know though I have to say I'm proud that I delivered my own grandson & its something magical that I will never forget. 

Thanks for listening & thanks for putting up with me. Welcome to new followers & I will be round to you as soon as I can.
Squishy hugs & funky thankful love to you all mmwah xxxxxxxxxxxx

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Crafts & Me Challenges - Anything Goes

Good morning everyone how are you all? I know I meant to tell you my story but then something more important arose on Sunday & tbh blogging was the last thing on my mind.

Anyway less babble more work lol. Its a brand new challenge over at Crafts & Me this week & this one will run for 4 weeks.............yep 4 weeks. Its so us DT ladies can recharge our batteries, spend time with the family, go the carribean............yeah right wouldnt that be nice lol. So our theme is super duper easy peasy..................
ANYTHING GOES you cant get any easier than that, can you!!!
I am here today with some Hannah Lynn, you know shes my fave artist at Crafts & Me ;0)
Gone for purples again.........I'm loving this colour & it could become my absolute fave ;0) I've also used a XXL Go-Kreat die for the card shape.

Added one of my favourite dies, Magnolia 'Swirl' & covered it in Fran-Tage, I used Shabby 'White' & 'Aged Wine' which is purply colour, its lush!!

Added a 'Metal Trinket' & a Maya Road pearl centre. Also a mini 'Bark Heart', 'Seam Binding',
 'Cheese Cloth' & some 'Flower Spray' all from Live & Love Crafts.

I've added 2 different laces, if you look closely you will see 2 scallops from the 2 laces lol. They are both from my stash.

This is 'Trisha' a pretty mermaid & as always I coloured her with my Copics, colours used are below.....
E11, E21. E00, E000, E0000, R20 - Skin
E29, E27, E23, E21 - Hair
V99, V95, V93, V91 - Clothes & Tail
BG01, BG000, B00, B000 - Background
Image is a digi image & is available from Crafts & Me.
The gorgeous paper is Pion 'Purple Wallpaper' & I inked & distressed the edges a little. I've used a Spellbinder die to mount the image on, I brought it last year & finally used it now.......its called 'Resplendent Rectangles' & I cant remember where I got it from sorry. I've also used my Marianne die & made a couple of rolled flowers & added a pearl to the centre. The other flowers are from WOC.

Well thats it from me but why not pop on over to Crafts & Me Store Teresa has a big clearance sale, yayyyy ya gotta love a sale...........well go on....get shopping!!!!

Right I'm off now down to Ben & Megans..............nanna needs Payton cuddles & also see my kiddies ;0) Yeah I know they are not kiddies but they will always be MY kiddies lol.

Thanks for stopping by & I will be round to see you laters my lovelies.
Squishy hugs & funky love mmwah xxxxxxxxxx