
Saturday 11 May 2013

Candy Winner, Update On Megan & Something To Make You Smile ;0)

Hello everyone how are you all? Wooooo hoooooo its the weekend & you gotta love the weekends.
Ok so todays post is a mixture of things, we will have the winner of my candy (finally lol).

I will also give you an update on Megan & I will leave you with a little something to make you smile ;0)

Ok first for an update on Megan as many of you have been kindly asking after her. Well things are not great but at the same time things are not really bad. Megan has been in & out of hospital lately & altogether she has lost 3 lots of fluid. The doctor told her this week that any other woman would have gone into labour on the first fluid loss & probably lost the baby. However baby Arjay is still in there fighting away, he's our little soldier ;0) At around 24 weeks gestation which is what Megan now is she should have 160 ml of fluid surrounding the baby, when she had a scan last week she had just 27 ml........ However monday night she got admitted back into hospital with more fluid loss. She had a scan on thursday & they had trouble finding the fluid to measure it. She has 2cm of fluid long as Arjay has 20ml of fluid then he can survive & grow for now. As her fluid is so low she could go into labour at anytime which is not great at this gestation so she has now had steroids to try help the baby's heart & lungs for when he is born. Basically its up to Arjay now when he wants to come or how long he wants to stay in there. It is really worrying for everyone especially Ben & Megan. However I have a good feeling he will be ok..........he's fighting against all odds to stay in there. Everytime his heart is checked he is strong & healthy & boy is he active.........he's gonna be a football player for sure ;0) Also on thursday we found out he had also grown a bit since the week before, he is now about 1 & half lbs, even with all the loss of the fluid that little laddy is fighting............its cus he knows he has fabulous parents & a gorgeous sister waiting for him ;0) 
I will keep you informed of how things go with my Megan & the pregnancy, any prayers are greatly appreciated. I have a scan photo of Arjay attached to an angel in my craft room, above that is a little pic of his sister. So he has an Angel & his sister watching over him.........;0)

Ok now for the candy winner............. now I have 2 winners..........I will explain after I tell you the first winner.....

Now Marianne did say that if she won she does not want the stamp as she isn't a fan of Magnolia which is fair enough. We all have our own likes & dislikes, its what makes us all unique .

So Marianne if you would like to email me & I will send you the your WOC prize.

Ok now for the winner of the Magnolia stamp........

Congratulations ElinH, if you email me with your address & I will post your Magnolia stamp out to you.
Congratulations to both ladies & dont worry I will have another candy soon.......

Ok now to leave you with something to make you smile. My grandaughter Payton standing up in the bath on thursday night. Megan sent me this after she had given her a bath, shes so proud cus she is standing up lol.
I have to say everytime Megan goes the hospital, this little girl steals the limelight all the visitors as well as doctors & nurses lol. She is the cutest, happiest little girl.......I'm so proud to be her nanna :0)

Sorry about the long post peeps, if you made it to the end I hope this little girl cheered you up lol. She cheers me up every day........she can put a smile on anyones face ;0)

Enjoy your weekend my lovelies, mmwah xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thursday 9 May 2013

Saturated Canary DT Card

Hello everyone I'm sorry I have been missing in action there has been a lot going on & tbh I've just not had the time to use my laptop.

Anyway I will get on with my post which is for the new challenge over at Saturated Canary & this fortnight the theme is...........
A picture inspiration.

Now I have to say I sooooooooo struggled with this so there is NOT much emerald on my creation, I'm not a fan of emerald. Also things have gone into my craft room...........however a lot is boxed up & a lot I really have no idea where it is please excuse my card lol.
There is green there & there is purple there.......... ;0)
The papers are old ones which I had left in the drawers when I packed my craft stuff up lol.

This fabby image is 'Bikini & Burgers' which is a new digi image by the uber talented Krista Smith
Even my colouring on this fabulous image let me down..............I really need get back into the swing of things!! She was of course coloured with Copics but I forgot to write down the colours, sorry :0(

Now my die-cuts machines are all still packed up so luckily I found these in my box of die-cuts. Flowers are old ones from my stash & paper clips are Tim Holtz. The gorgeous butterfly is from this fabulous Etsy shop, you gotta get some of these they are lush ;0)
The metal thingy-ma-jig & the Cheese Cloth are from LLC & I painted it with Gesso & added some sticky letters from my stash.

Also sorry about the pics hubster got me a new light box & this is the first time I've used it....need get used to it lol.

Well I'm gotta run,  but I will be back tomorrow with my candy winners that I'm extremely late with but will give you a bit more of an explanation tomorrow.
Hopefully normal service will resume VERY soon lol. Thank you soooooooo much for stopping by mmwah.

HUgs Vicky xxxxxxxxxx